If Ukraine loses the war and Russia occupies Ukraine, the US and Europe may not have a choice, but to go to war

It did start in 2014 and the Russians were not part of it at the time, it was a war by Kiev on it's own citizens in Donbass.

I shared that to show that for the West to argue that it started in 2014, then they would have to admit that Ukraine was attacking its own people.

In short, NATO was supporting a country that experienced revolution thanks to U.S. meddling and then attacked its own people, i.e., separatists.
"In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. This event took place in the relative power vacuum[31] on the immediate aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity and was the beginning act of the wider Russo-Ukrainian War."

The war in Donbas,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014–2022)#cite_note-19 or Donbas war, was an armed conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine, part of the broader Russo-Ukrainian War. The war began in April 2014 when armed Russian-backed separatists seized government buildings and the Ukrainian military launched an operation against them. It continued until it was subsumed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.[18][19]

In March 2014, following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, anti-revolution and pro-Russian protests began in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, collectively 'the Donbas'. These began as Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Armed Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and declared the Donetsk and Luhansk republics (DPR and LPR) as independent states, leading to conflict with Ukrainian government forces.[20] Russia covertly supported the separatists with troops and weaponry. It only admitted sending "military specialists",[21][22] but later acknowledged the separatists as Russian combat veterans.[23] In April 2014, Ukraine launched a counter-offensive, called the "Anti-Terrorist Operation"[24] (ATO), later renamed the "Joint Forces Operation" (JFO).[25][26] By late August 2014, Ukraine had re-taken most separatist-held territory and nearly regained control of the Russia–Ukraine border.[27] In response, Russia covertly sent troops, tanks and artillery into the Donbas.[28][29] Ukrainian officials called this a Russian "stealth invasion".[29][30] The Russian incursion helped pro-Russian forces regain much of the territory they had lost.[25][31] Alexander Borodai, former 'Prime Minister' of the DPR, said 50,000 "Russian volunteers" had fought in the first five months.[32]

The whole world knows the truth, so why continue to lie about this?

From what I remember, most of Crimea's population consists of Russians, and the same applied to the eastern side of the country.

In addition, before the revolution, the U.S. was meddling, insisting on providing financial aid only if a government that was put to power was friendly to it. Meanwhile, warpigs like Nuland and others were talking about which politicians should serve, how to influence the UN Secretary General, and what to report to the VP of the U.S., and figuring out how to cut the EU from the equation because they weren't willing to work quickly with the U.S. That was the same EU that was pressuring Ukraine to move away from the economic bloc led by Russia.

That's when separatists began to challenge the puppet regime, and with Russian support.
"In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. This event took place in the relative power vacuum[31] on the immediate aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity and was the beginning act of the wider Russo-Ukrainian War."

The war in Donbas,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014–2022)#cite_note-19 or Donbas war, was an armed conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine, part of the broader Russo-Ukrainian War. The war began in April 2014 when armed Russian-backed separatists seized government buildings and the Ukrainian military launched an operation against them. It continued until it was subsumed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.[18][19]

In March 2014, following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, anti-revolution and pro-Russian protests began in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, collectively 'the Donbas'. These began as Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Armed Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and declared the Donetsk and Luhansk republics (DPR and LPR) as independent states, leading to conflict with Ukrainian government forces.[20] Russia covertly supported the separatists with troops and weaponry. It only admitted sending "military specialists",[21][22] but later acknowledged the separatists as Russian combat veterans.[23] In April 2014, Ukraine launched a counter-offensive, called the "Anti-Terrorist Operation"[24] (ATO), later renamed the "Joint Forces Operation" (JFO).[25][26] By late August 2014, Ukraine had re-taken most separatist-held territory and nearly regained control of the Russia–Ukraine border.[27] In response, Russia covertly sent troops, tanks and artillery into the Donbas.[28][29] Ukrainian officials called this a Russian "stealth invasion".[29][30] The Russian incursion helped pro-Russian forces regain much of the territory they had lost.[25][31] Alexander Borodai, former 'Prime Minister' of the DPR, said 50,000 "Russian volunteers" had fought in the first five months.[32]

The whole world knows the truth, so why continue to lie about this?
"In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. This event took place in the relative power vacuum[31] on the immediate aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity and was the beginning act of the wider Russo-Ukrainian War."

