If Trump were innocent , he would be an open book for Mueller

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Hi, since you were asleep during Civics class, I am going to help you understand our judicial system. First, you don’t have to answer any questions. No one does. Well, that isn’t exactly true. They can compel your testimony, but only if they grant you immunity from prosecution. This card Mueller threw away when he started coordinating with State Attorney Generals to make sure that no Trump individual got away with a state crime if they should get away with whatever imaginary crime you all have been dreaming of.

You see, the Civil Rights that folks like me argue in favor of all the time, apply to everyone, not just the people you like.

The system such as it is, is designed to put the burden of proof on the Prosecution. This goes along with the innocent until proven guilty principles that are supposed to be the cornerstone of our system.

It doesn’t work the other way around. You don’t have to prove that you are innocent. You are not guilty until proven innocent. That legal standard does exist, but not in nations where freedoms exist.
That was a nice lesson, but he is not insisting that Trump be immediately convicted because he is not cooperating.... so....

Re read the thread title.
Nope, still not insisting that.
Just because Trump is not cooperating does not mean he is guilty.
But it does make him look guilty. That's a fact.
abusing the IRS
FISA saying "extreme overreach and illegal"
33k missing mails
5 months of missing texts

funny how not wanting to play stupid reindeer games makes you look guilty, but proof of guilt to some does not.
Ah, look at the Trumpkin, presenting his Whataboutism Tourette's syndrome.... there is no cure, I'm afraid....
not a trump fan, sorry. if you could think more than "me / you" you'd realize how limiting "trumpkins" makes a conversation. then again, given your limitations of thought, i can see this is pretty much maxing you out just the same.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds
and what would you then call things like 6 months of fbi text messages showing said russian story was a plot to take out trump?
what would you call the messages we do have showing a "secret society" of FBI people working to take down a duly elected president?

you can't discredit an investigation that is bullshit to begin with. we're seeing more and more of that daily. also, when all this started trump said go ahead, investigate. what has he actively done to try and derail a thing?

you're bias is showing quite hard.

And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

Well, I certainly have a bias against Orange. It's not necessarily his politics I can't stand, I just think he's a piece of shit human being. Bottom of the barrel, lower than a used car salesman sleazy business type. I've thought so since the 80s. I think he's probably guilty of at least being involved in rigging the 2017 election via Russian shenanigans, but I'll also be the first to say I've got no proof. So I'll wait to see the results of the investigation, like a non-obsessed individual. I think Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz are just as corrupt for rigging the primary among other things. Fuck them all. I hope enough dirt gets dug up that they all go to prison. This country really shat the bed this last election. We need a mulligan.
and what would you then call things like 6 months of fbi text messages showing said russian story was a plot to take out trump?
what would you call the messages we do have showing a "secret society" of FBI people working to take down a duly elected president?

you can't discredit an investigation that is bullshit to begin with. we're seeing more and more of that daily. also, when all this started trump said go ahead, investigate. what has he actively done to try and derail a thing?

you're bias is showing quite hard.

And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

Well, I certainly have a bias against Orange. It's not necessarily his politics I can't stand, I just think he's a piece of shit human being. Bottom of the barrel, lower than a used car salesman sleazy business type. I've thought so since the 80s. I think he's probably guilty of at least being involved in rigging the 2017 election via Russian shenanigans, but I'll also be the first to say I've got no proof. So I'll wait to see the results of the investigation, like a non-obsessed individual. I think Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz are just as corrupt for rigging the primary among other things. Fuck them all. I hope enough dirt gets dug up that they all go to prison. This country really shat the bed this last election. We need a mulligan.
i won't defend trump. he creates most of his own issues for the attention. not an attention whore fan at all. but he's president so we'll see what he does with it regardless of how i feel about him.
and what would you then call things like 6 months of fbi text messages showing said russian story was a plot to take out trump?
what would you call the messages we do have showing a "secret society" of FBI people working to take down a duly elected president?

you can't discredit an investigation that is bullshit to begin with. we're seeing more and more of that daily. also, when all this started trump said go ahead, investigate. what has he actively done to try and derail a thing?

you're bias is showing quite hard.

And your bias concerns me.. Don't you want to know if there is a problem? It has been like pulling teeth to get the truth of the Russian hack bots.. people closest to Trump are going down for money laundering . Don't you want to know if our president was involved?

If not why?

how am i biased when i say if trump committed a crime and it's proven - lock him up in an unrestored alcatraz? how am i biased when i see txt messages from our FBI saying they will work AGAINST a sitting president?

the entire RUSSIA is a cover to attack trump and you've soaked it right up.

I want to get to the bottom of this.. we already know that Trump Jr. and Kushner lied.. Why?

ah hell - and we know the FBI lied all over the place. we know obama lied, hillary lied and every politician who has ever held office likely.

but since you don't like trump, it becomes YUGE cause - TRUMP!

and that is just bullshit. we all hold to the same standards or we divide up and fall.

we've been falling for awhile now.

Well, I certainly have a bias against Orange. It's not necessarily his politics I can't stand, I just think he's a piece of shit human being. Bottom of the barrel, lower than a used car salesman sleazy business type. I've thought so since the 80s. I think he's probably guilty of at least being involved in rigging the 2017 election via Russian shenanigans, but I'll also be the first to say I've got no proof. So I'll wait to see the results of the investigation, like a non-obsessed individual. I think Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz are just as corrupt for rigging the primary among other things. Fuck them all. I hope enough dirt gets dug up that they all go to prison. This country really shat the bed this last election. We need a mulligan.

