If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

That picture is condensed from one showing rats deserting a sinking ship which was Obama's 2015/2016 badly, sinking economy.
In truth, Mike Lukovich's depiction had frequently been employed in illustrative profusion since 2008.

If appears to have been first applied to Dubya, but you may be able to unearth earlier uses.
Screen Shot 2022-02-20 at 9.18.53 AM.png

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That picture is condensed from one showing rats deserting a sinking ship which was Obama's 2015/2016 sinking economy.

Now that's funny given Obama added 12 million jobs while Trump lost 3 million. Obama added 1.9% GDP while Trump added 1.3%. Obama served 2 terms while Trump served 1.

But there were some things at which Trump excelled.... 16 people in his orbit who were charged with a crime while there were none in Obama's orbit. Trump impeached 2 times while Obama was never impeached. 15 boxes of materials, including classified documents, found in Trump’s property while none at Obama's.
FALSE! Beside's Biden's fascist gun control policies, of the most fascist things in US history is occuring right now as the Biden administration has hundreds of people locked up in jail for more than a year, with no bail, no due process of law (as guaranteed by the constitution), no trial.

In Canada, it's even worse as Trudeau is showing himself to be the worst dictator that North America has ever seen. His govt is threatening to take away truckers' pets, and even their children. He and Biden are both insane.

What gun control policy?? List the actions he's taken to restrict guns....
Nationalism is not a "buzz word", and it has nothing to do with "I got mine, and to hell with you."

Nationalism is one of the most important things in our society (generally overlooked by the INTERnationalist left). Nationalism is the recognition of the important concept of what is a NATION.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Generally, Democrats are anti-nationalist, globalist, INTERnationalist, communist, and support open borders (or the elimination of them), and are perfectly content with having everyone & anyone from anywhere, move into the US, turning the USA into a mish-mash, tangled mess of squabbling nationalities (as Theodore Roosevelt put it)

The Nazi's were nationalists.
1. Trump is WRONGLY put at the bottom by IDIOTS who fail to recognize that the low GDPs of Q1 and Q2 of 2020 were PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN GDPs, and not associated with ANY president.
^^^ more excuses. :icon_rolleyes:

2. Your chart shows meaningless UNLABELED numbers. E F and G doesn't quite cut it, but if these are supposed to be GDP growth, they oddly show Obama's 2015 and 2016 as having continuous increases. He had continuous DECREASES over those 2 years. (as reported by the BEA V-GRAPH)).


You retard, the labels are in the BEA link I gave you earlier.

Now that's funny given Obama added 12 million jobs while Trump lost 3 million. Obama added 1.9% GDP while Trump added 1.3%. Obama served 2 terms while Trump served 1.

But there were some things at which Trump excelled.... 16 people in his orbit who were charged with a crime while there were none in Obama's orbit. Trump impeached 2 times while Obama was never impeached. 15 boxes of materials including classified documents found in Trump’s property while none at Obama's.
FOOL. Trump did not lose ANY jobs, You are ludicrously injecting the PANDEMIC quarters into the mix, which is an obvious lie on your part and you know it. There is a fairly reasonable train of thought that Obama, Fauci, Pelosi, and other leftist goons set up the pandemic just so that thy could say what you are stupidly saying now.

Notic how Pelosi refused to allow economic stimulus checks to be sent out during the year 2020. Of course not. She WANTED the economy to be bad -to take away Trump's top campaign issue -his excellent economy, which he rescued from Obama's sinking one.

And you can also quit the laughablr toting of Biden and the economy. It has rarely been worses, highet inflation in 40 years. Actually that's what they are reporting but the fact is for the most important items > HOUSING, GAS, AUTOMOBILES, FOOD, this is the worst inflation in US history.

Leftist TV MSM is saying housing is up by 7%. Yeah ? They're a joke. Apartments that rented for $600/month a year or 2 ago, are now renting for $2,000/month (300% increase)

Tapestry Lake Park

Tapestry Lake Park​

$1,753 - $2,4841 - 3 bed · 1 - 2 bath · 748 - …​

Villas at Deer Park

Villas at Deer Park​


2 bed · 1 bath
4 units available
15215 Livingston Ave, Lutz
14 units available
18402 Tapestry Lake Cir, L… I lived in this apartment complex (Villas at Deer Park) a few years ago. All apartments are 2 bedroom. I paid $650/month
Now that's funny given Obama added 12 million jobs while Trump lost 3 million. Obama added 1.9% GDP while Trump added 1.3%. Obama served 2 terms while Trump served 1.

But there were some things at which Trump excelled.... 16 people in his orbit who were charged with a crime while there were none in Obama's orbit. Trump impeached 2 times while Obama was never impeached. 15 boxes of materials, including classified documents, found in Trump’s property while none at Obama's.
One might consider that referencing President Obama - who was elected to two terms, both with over 51% of the vote, and having completed them with 59% approval - would compare quite favorably with Cry Baby Loser - elected to one term despite losing the popular vote by 2.9 million, and completing it with 34% approval, but if a Trumpster wants to evoke the comparison for inexplicable reasons, that is his right, of course.

