If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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Anyone suggesting that Russia is remotely interesting in occupying the Ukraine, is ignorant.
This is about stopping crimes by the current corrupt Ukraine government that the US installed back on 2014.
An honest Ukraine gov that is not stealing oil, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc. is all Russia wants.
And that is VERY reasonable.
Seek help, you have lost touch with reality.
NATO nukes, like what the Ukraine wanted to do.
But there are NO NATO nume in Poland or Latvia, and it is illegal to put any there.

The first major complication is that placing nuclear weapons in Poland would be a highly provocative act against Russia. Furthermore, it runs counter to the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, which stipulates that the Alliance has “no intention, no plan, and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new [NATO] members”.

Anyone wanting to put nukes on Russia's border is an idiot and criminal.
It would be worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
So, in your mind, what Russia is doing NOT idiotic and criminal.

Got it!
I should not have to provide evidence of the oil theft.
It is famous and ongoing.
Here is just a 2012 world court ruling against the Ukraine.

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".
So, a DECADE ago.

Got it!
Some here seem to think, or rather not think. I'm a bottom line guy and some are in a parallel universe.

Ukraine is a sovereign country.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Ukraine still had nuclear weapons. President Clinton and many others persuaded Ukraine to return those weapons to Russia and Ukraine would be protected. Come decades later and different people are in power.

If the Ukrainian people wanted to be part of Mother Russia, why are they fighting so hard and millions are fleeing their homes?

Why does distance seem to be a factor? A pilot on an air base here in the states can launch a drone in Afghanistan, carry out an attack then land again in Afghanistan to be refueled and rearmed.

Having a weak feckless President has caused this disaster. Other barbaric leaders, (China, Iran) are watching closely and are planning their next move.

Has World War III begun? Like World War II starting September 1, 1939.
It's occupation of land in another country, anyway you cut it. Mexico can't annex el paso. Iran couldn't annex kuwait. It's war. Ukraine could agree to some border change, I suppose, but I don't see that happening now. Russia will owe them billions in reparations.
No, you're wrong. We were occupiers in Afghanistan. Had we turned Afghanistan into a State, that would be annexation. Putin is an occupier of Ukraine today because Ukraine is still Ukraine. If Putin makes Ukraine a part of Russia, no longer being Ukraine, then it is annexed into Russia.
Americans are dying form bad immigration?

Typical Democrat. Literally, over a hundred thousand Americans a year are dying from bad immigration at the southern border. In addition, hundreds more dying from direct, violent, murder from illegal immigrants. Hundreds or thousands more women raped because of bad immigration.

You wouldn't know these things, especially the rape, because Democrats hate women and, other than those like Biden who are actively promoting the rape and enslavement of women, just ignore what their policies do to women.
The Russian military in that region is hardly small.
The Russian military is reportedly around 150,000 in its entirety. Compare that to several million fighting age Ukrainians, then the Russian military is actually quite small.

I would consider myself as doing my part in a war to save our nation or constitution if I killed one before I got killed. If I could kill 2, even better. If, on average, those who support our constitution could kill one before being killed then there is no military in the world, maybe even not every military in the world, that cold defeat us.

In the case of Ukraine, if even one out of 10 of their fighting countrymen could kill a Russian before being killed then the Russians stand no chance in the long term.
No one likes the gov in Kyiv.
The Donetsk and Crimea were always ethnic Russian and always wanted to be free of Kyiv.
An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence.
Southern Texas, Southern California, Southern Arizona, are all ethnically hispanic. Are you suggesting that Mexico has the right to invade and annex those areas?
If Ukraine falls, then Hunter Biden and his father along with all demrats thugs,,,, will have to find another place to laundry their money....and the CIA and Globalists will have to find another place, to install their deadly labs where they produce their pathogens.
Technically, the labs were created and, ultimately, abandoned by the Soviet Union. One question I have, though, is what is Fauci's involvement in any current testing that was going on in those labs?
If they do, they shouldn’t be releasing it. I was EOD in the early seventies, and to this day I am very careful about relating things I was taught or exposed to. I make absolutely certain that things I mention are in the public domain from other sources.
Top Secret information automatically declassifies in 25 years unless exempted by presidential order. Very much of what I did in the service were codeword projects and exempted. I still can't talk about most of what I did - not even to my wife.
No, there should have been at least a dozen choices.

World War III. Or, has it already started?
It's started. It will be more clear when Putin brings in Syrian and other foreign fighters to join him in his assault on Ukraine.

Imagine the outcome of Hitler's plans had the world joined together in defense of Poland. There's a serious difference today, though, in that Hitler didn't have nukes. That's a tough challenge and Biden has already failed in response. He should have made it clear to Putin, beyond any doubt, that any use of nuclear weapons, even battlefield nukes, would result in the total annihilation of Russia. Unfortunately for the world, Russian use of nukes will likely not result in a nuclear response by Biden.
Southern Texas, Southern California, Southern Arizona, are all ethnically hispanic. Are you suggesting that Mexico has the right to invade and annex those areas?

No, no, no. That's different, see? Because, uh....white people. The Russians are whiter people than the Ukrainians, and that's why Zelensky is the Nazi instead of Putin.
The Russian military is reportedly around 150,000 in its entirety. Compare that to several million fighting age Ukrainians, then the Russian military is actually quite small.

I would consider myself as doing my part in a war to save our nation or constitution if I killed one before I got killed. If I could kill 2, even better. If, on average, those who support our constitution could kill one before being killed then there is no military in the world, maybe even not every military in the world, that cold defeat us.

In the case of Ukraine, if even one out of 10 of their fighting countrymen could kill a Russian before being killed then the Russians stand no chance in the long term.
The Russian military on the Ukraine border is set at 150,000. However, it is far larger than that number.


Troop numbers
Russia has a vast standing army (the world's fifth biggest), with some 900,000 active personnel and a further two million reservists, compared to Ukraine's 196,000 active troops and 900,000 reservists.Feb 27, 2022

What is the military power of the Russian army and how strong ...​

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