If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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It depends on how long the rest of the world can stomach the sanctions.

IF we stick with it until Russia gets out of Ukraine then this is where it stops. If we do not, then they will continue.

I fear we will find an excuse to waffle here and pretend to declare 'victory' when the fighting dies down if Russia manages to make Ukraine a puppet state.
It depends on how long the rest of the world can stomach the sanctions.

IF we stick with it until Russia gets out of Ukraine then this is where it stops. If we do not, then they will continue.

I fear we will find an excuse to waffle here and pretend to declare 'victory' when the fighting dies down if Russia manages to make Ukraine a puppet state.
Creating a damn situation like it’s 1935 is what putting Joe Biden in The White House did.
Putin doesn't want NATO or western weapons in a country next door to Russia. And his stated agenda is the repatriation of Ukraine into Russia. So if he gets his way, Poland is next to Russia. Poland is in NATO and has an American military presence. Putin has to attack Poland and then Germany - except that Germany is run by the remnants of the GDR so there will be no fight from Germany; they'll welcome their former masters in Russia with open arms. Next comes France. He's already threatened France.

Once Putin gets away with taking another country without any repercussions then he knows we will submit to his nuclear threat and all of Europe falls.


Putin has stated MANY times that his goal is NOT the repatriation of the Ukraine.
He does NOT want the Ukraine.
He simply was forced to attack because of the continual treaty violations.
After there is a less corrupt government in Kyiv, Russia will withdraw.

Poland has NEVER asked for NATO nukes and refused them.

Germany is irrelevant because they are not on Russia's border.
Putin has never shown any desire to increase the size of Russia, in any way.
They already have more land than people to use the land.
Doesn't sound like Ukraine think they are Russians-----they certainly don't look like they want to be.
That’s fine. Give Russia back the territory they have had for 200 years, let Ukraine have Ukrainian speaking areas, call it a draw and postpone WWIII for a few years.

Stop this shit now before it cannot be stopped.
The Donetsk is 93% Russian and has been for over 1000 years.
They have always voted to be rejoined with Russia.
The only reason why they were not always part of Russia is some secret deal where Khrushchev gave the Donetsk and Crimea to the Ukraine in 1955. But that is against the principle of local autonomy, and they should be returned to Russia.
The murders were started by Kyiv and it is Kyiv who is guilty.
A democracy would have followed the vote so leave the Ukraine.
What a flat out LIAR you are ... just like Putin.
You are definitely a Putin troll.
The Ukrainian census in 2001, before the people’s Orange Revolution (against Russian tyranny) was ...
DONETSK Oblast - 4,825.6:
Ukrainians - 2,744.1 (56.9%)
Russians - 1,844.4 (38.2%).

Putin committed genocide to decrease the Ukrainian population there!
Ukrainian Census (2001) - Wikipedia
Well, the oil situation happened a while ago, and Russia did try and assassinate the Ukrainian leader by poisoning him. Russia was also undermining the Ukrainian government.

Whether the Ukraine killed ethnic Russians is disputed.

And "NATO nukes on Russia's border", I mean, Russia borders Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia anyway. So, NATO's already there.

The reality is Russia has interfered in Georgia, helped break away regions and was a part of the USSR and doesn't do what Russia wants.

No, the oil theft is ongoing.

Russia NEVER tried to assassinate the Ukrainian leader by poisoning him.
You are mistake.
There were Russian dissidents or defectors, but no Ukrainian.

There is no dispute about the ethnic Russians murdered by Kyiv.

NATO is in Poland and Latvia, but WITHOUT nukes.
The Ukraine wanted nukes.

You also have the Georgia situation wrong.
It was Georgia who invaded South Ossetia, and Russia just intervened as a negotiator.


