If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
That was TWO years ago

Did anyone accumulate any KNOWLEDGE in those 2 years?

or was everyone just sitting around twiddling his thumbs... like bidim in his basement 2019, too scared to leave and actually campaign (which btw is just another way we have of knowing he did NOT win).

That was TWO years ago

Did anyone accumulate any KNOWLEDGE in those 2 years?

or was everyone just sitting around twiddling his thumbs... like bidim in his basement 2019, too scared to leave and actually campaign (which btw is just another way we have of knowing he did NOT win).

Trump sure as hell didn't. He called it a hoax, then told the truth to Bob Woodward. LOL! Some fucking teacher he was.
Perhaps the optimistic outcome of this recent poll would actually entice Donald Trump to join the presidential race in 2024.

The former president has repeatedly said that he is looking at the prospect “very seriously” but “it’s a bit too soon” to launch his bid.

According to a May 2021 poll, Donald Trump will be the clear winner if he ran in the 2024 presidential election against Vice President Kamala Harris.
A poll this far ahead of the 2024 election should include a weather forecast for election day.

It's impossible to assess how many Republican politicians publicly make excuses for and pay lip service to Trump to avoid yet another of Vendetta Boy's pissy tantrumps being directed at them, but his having lost the popular vote twice, lost his Party the senate and the house, as well as the presidency in one term, and whose Weird Worshipers were incited to attack Congress by his baseless lie about a "Landslide!" are, for the most part, loathe to run with the hefty pantload.

“You know, he’s probably going to be the next president,” Sununu (R) said of Trump, musing about his “experience,” “passion,” “sense of integrity” and the “rationale” he brought to his tweets.
As the room quieted to see where he was going with this, he paused, then yelled:

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The ballroom roared with laughter. “ARE YOU KIDDING?! Come on. You guys are buying that? I love it … He just stresses me out so much! ... I’m going to deny I ever said it.”
It didn’t stop there:The press often will ask me if I think Donald Trump is crazy. And I’ll say it this way: I don't think he’s so crazy that you could put him in a mental institution. But I think if he were in one, he ain’t getting out!”
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but his having lost the popular vote twice,
First, America has never, not once, elected a president by the "popular vote". America is not a democracy, as I assume you know. Second, there are tens of millions of Americans who doubt the 2020 election was legitimate due to some VERY sketchy irregularities that the Left immediately began to deny and which they allowed NO INVESTIGATION OF. Not even the courts behaved fairly. First they were dismissing claims because they were made too early, then because they were made too late. At this juncture, none of them really matters any longer.

What DOES matter, Schleprock, is the FACT that just because you and your media parrot each other, that does NOT create a reality that you can IMPOSE on nearly half the electorate. You folks REALLY, REALLY need to internalize this before this November. America is teetering on a knife's edge.
All that was needed to sway opinion toward accepting Biden was to give even an appearance of concern for fairness by our courts and media. We who saw the irregularities, and they were MANIFOLD, also saw the Left and their media whores doing nothing but fighting an investigation every step of the way. They continue to sue to stop every attempt to canvass to prove there were illegal votes. Evidence continues to surface anyway. Denying its legitimacy does not invalidate it.

Going forward, America can return to trust in the ballot or America can collapse into chaos. It's our choice and if we make the wrong one, this nation will fall. Only a fool will believe they can compel obedience from tens of millions of Americans. This nation was and always will be a union of CHOICE.
First, America has never, not once, elected a president by the "popular vote".
Elections are not determined by popular vote. That does not mean that there is not a popular vote. Trump, lost the popular vote twice - by 2.8 million, and then by 7.1 million. He lied the first time, claiming that 3-5 million bogus invisible people had all voted against him, and he lied the second time, claiming that he had won in an inexplicable "Landslide!"
Second, there are tens of millions of Americans who doubt the 2020 election was legitimate
Elections are not determined by doubts, lies, or wishful thinking. They are determined by counting votes, recounting and auditing them if deemed appropriate, and each of the fifty states certifying their results, with legal appeals available to any disgruntled loser. Those certified results are then formally recognized by the Congress of the inited States with the Vice President presiding, followed by a peaceful transfer of power.
What DOES matter, Schleprock, is the FACT that just because you and your media parrot each other, that does NOT create a reality that you can IMPOSE on nearly half the electorate.
What truly matters, Estrogen, is that our democratic process, with all its provisions to insure accuracy and respect the will of the People achieved in 2020 what Trump's own Republican elections cybersecurity expert acknowledged was the most safe and secure election in U.S. history.

