If Trump won't prep for debates how will he prepare to be President?

please let the trumpbot email derangement continue... :eusa_clap:

FBI: "No evidence Clinton's email was hacked by foreign powers"

“We have no basis to conclude that she lied to the F.B.I.”

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had the right to delete personal emails from her private server, the Justice Department told a federal court.

Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete personal emails from server: DOJ
They all like to play pretend until you ask them "If he won would you want him to do the same things in debate number 2 and 3?"

Then you'll realize they will SAY anything but believing it...is a whole other story

Yrah criching her on eceonmic policy and asking her what she has done for 40 years.

I couldn't care less about taxes, unless he broke the law and birtherism is a joke and should never be discussed in place of serious issues like using illegal servers, immigration policy, ben ghazi, education povy, you know issues that matter

So if he broke the law then you would be concerned? I just want to make sure that is your bar

Sure and it should be yours.

So when he paid the fine for bribing the AG in Florida thats ok because....let me guess. It wasnt really against the law. Right?
watch doofus trump bring up the emails again at the next debate.

the only thing trump is well prepared for is the dumbo stoopidity to eat that bullshit right up! :eusa_clap:


pity these dumbos were actually counting on it! :lol:

watch doofus trump bring up the emails again at the next debate.

the only thing trump is well prepared for is the dumbo stoopidity to eat that bullshit right up! :eusa_clap:

Watch Hillary try to ride BJ Bill's shirt tail again when she start spewing her crap.
You say. Corrupt people do not distinguish between parties. They use whichever party has sellouts regardless whether. It could be a D or an R either one, corrupt is still corrupt.

Sure, who needs a trial, a jury and a judge sentencing....Fuck it........String her up......LOL
No put her on trial. As that is where she belongs not running for the highest office in the land.

look Gomer, this is the US, we have this little thing called "due process" look it up.
And we also have a right to tell you or anyone else we are unwilling to support in any manner whatsoever those choices you make. We also have a right to throw that in your face every time you bring it up.

but you don't have the right to put someone on trial without due process, and I have the right to remind you of that, and how damn dumb it sounds to spout off your unintelligent rhetoric.
People keep saying Trump will listen to other when he's president...uhhh, he won't listen to the people around him right now! So other than crossing your fingers and Denying reality I'm not sure how one can think that. The only indication that we have that he will listen is...him saying so lol

But back to the topic. Does Trump just think he's going to freestyle his way thru office? He knows nothing and interested in learning...nothing. a literal know nothing.

Oh right...change change hope and cha...I meant change change
Since we are voting for one of the two candidates, would you rather hear what the candidate has to say, or would you rather hear what their handlers tell them they have to say.

False dilemma.
People keep saying Trump will listen to other when he's president...uhhh, he won't listen to the people around him right now! So other than crossing your fingers and Denying reality I'm not sure how one can think that. The only indication that we have that he will listen is...him saying so lol

But back to the topic. Does Trump just think he's going to freestyle his way thru office? He knows nothing and interested in learning...nothing. a literal know nothing.

Oh right...change change hope and cha...I meant change change
Since we are voting for one of the two candidates, would you rather hear what the candidate has to say, or would you rather hear what their handlers tell them they have to say.

False dilemma.
is it?
why the earpiece on Hillary when she speaks.
People keep saying Trump will listen to other when he's president...uhhh, he won't listen to the people around him right now! So other than crossing your fingers and Denying reality I'm not sure how one can think that. The only indication that we have that he will listen is...him saying so lol

But back to the topic. Does Trump just think he's going to freestyle his way thru office? He knows nothing and interested in learning...nothing. a literal know nothing.

Oh right...change change hope and cha...I meant change change
Since we are voting for one of the two candidates, would you rather hear what the candidate has to say, or would you rather hear what their handlers tell them they have to say.

False dilemma.
is it?
why the earpiece on Hillary when she speaks.

proof -- link to photo
People keep saying Trump will listen to other when he's president...uhhh, he won't listen to the people around him right now! So other than crossing your fingers and Denying reality I'm not sure how one can think that. The only indication that we have that he will listen is...him saying so lol

But back to the topic. Does Trump just think he's going to freestyle his way thru office? He knows nothing and interested in learning...nothing. a literal know nothing.

Oh right...change change hope and cha...I meant change change
Since we are voting for one of the two candidates, would you rather hear what the candidate has to say, or would you rather hear what their handlers tell them they have to say.
I'd rather both candidates respected the american people and the office of president enough to be prepared.
There is no way that either one of them can be prepared for everything that is going to come their way. Not Hillary, and not Donald. To expect that from either one is doing them a great disservice.
maybe you're right, but clinton at least has the decency to try
Hillary prepped for her roles in government, then failed, repeatedly. Why don't you ask her where those jobs are for Upstate NY that she promised. Ask her why Americans were killed in Benghazi. Ask her why the middle east is a big clusterfuck. You people worry about Trump possibly failing, when Hillary has already confirmed she will fail.
Hillary prepped for her roles in government, then failed, repeatedly. Why don't you ask her where those jobs are for Upstate NY that she promised. Ask her why Americans were killed in Benghazi. Ask her why the middle east is a big clusterfuck. You people worry about Trump possibly failing, when Hillary has already confirmed she will fail.
you are wasting your time.
these people have their heads so far up Hillarys ass they can tell you 20 minutes beforehand when shes going to fart.
Its like a Hillary fart early warning system.
Hillary prepped for her roles in government, then failed, repeatedly. Why don't you ask her where those jobs are for Upstate NY that she promised. Ask her why Americans were killed in Benghazi. Ask her why the middle east is a big clusterfuck. You people worry about Trump possibly failing, when Hillary has already confirmed she will fail.
you are wasting your time.
these people have their heads so far up Hillarys ass they can tell you 20 minutes beforehand when shes going to fart.
Its like a Hillary fart early warning system.

These few liberal hacks on the forum do not represent the American people, I think half of them are not even American citizens.
You say. Corrupt people do not distinguish between parties. They use whichever party has sellouts regardless whether. It could be a D or an R either one, corrupt is still corrupt.

Sure, who needs a trial, a jury and a judge sentencing....Fuck it........String her up......LOL
No put her on trial. As that is where she belongs not running for the highest office in the land.

look Gomer, this is the US, we have this little thing called "due process" look it up.
And we also have a right to tell you or anyone else we are unwilling to support in any manner whatsoever those choices you make. We also have a right to throw that in your face every time you bring it up.

but you don't have the right to put someone on trial without due process, and I have the right to remind you of that, and how damn dumb it sounds to spout off your unintelligent rhetoric.
True you can remind me all you like but really nothing beats having personal experience in seeing how corrupt the current system is, it does not take the brightest bulb in the box, nor does it take a good line of shit to see through the shit that has been pumped out by the steamboat loads since your groupies got a little power. It won't last forever as pride falls pretty hard and too many have been put down into that corrupt shit pit built by those who demand that they remain in control and overtop the will of people.
Hillary prepped for her roles in government, then failed, repeatedly. Why don't you ask her where those jobs are for Upstate NY that she promised. Ask her why Americans were killed in Benghazi. Ask her why the middle east is a big clusterfuck. You people worry about Trump possibly failing, when Hillary has already confirmed she will fail.
you are wasting your time.
these people have their heads so far up Hillarys ass they can tell you 20 minutes beforehand when shes going to fart.
Its like a Hillary fart early warning system.

These few liberal hacks on the forum do not represent the American people, I think half of them are not even American citizens.
Fuck the ones that aren't, they should not even be sharing the same air that humans breath.

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