If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

The evidence does exist and it is not going away. Who do you see stopping? I do not see anyone stopping trying to get the evidence out. They are going to succeed because fraud happened. Not much you can do but delay it.

Poor gramps, you're out of your mind. Here are the most current GDP figures from the BEA...

They show annualized real GDP growth....

This is a con job, and not a very good one.

1. The V-GRAPH correctly shows Obama's SINKING GDPs (2015/2016), rescued by Trump's rising GDPs (2017/2018).


2. Clicking your link dies not show the chart you posted . Viewers have no idea where it came from. New York Times maybe ?

3. In any case, Biden's horrible economy, with 7.5% inflation (highest in 40 years) is the main reason why his approval rate is in the cellar, and even most Democrats oppose his candidacy for 2024. In contrast, just before he left office, Trump had the highest GDP growth in US history - 33.1% to recover us from the Democrat pandemic, and the Democrat 2020 pandemic recession, orchestrated in part by Nancy Pelosi and her refusals to allow economic stimulus checks to be sent out.
You can link all you want, and you still have nothing. How? They aren't in jail that's why. You live in fantasy land, and you are mentally disturbed.
Oh, so every criminal who has committed a crime, is in jail, huh ? Would somebody please help out this poor soul ? :rolleyes:
You take links of speculation, and they turn to a matter of documented evidence for you. That's pure fantasy.

The reason why one would question illegals voting, would be if you have not provided the evidence. Fantasy is not evidence.
The reason why you and other libs question illegal alien voting is because you know it is critical for Democrats to win elections. You know Americans hate your crazy policies, and won't vote for them. So you defend illegal alien voting, by pretending it's not happening, so as to try to stop action from being taken against it.
Dude, you can't be this fucking stupid. The only reason for Trump's uptick, was from Obamas stimulus, which was a job creator. Without that stimulus, there would have never been that uptick. Thank Obama every chance you get.
Dude, you can't be this fucking stupid. The V-GRAPH shows it plain & clear. Obama went out as a complete economic FAILURE, with 2 years of consistently SINKING GDPs. Trump came is as an economic hero, who rescued us from Obama's dunce economy, and your laughable MSNBC talking points aren't going to spin that away.



You're fucking deranged, gramps. Deny reality won't actually change reality; and the reality is -- every single president since Carter signed such an executive order. Just as I proved.
As I showed Trump got $250 Million/year to the black colleges. How much did Obama get them ? 10 bucks ?

Absolutely! 100%! "Conservatism" is nothing but a dog whistle for Nationalism, racism, Fascism, Authoritarianism, self interests, and the like. In other words, I got mine, so fuck you.
FALSE! Liberalism is where the racism is > Affirmative Action racial discrimination, racist CRT, and Biden's American Rescue Plan (repeatedly stopped by the courts because of its rampant racism)

Fascism & Authoritarianism is rampant in both Biden's government and Trudeau in Canada. All the symptoms of fascism are present in leftist ideology > BIG, powerful government, excessive gun control, excessive regulation of businesses and people,

As for Nationalism,, yes that IS consistent with conservatism, and it's a GOOD thing, in contrast with the INTERnationalism, communism, globalism of the left.

Thanks for bringing up these subjects, therby allowing me to illustrate the comparisons.
It matters not what Trump accomplishments these yahoos list. He'll forever be remembered as a one-term, twice-impeached, worst-sore-loser-in-history, failure.
Remebered that way by liberal loons, who CREATE their own impressions, of distorted reality, to suit their distorted agendas. Ho hum. Yawn*****
You can link all you want, and you still have nothing. How? They aren't in jail that's why. You live in fantasy land, and you are mentally disturbed.

Don Adams​

Died January 7, 1997
Long before Whitewater's land flips made the Clinton's circle of friends rich, many of the same players had been involved in a similar land swindle in Branson. Don Adams was a lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings.

[Don Adams missing]
Click for full size Harrison Daily Times article of Don Adams missing.

[Don Adams found dead]
Click for full size Springfield News Ledger article of Don Adams found dead.

The successor attorney for Don left for parts unknown about a year after Don was killed.

John Ashe​

Former United Nations General Assembly President​

Died: June 22, 2016
Initially reported as having died from a heart attack, John's throat had obviously been crushed. At that point the official story changed to him accidentally dropping a barbell on his own throat (the plot line from the episode "An Exercise in Fatality" from the TV series "Columbo.") crushing his larynx.

Ashe was about to begin trial for a bribery charge involving Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng, who had been implicated but not charged in the 1996 "China-gate" scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton's re-election fund through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie. Ashe was supposed to testify about Hillary's links to Ng Lap Seng later the same day he died.

