If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.


You failed to prove that too. The best you could muster was the claim that Dominion machines can be connectto the internet. Not that they actually were connected to the internet. That's like saying you can have a functioning brain when you don't.

So you are asserting that 2020 election machines were not connected to the internet ? That's your position, Flaky Faun ? :rolleyes:

If you had been watching Newsmax, Fox, OAN, the First, America's Voice, or the Blaze, instead of the leftwing trash rags CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc, which hide information like this, you could have found out what all we conservatives know (that election machines WERE connected to the internet)

So being an information-deprived victim of leftist OMISSION media, you come in here now and post a dumbass post, like you just did. HA HA HA. MORE people laughing at you.

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HA HA. So sez the DENIAL King of USMB. :badgrin:

Not by using YOUR standards of "proof" (NY Times, Washington Post, Harvard, CNN, MSNBC, et al liberal RAGS), certainly not.
You say it but sadly, cannot prove it. Oh well, c'est la vie.
I'm jut saying that all you loudmouth fools blabbering about Sydney Powell dont know what she said. just because some biased liar says something, and writes it down on a piece of paper, and maybe swears to it in a courtroom, that doesnt prove it's true.

None of you know what Sydney Powell said, unless you have a video of her saying it. You don't, and you dont know your ass from your elbows about what you're talking about.

I said Trump told his supporters on Jan 6, they should protest PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY. And I produced a VIDEO of him saying it. THAT
is how you PROVE something. End of lesson.

Moron, either she wrote that herself or her attorney, speaking for her, wrote it.

Regardless, that was her defense in court. You denying that is you denying reality. :cuckoo:
View attachment 599659

Everybody is good at something. Poor little, fool, young, inexperienced Faun is good at something too - making a fool out of himself. HA HA HA.

In Post # 913, he openly admitted he did not read almost all of my very extensive posts reporting 2020 election fraud, in various states. 20 minutes later in Post # 916, he claims my posts (which he just said he didn't read) are "bullshit". HA, this is too funny.

So, those who don't know Faun (like I do :neutral: ), now know that he is just a blue-faced leftist ROBOT, who repeats whatever his masters order him to say, as opposed to actually obtaining information, and then actually knowing things)
And I just PROVED that. Right Faun ? Right ? Right ? Right ?
And you still haven't answered my question. The first thing you posted was debunked nonsense. Why should anyone expect the rest is not equally discredited?
Oh. so now a legal document means that something is unmistakably true, you're trying to tell us here ? HA HA HA. You dunce. Everything that is testified in court is a legal document, and millions of things that are legal documents in courtrooms are LIES. Lies are submitted in legal documents EVERY DAY.

Incredible that you actually need to have somebody tell you that. Sheeesh.
If it's not true, gramps, it's criminal perjury.

Dayum, you are dumber than dirt.
NO, you did NOT prove a damn thing, with any piece of paper, which frankly is an idiotic and ridiculous,, propaganda baldfaced LIE.
Nope, you're just demented, gramps. In reality, from which you're divorced, that's a legal document submitted to a court of law, explaining her reasons for why she was petitioning the court to dismiss the case against her.
How pitifully ignorant liberals are. I can understand that they would have no idea about the massive illegal alien voting machine, from watching CNN, MSNBC, et al stations of that ilk, which carefully screen out all such information to these information-deprived airheads, but the proofs have been posted in HERE in USMB for years.

No excuse. So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, why the border is opened up, why the airlifts, etc, for the 200th time >>>

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters

Quote Reply protectionist
Your first one doesn't say any non-citizens were registered to vote in a federal election.

Your next one is to a discredited poll, doesn't actually show any illegal aliens were registered to vote in a federal election.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next one was debunked as motor voter laws do not register illegal aliens to vote.

Your next one is about some states allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections which is actually limited to voting on school board issues. That is legal. And that link reiterates the same debunked poll as your second link.

Your next link is the unsubstantiated claim of one individual who claims he could have registered without showing ID.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link found one non-citizen who voted.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link doesn't work.

Congrats, Gramps! You found ONE.


In Georgia, a judge has approved a major election audit and has ordered that absentee ballots be opened for inspection​

9 months ago
on May 22, 2021"

What were the results of the Audit?
The popular vote doesn't always align with the electoral college. That's by design. Not my problem if you want to reject reality; but the reality remains, a higher percent of Republicans voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016 and a lower percent voted for the Democrat in 2020 than in 2016.
I understand the electoral votes are a sham. We all know that.
The fact remains Biden out voted trump in 2020 and that's a fact. Make all the excuses you like. Biden won. Get over it
I understand the electoral votes are a sham. We all know that.
The fact remains Biden out voted trump in 2020 and that's a fact. Make all the excuses you like. Biden won. Get over it
Kindly quote me saying Trump got more votes than Biden or shoot yourself...
81 million for biden and dickhead got 74 million?
Yet you want ME to shoot myself?
Mathematics is not your strong point.
You should shoot yourself because you're brain-dead anyway.

Perfect example...

I ask you to quote me saying Trump got more votes than Biden...

Instead, you quote yourself saying Biden got more votes than Trump.

You should shoot yourself because you're brain-dead anyway.

Perfect example...

I ask you to quote me saying Trump got more votes than Biden...

Instead, you quote yourself saying Biden got more votes than Trump.

At least I'm quoting to truth comrade. I still waiting for you to do that.
I'm jut saying that all you loudmouth fools blabbering about Sydney Powell dont know what she said. just because some biased liar says something, and writes it down on a piece of paper, and maybe swears to it in a courtroom, that doesnt prove it's true.

None of you know what Sydney Powell said, unless you have a video of her saying it. You don't, and you dont know your ass from your elbows about what you're talking about.

I said Trump told his supporters on Jan 6, they should protest PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY. And I produced a VIDEO of him saying it. THAT
is how you PROVE something. End of lesson.

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