If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

How pitifully ignorant liberals are. I can understand that they would have no idea about the massive illegal alien voting machine, from watching CNN, MSNBC, et al stations of that ilk, which carefully screen out all such information to these information-deprived airheads, but the proofs have been posted in HERE in USMB for years.

No excuse. So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, why the border is opened up, why the airlifts, etc, for the 200th time >>>

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review



Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot


Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters

Quote Reply protectionist
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to investigate.

“If true there will be serious consequences,” he said.
All we need, is one example from the Washington Times to prove you are lying.

This is you; So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, Now, pea brain, explain in detail how you can come here and arrogantly accuse illegals of voting, when your own pos article tells us exactly the opposite? Are you reading what Greg Abbott said in the Washington Times. If not, read the goddamn words. The words prove 100% that you are lying piece of shit, and a waste of everyone's time.
Your first one doesn't say any non-citizens were registered to vote in a federal election.

Your next one is to a discredited poll, doesn't actually show any illegal aliens were registered to vote in a federal election.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next one was debunked as motor voter laws do not register illegal aliens to vote.

Your next one is about some states allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections which is actually limited to voting on school board issues. That is legal. And that link reiterates the same debunked poll as your second link.

Your next link is the unsubstantiated claim of one individual who claims he could have registered without showing ID.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link found one non-citizen who voted.

Your next link doesn't work.

Your next link doesn't work.

Congrats, Gramps! You found ONE.

You do not refute a link by saying what it "doesnt say". To refute it, you must address what it DOES say. And what it says is that Democrat cheaters sent ballots to non-citizens with the box marked Citizen, already checked "YES". The Texas Democratic Party asked non-citizens to register to vote.

The second link you say is from a "discredited" poll. HA. The only thing discredited is your post, which has no mention of who or how this poll is allegedy "discredited" Discredited by whom >the New York Times ? MSNBC ? Dont be ridiculous. Also the link mentions a few different polls, all of which showed illegal aliens registered to vote in a federal election.

Regarding my 3rd & 4th links and sublinks in my 5th link, these were all PILF (Public Interest Legal Foundation), which there was no problem opening these links during the Trump administration. So what's happening > Buden's Brown shirt boys wiping away stuff they dont like. Here's some replacements, up to date, and just as good >>

Motor Voter laws FACILITATE the registering of illegal aliens to vote. In California and Oregon, the motor voter law automatically registers anyone who has a driver’s license to vote through the DMV. In California illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license, which means they could be automatically registered to vote.

The link not working is to > Safe Spaces, the 27-page document which explains in detail how sanctuary cities are providing cover for illegal aliens to stay on voter rolls across the nation. One point made perfectly clear is that “aliens are getting on the rolls, aliens are voting, and in sanctuary jurisdictions they aren’t being prosecuted for doing so.”

I found it through another source link >> Safe Spaces: How Sanctuary Cities Are Giving Cover to Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls | Public Interest Legal Foundation

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley used state driver’s license records, which include immigration status, and compared those with voter rolls. He found that about 95,000 people whom the state says weren’t citizens were among the 16 million registered voters. Of those, about 58,000 had voted at some point since 1996.
Mr. Whitley also created a process for election boards to notify each of the 95,000 names, and ask them to verify whether they are citizens and should remain on the rolls.

State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania, after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers, allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names.

The noncitizen debate reached the national level in 2014 when Jesse T. Richman, a professor at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues began publishing estimates of thousands and perhaps millions of illegal voters.

Florida officials are investigating the citizenship of thousands of registered voters. CBS4 News has learned 2,000 of those potential non-citizen voters are registered in Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade is not alone. Broward is looking at 260 registered voters and Monroe is investigating four.

I could go on all night doing this with hundreds of articles listing research done, with thousands of illegal alien voters, but for the objective reader, I'v listed more than enough, and with sub-links. For the UNobjective reader, who cares ?
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You say it but sadly, cannot prove it. Oh well, c'est la vie.
What cannot be proven, is YOU unable to prove that I have not proven my case about voter fraud, simply because you didn't read 99.9% of the material and you dont even know what is there.

You make fool of yourself every time you talk about my election fraud posts that you didn't read. Well, Not My Problem. :dunno: :)
No answer to my question.

This is my shocked face --> :lmao:
No answer from YOU, to MY question. Here it is again, MR DODGE >>>

"So you are asserting that 2020 election machines were not connected to the internet ?"

Well ? YES...or...NO ?

Moron, either she wrote that herself or her attorney, speaking for her, wrote it.

