If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

1. Trump is WRONGLY put at the bottom by IDIOTS who fail to recognize that the low GDPs of Q1 and Q2 of 2020 were PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN GDPs, and not associated with ANY president.

2. Your chart shows meaningless UNLABELED numbers. E F and G doesn't quite cut it, but if these are supposed to be GDP growth, they oddly show Obama's 2015 and 2016 as having continuous increases. He had continuous DECREASES over those 2 years. (as reported by the BEA V-GRAPH)).

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A pandemic that Trump chose to call a hoax. He can drown in his own bad decisions, which he did.
"Every criminal?" Who said that? Oh yea, you did. Not me.
Fool. The point was that just because the Clintons haven't been arrested, that doesn't mean they are innocent. Millions of criminals are also free, and never been arrested. Some, even after being serial killers like the dirty Clintons. Some serial killers went DECADES before being caught up with and arrested, and they didn't have the political clout that the Clintons have had. Get it ?
Nationalism is not a "buzz word", and it has nothing to do with "I got mine, and to hell with you."

Nationalism is one of the most important things in our society (generally overlooked by the INTERnationalist left). Nationalism is the recognition of the important concept of what is a NATION.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Generally, Democrats are anti-nationalist, globalist, INTERnationalist, communist, and support open borders (or the elimination of them), and are perfectly content with having everyone & anyone from anywhere, move into the US, turning the USA into a mish-mash, tangled mess of squabbling nationalities (as Theodore Roosevelt put it)
That's all the Right is about; self interest.

There is zero evidence Democrats are communists. You are a liar. And there is no such thing as open borders, and no one is advocating for that. All you do is lie on this forum.
You mean the economy Trump inherited that Trump took credit for.
No, I mean the sinking, AWFUL economy of Obama, that Trump rescued, and then RIGHTFULY took credit for doing that. You should be thanking him.

Fool. The point was that just because the Clintons haven't been arrested, that doesn't mean they are innocent. Millions of criminals are also free, and never been arrested. Some, even after being serial killers like the dirty Clintons. Some serial killers went DECADES before being caught up with and arrested, and they didn't have the political clout that the Clintons have had. Get it ?
Your words not mine dick head. You think you can play with words on this forum and get away with it. Wrong! Faun and I are on to your game. All these links with "allege" "problematic" and the like, are total bs. Take that crap to court and see how far you get. You're dishonest, and you are mentally disturbed.
No, I mean the sinking, AWFUL economy of Obama, that Trump rescued, and then RIGHTFULY took credit for doing that. You should be thanking him.
Trump had zero policies countering Obamas when he took office. LOL! He even bragged about job growth the month after he took office, which was funny as hell. He knew the stimulus would carry him through. Trump had no economic policies. He doesn't even comprehend what all that means. PolitiFact - Donald Trump's skewed portrayal of Obama's stimulus Trump is full of shit.

Your words not mine dick head. You think you can play with words on this forum and get away with it. Wrong! Faun and I are on to your game. All these links with "allege" "problematic" and the like, are total bs. Take that crap to court and see how far you get. You're dishonest, and you are mentally disturbed.
You got a real mental giant in your corner.
That's all the Right is about; self interest.

There is zero evidence Democrats are communists. You are a liar. And there is no such thing as open borders, and no one is advocating for that. All you do is lie on this forum.
If by "self interest", you mean self interest of the NATION, then ABSOLUTELY YES. That is what nations are SUPPOSED to do, not put the interests of other nations above their own, as goofball Biden does (ex. closed down the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of Americans out of jobs, and harming our energy independence, while giving his approval to the Nord Stream 2 European pipeline.)

And instead of putting AMERICA FIRST, as Trump did, Democrats put other countries ahead of our own interests, because they really don't have a NATION at all. They are globalists.

There IS evidence of Democrats being communists. We were talking about nationalism. In that respect, Democrats are communistic, in that they are globalist who do not see the USA as a nation (or any other nation as a nation) but instead see all the world as being one large entity, without borders and divisions.

The current open borders policy of the Biden administration is one example. Another is when Obama gave a speech in Germany, and he told the Germans >> "I am a citizen of the world.", which is why he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."

But Obama was too GLOBALIST-STUPID to even comprehend what Virgil Goode was telling him. Democrat-Globalist loons lost in a fog of globalist lunacy.
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If by "self interest", you mean self interest of the NATION, then ABSOLUTELY YES. That is what nations are SUPPOSED to do, not put the interests of other nations above their own, as goofball Biden does (ex. closed down the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of Americans out of jobs, and harming our energy independence, while giving his approval to the Nord Stream 2 European pipeline.)

And instead of putting AMERICA FIRST, as Trump did, Democrats put other countries ahead of our own interests, because they really don't have a NATION at all. They are globalists.

There IS evidence of Democrats being communists. We were talking about nationalism. In that respect, Democrats are communistic, in that they are globalist who do not see the USA as a nation (or any other nation as a nation) but instead see all the world as being one large entity, without borders and divisions.

The current open borders policy of the Biden administration is one example. Another is when Obama gave a speech in Germany, and he told the Germans >> "I am a citizen of the world.", which is why he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."

