If Trump's words cause riots; Then libs can't be in office- mere words make them violent.

Hey, I tried to tell you stupid Trump supporters what defending the calls for violence at your rallies would get you. You defended it because you were the ones throwing the punches.

Now you're against it and you want to put the toothpaste back in...anger doesnt work that way
Do you always blame the victims or just when the people are victims of liberal crimes?

Wait, why am I even asking? Hillary demonized / intimidated / silenced the victims of her husband's sexual assault, sexual harassment, & rape for decades and you libs have defended her the whole time - still do.
How embarrassing for liberals that they can't contain themselves and act like civil adults.
These aren't liberals. We use words.

And most of them are fairly conservative, and Catholic,
"The share of U.S. Catholics who are Hispanic has grown by 5 percentage points since 2007 (from 29% to 34%), while the percentage of all U.S. adults who are Hispanic has grown by 3 points (from 12% to 15%). And the share of Catholics who are Hispanic is likely to continue to grow; among Catholic millennials, as many are Hispanic (46%) as are white (43%)."
A closer look at Catholic America
OK and you can prove that said protestors were made up of this constituency?
No need to, just look at the videos.
Forget 'words', the violent little libs are rioting, physically assaulting Trump supporters AND COPS, damaging / destroying public and private property, attempting to intimidate / silence freedom of speech, and are engaging in act of terrorism!
Run for your life, that way you'll be safe.

Would have been good advice for these trump supporters who were attacked

View attachment 76972

Hooray for Liberals' (in)famous 'peaceful tolerance'.

Never fuck with a mob.

And liberals, these were not, are tolerant only to a point. Hitler Youths don't get a pass, in many cases.

It's sad watching liberals trying to deny ownership of their violent mobs.

Sorry libs. These violent thugs are openly declaring their support for Democrat candidates. They're yours. Own it.

They hate Trump and Trump supporters. That's as far as it goes.
Cleveland has reportedly already spent $30M just to prepare for the violent liberals who are expected to show up to protest the GOP convention. I had NO idea water cannons were so expensive.

On the real though, how can anyone defend the actions of some of these people?
There will not be violent liberals there.

Lots of pissed off kids I expect but that's it.

I see you ignored by nationwide response that made you look really stupid. Convenient.
Just saw it. See this, that means it happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

"Protesters from New York City to Oakland marched and chanted their discontent with the decision by a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white police officer in the August fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen."

No it didnt. It happened in a few big cities. And lasted for weeks.

Where have violent anti Trump protests happened? New York? Chicago? Philly? Charleston? San Jose? Albequerque? Tampa?

How about this....where has he gone that they DIDN'T happen? Thats a shorter list.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
I'm hearing this a lot today from the left. Even the San Jose mayor. That the left wing riots are Trump's fault. That he is responsible.

I hear the same people saying Trump isn't fit for office because of his rhetoric and temper. That a good liberal needs to be in control.

Hmmmm. So.....mere words...just words....have sparked nation wide outbursts of left wing violence and attacks on innocent people. Yet....they say WE are the ones whose tempers aren't fit for office.

The disgusting dishonest media will never call them on this shit. But if all it takes to turn liberals to violence is WORDS....then they don't have the temper fit for office. The Tea Party was just as angry....and NEVER violent.
You should talk some more about taking a gun to protesters.
Hey, I tried to tell you stupid Trump supporters what defending the calls for violence at your rallies would get you. You defended it because you were the ones throwing the punches.

Now you're against it and you want to put the toothpaste back in...anger doesnt work that way
Do you always blame the victims or just when the people are victims of liberal crimes?

You got what you wanted and now proclaim to be the victim. Sorry, but I told you this would happen but you didnt hear me over your own cheering for Trump to advocate violence.

Now you got violence. And now you're crying phony tears.
Forget 'words', the violent little libs are rioting, physically assaulting Trump supporters AND COPS, damaging / destroying public and private property, attempting to intimidate / silence freedom of speech, and are engaging in act of terrorism!
Run for your life, that way you'll be safe.

Would have been good advice for these trump supporters who were attacked

View attachment 76972

Hooray for Liberals' (in)famous 'peaceful tolerance'.

Never fuck with a mob.

And liberals, these were not, are tolerant only to a point. Hitler Youths don't get a pass, in many cases.

It's sad watching liberals trying to deny ownership of their violent mobs.

Sorry libs. These violent thugs are openly declaring their support for Democrat candidates. They're yours. Own it.

They hate Trump and Trump supporters. That's as far as it goes.

Kinda like Nazis hating Jews. Right?

Trump is just the candidate. If it was Cruz or Rubio it would be no different.
How embarrassing for liberals that they can't contain themselves and act like civil adults.