How was the election rigged?
Just because Trump is not cooperating does not mean he is guilty.
But it does make him look guilty. That's a fact.
abusing the IRS
FISA saying "extreme overreach and illegal"
33k missing mails
5 months of missing texts

funny how not wanting to play stupid reindeer games makes you look guilty, but proof of guilt to some does not.
Ah, look at the Trumpkin, presenting his Whataboutism Tourette's syndrome.... there is no cure, I'm afraid....
not a trump fan, sorry. if you could think more than "me / you" you'd realize how limiting "trumpkins" makes a conversation. then again, given your limitations of thought, i can see this is pretty much maxing you out just the same.
If you were interested in the conversation, you would not have changed the topic. Spare me your bullshit, thanks
The Press/Hollywood always relentlessly attack Republicans, and then they take a poll to see how well it's working
They demonized Bush for 8 years and he was like Mr Rogers of American politics.
The Democrats always have a huge advantage because there are always more dumb people than intelligent people.

Tissue snowflake?
Actually it's pretty funny that the Psychocrats think that Press/ Hollywood is unbiased.

Of course they are biased, just like Rush, Faux News, Breitbart, Info Wars. So I ask again, tissue?
we have text messages of massive spying abuse and threats to our elected president.
What you just gave is us a bunch of drama queens making claims that have not been supported yet.
kinda goes for both sides these days.
Without a doubt! The way I see it there are 536 of them in DC!

The actual number of crooks on Capitol Hill may be debatable, but even if can't exactly recall the number of them that laughed along with KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urination while talking D.C.sports teams over lunch; might as well be all of the Christian Nation national religion of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities protecting & serving Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 as the burning Bush's second coming of Christianity at the turn of this century to have an Islam-Christian more perfect union of creating a patriot act with every form of tyranny over the mind of man after having a foundation for another pyramid scheme as the fabricated misnomer of Christ 2000 years earlier. Almost a LMAO in "serve the Pope or die" credibility as an aversion to Islam pedophile eunuch pseudoscience ruling the universe utilizing crisis solving with 9/11......as if any other Christ existed before God fake news will ever compare.[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.

Dream on son..

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.

Dream on son..


Not a dream. That's just reality.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.

Dream on son..


Not a dream. That's just reality.

I wonder if he would be corrupt if he was going after a democrat..lol..probably not.
of course not - you hate someone so you want 1 trait to mean more than the rest for others. you hold him to a different standard and then don't EVER bring up when your side lies their ass off. instead you get upset and say STAY ON TOPIC. only your topic is narrow and self-serving in a "I MUST VENT" fashion.

but it's hardly realistic to attack a man for lying and not care what previous liars did in the same role. it strengthens the viewpoint of bias and "my morality is better than yours".

so try as you might, you'll never be able to have a TRUMP LIES convo and not hear about all the rest.

LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.

Dream on son..


Not a dream. That's just reality.

I wonder if he would be corrupt if he was going after a democrat..lol..probably not.
LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.
LOL.. you obviously don't know me.

This is your argument every time Iceberg

that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.

What? lol...Trump admitted the birth cert was real when he started his campaign..

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


You mean the Russian/Trump dossier that was funded by the Clinton campaign?
that i see the whole picture and not the subset that pisses me off?

you're right. i don't know you. i only know what you post and the repetition in them. you hate trump so anything against trump seems to mean the world. but those same habits in others don't seem to bother you. not uncommon, we all tend to do this. i just try to put that down and see the whole, not just my comfort zone.

not a trump fan. he divides us more than obama did and that's saying something. but we let it happen.

what i am bothered by are the people who don't seem to care we're trashing 240+ years of history right now and shattering our own collective standards of morality and the very structure of our foundations right now just because we don't like the people in office. we're willing to believe anything we need to in order to be emotionally correct.

i don't care about trump per se in as much as i care about our entire system of government and what we're doing to it today to let the left go apeshit in taking it apart because they find it inconvenient.

you don't know me that well either, do you?

I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.

What? lol...Trump admitted the birth cert was real when he started his campaign..


Barrypuppet may have been born in Hawaii but that certificate of live birth was a fraudulent document and has been proven to be so.
I supported Trump in the beginning before he flipped and picked Pence, ..He is a liar and hurt the people who kept him afloat in the beginning ( moderates ) ..

so was the corrupt DNC who let us down.. Freaken Wasserman is still working in congress..Why?..she needs to go ( I hate her )

I do not like Clinton, and did not support her.. but I voted for my party like most people did... We had little choice..

Yes, the whole congress is a lie and they vote for their own pocketbooks not for the people..
and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.

What? lol...Trump admitted the birth cert was real when he started his campaign..


Barrypuppet may have been born in Hawaii but that certificate of live birth was a fraudulent document and has been proven to be so.

Ok..keep thinking that..

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


You mean the Russian/Trump dossier that was funded by the Clinton campaign?

Show me a link ..it was not funded by Clinton Dale.

and when we let one side "get away with it" for the biggest reason being we hate the other side more - we take it all apart.

that's where we're headed because our hate must be satisfied. never saw hate build much of anything good. have you? it's damn sure what's in charge right now.
Think the real hate started when Trump started lying about Obamas birth That big lie propelled him into the presidency
/——-/ Claiming Trump lied about the Kenyans Birth place means he knew where Obozo was born. Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US. So how is that a lie? BTW Hildabeast started the births movement.

What? lol...Trump admitted the birth cert was real when he started his campaign..


Barrypuppet may have been born in Hawaii but that certificate of live birth was a fraudulent document and has been proven to be so.

Ok..keep thinking that..


I know more than you because I do my research.

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