Regardless, that was her defense in court. You denying that is you denying reality. :cuckoo:
You dont know what she said, and you have no video of her saying what you're talking about. Nor do you even show any of these documents you keep yammering about. Nor have you ever laid eyes on any of these papers, but instead you just babble on & on about what your propaganda mills tell you. Just mindless babble. :rolleyes:
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And you still haven't answered my question. The first thing you posted was debunked nonsense. Why should anyone expect the rest is not equally discredited?
You are talking nonsense. Nothing was debunked, Yu think I give a penny to any debunk talk from your laughingstock so-called dubunkers. My first link about illegal aliens voting was Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Not a thing about that was debunked. If you're referring to my election fraud postings, you better actually READ them, before you start blabbering about them.
If it's not true, gramps, it's criminal perjury.

Dayum, you are dumber than dirt.
Wow, what a revelation. Yes, perjury is false testimony under oath. And like I said it goes on every day. Welcome to the real world. And what is this "it" you refer to ? I havent seen you present anythung from a court.
Nope, you're just demented, gramps. In reality, from which you're divorced, that's a legal document submitted to a court of law, explaining her reasons for why she was petitioning the court to dismiss the case against her.
You got it ? Show it. You haven't done that. Guess what. You don't have it, and you never laid eyes on it. All you do is watch scatterbrained CNN, and come in blabbering what you heard.

Nobody here has a video of Sydney Powell disparaging herself, and nobody can prove this idiotic notion.
If Trump were in office, how would we see what Biden would do? With the vaccine mandates, humans have finally come together to fight for one cause.

You video posted here is quoting my previous post which said >> "None of you know what Sydney Powell said, unless you have a video of her saying it. You don't, and you dont know your ass from your elbows about what you're talking about."

So then you post a video of Sydney Powell talking, BUT not saying a word about what you previously claimed she said (disparaging herself). So what was the point of posting this video ? :rolleyes:
400 years of white power, money, and control is the reason for that. And that hasn't changed.
You're not very observant. Maybe that's because you maybe are an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media.
For your edification, there was a HUGE change, 58 years ago, called Affirmative Action. White power became white victimization, and black victimization became black power.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vowed to investigate.

“If true there will be serious consequences,” he said.
All we need, is one example from the Washington Times to prove you are lying.

This is you; So for the idiots who are clueless about illegal alien voting, Now, pea brain, explain in detail how you can come here and arrogantly accuse illegals of voting, when your own pos article tells us exactly the opposite? Are you reading what Greg Abbott said in the Washington Times. If not, read the goddamn words. The words prove 100% that you are lying piece of shit, and a waste of everyone's time.
How about posting a link to this illustrious article with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, that you are yammering about, so I can take a look at it ?

As for my articles in Post # 962, and others, if you took the time to READ them, you wouldnt have to ask a stupid question like how can I accuse illegals of voting (wow are you ignorant).
You do not refute a link by saying what it "doesnt say". To refute it, you must address what it DOES say. And what it says is that Democrat cheaters sent ballots to non-citizens with the box marked Citizen, already checked "YES". The Texas Democratic Party asked non-citizens to register to vote.

The second link you say is from a "discredited" poll. HA. The only thing discredited is your post, which has no mention of who or how this poll is allegedy "discredited" Discredited by whom >the New York Times ? MSNBC ? Dont be ridiculous. Also the link mentions a few different polls, all of which showed illegal aliens registered to vote in a federal election.

Regarding my 3rd & 4th links and sublinks in my 5th link, these were all PILF (Public Interest Legal Foundation), which there was no problem opening these links during the Trump administration. So what's happening > Buden's Brown shirt boys wiping away stuff they dont like. Here's some replacements, up to date, and just as good >>

Motor Voter laws FACILITATE the registering of illegal aliens to vote. In California and Oregon, the motor voter law automatically registers anyone who has a driver’s license to vote through the DMV. In California illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license, which means they could be automatically registered to vote.

The link not working is to > Safe Spaces, the 27-page document which explains in detail how sanctuary cities are providing cover for illegal aliens to stay on voter rolls across the nation. One point made perfectly clear is that “aliens are getting on the rolls, aliens are voting, and in sanctuary jurisdictions they aren’t being prosecuted for doing so.”

I found it through another source link >> Safe Spaces: How Sanctuary Cities Are Giving Cover to Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls | Public Interest Legal Foundation

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley used state driver’s license records, which include immigration status, and compared those with voter rolls. He found that about 95,000 people whom the state says weren’t citizens were among the 16 million registered voters. Of those, about 58,000 had voted at some point since 1996.
Mr. Whitley also created a process for election boards to notify each of the 95,000 names, and ask them to verify whether they are citizens and should remain on the rolls.

State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania, after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers, allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names.

The noncitizen debate reached the national level in 2014 when Jesse T. Richman, a professor at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues began publishing estimates of thousands and perhaps millions of illegal voters.