But Obama was too GLOBALIST-STUPID to even comprehend what Virgil Goode was telling him. Democrat-Globalist loons lost in a fog of globalist lunacy.
This whole post is nothing but a rant, mixed with lies. Nothing can be verified. This one in particular comes to mind; The Keystone XL pipeline is dead. Here's why Obama killed it.
Your words not mine dick head. You think you can play with words on this forum and get away with it. Wrong! Faun and I are on to your game. All these links with "allege" "problematic" and the like, are total bs. Take that crap to court and see how far you get. You're dishonest, and you are mentally disturbed.
Damn fool. I wasn't playing with words. As I told you, "Millions of criminals are also free, and never been arrested." That was in response to your :lame2:brain attempt to defend the Clintons based on them not having been arrested.

And the word alleged was used as a verb (they meant "said") - Back to the 5th grade for you.
And BTW - I should also mention >> You're dishonest, and you are mentally disturbed.
Damn fool. I wasn't playing with words. As I told you, "Millions of criminals are also free, and never been arrested." That was in response to your :lame2:brain attempt to defend the Clintons based on them not having been arrested.

And the word alleged was used as a verb (they meant "said") - Back to the 5th grade for you.
And BTW - I should also mention >> You're dishonest, and you are mentally disturbed.
Do you think he can go near schools?
Trump had zero policies countering Obamas when he took office. LOL! He even bragged about job growth the month after he took office, which was funny as hell. He knew the stimulus would carry him through. Trump had no economic policies. He doesn't even comprehend what all that means. PolitiFact - Donald Trump's skewed portrayal of Obama's stimulus Trump is full of shit.


Oh man, you don't know how stupid you are. Anybody that would come in here using Politifact as a source, is a COMPLETE, BLITHERING IDIOT.

This whole post is nothing but a rant, mixed with lies. Nothing can be verified. This one in particular comes to mind; The Keystone XL pipeline is dead. Here's why Obama killed it.
The post was extremely helpful to a brainwashed, airhead like you. It is information that you will never see on all your leftist, media indoctrinators, who strictly order you to stay away from Newsmax, OAN, the First, etc, where you could get deprogrammed from the state of lunacy that you are in.

Verified! HA HA. It is verified EVERY DAY by Biden's open border, with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants streaming in here as well as thousands of pounds of fentanyl, which has already killed over 100,000 Americans.

I sense that you are too lost in the woods to ever find your way. Wanna find out how ignorant you are, and how information-deprived you've been by your liberal OMISSION media boys ? All you have to do is take one of my QUIZ FOR LIBERALS. IF YOU DARE.

And the stoppages of the Keystone Pipeline was one of the worst decisions ever made. Trump reversed that, and OK'd the pipeline, as well as increasing drilling in general, and made America the # 1 energy producer in the world, and with low gas prices at the pump.

Now idiot Biden, and all his climate change ideas, has lost all the good gains made by Trump, and we are now back to being energy DEPENDENT on other countries (a national security risk/damage), and gas prices are DOUBLE what they were when Trump left office ($1.89/gal down the street from me)
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The post was extremely helpful to a brainwashed, airhead like you. It is information that you will never see on all your leftist, media indoctrinators, who strictly order you to stay away from Newsmax, OAN, the First, etc, where you could get deprogrammed from the state of lunacy that you are in.

Verified! HA HA. It is verified EVERY DAY by Biden's open border, with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants streaming in here as well as thousands of pounds of fentanyl, which has already killed over 100,000 Americans.
What about those coming from canada unvaccinated? Is that what the revolution is currently about but you have said nothing about that.
Thousands of pounds ay.
I think not and it wouldn't matter if they died because you all agreed George Floyds death didn't matter. He was full of drugs also.
I sense that you are too lost in the woods to ever find your way. Wanna find out how ignorant you are, and how information-deprived you've been by your liberal OMISSION media boys ? All you have to do is take one of my QUIZ FOR LIBERALS. IF YOU DARE.

I only have to watch you to see how intelligent I am.
What about those coming from canada unvaccinated? Is that what the revolution is currently about but you have said nothing about that.
Thousands of pounds ay.
I think not and it wouldn't matter if they died because you all agreed George Floyds death didn't matter. He was full of drugs also.

I only have to watch you to see how intelligent I am.
So you're too chickenshit to take the QUIZZES (afraid to find out how much you don't know),, ..Got it.

What about the people coming from Canada unvaccinated ? :yourpointsmile:

George Floyd killed himself by ingesting drugs and commititng crime.. Chavin followed legal procedure.
So you're too chickenshit to take the QUIZZES (afraid to find out how much you don't know),, ..Got it.
As if I'm gonna play your childish game.
What about the people coming from Canada unvaccinated ? :yourpointsmile:
You are bellowing about Mexicans but not a word about Canadians. How strange .
George Floyd killed himself by ingesting drugs and commititng crime.. Chavin followed legal procedure.
My point is , and it doesnt surprise me that you missed it, was he was full of drugs and got choked yo death.
He did not follow procedure. He's was cuffed before he went to the ground. He killed him and the court said so.
You're a brain dead stupid ignorant dickhead. You are wrong so get over it.

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