If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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Putin has stated MANY times that his goal is NOT the repatriation of the Ukraine.
He does NOT want the Ukraine.
He simply was forced to attack because of the continual treaty violations.
After there is a less corrupt government in Kyiv, Russia will withdraw.

Poland has NEVER asked for NATO nukes and refused them.

Germany is irrelevant because they are not on Russia's border.
Putin has never shown any desire to increase the size of Russia, in any way.
They already have more land than people to use the land.
East Germany
I see you provided no evidence for the oil theft.

So who tried to assassinate the Ukranian leader? Putin, with a history of poisoning people, including using novichok and polonium. The polonium case was 2006, two years after the Yushchenko case. Yushchenko was pushing to move towards the EU and NATO. Look what happens when the Ukraine does that....

Yes, there is a dispute about 14,000 ethnic Russians being killed, because you've provided NO EVIDENCE.

The Ukraine wasn't even in NATO or the EU. So you can say "they wanted nukes", I mean, who doesn't want nukes? They stop mad fuckers like Putin invading. But the Ukraine was not going to get nukes from the US, UK or France. So that's a bullshit story made up to justify the unjustifiable.

I should not have to provide evidence of the oil theft.
It is famous and ongoing.
Here is just a 2012 world court ruling against the Ukraine.

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".
I should not have to provide evidence of the oil theft.
It is famous and ongoing.
Here is just a 2012 world court ruling against the Ukraine.

On 8 June 2010, a Stockholm court of arbitration ruled Naftohaz of Ukraine must return 12.1 billion cubic metres (430 billion cubic feet) of gas to RosUkrEnergo, a Swiss-based company in which Gazprom controls a 50% stake. Russia accused Ukrainian side of diverting gas from pipelines passing through Ukraine in 2009.[11][12] Several high-ranking Ukrainian officials stated the return "would not be quick".

So, you shouldn't have to provide evidence, and the evidence you do provide only goes to 2009?

Er... that was 13 years ago.

You need to provide evidence it is on going. That's not on going.
Putin is not going down with out a fight or a US President to tell him to fuck off or we will nuke you.
Won't be that dramatic... His own people will sort it out, they have a history of doing that...

Sanctions are crippling Russia:
  • There credit rating is at C, and D is default
  • The main Russian banks are close to bankruptcy
  • Rouble is struggling too
China is placed to make this pain and suffering for all, shorter... China is been told that they have over 20-30 times the trade with countries imposing sanctions than Russia... Pick a side... This is the big call...
China is trying to keep its options open but the US and EU are closing the door...

This is a financial war... Russia is the main loser...
If Ukraine falls, then Hunter Biden and his father along with all demrats thugs,,,, will have to find another place to laundry their money....and the CIA and Globalists will have to find another place, to install their deadly labs where they produce their pathogens.
Won't be that dramatic... His own people will sort it out, they have a history of doing that...

Sanctions are crippling Russia:
  • There credit rating is at C, and D is default
  • The main Russian banks are close to bankruptcy
  • Rouble is struggling too
China is placed to make this pain and sufferingres for all, shorter... China is been told that they have over 20-30 times the trade with countries imposing sanctions than Russia... Pick a side... This is the big call...
China is trying to keep its options open but the US and EU are closing the door...

This is a financial war... Russia is the main loser...
My brother President Biden has to take the Russian on , personal..

Putin will get the message if Biden makes a no fly zone on Ukraine and back it up, Putin thinks Biden is weak.
I am very far left, but I tend to agree that the Military Industrial Complex has taken over in the US, and is deliberately creating this was by bribing Ukrainians to violate 1992 treaties with Russia.
The idea the Ukraine was attempting to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, completely invalidates the government of the Ukraine, as a bunch of criminals.
I think that agreement stated that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine...

Also the agreement never said Ukraine wouldn't join NATO..

Ukraine is looking for protection, they had a Russian puppet leader until 2005, they got rid of him and Putin didn't like that..
I see you provided no evidence for the oil theft.

So who tried to assassinate the Ukranian leader? Putin, with a history of poisoning people, including using novichok and polonium. The polonium case was 2006, two years after the Yushchenko case. Yushchenko was pushing to move towards the EU and NATO. Look what happens when the Ukraine does that....

Yes, there is a dispute about 14,000 ethnic Russians being killed, because you've provided NO EVIDENCE.

The Ukraine wasn't even in NATO or the EU. So you can say "they wanted nukes", I mean, who doesn't want nukes? They stop mad fuckers like Putin invading. But the Ukraine was not going to get nukes from the US, UK or France. So that's a bullshit story made up to justify the unjustifiable.
Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin, and there was never any hint of suspicions about Russia since Yushchenko was pro-Russian.
He was president from 2004 to 2010, BEFORE the US back coup in 2014.
The anti-Russian gov in Kyiv did not take over until 2014.

