If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

Posts 151 through 156 - existing evidence. :biggrin: :slap:
Dude, that's your fantasy no one else's. You aren't playing with a full deck. Sucks for you, but for others, reality and word usage mean everything. And that's what counts.

All these "allege and potentially" links of yours aren't worth the time. They are produced by conspiracy crack heads.
This is a con job, and not a very good one.

1. The V-GRAPH correctly shows Obama's SINKING GDPs (2015/2016), rescued by Trump's rising GDPs (2017/2018).

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2. Clicking your link dies not show the chart you posted . Viewers have no idea where it came from. New York Times maybe ?

3. In any case, Biden's horrible economy, with 7.5% inflation (highest in 40 years) is the main reason why his approval rate is in the cellar, and even most Democrats oppose his candidacy for 2024. In contrast, just before he left office, Trump had the highest GDP growth in US history - 33.1% to recover us from the Democrat pandemic, and the Democrat 2020 pandemic recession, orchestrated in part by Nancy Pelosi and her refusals to allow economic stimulus checks to be sent out.

One again, gramps' massive ignorance blinds him. Yes, gramps, the figures in my chart are found in my link which goes to the BEA...

Screenshot_20220219-122704_Office Mobile.jpg

Biden is at the top of that list (for now) and Trump is at the bottom. As always, you lose because you're a loser.

Dude, you can't be this fucking stupid. The V-GRAPH shows it plain & clear. Obama went out as a complete economic FAILURE, with 2 years of consistently SINKING GDPs. Trump came is as an economic hero, who rescued us from Obama's dunce economy, and your laughable MSNBC talking points aren't going to spin that away.

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Obama had consecutive job growth during his presidency, leaving unemployment under 5%. Which by the way, Trump inherited. And he took Obamas success and claimed it as his throughout his presidency because of the stimulus Obama created.

In its most basic form, Okun’s law investigates the statistical relationship between a country’s unemployment rate and the growth rate of its economy. The economics research arm of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis explains that Okun’s law “is intended to tell us how much of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) may be lost when the unemployment rate is above its natural rate.” It goes on to explain that “the logic behind Okun’s law is simple. Output depends on the amount of labor used in the production process, so there is a positive relationship between output and employment. Total employment equals the labor force minus the unemployed, so there is a negative relationship between output and unemployment (conditional on the labor force).”1
FALSE! Liberalism is where the racism is > Affirmative Action racial discrimination, racist CRT, and Biden's American Rescue Plan (repeatedly stopped by the courts because of its rampant racism)

Fascism & Authoritarianism is rampant in both Biden's government and Trudeau in Canada. All the symptoms of fascism are present in leftist ideology > BIG, powerful government, excessive gun control, excessive regulation of businesses and people,

As for Nationalism,, yes that IS consistent with conservatism, and it's a GOOD thing, in contrast with the INTERnationalism, communism, globalism of the left.

Thanks for bringing up these subjects, therby allowing me to illustrate the comparisons.
How can CRT be racism, when history has been taught in schools, for as long as I have been alive?

What excessive gun control are you talking about? And big government? 440 voter suppression bills is about as big of a big government takeover of this country that you can get?

And don't say the gay bill? :spinner: What kind of big government crazy shit is that?

There are zero symptoms of Fascism with the Left.

And Nationalism, it's just more buzz talk for "I got mine, and to hell with you."
Perhaps, such a proclamation is woefully premature, as the Cry Baby Loser's precipitous plunge persists.

The convictions and confessions of his goons who attacked Congress based upon his lie will continue, the Cry Baby Loser is facing a total of 19 legal challenges, six of which involve alleged financial irregularities.and, as his "Fixer" who paid off bimbos with whom he rutted behind the backs of Trophy wives has opined,

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Now that his accounting firm has scuttled,
it'll soon be, "Every man for himself!"

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That picture is condensed from one showing rats deserting a sinking ship which was Obama's 2015/2016 sinking economy.

Obama had consecutive job growth during his presidency, leaving unemployment under 5%. Which by the way, Trump inherited. And he took Obamas success and claimed it as his throughout his presidency because of the stimulus Obama created.

In its most basic form, Okun’s law investigates the statistical relationship between a country’s unemployment rate and the growth rate of its economy. The economics research arm of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis explains that Okun’s law “is intended to tell us how much of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) may be lost when the unemployment rate is above its natural rate.” It goes on to explain that “the logic behind Okun’s law is simple. Output depends on the amount of labor used in the production process, so there is a positive relationship between output and employment. Total employment equals the labor force minus the unemployed, so there is a negative relationship between output and unemployment (conditional on the labor force).”1
Again, Obama's awful sinking ship economy was rescued by Trump with rising GDPs in 201 and 2018..