Watch this:

Allah Akbar

Watch this: It's Allahu akbar=God is Great. Your point?:dunno:

If someone says that while doing a crime it means nothing right? Or do the words mean something?
It's the actions that mean something. If a person screams Allahu akbar while stealing a balloon from a clown It means he's nuts. If a person screams Allahu Akbar while shooting up a school or mall it means he's really nuts and I'd better duck and cover. The words are only an accompaniment to the actions but not a danger in and of themselves.
I'm hearing this a lot today from the left. Even the San Jose mayor. That the left wing riots are Trump's fault. That he is responsible.

I hear the same people saying Trump isn't fit for office because of his rhetoric and temper. That a good liberal needs to be in control.

Hmmmm. So.....mere words...just words....have sparked nation wide outbursts of left wing violence and attacks on innocent people. Yet....they say WE are the ones whose tempers aren't fit for office.

The disgusting dishonest media will never call them on this shit. But if all it takes to turn liberals to violence is WORDS....then they don't have the temper fit for office. The Tea Party was just as angry....and NEVER violent.
You should talk some more about taking a gun to protesters.

Ok let's talk about it.

Yes...if a group of people begin to violently attack someone....they all should be shot. 1 man can't win a fight vs a mob if they intend to kill him and these leftist attacks are escalating.
There will not be violent liberals there.

Lots of pissed off kids I expect but that's it.

I see you ignored by nationwide response that made you look really stupid. Convenient.
Just saw it. See this, that means it happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

"Protesters from New York City to Oakland marched and chanted their discontent with the decision by a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white police officer in the August fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen."

No it didnt. It happened in a few big cities. And lasted for weeks.

Where have violent anti Trump protests happened? New York? Chicago? Philly? Charleston? San Jose? Albequerque? Tampa?

How about this....where has he gone that they DIDN'T happen? Thats a shorter list.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
  1. The murders attracted nationwide attention.
Like that of Trayvon Martin. It happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

Like so:

"(CNN)The Syrian government reported a nationwide power outage Thursday -- the latest electricity problem in a country that has seen frequent outages during a five-year war involving the regime, rebels and terror groups.

Electrical workers determined the cause and began restoring power to some places by late Thursday afternoon, the Syrian Ministry of Electricity said without detailing what had gone wrong."

You lose.
I see you ignored by nationwide response that made you look really stupid. Convenient.
Just saw it. See this, that means it happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

"Protesters from New York City to Oakland marched and chanted their discontent with the decision by a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white police officer in the August fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen."

No it didnt. It happened in a few big cities. And lasted for weeks.

Where have violent anti Trump protests happened? New York? Chicago? Philly? Charleston? San Jose? Albequerque? Tampa?

How about this....where has he gone that they DIDN'T happen? Thats a shorter list.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
  1. The murders attracted nationwide attention.
Like that of Trayvon Martin. It happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

Like so:

"(CNN)The Syrian government reported a nationwide power outage Thursday -- the latest electricity problem in a country that has seen frequent outages during a five-year war involving the regime, rebels and terror groups.

Electrical workers determined the cause and began restoring power to some places by late Thursday afternoon, the Syrian Ministry of Electricity said without"

You lose.

Yes. And Trump rallies have sparked nationwide violent leftist mobs. Take a look. Every city he visits across the entire country.

The definition doesn't require a time frame moron.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
If a man exercising his right to Concealed Carry was attacked by an anti-Trump supporter and defended himself by pulling out his gun and shooting the attacker, Libs would be freaking out, demanding his arrest and conviction, and Barry would be on TV lamenting how the attacker looked like his son, if he had one.

In all reality, the anti-Trump attacker would be getting exactly what he asked for....
Cleveland has reportedly already spent $30M just to prepare for the violent liberals who are expected to show up to protest the GOP convention. I had NO idea water cannons were so expensive.

On the real though, how can anyone defend the actions of some of these people?
There will not be violent liberals there.

Lots of pissed off kids I expect but that's it.

"Pissed off",

You are letting them off the hook so easily. Typical regressive...

Try this one: VIOLENT!
I'm hearing this a lot today from the left. Even the San Jose mayor. That the left wing riots are Trump's fault. That he is responsible.

I hear the same people saying Trump isn't fit for office because of his rhetoric and temper. That a good liberal needs to be in control.

Hmmmm. So.....mere words...just words....have sparked nation wide outbursts of left wing violence and attacks on innocent people. Yet....they say WE are the ones whose tempers aren't fit for office.

The disgusting dishonest media will never call them on this shit. But if all it takes to turn liberals to violence is WORDS....then they don't have the temper fit for office. The Tea Party was just as angry....and NEVER violent.


Just saw it. See this, that means it happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

"Protesters from New York City to Oakland marched and chanted their discontent with the decision by a Missouri grand jury not to indict a white police officer in the August fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen."

No it didnt. It happened in a few big cities. And lasted for weeks.

Where have violent anti Trump protests happened? New York? Chicago? Philly? Charleston? San Jose? Albequerque? Tampa?

How about this....where has he gone that they DIDN'T happen? Thats a shorter list.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
  1. The murders attracted nationwide attention.
Like that of Trayvon Martin. It happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

Like so:

"(CNN)The Syrian government reported a nationwide power outage Thursday -- the latest electricity problem in a country that has seen frequent outages during a five-year war involving the regime, rebels and terror groups.

