If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

What cannot be proven, is YOU unable to prove that I have not proven my case about voter fraud, simply because you didn't read 99.9% of the material and you dont even know what is there.

You make fool of yourself every time you talk about my election fraud posts that you didn't read. Well, Not My Problem. :dunno: :)
With your best effort, gramps, you proved ONE illegal alien voted.
No answer from YOU, to MY question. Here it is again, MR DODGE >>>

"So you are asserting that 2020 election machines were not connected to the internet ?"

Well ? YES...or...NO ?
You want me to answer your questions but you won't answer mine.

Regardless of your cowardice, going by the article you posted, some of those machines can be connected to the internet.
You dont know what she said, and you have no video of her saying what you're talking about. Nor do you even show any of these documents you keep yammering about. Nor have you ever laid eyes on any of these papers, but instead you just babble on & on about what your propaganda mills tell you. Just mindless babble. :rolleyes:

I have her motion to dismiss a case against her which she had submitted to a court of law. That speaks for her.

And yes, I posted a link to it.
You are talking nonsense. Nothing was debunked, Yu think I give a penny to any debunk talk from your laughingstock so-called dubunkers. My first link about illegal aliens voting was Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Not a thing about that was debunked. If you're referring to my election fraud postings, you better actually READ them, before you start blabbering about them.

Moron, that link doesn't say even one illegal alien voted.

You lose because you're a loser.

Wow, what a revelation. Yes, perjury is false testimony under oath. And like I said it goes on every day. Welcome to the real world. And what is this "it" you refer to ? I havent seen you present anythung from a court.
Now you prove you're retarded. I posted a link to her motion.

You got it ? Show it. You haven't done that. Guess what. You don't have it, and you never laid eyes on it. All you do is watch scatterbrained CNN, and come in blabbering what you heard.

Nobody here has a video of Sydney Powell disparaging herself, and nobody can prove this idiotic notion.
You're lying, gramps, I linked it in post #917.
You want me to answer your questions but you won't answer mine.

Regardless of your cowardice, going by the article you posted, some of those machines can be connected to the internet.
Can be and WERE......it was proven.
You're lying, gramps, I linked it in post #917.
Which contains a court document that is UNSIGNED and not filled in, and looks like the counterpart of a blank check. And also, it is nebulous in what it is even talking about, ,which is characteristic of legal mumbo jumbo that only lawyers and judges understand (sometimes)

So getting back to what this discussion is all about, it is beginning to appear that the absurd claims by leftist liars that Sydney Powell said her claims on election were not reasonable, are just that >absurd. Nowhere in this thread is there one word spoken by Sydney Powell about anything like that. There is a quote from her lawyers (if you believe NBC news (I don't necessarily) which says >> "“Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims,'" her lawyers wrote. "They are repeatedly labeled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.' Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendant’s position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

It appears that the alleged defamatory statements are statements from Dominion about Sydney Powell, whom Dominion was filing a defamation suit against.

Even if the quote (not from Sydney Powell) had been talking about Powell's words, note that in the end, it states >> "reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process." - indicating a view of confidence in the evidence, and wanting to have the evidence be reviewed and tested.

It's also noteworthy that in court proceedings lawyers sometime say things that are ambivalent to their clients, and contrary to their interests. I remember having a lawyer in a civil suit once, when after hearing this guy talking to the judge, I said to him, WHAAAT ? What are you talking about . Whose side are you on ? Nobody here has presented one word of anything from Sydney Powell except BWK in Post # 959, and that was entirely in support of her position that the election was riddled with fraud.

In that post, BWK posted a video of Sydney Powell talking about the election fraud. Not one word from her in that video (post # 959) is anything like Powell disparaging her own words, and all of it is 100% strongly worded against election fraud having occured in the 2020 election, THAT is her opinion and always has been.
This blabbering about Sydney Powell besmirching herself is ludicrous, and just another example of looney leftist propaganda, akin to the dopey Russian collusion hoax.

If anybody wants to know what Sydney Powell thinks about 2020 election fraud, all they need do is watch the video from beginning to 2:50 on the time bar, before some leftist idiot starts blabbering. >>>

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Which contains a court document that is UNSIGNED and not filled in, and looks like the counterpart of a blank check. And also, it is nebulous in what it is even talking about, ,which is characteristic of legal mumbo jumbo that only lawyers and judges understand (sometimes)

So getting back to what this discussion is all about, it is beginning to appear that the absurd claims by leftist liars that Sydney Powell said her claims on election were not reasonable, are just that >absurd. Nowhere in this thread is there one word spoken by Sydney Powell about anything like that. There is a quote from her lawyers (if you believe NBC news (I don't necessarily) which says >> "“Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims,'" her lawyers wrote. "They are repeatedly labeled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.' Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendant’s position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

It appears that the alleged defamatory statements are statements from Dominion about Sydney Powell, whom Dominion was filing a defamation suit against.

