If Trump were innocent , he would be an open book for Mueller

He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


You mean the Russian/Trump dossier that was funded by the Clinton campaign?

Show me a link ..it was not funded by Clinton Dale.



Clinton defends campaign funding for research in Steele dossier

Clinton, the DNC and the making of the 'Trump dossier' -- what we know - CNNPolitics

Democrats 'funded dossier detailing Trump’s alleged Russia connections'
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..
Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.
Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds
The only red flags are the corrupt FBI and mueller.

Since it's a Christian Nation just have to wait for that Christ existed before God trump card regardless of what immaculate conception such collusion may be attempting to solve as a problem in American politics.
If Trump's ties to Russia are a "nothing burger" like he says

Why doesn't he just explain to the American people what all those meetings with Russia were about?

You mean between hilary, the clinton foundation and 144 million dollars in Russian cash going to the clinton foundation? You mean those meetings?
What is it Trump is supposed to be guilty of? Remember the reason for the Muller investigation was to look into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campiagn as has been pointed out on this board collusion is not a crime. The other thing that gets pointed to is obstruction of justice over the Comey firing but if collusion is not a crime it seems to me you can't have obstruction of justice if in fact no crime has been committed,
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds


Whats trump guilty of? Only the left wing loon bats think trump is guilty since he won the election. Everyone else knows that mueller is corrupt.
Once Obozo produced the birth certificate Trump admitted he was born in the US.
No he didn't....not sure what universe you are living in...Trump called it a fake. Once forced to do so as a candidate, he said Obama was born in the US. Then, a couple of weeks later, he called Obama's birth certificate fake again.

Pay attention!
What is it Trump is supposed to be guilty of? Remember the reason for the Muller investigation was to look into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campiagn
And instead, Mueller caight him laundering Russian mob money. Oops!
What is it Trump is supposed to be guilty of? Remember the reason for the Muller investigation was to look into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campiagn
And instead, Mueller caight him laundering Russian mob money. Oops!
Really? Can you show us proof to support that?
Nope! It's just speculation, based on publicly available, circumstantial info. But you are the one demanding that someone say what crime he has committed, when nobody here could possibly know what evidence the Mueller team does or does not possess. So I figured speculation was what you were looking for.
What is it Trump is supposed to be guilty of? Remember the reason for the Muller investigation was to look into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campiagn
And instead, Mueller caight him laundering Russian mob money. Oops!
Really? Can you show us proof to support that?
Nope! It's just speculation, based on publicly available, circumstantial info. But you are the one demanding that someone say what crime he has committed, when nobody here could possibly know what evidence the Mueller team does or does not possess. So I figured speculation was what you were looking for.
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something I'm simply trying to figure what it is he's supposed to be guilty of so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything. So far this investigation has not indicted or charged anyone with anything related to what is supposed to be the focus of it's investigation.
What is it Trump is supposed to be guilty of? Remember the reason for the Muller investigation was to look into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion with the Trump campiagn
And instead, Mueller caight him laundering Russian mob money. Oops!

While Mueller just cleared Trump of the collusion suspicion, where that Christ existed before God tradition goes on like Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount cleared by immaculate drug conceptions of the KKK churchstate which were in turn cleared by the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition; exposing those Arab terrorists to be that Christ which existed before God, and now all that Islamidiotocracy oil funding & laundering propaganda of election fixing problems in American politics goes on decades later
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something.....so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything.
Well, there his seeming inability to 'find the time' to sit and have a nice conversation with Bob Mueller. As the OP title implies.
He has done nothing but try to derail the investigation from the beginning.. You have to be stupid not to see that he is trying anyway he can to trip up Mueller and the investigation. Now Trump has his loyal rats in congress trying to discredit the investigation..

Red Flag Folks..

WASHINGTON — Most Americans ( except for some dummies on the USMB Forum ;) ) think Donald Trump did something illegal or at least unethical regarding ties between his presidential campaign and Russia — and they think he’s trying to obstruct the investigation looking into those possible connections.

Most Americans believe Trump trying to obstruct Russia probe, poll finds

That's truly surprising since for all the flashy headlines about the Mueller investigation, Mueller has been unable to find a single piece of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something.....so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything.
Well, there his seeming inability to 'find the time' to sit and have a nice conversation with Bob Mueller. As the OP title implies.
So far Mueller has been unable to find a reason to ask for that conversation other than to generate some publicity for his failed investigation.
My response was in regards to the OP title suggesting Tump is guilty of something.....so far we have seen nothing to suggest Trump is guilty of anything.
Well, there his seeming inability to 'find the time' to sit and have a nice conversation with Bob Mueller. As the OP title implies.
I haven’t seen or heard Mueller make any request or demand that Trump come speak with him. What I have heard today was Trump speaking with the media saying he would speak with Mueller.
Trump does not want to strip naked for Mueller and the witch hunters. This is not surprising nor should he have to. Prove yourself innocent doesn't work in USA
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If Trump WASN'T innocent any investigator worth a $h!t would have found evidence against him by now.

Mueller can't even find evidence to prove a crime was committed...

So far Mueller has been unable to find a reason to ask for that conversation other than to generate some publicity for his failed investigation

Is that so? Fascinating. How long were you with the FBI? Or was it the Justice department? To what law school did you go? I simply must know how you can divine such information.

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