The war in Donbas,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Donbas_(2014–2022)#cite_note-19 or Donbas war, was an armed conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine, part of the broader Russo-Ukrainian War. The war began in April 2014 when armed Russian-backed separatists seized government buildings and the Ukrainian military launched an operation against them. It continued until it was subsumed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.[18][19]

In March 2014, following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, anti-revolution and pro-Russian protests began in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, collectively 'the Donbas'. These began as Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Armed Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and declared the Donetsk and Luhansk republics (DPR and LPR) as independent states, leading to conflict with Ukrainian government forces.[20] Russia covertly supported the separatists with troops and weaponry. It only admitted sending "military specialists",[21][22] but later acknowledged the separatists as Russian combat veterans.[23] In April 2014, Ukraine launched a counter-offensive, called the "Anti-Terrorist Operation"[24] (ATO), later renamed the "Joint Forces Operation" (JFO).[25][26] By late August 2014, Ukraine had re-taken most separatist-held territory and nearly regained control of the Russia–Ukraine border.[27] In response, Russia covertly sent troops, tanks and artillery into the Donbas.[28][29] Ukrainian officials called this a Russian "stealth invasion".[29][30] The Russian incursion helped pro-Russian forces regain much of the territory they had lost.[25][31] Alexander Borodai, former 'Prime Minister' of the DPR, said 50,000 "Russian volunteers" had fought in the first five months.[32]

The whole world knows the truth, so why continue to lie about this?

From what I remember, most of Crimea's population consists of Russians, and the same applied to the eastern side of the country.

In addition, before the revolution, the U.S. was meddling, insisting on providing financial aid only if a government that was put to power was friendly to it. Meanwhile, warpigs like Nuland and others were talking about which politicians should serve, how to influence the UN Secretary General, and what to report to the VP of the U.S., and figuring out how to cut the EU from the equation because they weren't willing to work quickly with the U.S. That was the same EU that was pressuring Ukraine to move away from the economic bloc led by Russia.

That's when separatists began to challenge the puppet regime, and with Russian support.

Now, the whole world knows the truth, which is why more countries are remaining neutral and answering back at the U.S. and even NATO. Meanwhile, NATO members are breaking sanctions because they need oil from Russia.

Lastly, many of those countries are part of the Global South and were victimized by the same U.S. and NATO.
What a STUPID dishonest remark — especially since I have said a hundred times that I SUPPORT financial and military assistance to Ukraine.

Your intellectually dishonest slander gives a bad name to “Liberalism” and to efforts to defend genuine freedom and democracy abroad.

You seem almost as quick to use ad hominem slander as Idiotic right and left supporters of Putin, or as Trumpster fanatics who defend the indefensible.
I've been reading your posts, and nowhere have I seen you support aid to Ukraine, but I have often seen you repeat Putin's justifications for the invasion, as you have in this thread by responding to the question, did Russia invade Ukraine in 2014, by talking about Putin's complaints about Yanukovych's ouster. All this fake indignation changes nothing.
It started with a revolution pushed by the U.S., which led to Russia annexing the Crimea, which is dominated by Russians, followed by support for Russian separatists. Russia invaded much later to protect the latter.
So your point is Putin has the right to invade Russia's neighbors and annex their lands if he is unhappy with their internal political decisions.
From what I remember, most of Crimea's population consists of Russians, and the same applied to the eastern side of the country.

In addition, before the revolution, the U.S. was meddling, insisting on providing financial aid only if a government that was put to power was friendly to it. Meanwhile, warpigs like Nuland and others were talking about which politicians should serve, how to influence the UN Secretary General, and what to report to the VP of the U.S., and figuring out how to cut the EU from the equation because they weren't willing to work quickly with the U.S. That was the same EU that was pressuring Ukraine to move away from the economic bloc led by Russia.

That's when separatists began to challenge the puppet regime, and with Russian support.

From what I remember, most of Crimea's population consists of Russians, and the same applied to the eastern side of the country.