Florida officials are investigating the citizenship of thousands of registered voters. CBS4 News has learned 2,000 of those potential non-citizen voters are registered in Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade is not alone. Broward is looking at 260 registered voters and Monroe is investigating four.

I could go on all night doing this with hundreds of articles listing research done, with thousands of illegal alien voters, but for the objective reader, I'v listed more than enough, and with sub-links. For the UNobjective reader, who cares ?

You're refuted, gramps, even if you are too stupid to realize it. You're idiotically claiming illegal aliens voted but your link doesn't show even one voted. It's just an article stating voter registration forms were mailed to non-citizen residents. It doesn't even show any of them were registered to vote.

You fail again because you're a failure.
You do not refute a link by saying what it "doesnt say". To refute it, you must address what it DOES say. And what it says is that Democrat cheaters sent ballots to non-citizens with the box marked Citizen, already checked "YES". The Texas Democratic Party asked non-citizens to register to vote.

The second link you say is from a "discredited" poll. HA. The only thing discredited is your post, which has no mention of who or how this poll is allegedy "discredited" Discredited by whom >the New York Times ? MSNBC ? Dont be ridiculous. Also the link mentions a few different polls, all of which showed illegal aliens registered to vote in a federal election.

Regarding my 3rd & 4th links and sublinks in my 5th link, these were all PILF (Public Interest Legal Foundation), which there was no problem opening these links during the Trump administration. So what's happening > Buden's Brown shirt boys wiping away stuff they dont like. Here's some replacements, up to date, and just as good >>

Motor Voter laws FACILITATE the registering of illegal aliens to vote. In California and Oregon, the motor voter law automatically registers anyone who has a driver’s license to vote through the DMV. In California illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license, which means they could be automatically registered to vote.

The link not working is to > Safe Spaces, the 27-page document which explains in detail how sanctuary cities are providing cover for illegal aliens to stay on voter rolls across the nation. One point made perfectly clear is that “aliens are getting on the rolls, aliens are voting, and in sanctuary jurisdictions they aren’t being prosecuted for doing so.”

I found it through another source link >> Safe Spaces: How Sanctuary Cities Are Giving Cover to Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls | Public Interest Legal Foundation

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley used state driver’s license records, which include immigration status, and compared those with voter rolls. He found that about 95,000 people whom the state says weren’t citizens were among the 16 million registered voters. Of those, about 58,000 had voted at some point since 1996.
Mr. Whitley also created a process for election boards to notify each of the 95,000 names, and ask them to verify whether they are citizens and should remain on the rolls.

State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania, after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers, allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names.

The noncitizen debate reached the national level in 2014 when Jesse T. Richman, a professor at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues began publishing estimates of thousands and perhaps millions of illegal voters.

Florida officials are investigating the citizenship of thousands of registered voters. CBS4 News has learned 2,000 of those potential non-citizen voters are registered in Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade is not alone. Broward is looking at 260 registered voters and Monroe is investigating four.

I could go on all night doing this with hundreds of articles listing research done, with thousands of illegal alien voters, but for the objective reader, I'v listed more than enough, and with sub-links. For the UNobjective reader, who cares ?
Yes, gramps, that poll was thoroughly debunked.

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.

Since you probably can’t comprehend the implication of the highlighted text, I will explain ...

Richman relied on unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling and nutjobs propagate his nonsensical blog because they like what he says despite its dubious origins.

But wait, there's more... on top of it being based upon unscientific, non-probability online Internet polling, it turns out that many of the respondents erroneously identified themselves as citizens in 2010 but then as non-citizens in 2012...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that 71% of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.

Since it's opt-in online polling, who knows how many of the respondents were merely lying hacks who lied in 2012 to make it appear as though non-citizen voting is far more prevalent than it actually is.

I'm embarrassed for ya

You do not refute a link by saying what it "doesnt say". To refute it, you must address what it DOES say. And what it says is that Democrat cheaters sent ballots to non-citizens with the box marked Citizen, already checked "YES". The Texas Democratic Party asked non-citizens to register to vote.

The second link you say is from a "discredited" poll. HA. The only thing discredited is your post, which has no mention of who or how this poll is allegedy "discredited" Discredited by whom >the New York Times ? MSNBC ? Dont be ridiculous. Also the link mentions a few different polls, all of which showed illegal aliens registered to vote in a federal election.

Regarding my 3rd & 4th links and sublinks in my 5th link, these were all PILF (Public Interest Legal Foundation), which there was no problem opening these links during the Trump administration. So what's happening > Buden's Brown shirt boys wiping away stuff they dont like. Here's some replacements, up to date, and just as good >>

Motor Voter laws FACILITATE the registering of illegal aliens to vote. In California and Oregon, the motor voter law automatically registers anyone who has a driver’s license to vote through the DMV. In California illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license, which means they could be automatically registered to vote.