How can CRT be racism, when history has been taught in schools, for as long as I have been alive?
CRT is racist because it teaches kids that white people are inherently evil, racist, and all whites living today have guilt regarding slavery. “Critical race theory…defines America as inherently and irredeemably bigoted, denounces all whites as racial oppressors, and diminishes all Blacks as racially oppressed victims.”

At its core, CRT contrives a color scheme of life whereby everyone must be judged solely on the level of melanin pigment in their epidermis. If you think this is insane or just plain stupid, you’re right. No person with half a brain would adopt this garbage. Yet, if you dare to disagree or to challenge this authoritarian madness you are ipso facto a racist or a White Supremacist. I can assure you that Deroy, who happens to be black, is neither.

In truth, critical race theory seeks to silence and suppress. Diversity of character and individual merit are to be expunged. All matters are to be seen through the lens of race and racism. If you resist, you’ll be smeared, slandered, demonized, and cancelled. That’s how the woke crowd works. They are venial.

Here is the good news. As with any extremist movement, the pendulum swings. Americans everywhere are fighting back. They are fed up being told they are either racists or oppressed victims from the moment of birth. They’re sick of hearing how our nation’s institutions are systemically racist and that they function only to maintain the dominance of white people. Parents in particular are revolting against the brainwashing of their kids in schools. They don’t want their children coming home riddled with shame and guilt.

At least 25 states are crafting legislation that would prohibit the teaching of critical race theory. Eight states have already banned or limited CRT in classrooms. The momentum has shifted. A groundswell of anger is increasingly being directed at radical progressives who have commandeered the Democratic Party and pushed the CRT mania. That anger will only escalate.

Here’s a prediction: next year’s mid-term elections will see a political bloodbath for Democrats. Call it a reckoning, but the mindless leftists have only themselves to blame. They demonstrated neither the intelligence nor the courage to stand up against this racist insanity.

What excessive gun control are you talking about?

1) Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

2) Banning ‘High-Capacity Magazines’

3) Background Checks on ALL Gun Sales

4) Eliminating Immunity for Gun Manufacturers

And big government? 440 voter suppression bills is about as big of a big government takeover of this country that you can get?
Everybody (except you maybe )knows that generally, Democrats support big government, even to the point of allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the country, then spending taxpayer $$ flying them around to various states, and then giving them all sorts of welfare goodies$$. In the 2020 Democratic primary debate every Democrat candidate raised their hand as supporting Medicaid for illegal aliens.
There are zero symptoms of Fascism with the Left.
FALSE! Beside's Biden's fascist gun control policies, of the most fascist things in US history is occuring right now as the Biden administration has hundreds of people locked up in jail for more than a year, with no bail, no due process of law (as guaranteed by the constitution), no trial.

In Canada, it's even worse as Trudeau is showing himself to be the worst dictator that North America has ever seen. His govt is threatening to take away truckers' pets, and even their children. He and Biden are both insane.
And Nationalism, it's just more buzz talk for

Nationalism is not a "buzz word", and it has nothing to do with "I got mine, and to hell with you."

Nationalism is one of the most important things in our society (generally overlooked by the INTERnationalist left). Nationalism is the recognition of the important concept of what is a NATION.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

Generally, Democrats are anti-nationalist, globalist, INTERnationalist, communist, and support open borders (or the elimination of them), and are perfectly content with having everyone & anyone from anywhere, move into the US, turning the USA into a mish-mash, tangled mess of squabbling nationalities (as Theodore Roosevelt put it)
One again, gramps' massive ignorance blinds him. Yes, gramps, the figures in my chart are found in my link which goes to the BEA...

View attachment 603544

Biden is at the top of that list (for now) and Trump is at the bottom. As always, you lose because you're a loser.
1. Trump is WRONGLY put at the bottom by IDIOTS who fail to recognize that the low GDPs of Q1 and Q2 of 2020 were PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN GDPs, and not associated with ANY president.

2. Your chart shows meaningless UNLABELED numbers. E F and G doesn't quite cut it, but if these are supposed to be GDP growth, they oddly show Obama's 2015 and 2016 as having continuous increases. He had continuous DECREASES over those 2 years. (as reported by the BEA V-GRAPH)).


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