In addition, before the revolution, the U.S. was meddling, insisting on providing financial aid only if a government that was put to power was friendly to it. Meanwhile, warpigs like Nuland and others were talking about which politicians should serve, how to influence the UN Secretary General, and what to report to the VP of the U.S., and figuring out how to cut the EU from the equation because they weren't willing to work quickly with the U.S. That was the same EU that was pressuring Ukraine to move away from the economic bloc led by Russia.

That's when separatists began to challenge the puppet regime, and with Russian support.

Now, the whole world knows the truth, which is why more countries are remaining neutral and answering back at the U.S. and even NATO. Meanwhile, NATO members are breaking sanctions because they need oil from Russia.

Lastly, many of those countries are part of the Global South and were victimized by the same U.S. and NATO.
First, the people you refer to as Russians are Ukrainians who self-Identify as ethnic Russians, and as of the last census (2001), they constituted only 17.3% of the Ukrainian populations and were minorities in every district in the Donbas. In Crimea, ethnic Russians comprised 58.5% if the population, but in both cases there is no reason to assume that Ukrainians who identify as ethnic Russians want to live under a Putin dictatorship.

For more discussion of Ukraine's population, google "ethnic Russian percent of Ukrainian population", and you will see the numbers I have used are widely accepted everywhere but in Putin's Russia and in the sad twisted minds of Putinheads.

None of this provides any justification for Russia to start a proxy war against Ukraine and use it to justify an invasion with Russian troops, trampling on the rights of the great majority of Ukrainians, including many who identify as ethnic Russians, and steal their land, their wealth and even their children, other than to satisfy their imperialist ambitions.

There is no rational basis for thinking NATO in any way threatens Russia's security, but it does place a huge obstacle in the way of Russia's imperialist ambitions.
I've been reading your posts, and nowhere have I seen you support aid to Ukraine
As I’ve pointed out many times, you make many completely untrue assertions. Maybe you need a reading course as well? Here are excerpts from some of my comments just on this single thread where I explain that U.S. and European military & financial aid to Ukraine to help it fight Putin’s invasion has been necessary and proper:

Tom Paine 1949:
The past cannot be changed. We must defend Ukraine against this Russian attempt to destroy it.
I praise the Biden Administration for having successfully held Europe together and strengthened NATO after Putin’s recent bloody invasion of Ukraine despite some longtime errors of U.S. foreign policy. I support U.S. & NATO military / economic aid to Ukraine to help Ukrainians protect their sovereignty and drive back the Russians.
The only ones who want to “let him” [Putin] get away with this bloody invasion … are those who want to stop all aid to Ukraine. Who are these people? Well, 70 U.S. House Representatives — all of them MAGA Republicans — voted for Trumpster Matt Gaetz’s amendment to the annual defense bill to cut off all military aid to Ukraine.
I do not consider both sides as “equal” … I support necessary Western aid to Ukraine, whose people now overwhelmingly hate the bloody Russian invaders
In my many comments here & on other threads (and on other boards too) I try never to misrepresent other people’s views. Here I explain carefully the nature and causes of this terrible war. But I have also clearly expressed my belief that Putin’s February 2022 invasion left the Biden Administration and all Americans who defend freedom in Europe no choice but to provide massive military and economic aid to Ukraine.
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As I’ve pointed out many times, you make many completely untrue assertions. Maybe you need a reading course as well? Here are excerpts from some of my comments just on this single thread where I explain that U.S. and European military & financial aid to Ukraine to help it fight Putin’s invasion has been necessary and proper:

In my many comments here & on other threads (and on other boards too) I try never to misrepresent other people’s views. Here I explain carefully the nature and causes of this terrible war. But I have also clearly expressed my belief that Putin’s February 2022 invasion left the Biden Administration and all Americans who defend freedom in Europe no choice but to provide massive military and economic aid to Ukraine.
I took the time to search for the posts in which you claimed to have supported aid to Ukraine, and the search mechanism on this site could not find them, so again, stop the fake indignation.
<iframe width="646" height="363" src="" title="Russian Canons Turn Ukrainian Stronghold Into Fireball,
Very few Georgians want to “join Russia.” They mostly cherish their independence and have no desire to go back under the Russian boot.
It depends on who and how ask them, and what exactly do you mean saying "Georgians". Actually, there are more than a hundred thousand of ethnic "Georgians" (including Sakartvelians, Adjarians, Ingiloici, Lazes, Mengrealians and Swanians) living in Russia today, and many of ethnic Georgians want to go to Russia with their land.
And yes, most of Georgians don't want to live under German or American boot, either.