The link not working is to > Safe Spaces, the 27-page document which explains in detail how sanctuary cities are providing cover for illegal aliens to stay on voter rolls across the nation. One point made perfectly clear is that “aliens are getting on the rolls, aliens are voting, and in sanctuary jurisdictions they aren’t being prosecuted for doing so.”

I found it through another source link >> Safe Spaces: How Sanctuary Cities Are Giving Cover to Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls | Public Interest Legal Foundation

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley used state driver’s license records, which include immigration status, and compared those with voter rolls. He found that about 95,000 people whom the state says weren’t citizens were among the 16 million registered voters. Of those, about 58,000 had voted at some point since 1996.
Mr. Whitley also created a process for election boards to notify each of the 95,000 names, and ask them to verify whether they are citizens and should remain on the rolls.

State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania, after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers, allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names.

The noncitizen debate reached the national level in 2014 when Jesse T. Richman, a professor at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues began publishing estimates of thousands and perhaps millions of illegal voters.

Florida officials are investigating the citizenship of thousands of registered voters. CBS4 News has learned 2,000 of those potential non-citizen voters are registered in Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade is not alone. Broward is looking at 260 registered voters and Monroe is investigating four.

I could go on all night doing this with hundreds of articles listing research done, with thousands of illegal alien voters, but for the objective reader, I'v listed more than enough, and with sub-links. For the UNobjective reader, who cares ?

Your paranoia that Biden is shutting down links you want to post is hysterical.
You do not refute a link by saying what it "doesnt say". To refute it, you must address what it DOES say. And what it says is that Democrat cheaters sent ballots to non-citizens with the box marked Citizen, already checked "YES". The Texas Democratic Party asked non-citizens to register to vote.

The second link you say is from a "discredited" poll. HA. The only thing discredited is your post, which has no mention of who or how this poll is allegedy "discredited" Discredited by whom >the New York Times ? MSNBC ? Dont be ridiculous. Also the link mentions a few different polls, all of which showed illegal aliens registered to vote in a federal election.

Regarding my 3rd & 4th links and sublinks in my 5th link, these were all PILF (Public Interest Legal Foundation), which there was no problem opening these links during the Trump administration. So what's happening > Buden's Brown shirt boys wiping away stuff they dont like. Here's some replacements, up to date, and just as good >>

Motor Voter laws FACILITATE the registering of illegal aliens to vote. In California and Oregon, the motor voter law automatically registers anyone who has a driver’s license to vote through the DMV. In California illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license, which means they could be automatically registered to vote.

The link not working is to > Safe Spaces, the 27-page document which explains in detail how sanctuary cities are providing cover for illegal aliens to stay on voter rolls across the nation. One point made perfectly clear is that “aliens are getting on the rolls, aliens are voting, and in sanctuary jurisdictions they aren’t being prosecuted for doing so.”

I found it through another source link >> Safe Spaces: How Sanctuary Cities Are Giving Cover to Noncitizens on the Voter Rolls | Public Interest Legal Foundation

Texas Secretary of State David Whitley used state driver’s license records, which include immigration status, and compared those with voter rolls. He found that about 95,000 people whom the state says weren’t citizens were among the 16 million registered voters. Of those, about 58,000 had voted at some point since 1996.
Mr. Whitley also created a process for election boards to notify each of the 95,000 names, and ask them to verify whether they are citizens and should remain on the rolls.

State officials followed a similar process in Pennsylvania, after admitting that a glitch in state motor vehicle bureau computers, allowed noncitizens to register to vote easily. They, too, matched driver’s license records with voter rolls and came up with nearly 11,200 names.

The noncitizen debate reached the national level in 2014 when Jesse T. Richman, a professor at Old Dominion University, and two colleagues began publishing estimates of thousands and perhaps millions of illegal voters.

Florida officials are investigating the citizenship of thousands of registered voters. CBS4 News has learned 2,000 of those potential non-citizen voters are registered in Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade is not alone. Broward is looking at 260 registered voters and Monroe is investigating four.

I could go on all night doing this with hundreds of articles listing research done, with thousands of illegal alien voters, but for the objective reader, I'v listed more than enough, and with sub-links. For the UNobjective reader, who cares ?
Motor Voter laws do not register illegal aliens. States like California provide different drivers licenses for illegal aliens than they do for citizens which can't be used to register to vote or to vote...

Section 12801.9 of the California Vehicle code is an AB60 license.​

And folks who obtain an AB-60 driver's license are not registered to vote...

Election Code, Division II, Chapter 4.5 § 2263 (d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

... in accordance with state legislation...

Bill Text - AB-60 Driver’s licenses: eligibility: required documentation. The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”

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