If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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What about the Northern border?
If russia doesn't matter to you, why the bleating about dear gas?
Why dont you care about the slaughter of kids in schools because of the gun saturation and a country full of idiots?
Youve got your priorities right.
Guns kill kids? Or do ppl affected by immigration kill kids?
Yes. In case you forgot,
A raving mad gun nut killed those kids, not a Mexican etc. Too many guns. Get over it.
Yes because Mexicans can’t assimilate, lowers our wages causes Americans to be oppressed causes violence
The Russians are a paper tiger the US destroyed Iraq in days .

Russia is no match for the USA if Patton didn't get assassinated by Lenin in WW11 much less today .
Uh, actually it took a month.

Patton was not assassinated in WWII. Lenin died in 1924.
Hitting the bottle a little heavy tonight? Having a Biden moment? I don't blame you! :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes because Mexicans can’t assimilate, lowers our wages causes Americans to be oppressed causes violence
They do the work you lazy sods won't. They do not lower wages.
Their American bosses use them because they are basically illiterate. Its called exploitation and is then used against Americans to low their wages to equal the Mexicans.
So who do you think is doing the lowering now?
The problem is revealed above. It don't believe that causes violence from them. Americans on higher wages are equally as violent.
They do the work you lazy sods won't. They do not lower wages.
Their American bosses use them because they are basically illiterate. Its called exploitation and is then used against Americans to low their wages to equal the Mexicans.
So who do you think is doing the lowering now?
The problem is revealed above. It don't believe that causes violence from them. Americans on higher wages are equally as violent.
You don’t know much lol the most violent gun used areas are areas with high Latino refugees and illegals populations.
They do the work you lazy sods won't. They do not lower wages.
Their American bosses use them because they are basically illiterate. Its called exploitation and is then used against Americans to low their wages to equal the Mexicans.
So who do you think is doing the lowering now?
The problem is revealed above. It don't believe that causes violence from them. Americans on higher wages are equally as violent.
A percentage do. But the rest play the system and live not bad. You can have several or more in living in a home with a couple working those jobs and the rest collecting benefits and other freebies including medical and education.
I don't give a shit.
The op was about thrm taking their jobs. I explained why and its fact.
Get over it.
Well ill
Put you in a room with 8 hatians that can’t speak English see if you wan to work after 8 hours 🤣🤣
What will Putin do?
The first thing he'll do is consolidate all his gains in Ukraine so he can start generating hundreds of millions per day from which he'll rape what's left of Ukraine to get his own personal share of the profits.

Then he's going to need probably 3-5 years to rebuild what's left of his shattered military starting with modernized tanks, APC's, self propelled artillery, not to mention all of the helicopters and fixed wing aircraft he's lost.

Then he'll have to replace all of the munitions he's expended through the course of the worst executed invasion since probably WWII.

While he's at all that he'll also have to severely gut and improve their Strategies and and Tactics adopting for both something that will actually work on the modern battlefield.

Once he's done on that, assuming he's successful and allowed to keep his ill gotten gains in Ukraine he's start picking off the remaining non NATO member states of the old Empire one at a time unless and until he's finally stopped.

He's not stupid, he's not crazy either, but he's had nothing but sunshine pumped up his butt for 20 years fooling him into believing the Russian Military was at least on par with that of the US and NATO.

Consequently there's probably soon going to be a huge purge of the Military Leadership for embarrassing him so badly.

Of course between now and then and probably even after all of that he's still going to be mired in an endless civil war in Ukraine that is a constant drain on both morale and military assets.

This time the Bear stuck his head down a hole and bit a Wolverine in the ass and now he can't figure out how to let it go.

I truly feel sorry for all of the Russian troops that will be slaughtered in all of this not to mention their families.

This is not what they signed up for.
Anyone suggesting that Russia is remotely interesting in occupying the Ukraine, is ignorant.
This is about stopping crimes by the current corrupt Ukraine government that the US installed back on 2014.
An honest Ukraine gov that is not stealing oil, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc. is all Russia wants.
And that is VERY reasonable.
This is about Putin wanting to put the Russian empire back together to go after the rest of Europe.
That’s fine. Give Russia back the territory they have had for 200 years, let Ukraine have Ukrainian speaking areas, call it a draw and postpone WWIII for a few years.

Stop this shit now before it cannot be stopped.
Peace is not obtained or kept by caving into the demands of bullies. Caving to Putin only encourages other attacks. Ukraine is the right place for the west to stand their ground.
The US never destroyed Iraq.
Iraq surrendered without a fight.
But the military of Iraq was a tiny bit of the 30 year off cast offs from Russia.

But Russia does not need a military to defeat a no-fly-zone.
All they need is their own version of stingers, which they have.
The US destroyed IRAQ's army.....blew it the fuck up in the middle of the dessert.
The first thing he'll do is consolidate all his gains in Ukraine so he can start generating hundreds of millions per day from which he'll rape what's left of Ukraine to get his own personal share of the profits.

Then he's going to need probably 3-5 years to rebuild what's left of his shattered military starting with modernized tanks, APC's, self propelled artillery, not to mention all of the helicopters and fixed wing aircraft he's lost.

Then he'll have to replace all of the munitions he's expended through the course of the worst executed invasion since probably WWII.

While he's at all that he'll also have to severely gut and improve their Strategies and and Tactics adopting for both something that will actually work on the modern battlefield.

Once he's done on that, assuming he's successful and allowed to keep his ill gotten gains in Ukraine he's start picking off the remaining non NATO member states of the old Empire one at a time unless and until he's finally stopped.

He's not stupid, he's not crazy either, but he's had nothing but sunshine pumped up his butt for 20 years fooling him into believing the Russian Military was at least on par with that of the US and NATO.

Consequently there's probably soon going to be a huge purge of the Military Leadership for embarrassing him so badly.

Of course between now and then and probably even after all of that he's still going to be mired in an endless civil war in Ukraine that is a constant drain on both morale and military assets.

This time the Bear stuck his head down a hole and bit a Wolverine in the ass and now he can't figure out how to let it go.

I truly feel sorry for all of the Russian troops that will be slaughtered in all of this not to mention their families.

This is not what they signed up for.
About 25% of all Russian troops are conscripts. They signed up for none of this.
Too many guns. Get over it.

If we lived in fantasy land where only the good guys could have guns then you may have a point. For those of us that live in the real world, we realize that will never be the case. I bet Ukraine wishes they would have allowed their people to be armed years ago.

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