You are correct Georgians want to be “wealthy and free” … like most people everywhere.
Yes. And it's not just a some kind of platonic love of America, Europe, Asia or Africa.

The funny thing is that many young Russian men are learning what a great thing it is that Georgia is now an independent country — after all, it’s probably the easiest country to escape into to avoid conscription into Putin’s army!
Yes. That's what they call reciprocity or mutually profitable deal. The Georgian government decided don't discriminate the Russians and don't try to attack the Republics recognized by Russia. The Russians came to their land, bringing money with them. Good money, honest money. The Georgians economy is rising (more than 20% of GDP), and they all became richer and safer.
The Ukrainian government decided to discriminate the Russians and to attack the Republics, recognized by Russia. The Russians came to their land, bringing their weapons with them. Good weapons, deadly weapons. Many thousands of Ukrainians have been killed, Ukrainian economy totally ruined.

What choice was wiser after all?
So your point is Putin has the right to invade Russia's neighbors and annex their lands if he is unhappy with their internal political decisions.
Yes. As well, as the USA has right to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Cuba or whoever else to defend ourselves. We were unhappy about Mexico's internal political decision about Texas separatist. So, we invaded and annexed 2/3 of Mexican territory.
First, the people you refer to as Russians are Ukrainians who self-Identify as ethnic Russians, and as of the last census (2001), they constituted only 17.3% of the Ukrainian populations and were minorities in every district in the Donbas. In Crimea, ethnic Russians comprised 58.5% if the population, but in both cases there is no reason to assume that Ukrainians who identify as ethnic Russians want to live under a Putin dictatorship.

For more discussion of Ukraine's population, google "ethnic Russian percent of Ukrainian population", and you will see the numbers I have used are widely accepted everywhere but in Putin's Russia and in the sad twisted minds of Putinheads.

None of this provides any justification for Russia to start a proxy war against Ukraine and use it to justify an invasion with Russian troops, trampling on the rights of the great majority of Ukrainians, including many who identify as ethnic Russians, and steal their land, their wealth and even their children, other than to satisfy their imperialist ambitions.

There is no rational basis for thinking NATO in any way threatens Russia's security, but it does place a huge obstacle in the way of Russia's imperialist ambitions.
Sure, there is the pretty rational basis for thinking that NATO threatens Russian security, as well as Russia threatenens NATO security. You know, that unprovoked, unjustful and stupid Clinton's aggression against Serbia clearly demonstrates who is who. And it was the most important reason why the Russian elites (including Eltsin himself) have chosen Putin and not Stepashin or Kirienko.
Yes. As well, as the USA has right to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Cuba or whoever else to defend ourselves. We were unhappy about Mexico's internal political decision about Texas separatist. So, we invaded and annexed 2/3 of Mexican territory.
Of course, none of this is true. Mexico attacked Texas as it was about to become a state and attacked the US and lost the war. The US never attacked Cuba since the Spanish American war, Iraq was attacked after it attacked a US all, Kuwait, and Afghanistan was attacked for providing a safe haven for al Qaeda after 911.

True to form, your post is again 100% bullshit.

There is no modern equivalent in the civilized world to Russia's imperialist invasion of Ukraine.
Sure, there is the pretty rational basis for thinking that NATO threatens Russian security, as well as Russia threatenens NATO security. You know, that unprovoked, unjustful and stupid Clinton's aggression against Serbia clearly demonstrates who is who. And it was the most important reason why the Russian elites (including Eltsin himself) have chosen Putin and not Stepashin or Kirienko.
If you were capable of rational thought, you would see there is obviously no rational basis for believing NATO presented any threat to Russia's security, despite Russia's imperialist wars in Georgia and Ukraine. If Putin had thought NATO would react to his atrocities in Georgia and Ukraine the way it responded to Serbia's atrocities against the Muslims, he never would have invaded either state.
So your point is Putin has the right to invade Russia's neighbors and annex their lands if he is unhappy with their internal political decisions.

