If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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If we lived in fantasy land where only the good guys could have guns then you may have a point. For those of us that live in the real world, we realize that will never be the case. I bet Ukraine wishes they would have allowed their people to be armed years ago.
Those kinds of arms are the equivalent to pea shooters against Russian artillery, and would lead to more exposure and death for Ukrainians.
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I could care less I just want our southern border fixed, I want Americans to stop dying because of bad immigration

That among a lot of other things. I want America to start caring about america, for the past year we have been more worried about other people's problems than we have our own. Meanwhile we continue to rot from the inside out.
Anyone suggesting that Russia is remotely interesting in occupying the Ukraine, is ignorant.
This is about stopping crimes by the current corrupt Ukraine government that the US installed back on 2014.
An honest Ukraine gov that is not stealing oil, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc. is all Russia wants.
And that is VERY reasonable.

And where does Putin get the authority to stop crime in Ukraine? Your post is what shows ignorance. Putin made it very clear that he is annexing Ukraine back into Russia. It's not occupation, you're right; it's annexation - but in either case, it's stealing a sovereign nation and their land.
The Donetsk is 93% Russian and has been for over 1000 years.
They have always voted to be rejoined with Russia.
The only reason why they were not always part of Russia is some secret deal where Khrushchev gave the Donetsk and Crimea to the Ukraine in 1955. But that is against the principle of local autonomy, and they should be returned to Russia.
The murders were started by Kyiv and it is Kyiv who is guilty.
A democracy would have followed the vote so leave the Ukraine.

We had a democratic vote in the US in 1860 to leave the US. Are you suggesting it should stand? And if Texas or California vote today to leave the US, it must stand - regardless of current state and the wishes of the minorities? And if they all change their mind next year, it all gets undone?
Count more dead from guerrilla warfare from the Ukrainians.
Yep, cynical though it is, the US's interests might be served by an Ukrainian insurgency that kills Russian soldiers over a long period. I have a hard time seeing how that could happen, but I don't see any way out for Putin or his totalitarian inner circle. They are war criminals, and russia is going to have to pay a lot of oil and gas.
And where does Putin get the authority to stop crime in Ukraine? Your post is what shows ignorance. Putin made it very clear that he is annexing Ukraine back into Russia. It's not occupation, you're right; it's annexation - but in either case, it's stealing a sovereign nation and their land.
it's occupation. Annexing what is not russian is occupation.
Ukraine was in violation of The Minsk Treaty
First off, there's no such thing as the Minsk Treaty. Second, the Minsk Agreement was signed by the people who negotiated it - a former (as in Putin loyal) president of Ukraine made a deal with Russia and the Russian dissidents in Ukraine. Ukraine, itself, never agreed to the deal and it was never signed by any national leader or ratified by any government.
That among a lot of other things. I want America to start caring about america, for the past year we have been more worried about other people's problems than we have our own. Meanwhile we continue to rot from the inside out.
If you think hate & division from your fellow American because they belong to a different political party is caring about America, Maybe you should think again.
If you think hate & division from your fellow American because they belong to a different political party is caring about America, Maybe you should think again.

I have no idea what you're talking about, or where you got that idea from what I said.
So Ukraine falls.

Next day Xiden proclaims victory and raises taxes.

Not necessarily in that order. The latter he just does out of ingrained habit.

Oh, and then he blames Putin.

If he remembers.
Those kinds of arms are the equivalent to pea shooters against Russian artillery, and would lead to more exposure and death for Ukrainians.
It's a numbers game. Too many people armed with guns can overtake a much smaller military armed with bombs and tanks.
And where does Putin get the authority to stop crime in Ukraine? Your post is what shows ignorance. Putin made it very clear that he is annexing Ukraine back into Russia. It's not occupation, you're right; it's annexation - but in either case, it's stealing a sovereign nation and their land.
It's occupation of land in another country, anyway you cut it. Mexico can't annex el paso. Iran couldn't annex kuwait. It's war. Ukraine could agree to some border change, I suppose, but I don't see that happening now. Russia will owe them billions in reparations.
What will Putin do?

He'll stop there. And within a year, if Biden doesn't remain stupid, we'll be right back to trading with Russia. American companies that depend on exports to Russia will be back in business. American companies that depend on imports from Russia, will be back in business.
And for the rest of us, we'll be right back to arguing about stupid crap.

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