In another post, BWK posted a video of Sydney Powell talking about the election fraud. Not one word from her in that video (post # 959) is anything like Powell disparaging her own words, and all of it is 100% strongly worded against election fraud having occured in the 2020 election, That is her opinion and always has been.
This blabbering about Sydney Powell besmirching herself is ludicrous, and just another example of looney leftist propaganda, akin to the dopey Russian collusion hoax.

If anybody wants to know what Sydney Powell thinks about 2020 election fraud, all they need do is watch the video from beginning to 2:50 on the time bar, before some leftist NBC idiot starts blabbering. >>>

Not signed?? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

Not signed?? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about...

Those are lawyers, you dunce. I'm talking about being signed by a judge. There are blank lines all over the place, with nothing written in on them. I did a screenshot of it, but I can't find a way to post it here. There is no "copy" link.


I finished this idiotic discussion with Post # 990. Done Deal.

Now we get back to the TOPIC of this thread > Nobody on the planet earth has a chance to beat Trump in 2024. NOBODY.
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If anybody thinks they have a candidate (Republican or Democrat) who can beat Trump in 2024, let's hear it. State your case.
Those are lawyers, you dunce. I'm talking about being signed by a judge. There are blank lines all over the place, with nothing written in on them. All MOOT.

I finished this idiotic discussion with Post # 990. Done Deal.

Now we get back to the TOPIC of this thread > Nobody on the planet earth has a chance to beat Trump in 2024. NOBODY.

Do you even know you’re fucking retarded, gramps?? Judges don't sign a defendant's motion to dismiss. :cuckoo:
If anybody thinks they have a candidate (Republican or Democrat) who can beat Trump in 2024, let's hear it. State your case.
After the justice department puts Trump in a box for destroying classified documents, flushing some down the commode, and taking some to Mara Logo, he won't be eligible to run for office. Remember how he went ballistic with Hillary over her private emails and wanted to jail her? This shit is a thousand times worse than what Clinton did.
Which contains a court document that is UNSIGNED and not filled in, and looks like the counterpart of a blank check. And also, it is nebulous in what it is even talking about, ,which is characteristic of legal mumbo jumbo that only lawyers and judges understand (sometimes)

So getting back to what this discussion is all about, it is beginning to appear that the absurd claims by leftist liars that Sydney Powell said her claims on election were not reasonable, are just that >absurd. Nowhere in this thread is there one word spoken by Sydney Powell about anything like that. There is a quote from her lawyers (if you believe NBC news (I don't necessarily) which says >> "“Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims,'" her lawyers wrote. "They are repeatedly labeled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.' Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendant’s position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."

It appears that the alleged defamatory statements are statements from Dominion about Sydney Powell, whom Dominion was filing a defamation suit against.

Even if the quote (not from Sydney Powell) had been talking about Powell's words, note that in the end, it states >> "reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process." - indicating a view of confidence in the evidence, and wanting to have the evidence be reviewed and tested.

It's also noteworthy that in court proceedings lawyers sometime say things that are ambivalent to their clients, and contrary to their interests. I remember having a lawyer in a civil suit once, when after hearing this guy talking to the judge, I said to him, WHAAAT ? What are you talking about . Whose side are you on ? Nobody here has presented one word of anything from Sydney Powell except BWK in Post # 959, and that was entirely in support of her position that the election was riddled with fraud.

In that post, BWK posted a video of Sydney Powell talking about the election fraud. Not one word from her in that video (post # 959) is anything like Powell disparaging her own words, and all of it is 100% strongly worded against election fraud having occured in the 2020 election, THAT is her opinion and always has been.
This blabbering about Sydney Powell besmirching herself is ludicrous, and just another example of looney leftist propaganda, akin to the dopey Russian collusion hoax.

If anybody wants to know what Sydney Powell thinks about 2020 election fraud, all they need do is watch the video from beginning to 2:50 on the time bar, before some leftist idiot starts blabbering. >>>

When you have Rudy behind you, then start talking about blaming Clinton and Hugo Chavez over the election results, you have serious issues. And for someone to actually believe that crap, we'll, you've fallen neck deep into a cult.
When you have Rudy behind you, then start talking about blaming Clinton and Hugo Chavez over the election results, you have serious issues. And for someone to actually believe that crap, we'll, you've fallen neck deep into a cult.
The Trump train...


Do you even know you’re fucking retarded, gramps?? Judges don't sign a defendant's motion to dismiss. :cuckoo:
It doesnt copy exactly as it looks in the original document but the CONTENT is the same. >>>



Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00040-CJN [Proposed] Order On considering the defendants’ motion to dismiss (ECF #__________) and the plaintiffs’ opposition thereto and defendants’ reply in support thereof, and the entire record herein, the Court holds that defendants’ motion is well taken. For the foregoing reasons, it is hereby ORDERED that defendants’ motion to dismiss (ECF #_______) is GRANTED; SO ORDERED.
Dated: ______________________, 2021


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