If Ukraine falls, what happens next?

What will Putin do if he takes Ukraine?

  • Stop there

  • Move on to the next

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If my statement holds true, the Russian people, or more likely top officials in Putin’s inner/outer circle will force him out. I would love to see Putin assassinated, as Senator Lindsay Graham voiced.

Putin has ZERO choice in this, since the Ukraine had violated treaties and laws.
They stole oil for decades, tried to get NATO nukes on the Russian border, murdered thousands of ethnic Russians, etc.
Anyone suggesting that Russia is remotely interesting in occupying the Ukraine, is ignorant.
This is about stopping crimes by the current corrupt Ukraine government that the US installed back on 2014.
An honest Ukraine gov that is not stealing oil, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc. is all Russia wants.
And that is VERY reasonable.
Ukraine is now a REAL democracy, unlike Putin’s Russia, a dictatorship with no freedom of expression, media or protests.
Zelensky was ELECTED by the UKRAINIANS, who want closer ties to Europe (EU) rather than Putin’s corrupt oligarchy.
Like what lethal weapons?

NATO nukes, like what the Ukraine wanted to do.
But there are NO NATO nume in Poland or Latvia, and it is illegal to put any there.

The first major complication is that placing nuclear weapons in Poland would be a highly provocative act against Russia. Furthermore, it runs counter to the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, which stipulates that the Alliance has “no intention, no plan, and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new [NATO] members”.

Anyone wanting to put nukes on Russia's border is an idiot and criminal.
It would be worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Putin has ZERO choice in this, since the Ukraine had violated treaties and laws.
They stole oil for decades, tried to get NATO nukes on the Russian border, murdered thousands of ethnic Russians, etc.
More PROPAGANDA. Are you Putin’s relative?
Ukrainians did not kill Russians in Ukraine (Donbas); it’s the OPPOSITE. Since 2014, Putin’s warmongers have been committing genocide on Ukrainians in the Donbas regions.
At this point, that info is classified, but Russia will face more “threats” from NATO’s defensive positions than before. Putin misjudged the NATO alliance & will get the opposite of what he planned.

Sorry, but that is stupid.
Putin did not PLAN this at all, and it was totally the US who did.
Putin had absolutely no choice but to invade after the Ukraine broke off negotiations about the stolen oil, treaty violations, attempts to join NATO, and other crimes committed by the Ukraine.
Sorry, but that is stupid.
Putin did not PLAN this at all, and it was totally the US who did.
Putin had absolutely no choice but to invade after the Ukraine broke off negotiations about the stolen oil, treaty violations, attempts to join NATO, and other crimes committed by the Ukraine.

Russian #Fakenews
I am very far left, but I tend to agree that the Military Industrial Complex has taken over in the US, and is deliberately creating this was by bribing Ukrainians to violate 1992 treaties with Russia.
The idea the Ukraine was attempting to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, completely invalidates the government of the Ukraine, as a bunch of criminals.
Obama-Biden-Clinton regime technically started this conflict between Ukraine and Russia when they instigated a COUP in Ukraine, and sent Manafort into Ukraine at the direction of The Obama Administration and through The Podesta Group interfered in the elections and started The Orange group political uprising and riots all financed by The Obama Administration.
You're running out of supplies.

Russia is an incompetent kleptocracy.

Hope you aren't being paid in rubles for your trolling!


Sure Russia is run by a corrupt oligarchy, almost as corrupt as the US and the Ukraine.
But Russia is not at all at fault for the US and Ukraine starting this war by stealing oil, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.
Sorry, but that is stupid.
Putin did not PLAN this at all, and it was totally the US who did.
Putin had absolutely no choice but to invade after the Ukraine broke off negotiations about the stolen oil, treaty violations, attempts to join NATO, and other crimes committed by the Ukraine.
What “crimes”? Making up sh*t in your PROPAGANDA?
Putin had a choice. He could have respected Ukrainians & the EU to have better relations overall, and exercised DEMOCRACY in Russia to benefit ALL Russians, not just himself & his oligarch friends.
Sorry, but that is stupid.
Putin did not PLAN this at all, and it was totally the US who did.
Putin had absolutely no choice but to invade after the Ukraine broke off negotiations about the stolen oil, treaty violations, attempts to join NATO, and other crimes committed by the Ukraine.
I rarely agree with a leftist like you but Theo is 100% on Obama-Biden-Clinton.

They instigated a COUP in Ukraine and then encouraged Ukraine to violate The Minsk Treaty.

This is why Globalists are so dangerous.
What “crimes”? Making up sh*t in your PROPAGANDA?
Putin had a choice. He could have respected Ukrainians & the EU to have better relations overall, and exercised DEMOCRACY in Russia to benefit ALL Russians, not just himself & his oligarch friends.
Now, Putin will forever be known for his war crimes, like Stalin and Hitler.
I rarely agree with a leftist like you but Theo is 100% on Obama-Biden-Clinton.