1991–1992 South Ossetia War​

Main article: 1991–1992 South Ossetia War
Amidst rising ethnic tensions, war broke out when Georgian forces entered the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.[7] More than 2,000 people are believed to have been killed in the war.[8] The separatists were helped by former Soviet military units, who by now had come under Russian command.[9] Approximately 100,000 Ossetians fled Georgia proper and South Ossetia, while 23,000 Georgians left South Ossetia.[10] A ceasefire agreement (the Sochi Agreement) was reached on 24 June 1992. While it ended the war, it did not deal with the status of South Ossetia. A Joint Control Commission for Georgian–Ossetian Conflict Resolution and peacekeeping force, composed of Russian, Georgian and Ossetian troops, was set up. The Ossetian de facto government controlled the region independently from Tbilisi.[11] The JPKF's activities were mainly concentrated in the Conflict Zone, which included an area within a 15-km radius from Tskhinvali.[12]

The separatists retained control over the districts of Tskhinvali, Java, Znauri and parts of Akhalgori. The Tbilisi central government controlled the rest of Akhalgori and the Georgian villages in the Tskhinvali district.[13]


In 1996, the Ergneti market was opened and soon became the place where Georgians and South Ossetians traded. In 1996, Lyudvig Chibirov won the presidential elections in South Ossetia. A memorandum on "Measures for providing security and confidence building" was signed in Moscow on 16 May 1996, which was regarded as the first step towards a rapprochement between Georgia and the separatists of South Ossetia. This was followed up by several meetings between the President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, and the de facto President of South Ossetia, Lyudvig Chibirov. They met in Vladikavkaz in 1996, in Java in 1997, and in Borjomi in 1998. These resulted in some positive developments as the talks about IDP return, economic development, a political solution to the issues, and the protection of the population in the conflict zone.[14]

There was no military confrontation for twelve years. While the peace process was frozen, Ossetians and Georgians engaged in lively exchanges and uncontrolled trade.[13] The unresolved conflict encouraged development of such illegal activities as kidnapping, drug-trafficking and arms trading. Up to the end of 2003, a number of law enforcement officials from South Ossetia and Georgia proper allegedly were participating in criminal economic activities. Authorities on both sides reportedly co-operated to profit from illegal trade, as did Russian customs and peacekeeping troops.[15]

The villain is Georgia, not Russia.
NATO nukes, like what the Ukraine wanted to do.
But there are NO NATO nume in Poland or Latvia, and it is illegal to put any there.

The first major complication is that placing nuclear weapons in Poland would be a highly provocative act against Russia. Furthermore, it runs counter to the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, which stipulates that the Alliance has “no intention, no plan, and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new [NATO] members”.

Anyone wanting to put nukes on Russia's border is an idiot and criminal.
It would be worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
NATO already has missiles that can hit any city or military base in a Russia from their present locations. The missiles NATO are placing on the Russian border are SAMs and anti-missile missiles that threaten no one. They can’t project power like the mobile missiles with nuclear and HE warheads Putin has running around near the NATO borders. His missiles are surface to surface offensive weapons.
Putin is not going down with out a fight or a US President to tell him to fuck off or we will nuke you.

That's exactly correct. With the Pussy Biden in charge, MAD has lost it's threat. Putin does not fear a nuclear retaliation to a nuclear attack. He will avoid nukes if he can but he won't lose and won't be humiliated. I fully believe he will go to nukes before he lets that happen. And Biden will do nothing.
This sht needs shit down before it leads to WW3.

Both sides have plenty of blame to go around, but it was The Obama Regime who ordered The Podesta Group to send Manafort and others into Ukraine and create political instability and interfere in elections there and even instigated a COUP.

They pretended like they were there to help, and instead came to sow insurrection sedition and the seeds of destruction which lead to this today.

I don’t like Putin but people like Obama and Biden will get our asses in to WW3 with the shot they pull in places like Libya, Syria, Egypt and Ukraine.

What a flat out LIAR you are ... just like Putin.
You are definitely a Putin troll.
The Ukrainian census in 2001, before the people’s Orange Revolution (against Russian tyranny) was ...
DONETSK Oblast - 4,825.6:
Ukrainians - 2,744.1 (56.9%)
Russians - 1,844.4 (38.2%).

Putin committed genocide to decrease the Ukrainian population there!
Ukrainian Census (2001) - Wikipedia

No one likes the gov in Kyiv.
The Donetsk and Crimea were always ethnic Russian and always wanted to be free of Kyiv.
An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence.
NATO already has missiles that can hit any city or military base in a Russia from their present locations. The missiles NATO are placing on the Russian border are SAMs and anti-missile missiles that threaten no one. They can’t project power like the mobile missiles with nuclear and HE warheads Putin has running around near the NATO borders. His missiles are surface to surface offensive weapons.