Gandy Baugh​

Attorney representing Mr. Lassater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct.​

Died: January 8, 1994
Died in an alleged suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. - Mr. Lassater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on drug related charges, among other things. Baugh's law partner was "suicided" one month later on February 9, 1994.
[Ron Brown]

Ron Brown

Former Chairman, DNC; Commerce Secretary​

Died: May 3, 1996
Ron Brown died along with 39 other people when the T-43 (a converted 737 used by the Air Force) carrying the group on a trip to Bosnia crashed while approaching the Dubrovnik airport. On the verge of being indicted and having stated publicly his willingness to make a deal with prosecutors, Ron Brown's death brought to an end his ability to testify. The very next day, Ron Brown's personal lawyer was murdered in a drive-by shooting. A few days later, the Air Traffic Controller who had been in charge during the aircraft crash was found dead and declared a suicide.

On leaving Ron Brown's funeral, President Bill Clinton was seen laughing and joking ... until he saw the camera, then he went into his sad act!


Eric Butera​


Died: December 4, 1997
An informant who came forward offering information regarding the murder of White House intern Mary Mahoney, the evidence of which strongly points to the Clintons. He was then sent into a known crack house to make an undercover buy for the police and was beaten to death. His mother was awarded $100 million in compensation, but a Federal Judge later slashed it to just $1 million.
[Mary Mahoney]

Mary 'Caity' Mahoney​

White House Intern​

Died: July 6, 1997
An attractive 25-year-old woman, Mary was a former White House Intern for Bill Clinton working as the Assistant Manager at a Starbuck's Coffee shop in Georgetown.


In the pre-trial publicity surrounding Paula Jones lawsuit Mike Isikoff had dropped hints that a "former White House staffer" with the initial "M" was about to go public with her story of sexual harassment at 1600 Pennsylvania.
One of the customers of the Starbucks was Monica Lewinsky. When she heard that Mary was going to go public with the information about Bill Clinton's sexual misdeeds in the White House, she went there and told Bill Clinton about it. Just days later, gunmen entered the Starbuck's while the crew was cleaning up after closing.

Mary's two associates, Aaron Goodrich, 18 and Emory Evans, 25, were taken to a room and shot. Mary herself had five bullets in her, from at least two different guns, most likely with silencers. A total of ten shots were fired; none of them heard by neighbors in the densely populated Georgetown section.

Mary was shot in the chest, her face, and in the back of the head. Someone wanted her very dead. Or to send a message.

Even though more than $4000 remained in the store, the police have categorized the triple murder as a robbery, even as they acknowledge the "execution style" killings.

There was no sign of forced entry, which means that either Mary of one of the employees let the killers in (at least one hour after closing). That means that the killers included at least one person known to the victims.

One report is that the Starbuck's was still locked when the bodies were found the next morning. Robbers don't bother locking doors. :doubt:

George Stephenopolis, Monica Lewinsky, and Chelsea Clinton were all regulars at the Starbuck's.

Carl Cooper, the man charged with the Starbuck's murders on the basis of a confession has now recanted that confession, claiming that it was obtained under coercion (not unlike that of James Earl Ray).

An affidavit filed by NOAA's Sonya Stewart, confirms that the Department of Commerce was selling trade mission seats in exchange for campaign donations, and illegally blocking FOIA requests. Named in the affidavit as the White House staffer directly connected to this obstruction was Doris Matsui. Doris's assigned intern during this period was Mary Mahoney.
Perhaps the optimistic outcome of this recent poll would actually entice Donald Trump to join the presidential race in 2024.
The Loser could certainly use the acquired immunity if he were to be a recidivist, but the ineluctably unfolding reality dictates against it. He is likely to be otherwise occupied in copious, desperate squirming to stay out of prison. If he is lucky, his four years of public housing will be all he gets.

The Cry Baby Loser's monumental dunghill of steaming Trumpery is now collapsing on multiple fronts as documents he has been desperate to hide are exposed and sworn testimonies accrue in numerous legal venues.

He has been on a relentless downward trajectory:

The Loser's evidence-free lie that he won in 2020 "in a landslide!" has become a mirth-inducing fantasy. His goons who attacked Congress are being convicted and confessing. His machinations to otherwise crap on the democratic will of Americans is being uncovered. Decades of fraudulent business dealings are finally being finely ground in the mills of justice.

His being forced to confront irrefutable evidence in court could well result in perjury being added to the chronic liar's criminal indictments.

Some are convinced that the Loser in denial has not been playing with a full deck for quite some time, but his grievance-filled loser jamborees will be now become spectacles of his playing his victim cards from the bottom of that deck in superabundance.

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boys and girls!
The reason why you and other libs question illegal alien voting is because you know it is critical for Democrats to win elections. You know Americans hate your crazy policies, and won't vote for them. So you defend illegal alien voting, by pretending it's not happening, so as to try to stop action from being taken against it.
Nothing could be further from the truth. if the evidence is not there, Democrats aren't going to manufacture it like you are doing. What you have been doing this entire thread, is to try and make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

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