If Trump gets the NRA to back down on background checks will you lefties give him credit?

It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

But why should they? And what makes these young adults so special that Trump can ban bump stocks now, but not after Vegas or everyday in Chicago for that matter? Why raise the age limit to buy? How does that do anything other then fuck with an 18 year old ? Would we not raise the age to enlist to? 18 year olds play with way better shit in the military. Trump is tossing platitudes and half measures. Bumper sticker slogans, not the issue. So no. He does it he will have to work for a second term.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.

Probably because it's essentially meaningless window-dressing.
ummm, I dunno about meaningless. By the time someone's 21, they've had time to get over the horror of HS, and I think Scott provides for necessary exceptions for under 21 yr olds employed in various jobs. And nothing prevents a responsible guardian parent from buying a gun. Lots of us had guns as kids, but I can't think of an instance when the gun wasn't bought by an adult.

All age limits are to a degree arbitrary. But is 21 generally more responsible and able to appreciate probable consequences of actions that 18? Yeah, to an extent.

And 25 is generally more responsible and able to appreciate probably consequences of actions than 21. A lot more, since the fog of hormones is starting to clear from the brain. So what? Until you show me that age is the problem here, I am not in favor of limiting the rights of law-abiding adults.
If Trump is able to get meaningful gun control passed I’ll give him credit. If he tosses us an insignificant bone hoping that we’ll shut up, the way he does with his sheep, then screw him. I expect the latter.

Anything short of total ban is not enough.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.
Yes. I just want the murders to stop. If he or the NRA or gop can make it stop, after all it is their problem for flooding guns everywhere and creating an easy gun environment, then I'd give a golf clap. It's hard to tell if it's just lip service at this point, though. This problem is definitely NOT the problem of the 2/3 of the population who don't own guns. My stance is that if they want their toys they gotta fix the problem.
How about he actually get them to back down before posing this question. Trump's got a habit of saying one thing and then doing the exact opposite.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

its so cute how you worry about the orange sociopath.

if he did anything that was decent, he'd get credit. but all he's ranting about is arming teachers.

and for that he gets zero credit because it's the stupidest idea I've ever heard of....

some say he got it from archie bunker but was too stupid to get the joke.
It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

The NRA came out against him on the age limit this morning.
I heard that as well. I obviously don't own guns but many of my family and friends do and none of them have a problem with that idea.
One of them who is a member suggested the NRA was against that idea because it could affect their memberships.

The NRA is against it because it could affect gun sales. The NRA doesn't give a shit about its members; it only gives a shit about its corporate donors.
This is why the NRA opposes raising age to 21


In a statement last week, the NRA said raising the age limit on buying semiautomatic rifles to 21 would infringe on the constitutional rights of people who are 18 to 20 years old.

“Legislative proposals that prevent law-abiding adults aged 18-20 years old from acquiring rifles and shotguns effectively prohibits them for purchasing any firearm, thus depriving them of their constitutional right to self-protection,” the statement said.

It's no secret that the NRA has been bucking some of Trumps proposals so if he gets them to come around on the age limit or deeper background checks will you give him credit?
Trump seems incredibly confident that he can get the NRA to come on board and not be an active opponent.

Why does the NRA get to decide?

"deeper" background checks -- you mean like making it illegal to sell guns in a Cracker Barrel parking lot to a perfect stranger.

Making sure each state updates the NICs list regularly, not just after a tragedy?

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