If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

HA HA HA HA. Keep talking if you think that doing you some good. Fact is, you already LOST this debate lock stock and barrel. You got no video - you got NOTHING but HOT AIR.

THis is you in this debate >>

View attachment 599508
Show us where Wikipedia is a Liberal rag? You can't can you? More fucking lies from a loser. But please, continue. This shit is good. Nothing like having the truth on my side and making a fool out of the other guy. Still waiting loser?
You must be high on drugs? I asked you to link about a totally different matter. I posted Trump stealing documents and taking them home. That's public property. Show us where Democrats did the same? Are you that fucking stupid that you can't understand simple questions? Still waiting loser?
Dude, you are a Democrat and a looney one. You think I take anything you say seriously ? Everything Democrats say is a LIE. Everything.
Show us where Wikipedia is a Liberal rag? You can't can you? More fucking lies from a loser. But please, continue. This shit is good. Nothing like having the truth on my side and making a fool out of the other guy. Still waiting loser?
FOOL! I just did. Post 880.

PLUS +++ "Studies have found Wikipedia employs left-wing bias in its word choice, relies more on left-wing news sources for its citations, and sanctions conservative editors at a 6 times higher rate."

Wikipedia has been shown to be leftist biased 100, 00 times. You know nothing. Just the first sentence about Sydney Powell shows it. They say >> ",..known for her promotion of conspiracy theories and attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.

1. She has mountains of proof, not "conspiracy theories" (one of the left's favorite catch phrases)

2. She did not attempt to overturn any "2020 United States presidential election". She attempted to overturn the STEAL of a presidential election. There WAS NO presidential election. It was obliterated by Democrats.
Okay, thanks, you are a liar who can't prove Wikipedia is a Liberal rag, and there is zero proof of a stolen election. Her embarrassing law suits about Hugo Chavez, space lasers, and other insane nonsense, puts you in the same camp as her. LOL! You have issues buddy. Serious one's.
Dude, you are a Democrat and a looney one. You think I take anything you say seriously ? Everything Democrats say is a LIE. Everything.
Okay, you just admitted to lying about that too. You cannot provide proof about the Democrats doing the same thing. Damn son, this shit is getting easier all the time.
Wikipedia has been shown to be leftist biased 100,000 times. You know nothing. Just the first sentence about Sydney Powell shows it. They say >> ",..known for her promotion of conspiracy theories and attempts to overturn the 2020 United States presidential election.

1. She has mountains of proof, not "conspiracy theories" (one of the left's favorite catch phrases)

2. She did not attempt to overturn any "2020 United States presidential election". She attempted to overturn the STEAL of a presidential election. There WAS NO presidential election. It was obliterated by Democrats.
"Wikipedia has been shown to be leftist biased 100,000 times" No it hasn't, and you are a liar. 100,000 times huh? 🤪
Dude, you are a Democrat and a looney one. You think I take anything you say seriously ? Everything Democrats say is a LIE. Everything.
She alleged that a secret international cabal involving communists, "globalists", George Soros, Hugo Chávez, the Clinton Foundation, the CIA, and thousands of Democratic and Republican officials—including Trump ally and Georgia governor Brian Kemp—used voting machines to transfer millions of votes away from Trump in the 2020 presidential election.[10][11][12] After she accused the election technology companies Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic of engaging in a conspiracy to rig the election, both companies sued her for defamation.[ Sydney Powell is full of shit, and Wikipedia is right.

"Wikipedia, Liberal rag." 🤪 Right, what an idiot. It slammed your ass for sure.
Okay, thanks, you are a liar who can't prove Wikipedia is a Liberal rag, and there is zero proof of a stolen election. Her embarrassing law suits about Hugo Chavez, space lasers, and other insane nonsense, puts you in the same camp as her. LOL! You have issues buddy. Serious one's.
You are making a total fool out of yourself by saying the opposite of what is being shown here, I just showed Wikipedia is liberal biased, and than you assininely claim I didn't. People reading this, will think you are either insane, incredibly stupid or both,

Here's more on Wikipedia's left bias >>


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"Wikipedia has been shown to be leftist biased 100,000 times" No it hasn't, and you are a liar. 100,000 times huh? 🤪
You're right. Wikipedia has not been shown to be leftist biased 100,000 times. I underestimated, Correction: it's been shown to be leftist biased 200,000 times. :biggrin:
Space lasers, Hugo Chavez, and she didn't try an overturn an election? :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::aargh:😂🤪:spinner::rofl:Boy, you have lost it.
That's the way looney liberals generally think about conservatives. It's truly comforting. If you agreed with me, I'd be worried.
You just posted a lame argument that has no meat on the bones. In other words, chicken shit excuses. My arguments are well documented in fact, while you encourage Imperialism. You're a real pos. I mean seriously. What would you have done with the Mexican population? Committed genocide? No wonder you dick heads are always on the wrong side of every argument. You value nothing but yourselves, and everything and everybody else can go straight to hell. That's you.
You HAVE NO ARGUMENT about anything, You have no proof of anything. You just keep posting LIES, and utter nonsense. You value nothing but yourselves, and everything and everybody else can go straight to hell. That's you.

My arguments are solid, based in documented FACT. The imperialism that Mexico has been carrying out against the US in remittances has been posted by me in this forum DOZENS of times for 8 years. Here it is yet again >>

And it's not just Mexico. It's also India, China, Phillipines, Guatemala, etc.
Trump will easily win in 2024, only IF Republicans do something about the INVASION of America, by 150 countries' migrants, being orchestrated by the traitor Biden. All these invaders are likely to vote for whomever the Democrat is, fearing deportation if a Republican were to win.

At this point, Biden has increased the vote to a potential 2 MILLON more, by bringing in that many more migrant illegal aliens. How many more will be here by the time 2024 rolls around ?
You just posted a lame argument that has no meat on the bones. In other words, chicken shit excuses. My arguments are well documented in fact, while you encourage Imperialism.
That's what YOU DO. Encourage imperialism by supporting Biden and his treasonous importation of millions of unvetted, untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens. They are who is committing IMPERIALISM against the USA, by sending all their remittance money back to their home countries.

Massive LOOTING going on. $30 Billion/year of international burglary by Mexico alone. Wow - $30 billion. The Vikings would be envious.
What would you have done with the Mexican population? Committed genocide?.
No genocide, but as ex-President James K Polk said, we should have acquired ALL of Mexico, not just HALF of its territory. If we had, we would not be losing $30 Billion/year, being constantly stolen from us by Mexican illegal aliens. Polk got it right.


You live in a state of denial. You truly are in an Alice in Wonderland universe, totally detached from reality. You need mental help.
That's what YOU are. Just like Foolish Faun. In a state of denial. YOU need mental help. You're nuts. Crazy Democrats. Tearing down and vandalizing statues. Even George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. Total nut cases.

Then they occupy land and claim it as theirs, as in Seattle, and the gooneybird Democrat mayor Jenny Durkan called it a block party, and "summer of love". This idiot caused the 28 year chief of police to resign after the dopey city voted to defund the police, cutting jobs, and after police were told to stand down and allow George Floyd protesters to take over a six-block area of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Rioting leftists loonies tried to kill police, locking them inside their police station and setting it on fire. Brought a lot of harm upon her constituents.

In Portland,OR, goofball mayor Ted Wheeler, was just as bad. Allowed rioters to riot, backed up the rioters instead of the police, and even physically joined in with the rioters, and got his dumb ass tear gassed.

In Minneapolis, New York and LA, wacko mayors and city councils defunded their police forces, and violent crime soared in response.
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Crime Gone Wild in Democrat cities >>>


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