Cry Baby Losers can whine that they won in a "Landslide!" but, if they cannot contrive any credible evidence to support their lie that can satisfy reasonable evidentiary demands, their bleating has no value.

What are the prospects of an elderly loser, twice impeached, who was thrown out of office by the will of the People, whose final act was to incite his goons, via his lie, to violently assault Congress and the outnumbered police defending democracy against them, amidst multiple investigations of criminal and civil offenses, being the ideal nominee of any political party?
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The hiding in the basement strategy again?
When you’re running against Trump, that’s a viable strategy. Donnie will make a fool of himself and basically give the election away. Go Joe, you’re a genius, particularly when considering the alternative.
When you’re running against Trump, that’s a viable strategy. Donnie will make a fool of himself and basically give the election away. Go Joe, you’re a genius, particularly when considering the alternative.
Credit should go to his Team. All the credit, clearly. The hide-uncle-joe-in-the-basement-and-let-the-media-do-the-heavy-lifting strategy did work for them. Not to mention being in control of counting the votes of course. That win goes to his people, not him.

The big guy won't mind. Not as long as he gets his ten percent.
Credit should go to his Team. All the credit, clearly. The hide-uncle-joe-in-the-basement-and-let-the-media-do-the-heavy-lifting strategy did work for them. Not to mention being in control of counting the votes of course. That win goes to his people, not him.

The big guy won't mind. Not as long as he gets his ten percent.
So what? He’s president and Trump isn’t. :mm:
And the choices are, Ukraine, or Trump/Putin.
The record shows that Putin conspired to help Trump in 2016, and Zelenskyy refused to contrive fake charges against Trump's opponent in 2020.

Much has and will continue to change, of course, but there is no reason to think their positions would differ in 2024 - especially if Trump were to keep dumping on NATO and praising Putin.
The poll seems to have anointed Harris as the winner of the Democrat primary. They also poll her include Michelle Obama and I wasn't even aware that she is interested in running. Then Cortez is mentioned. Looks like repubs are hoping for a woman to run as it worked out for them previously. They figure it will be Trumps best shot to win.

They don't even mention Bernie. Who in previous polls crushed Trump.

Hmm, interesting.

I don't believe M. Obama is now nor ever has been interested in running. It's nothing more than a media fantasy.
I hope he runs
Republicans deserve him

If Trump runs, count on Biden running again

He knows how to beat him

You're living in your own demented world
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You're living in your own demented world
Biden isn’t on the ballot this fall and with all the clips of 1/6 and the recent Putin-love being shown 24/7, the Republicans will have an uphill battle to remain relevant.
Biden isn’t on the ballot this fall and with all the clips of 1/6 and the recent Putin-love being shown 24/7, the Republicans will have an uphill battle to remain relevant.
He may not be on the ballot but his corrupt party will. 1/6 shouldn’t have happened but when the Republicans show clips of DEMOCRATIC Cities being burned down, the killings, the arson, the DEFUND the POLICE, Calling those who didn’t want to mask up as KILLERS while they had their hair done in a beauty salon that was closed to the public! ( She lost her business” , having fancy lunches, dinners with LARGE CROWDS UNMASKED, etc. etc. Forgot; the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION with the FENTANYL is getting worse, NO CASH BAIL, I would like 👍 to continue but I’m getting writer’s cramp.
He may not be on the ballot but his corrupt party will. 1/6 shouldn’t have happened but when the Republicans show clips of DEMOCRATIC Cities being burned down, the killings, the arson, the DEFUND the POLICE, Calling those who didn’t want to mask up as KILLERS while they had their hair done in a beauty salon that was closed to the public! ( She lost her business” , having fancy lunches, dinners with LARGE CROWDS UNMASKED, etc. etc. Forgot; the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION with the FENTANYL is getting worse, NO CASH BAIL, I would like 👍 to continue but I’m getting writer’s cramp.
Oh, I forgot about the Republicans being the party of sex, drugs and hypocrisy.

You're living in your own demented world

Lets say Trump were to win the election in 2024

Kamala Harris just needs to declare the election stolen and overturn the states

Even Trump says she has the power

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