Electrical workers determined the cause and began restoring power to some places by late Thursday afternoon, the Syrian Ministry of Electricity said without"

You lose.

Yes. And Trump rallies have sparked nationwide violent leftist mobs. Take a look. Every city he visits across the entire country.

The definition doesn't require a time frame moron.

Definition of NATIONWIDE

Yes, it does.

The murders attracted nationwide attention.

That doesn't mean that everyone decided murder was important that day, or a week later. It means they decided a murder in one place was a big deal all over the nation at the same time. The 9/11 attack was the primary topic of conversation, nationwide.

Learn how to use your words correctly.
Cleveland has reportedly already spent $30M just to prepare for the violent liberals who are expected to show up to protest the GOP convention. I had NO idea water cannons were so expensive.

On the real though, how can anyone defend the actions of some of these people?
There will not be violent liberals there.

Lots of pissed off kids I expect but that's it.

"Pissed off",

You are letting them off the hook so easily. Typical regressive...

Try this one: VIOLENT!
Time will tell.
No it didnt. It happened in a few big cities. And lasted for weeks.

Where have violent anti Trump protests happened? New York? Chicago? Philly? Charleston? San Jose? Albequerque? Tampa?

How about this....where has he gone that they DIDN'T happen? Thats a shorter list.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
  1. The murders attracted nationwide attention.
Like that of Trayvon Martin. It happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

Like so:

"(CNN)The Syrian government reported a nationwide power outage Thursday -- the latest electricity problem in a country that has seen frequent outages during a five-year war involving the regime, rebels and terror groups.

Electrical workers determined the cause and began restoring power to some places by late Thursday afternoon, the Syrian Ministry of Electricity said without"

You lose.

Yes. And Trump rallies have sparked nationwide violent leftist mobs. Take a look. Every city he visits across the entire country.

The definition doesn't require a time frame moron.

Definition of NATIONWIDE

Yes, it does.

The murders attracted nationwide attention.

That doesn't mean that everyone decided murder was important that day, or a week later. It means they decided a murder in one place was a big deal all over the nation at the same time. The 9/11 attack was the primary topic of conversation, nationwide.

Learn how to use your words correctly.

Seeing as Trump is 1 man and can only have 1 rally at a time....violent leftist mobs can only attack in 1 city at time. Thus...."nationwide" violence by these mobs will have to occur over a time frame of several weeks as he goes city to city.
Get your helmet and drip cup. You're slobbering on the carpet again.
When a Trump speech causes violence all over the nation at the same time, then it is nationwide.

Sorry....you don't get to make up definitons. The official one doesn't include a time frame.

Definition of NATIONWIDE
  1. The murders attracted nationwide attention.
Like that of Trayvon Martin. It happened all over the nation, at the very same time.

Like so:

"(CNN)The Syrian government reported a nationwide power outage Thursday -- the latest electricity problem in a country that has seen frequent outages during a five-year war involving the regime, rebels and terror groups.

Electrical workers determined the cause and began restoring power to some places by late Thursday afternoon, the Syrian Ministry of Electricity said without"

You lose.

Yes. And Trump rallies have sparked nationwide violent leftist mobs. Take a look. Every city he visits across the entire country.

The definition doesn't require a time frame moron.

Definition of NATIONWIDE

Yes, it does.

The murders attracted nationwide attention.

That doesn't mean that everyone decided murder was important that day, or a week later. It means they decided a murder in one place was a big deal all over the nation at the same time. The 9/11 attack was the primary topic of conversation, nationwide.

Learn how to use your words correctly.

Seeing as Trump is 1 man and can only have 1 rally at a time....violent leftist mobs can only attack in 1 city at time. Thus...."nationwide" violence by these mobs will have to occur over a time frame of several weeks as he goes city to city.
Get your helmet and drip cup. You're slobbering on the carpet again.
Then that would make it not, nationwide.

A nationwide power outage doesn't happen, slowly over six months.

Remember when they said this was ok because "He was saying stuff" they didnt like.

My how things have changed once you hit back
Forget 'words', the violent little libs are rioting, physically assaulting Trump supporters AND COPS, damaging / destroying public and private property, attempting to intimidate / silence freedom of speech, and are engaging in act of terrorism!
Run for your life, that way you'll be safe.

Would have been good advice for these trump supporters who were attacked

View attachment 76972

Hooray for Liberals' (in)famous 'peaceful tolerance'.

Never fuck with a mob.

And liberals, these were not, are tolerant only to a point. Hitler Youths don't get a pass, in many cases.

It's sad watching liberals trying to deny ownership of their violent mobs.

Sorry libs. These violent thugs are openly declaring their support for Democrat candidates. They're yours. Own it.

Trump called for violence lots of times. I have videos of him doing it. He finally got his wish, so why the whining?

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