If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

If you can explain to us all intelligently how a fully automatic assault rifle is any different than a grenade or Bazooka, in the damage it can do, I'm all ears; Since an automatic weapon like the AR-15 can fire 400 rounds per minute, this happens pretty quickly. That's definition enough for me.
Misinformed, ignorant, brainwashed idiot victims of leftist propaganda go around saying stupid things like >> "Since an automatic weapon like the AR-15 can fire 400 rounds per minute,"

Informed, knowledgable, intelligent people know that the AR-15 is a SEMI-automatic rifle, that only fires one round with each pull of the trigger.

They also know that there are times when a fully automatic gun (assault rifle) would be necessary for self-defense.
The coronavirus pandemic warped global supply and demand patterns, causing a mismatch that has driven prices higher. Bringing an end to the pandemic will help return those patterns to normal. The steps Biden is taking now could have a limited effect but won’t be felt for some time. Biden doesn't have shit to do with it. And Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep the pandemic alive and well. Those are the folks we need to get rid of. They aren't interested in solving the real problems. They want to exacerbate them.

1. Biden's stoppage of the Keystone XL pipeline and drilling on federal land, caused a reduction in refining, and thus a reduction in supply, driving gas prices to DOUBLE what they were when Trump left > $1.89/gallon at my corner gas station.

2. Biden's opening of the Mexican border allowing millions of unvetted illegal aliens to stream in, and then flying them to Texas, Florida, et al states, has caused a housing shortage, and rents to skyrocket. Rents have jumped 200-300% in many cases.

3. Democrats are who have kept the pandemic lockdowns going, wrecking the economy. Pelosi refused to allow stimulus checks to be sent in 2020, in order to keep the economy bad to hurt Trump's chances for re-election.

Strike 1.........Strike 2.........Strike 3.,,,,,,,,, You're OUT.
He was elected to to fix the broken economy left to us by Obama, get rid of ISIS, and protect our 2nd amendment rights. He did all that very well. Wasn't elected be an altar boy.

By "broken economy," you mean adding over 16 million jobs during 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector, 2% real GDP and a record high stock market.

As always, gramps, you prove yourself to be fucked in the head.

Same definition that has existed since the rise of nation-states, centuries ago, based on LANGUAGE differences. Back to the 8th grade for you.

Here's THE definition of Nationalism. READ it. LEARN it. Then you can stop making a FOOL out of yourself >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

.....and totally different than the multicultural mish-mash mess being dumped on us by Democrats, and Biden's open border (or NO border) policy.


Retard, that's the definition of "nation," not, "nationalism."

Thanks to Democrats shutting down the economy.
You mean thanks to Trump recommending the states do that...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
And..as predicted, the deficit/righteous/God fearing conservatives are flocking back to the mountain once
again proclaiming anyone with a "D" after their name...to be the Devil! :)
Trump is our savior!! Yeah..about that. Assuming he doesn't get snared in the mountain of legal proceedings
coming his way, he's going to have to get around people like DeSantis, whom I predict is going to be the one
who ultimately shows Trump the sidelines.

You guys are getting way too predictable.
Still waiting for the legal proceedings they threatened him with in 2016...and 2017...and 2018...and 2019....and 2020....and 2021.
:puhleeze: As YOU KNOW perfectly well (as does everyone else) the drop of 31.2% drop was not something that "he had", - it was related to the lockdowns perpetrated by Democrats.
You're getting boring. Ho hum.

You know what rhymes with Faun ? >> Yawn**** :biggrin:


Retard, ALL of the states shut down, including those run by Republicans. They started doing that the very next day after Trump said...

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
He hasn't DONE much to restrict guns, but I only posted about his POLICIES, not his ACTIONS.

Getting back to his policies they are rather fascist as I noted.

1) Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

2) Banning ‘High-Capacity Magazines’

3) Background Checks on ALL Gun Sales

4) Eliminating Immunity for Gun Manufacturers

Note: “Hell yes, we’re going to take away your AR-15, your AK-47”, Beto O'Rourke said. (The AR-15 and the AK-47 can only be legally sold as semiautomatic weapons in the U.S.- one shot fired with each pull of the trigger.)
Biden said to O'Rourke > "“he’s coming” for Beto O’Rourke, if he’s elected President. This is in reference to Biden’s interest in having O’Rourke be part of his potential future team.
And after accepting O’Rourke’s endorsement , Biden told Beto that if elected President, Beto would be the one to “take care of the gun problem, you’re going to be the one who leads this effort” (see the moment here).

Policies are actions, gramps. Otherwise, they're just words.
Still waiting for the legal proceedings they threatened him with in 2016...and 2017...and 2018...and 2019....and 2020....and 2021.
Sorry Mr Peabody, had to get the wayback machine out for this one.
He's already embroiled in legal proceedings, and the January 6th commission still hasn't finalized its report to give to the DOJ.
He got a PR gift in the two attorneys for USNYC walking away. So..there's that small victory. :)

1. Biden's stoppage of the Keystone XL pipeline and drilling on federal land, caused a reduction in refining, and thus a reduction in supply, driving gas prices to DOUBLE what they were when Trump left > $1.89/gallon at my corner gas station.

You're either lying or You're demented or both, gramps. It's both, from what I see.

In reality, Biden cancelled a pipeline which had never transported a drop of crude. So that did not reduce supply.

And Biden never stopped drilling on federal lands. He prevented new drilling from happening in the future. Current drilling is still ongoing. So that too did not reduce supply.

And production in the U.S. is up as is importing oil, so supply is up on his watch. As always, you have no fucking idea what you're rambling about.

Sorry Mr Peabody, had to get the wayback machine out for this one.
He's already embroiled in legal proceedings, and the January 6th commission still hasn't finalized its report to give to the DOJ.
He got a PR gift in the two attorneys for USNYC walking away. So..there's that small victory. :)
Yup, surrrre it is. Same old story.

By "broken economy," you mean adding over 16 million jobs during 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector, 2% real GDP and a record high stock market.

As always, gramps, you prove yourself to be fucked in the head.
I've already EDUCATED you enough in this thread, puppy. I've turned all my attentions now to my Ukraine threads.
I've already EDUCATED you enough in this thread, puppy. I've turned all my attentions now to my Ukraine threads.


Here's education, gramps...

16 million jobs during 83 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector, 2% real GDP and a record high stock market.


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