I tend to agree about Poland and Latvia, but the Ukraine wants a nuclear deterrent, so close to Russia there would no means of defense.
And ABMs used for SAMs and anti-missile ARE nuclear.
The kinetic Patriots are not reliable at all.
No, the oil theft is ongoing.

Russia NEVER tried to assassinate the Ukrainian leader by poisoning him.
You are mistake.
There were Russian dissidents or defectors, but no Ukrainian.

There is no dispute about the ethnic Russians murdered by Kyiv.

NATO is in Poland and Latvia, but WITHOUT nukes.
The Ukraine wanted nukes.

You also have the Georgia situation wrong.
It was Georgia who invaded South Ossetia, and Russia just intervened as a negotiator.


1991–1992 South Ossetia War​

Main article: 1991–1992 South Ossetia War
Amidst rising ethnic tensions, war broke out when Georgian forces entered the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.[7] More than 2,000 people are believed to have been killed in the war.[8] The separatists were helped by former Soviet military units, who by now had come under Russian command.[9] Approximately 100,000 Ossetians fled Georgia proper and South Ossetia, while 23,000 Georgians left South Ossetia.[10] A ceasefire agreement (the Sochi Agreement) was reached on 24 June 1992. While it ended the war, it did not deal with the status of South Ossetia. A Joint Control Commission for Georgian–Ossetian Conflict Resolution and peacekeeping force, composed of Russian, Georgian and Ossetian troops, was set up. The Ossetian de facto government controlled the region independently from Tbilisi.[11] The JPKF's activities were mainly concentrated in the Conflict Zone, which included an area within a 15-km radius from Tskhinvali.[12]

The separatists retained control over the districts of Tskhinvali, Java, Znauri and parts of Akhalgori. The Tbilisi central government controlled the rest of Akhalgori and the Georgian villages in the Tskhinvali district.[13]


In 1996, the Ergneti market was opened and soon became the place where Georgians and South Ossetians traded. In 1996, Lyudvig Chibirov won the presidential elections in South Ossetia. A memorandum on "Measures for providing security and confidence building" was signed in Moscow on 16 May 1996, which was regarded as the first step towards a rapprochement between Georgia and the separatists of South Ossetia. This was followed up by several meetings between the President of Georgia, Eduard Shevardnadze, and the de facto President of South Ossetia, Lyudvig Chibirov. They met in Vladikavkaz in 1996, in Java in 1997, and in Borjomi in 1998. These resulted in some positive developments as the talks about IDP return, economic development, a political solution to the issues, and the protection of the population in the conflict zone.[14]

There was no military confrontation for twelve years. While the peace process was frozen, Ossetians and Georgians engaged in lively exchanges and uncontrolled trade.[13] The unresolved conflict encouraged development of such illegal activities as kidnapping, drug-trafficking and arms trading. Up to the end of 2003, a number of law enforcement officials from South Ossetia and Georgia proper allegedly were participating in criminal economic activities. Authorities on both sides reportedly co-operated to profit from illegal trade, as did Russian customs and peacekeeping troops.[15]

The villain is Georgia, not Russia.

I see you provided no evidence for the oil theft.

So who tried to assassinate the Ukranian leader? Putin, with a history of poisoning people, including using novichok and polonium. The polonium case was 2006, two years after the Yushchenko case. Yushchenko was pushing to move towards the EU and NATO. Look what happens when the Ukraine does that....

Yes, there is a dispute about 14,000 ethnic Russians being killed, because you've provided NO EVIDENCE.

The Ukraine wasn't even in NATO or the EU. So you can say "they wanted nukes", I mean, who doesn't want nukes? They stop mad fuckers like Putin invading. But the Ukraine was not going to get nukes from the US, UK or France. So that's a bullshit story made up to justify the unjustifiable.
Putin will do whatever it takes because he has no choice one the Ukraine broke off negotiations.
That was essentially a declaration of war by the Ukraine.

Biden just wants so make profits.
Slow down, speak English, how does Biden profit?

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