In political discourse, such an unconventional rhetorical device is known as a "Giuliani," I believe.

Screen Shot 2022-02-20 at 11.37.56 AM.png
One might consider that referencing President Obama - who was elected to two terms, both with over 51% of the vote, and having completed them with 59% approval - would compare quite favorably with Cry Baby Loser - elected to one term despite losing the popular vote by 2.9 million, and completing it with 34% approval, but if a Trumpster wants to evoke the comparison for inexplicable reasons, that is his right, of course.

In political discourse, such an unconventional rhetorical device is known as a "Giuliani," I believe.

Utter nonsense for a variety of reasons. Wish I had more time to digress. I'm off the computer now. Last l'll say is, I wonder what you think of the train wreck we have NOW.
No, I mean the sinking, AWFUL economy of Obama, that Trump rescued, and then RIGHTFULY took credit for doing that. You should be thanking him.

Oh look .... gramps' figures are all bullshit. Who didn't see that coming?


Here are the latest figures for that period according to the BEA.

Screenshot_20220220-114623_Office Mobile.jpg

... and since gramps proved to be too dumb to figure out the labels, allow me... column E is the quarter and column F is the annualized percentage of real GDP growth.

Gramps' goes down again. And not in a good way.

Oh man, you don't know how stupid you are. Anybody that would come in here using Politifact as a source, is a COMPLETE, BLITHERING IDIOT.

View attachment 603823
^^^ irony from the idiot who offered links from libertynation, independentsentinel, americanthinker & washingtontimes.
The post was extremely helpful to a brainwashed, airhead like you. It is information that you will never see on all your leftist, media indoctrinators, who strictly order you to stay away from Newsmax, OAN, the First, etc, where you could get deprogrammed from the state of lunacy that you are in.

Verified! HA HA. It is verified EVERY DAY by Biden's open border, with millions of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants streaming in here as well as thousands of pounds of fentanyl, which has already killed over 100,000 Americans.

I sense that you are too lost in the woods to ever find your way. Wanna find out how ignorant you are, and how information-deprived you've been by your liberal OMISSION media boys ? All you have to do is take one of my QUIZ FOR LIBERALS. IF YOU DARE.

And the stoppages of the Keystone Pipeline was one of the worst decisions ever made. Trump reversed that, and OK'd the pipeline, as well as increasing drilling in general, and made America the # 1 energy producer in the world, and with low gas prices at the pump.

Now idiot Biden, and all his climate change ideas, has lost all the good gains made by Trump, and we are now back to being energy DEPENDENT on other countries (a national security risk/damage), and gas prices are DOUBLE what they were when Trump left office ($1.89/gal down the street frWashington times.


Imbecile, CANADA produces the sludge that would have been transported through the Keystone XL pipeline.

Are you ever not retarded, gramps?

So you're too chickenshit to take the QUIZZES (afraid to find out how much you don't know),, ..Got it.

What about the people coming from Canada unvaccinated ? :yourpointsmile:

George Floyd killed himself by ingesting drugs and commititng crime.. Chavin followed legal procedure.
FOOL. Trump did not lose ANY jobs, You are ludicrously injecting the PANDEMIC quarters into the mix, which is an obvious lie on your part and you know it. There is a fairly reasonable train of thought that Obama, Fauci, Pelosi, and other leftist goons set up the pandemic just so that thy could say what you are stupidly saying now.

Notic how Pelosi refused to allow economic stimulus checks to be sent out during the year 2020. Of course not. She WANTED the economy to be bad -to take away Trump's top campaign issue -his excellent economy, which he rescued from Obama's sinking one.

And you can also quit the laughablr toting of Biden and the economy. It has rarely been worses, highet inflation in 40 years. Actually that's what they are reporting but the fact is for the most important items > HOUSING, GAS, AUTOMOBILES, FOOD, this is the worst inflation in US history.

Leftist TV MSM is saying housing is up by 7%. Yeah ? They're a joke. Apartments that rented for $600/month a year or 2 ago, are now renting for $2,000/month (300% increase)

Tapestry Lake Park

Tapestry Lake Park​

$1,753 - $2,4841 - 3 bed · 1 - 2 bath · 748 - …​

Villas at Deer Park

Villas at Deer Park​


2 bed · 1 bath
4 units available
15215 Livingston Ave, Lutz
14 units available
18402 Tapestry Lake Cir, L… I lived in this apartment complex (Villas at Deer Park) a few years ago. All apartments are 2 bedroom. I paid $650/month

You poor thing; so senile. Gramps, Trump was president in 2020. After 4 years of Trump, the nation was down 3 million jobs.

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