IF Trump was actually shifting to the left as the Rubes keep saying on here.....

You have to understand if a leftist rube isn't whining, bitching or bawling about something they'd be bored in their miserable existence. Perpetual butthurt is what it is
Rubes are uneducated white trump supporters in flyover country, places like Kansas, Missouri, Indiana and jesusland
You have to understand if a leftist rube isn't whining, bitching or bawling about something they'd be bored in their miserable existence. Perpetual butthurt is what it is

Well after all, if you were forty years old and living in a corner of your parents' basement, you'd be butt-hurt too.
Because they don't care about anything but winning. The country, policies, citizens, the economy, jobs, the national debt...none of that is important. Only winning.

And now they are going to make America pay for their loss...
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Because they don't care about anything but winning. The country, policies, citizens, the economy, jobs, the national debt...none of that is important. Only winning.

And now they are going to make us pay for their loss...

Yes indeed. You're going to pay and pay and pay. The American people have totally rebuked your Liberal policies.
Well, I'm a republican who didn't vote for Trump, but his flip flop on the wall and deportation is imo a good thing.

I find it humorous that because Trump's promises were in some cases self-conflicting he inevitably will have to flip flop on things like taxes.

It's scary that his choices for defense and intelligence appointments are really constrained because so many gopers were never Trumpers.
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell
They're ridiculing those who voted for him - those who called others RINOs while voting for the biggest RINO of them all.

We'll see.
Except all of his so called softening of positions happened well before the election.
Right. You would have to allow yourself to ignore the blatant mis-representations for a small amount of time to actually find out what Trump was wanting to do.

Early on i wasn't going to vote for Trump. I ended up doing it because he had moderated himself quite a bit as the campaign went on while the left only intensified their attacks on him. Add to that how Hillary was such a bad choice.... and on top of that, i live in Illinois so my vote for him ultimately didn't matter.
They're still reeling from their disastrous loss. They're confused. They haven't received their official DNC Talking Points yet. But even after they do receive em, they'll still sound like hysterical sore loser dipshits.
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell

The left's criticism of Trump's sudden shift toward the left is not that he is espousing "better" (in their minds) policies. It's that his actions further demonstrate his recklessness, dishonesty, and habit of pandering. His instability is a major concern. During the campaign he said he was going to build a wall. Now, he says he was only kidding. What's his position going to be come February when he actually has the power of the Presidency at his disposal? Will he nuke Mexico in an attempt to stop illegals?
Rubes are uneducated white trump supporters in flyover country, places like Kansas, Missouri, Indiana and jesusland
Yet they defeated the "superior" Clinton machine. Amazing, that.
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell

The left's criticism of Trump's sudden shift toward the left is not that he is espousing "better" (in their minds) policies. It's that his actions further demonstrate his recklessness, dishonesty, and habit of pandering. His instability is a major concern. During the campaign he said he was going to build a wall. Now, he says he was only kidding. What's his position going to be come February when he actually has the power of the Presidency at his disposal? Will he nuke Mexico in an attempt to stop illegals?
He will flip flop on many things I suspect JUST LIKE EVERY POLITICIAN IN HISTORY.

But somehow it's different THIS TIME lol
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell

The left's criticism of Trump's sudden shift toward the left is not that he is espousing "better" (in their minds) policies. It's that his actions further demonstrate his recklessness, dishonesty, and habit of pandering. His instability is a major concern. During the campaign he said he was going to build a wall. Now, he says he was only kidding. What's his position going to be come February when he actually has the power of the Presidency at his disposal? Will he nuke Mexico in an attempt to stop illegals?
Better if he doubled down on stuff the left says they hate?
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell

The left's criticism of Trump's sudden shift toward the left is not that he is espousing "better" (in their minds) policies. It's that his actions further demonstrate his recklessness, dishonesty, and habit of pandering. His instability is a major concern. During the campaign he said he was going to build a wall. Now, he says he was only kidding. What's his position going to be come February when he actually has the power of the Presidency at his disposal? Will he nuke Mexico in an attempt to stop illegals?
Oh and the more asinine comments like "nuking Mexico" that you make the more likely you are to be ignored by anyone with a functioning brain
Why the hell are they ridiculing him instead of praising him?

Do tell

The left's criticism of Trump's sudden shift toward the left is not that he is espousing "better" (in their minds) policies. It's that his actions further demonstrate his recklessness, dishonesty, and habit of pandering. His instability is a major concern. During the campaign he said he was going to build a wall. Now, he says he was only kidding. What's his position going to be come February when he actually has the power of the Presidency at his disposal? Will he nuke Mexico in an attempt to stop illegals?
Oh and the more asinine comments like "nuking Mexico" that you make the more likely you are to be ignored by anyone with a functioning brain

You really are quite sensitive lately. What's the deal? Having trouble reconciling your joy that Clinton lost with the fact that Trump has won? Are you feeling dirty for being happy about it? Are you struggling with a deep, dark hope that Trump might actually turn out rational and give you you the kind of conservative wet dream you've been hoping for all these years, but you're embarrassed to admit you're hoping Trump might turn out rational?
They have no idea. Its like watching a fish out of water. Its flopping around and you don't where its going to flop to next.

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