They instigated a COUP in Ukraine and then encouraged Ukraine to violate The Minsk Treaty.

This is why Globalists are so dangerous.

You are a retard.jpg
What will Putin do?

Putin doesn't want NATO or western weapons in a country next door to Russia. And his stated agenda is the repatriation of Ukraine into Russia. So if he gets his way, Poland is next to Russia. Poland is in NATO and has an American military presence. Putin has to attack Poland and then Germany - except that Germany is run by the remnants of the GDR so there will be no fight from Germany; they'll welcome their former masters in Russia with open arms. Next comes France. He's already threatened France.

Once Putin gets away with taking another country without any repercussions then he knows we will submit to his nuclear threat and all of Europe falls.
Ukraine is now a REAL democracy, unlike Putin’s Russia, a dictatorship with no freedom of expression, media or protests.
Zelensky was ELECTED by the UKRAINIANS, who want closer ties to Europe (EU) rather than Putin’s corrupt oligarchy.

The Ukraine is much LESS of a democracy than Russia, that has reasonably fair elections.
Instead in the Ukraine, you have massive censorship, imprisonment, assassination, etc.
It essentially is a dictatorship that took over by force in 2014.
The only Ukrainians who want closer ties to the west are the corrupt politicians in Kyiv.
The majority of the Ukrainian people do not at all trust the west, and realize it is bunch of corrupt imperialists.
The US invades innocent countries all the time.
Russia only acts in defense, on its own borders.
I rarely agree with a leftist like you but Theo is 100% on Obama-Biden-Clinton.

They instigated a COUP in Ukraine and then encouraged Ukraine to violate The Minsk Treaty.

This is why Globalists are so dangerous.
Another propagandist you are.
Russia violated Ukraine’s territory THREE (3) times, in 2014 and now 2022.
Putin is the killing aggressor.
Georgia is not stealing oil, violating treaties, murdering 14k ethnic Russians, or trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.

Well, the oil situation happened a while ago, and Russia did try and assassinate the Ukrainian leader by poisoning him. Russia was also undermining the Ukrainian government.

Whether the Ukraine killed ethnic Russians is disputed.

And "NATO nukes on Russia's border", I mean, Russia borders Lithuania, Poland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia anyway. So, NATO's already there.

The reality is Russia has interfered in Georgia, helped break away regions and was a part of the USSR and doesn't do what Russia wants.
What “crimes”? Making up sh*t in your PROPAGANDA?
Putin had a choice. He could have respected Ukrainians & the EU to have better relations overall, and exercised DEMOCRACY in Russia to benefit ALL Russians, not just himself & his oligarch friends.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in The World, and what kind of Democracy is it when it was the result of a COUP orders by Obama which removed a sitting President and installed a puppet, then interfered in their elections afterwards?

Then Ukraine violated The Minsk Treaty and began genocide against Ukrainian Russians, even going so far to ban the Russian Language in Ukraine and had Ukrainian Nazis attack Russians in Eastern Ukraine?

I am no fan of Putin but Ukraine and Biden are not innocent in this conflict.
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More PROPAGANDA. Are you Putin’s relative?
Ukrainians did not kill Russians in Ukraine (Donbas); it’s the OPPOSITE. Since 2014, Putin’s warmongers have been committing genocide on Ukrainians in the Donbas regions.

The Donetsk is 93% Russian and has been for over 1000 years.
They have always voted to be rejoined with Russia.
The only reason why they were not always part of Russia is some secret deal where Khrushchev gave the Donetsk and Crimea to the Ukraine in 1955. But that is against the principle of local autonomy, and they should be returned to Russia.
The murders were started by Kyiv and it is Kyiv who is guilty.
A democracy would have followed the vote so leave the Ukraine.
Another propagandist you are.
Russia violated Ukraine’s territory THREE (3) times, in 2014 and now 2022.
Putin is the killing aggressor.
Neither Russia or Ukraine is innocent but Obama-Biden completely instigated all of this.

I am again no fan of Putin, but Obama, Biden should have never sent The Podesta Group and Manafort into Ukraine to start a COUP which lead to all of this now.

Biden started up the shit in Ukraine again the second he got in to office.

This is all on Biden.
The Ukraine is much LESS of a democracy than Russia, that has reasonably fair elections.
Instead in the Ukraine, you have massive censorship, imprisonment, assassination, etc.
It essentially is a dictatorship that took over by force in 2014.
The only Ukrainians who want closer ties to the west are the corrupt politicians in Kyiv.
The majority of the Ukrainian people do not at all trust the west, and realize it is bunch of corrupt imperialists.
The US invades innocent countries all the time.
Russia only acts in defense, on its own borders.
LOL ... Ha Ha Ha Ha!!
You expect anyone with half a brain to believe your crap? Maybe naïve Russians within Russia listening to Putin‘s media will believe that.
The opposite of what you were saying is reality, if you read the free media & talk to friends who live in both Russia and Ukraine, like I do.

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