And a large number of western forces disliked and threaten Yushchenko.
On 22 January 2010, as outgoing President of Ukraine, Yushchenko officially rehabilitated one of Ukraine's most controversial World War II-era figures, the ultranationalist leader Stepan Bandera, awarding him the title of Hero of Ukraine.[51] The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists even set up multi national assemblies of the occupied peoples of the Soviet union in which more than 12 Soviet Republics were represented, such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Russia and others.[52] Yushchenko's decision immediately caused an uproar and was condemned by European Parliament, Russian, Polish and Jewish organizations,[53][54][55][56] and was declared illegal by the following Ukrainian government and a court decision in April 2010. In January 2011, the award was officially annulled.[57]
The Ukraine wasn't even in NATO or the EU. So you can say "they wanted nukes", I mean, who doesn't want nukes? They stop mad fuckers like Putin invading. But the Ukraine was not going to get nukes from the US, UK or France. So that's a bullshit story made up to justify the unjustifiable.

The Ukraine was very vocal about wanting nukes, and even now wants the west to provide a no-fly-zone, which would be equivalent of a declaration of war with Russia.
Slow down, speak English, how does Biden profit?

Biden profits many ways.
One is that a distraction from domestic problems profits him with votes.
Another is that each nation joining NATO has to buy all new US weapons and dump their old Russian ones.
Another is that the economic sanctions on Russia raise oil profits for Biden's TX and Saudi supporters.
East Germany

Russia is very far from Germany, even East Germany.
Almost 1000 miles.

Anyone suggesting that Russia is remotely interesting in occupying the Ukraine, is ignorant.
This is about stopping crimes by the current corrupt Ukraine government that the US installed back on 2014.
An honest Ukraine gov that is not stealing oil, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc. is all Russia wants.
And that is VERY reasonable.
People like him and turtle soup they don’t want to turn off the idiot box in the living room and watch thst excellent documentsry video the original tree posted on the real truth going on thst you just mentioned,they want to hang onto every word the idiot box is telling them as the absolute truth and are too closed minded to consider they could be wrong so they will never watch that video he posted.
My brother President Biden has to take the Russian on , personal..

Putin will get the message if Biden makes a no fly zone on Ukraine and back it up, Putin thinks Biden is weak.

A no-fly-zone is illegal, impossible to do, would be a declaration of war, and would result in the destruction of the US air force, is not the whole US.

To do a US no-fly-zone, US planes would be stretch out way beyond any means of protection, easily shot down, and totally destroyed.
It would be a perfect trap.
No doubt you’re a Putin troll.
Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in the 1990’s after gaining independance. Ukraine has been peaceful toward other nations since, UNLIKE Putin’s Russia.
NATO is a DEFENSIVE alliance, and has no need to put nukes in Ukraine when it can do it in Poland & Latvia.
How much do they pay you for your propaganda?
The fact a shill from Langley America hater toto,who specializes in propaganda and has sock puppets,likes your post,proves Same as him,you are the one who engages in propaganda.
NATO defense,comedy gold. :rofl:
Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin, and there was never any hint of suspicions about Russia since Yushchenko was pro-Russian.
He was president from 2004 to 2010, BEFORE the US back coup in 2014.
The anti-Russian gov in Kyiv did not take over until 2014.

And a large number of western forces disliked and threaten Yushchenko.
On 22 January 2010, as outgoing President of Ukraine, Yushchenko officially rehabilitated one of Ukraine's most controversial World War II-era figures, the ultranationalist leader Stepan Bandera, awarding him the title of Hero of Ukraine.[51] The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists even set up multi national assemblies of the occupied peoples of the Soviet union in which more than 12 Soviet Republics were represented, such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Russia and others.[52] Yushchenko's decision immediately caused an uproar and was condemned by European Parliament, Russian, Polish and Jewish organizations,[53][54][55][56] and was declared illegal by the following Ukrainian government and a court decision in April 2010. In January 2011, the award was officially annulled.[57]

Oh come off it.

Yushchenko was leader of "Our Ukraine" party which was pro-EU.

"Yushchenko had slightly modernized his political platform, adding social partnership and other liberal slogans to older ideas of European integration, including Ukraine's joining NATO and fighting corruption."

Yanukovych, on the other hand, his opponent, rejected and agreement between the EU and the Ukraine, currently resides in RUSSIA, and there are claims he could be the next leader of Russian puppet Ukraine.

"Who Is Viktor Yanukovych & Why Is Russia Eager To Replace Zelenskyy With A Fugitive Prez?"

No hint it was Russia? Bullshit, massive hints it was Russia seeing how Russia POISONS PEOPLE to get rid of them.

So Yushchenko had some policies others might not like. Yushchenko's presidential career was coming to an end, and he might have been doing whatever it took to win the election, which he lost. You've got some nothing to prove something that just isn't true.

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