I think he invaded because he thought that the U.S. would use Ukraine to encircle Russia. This is seen in the ff.: using financial aid, covert funding of the opposition and media outlets, and meetings between U.S. and members of the opposition to oust pro-Russian elected politicians, the EU manipulating Ukraine into moving away from the Russian economic bloc, Ukrainians using armaments provided by NATO to attack their own citizens of Russian ancestry, etc. Add to this plans to set up U.S. missiles in Poland and the U.S. being joined by NATO in warmongering in the Middle East and in Afghanistan, etc.
First, the people you refer to as Russians are Ukrainians who self-Identify as ethnic Russians, and as of the last census (2001), they constituted only 17.3% of the Ukrainian populations and were minorities in every district in the Donbas. In Crimea, ethnic Russians comprised 58.5% if the population, but in both cases there is no reason to assume that Ukrainians who identify as ethnic Russians want to live under a Putin dictatorship.

For more discussion of Ukraine's population, google "ethnic Russian percent of Ukrainian population", and you will see the numbers I have used are widely accepted everywhere but in Putin's Russia and in the sad twisted minds of Putinheads.

None of this provides any justification for Russia to start a proxy war against Ukraine and use it to justify an invasion with Russian troops, trampling on the rights of the great majority of Ukrainians, including many who identify as ethnic Russians, and steal their land, their wealth and even their children, other than to satisfy their imperialist ambitions.

There is no rational basis for thinking NATO in any way threatens Russia's security, but it does place a huge obstacle in the way of Russia's imperialist ambitions.

In Crimea, they make up over 70 pct of the population. In the western parts of Ukraine, they make up the majority.

Russia supported separatists because the U.S. managed to instigate a revolution and replace pro-Russian elected officials with their own puppets.

NATO started threatening Russia back in the 1990s, and it's now doing it in Asia but trying to set up shop in Japan.

In short, the U.S. has been using NATO since the 1990s as a tool for enlargement, and they admitted it even then:

The U.S. is also a warmongering country, engaged in multiple wars and leadings to millions dead.

Not only Russia but even China, and now several African countries, are reacting to that.
I think he invaded because he thought that the U.S. would use Ukraine to encircle Russia. This is seen in the ff.: using financial aid, covert funding of the opposition and media outlets, and meetings between U.S. and members of the opposition to oust pro-Russian elected politicians, the EU manipulating Ukraine into moving away from the Russian economic bloc, Ukrainians using armaments provided by NATO to attack their own citizens of Russian ancestry, etc. Add to this plans to set up U.S. missiles in Poland and the U.S. being joined by NATO in warmongering in the Middle East and in Afghanistan, etc.
Of course, none of this happened. Ukraine wanted to join the EU because there are huge economic advantages for both the country and individual Ukrainians that being connected to Russia cannot match. Putin and the other ultra nationalists who run Russia aspired to gain control over all the states the Soviets had and more. When he failed to gain control of Ukraine by with Yanukovych, he started and proxy with Ukraine and then invaded.

There are no nuclear missiles in any former soviet state, and neither NATO nor the US would have any reason to go to war with Russia. Putin's problem with NATO is that it prevents him from capturing the former Soviet states.
In Crimea, they make up over 70 pct of the population. In the western parts of Ukraine, they make up the majority.

Russia supported separatists because the U.S. managed to instigate a revolution and replace pro-Russian elected officials with their own puppets.

NATO started threatening Russia back in the 1990s, and it's now doing it in Asia but trying to set up shop in Japan.

In short, the U.S. has been using NATO since the 1990s as a tool for enlargement, and they admitted it even then:

The U.S. is also a warmongering country, engaged in multiple wars and leadings to millions dead.

Not only Russia but even China, and now several African countries, are reacting to that.
Of course none of this is true.
Of course, none of this is true. Mexico attacked Texas as it was about to become a state and attacked the US and lost the war.
As well as Ukraine attacked DPR and LPR, and, therefore - Russian Federation.

The US never attacked Cuba since the Spanish American war,
The Bay of Pigs Invasion back in 1961 and blockade of Cuba in 1962.

Iraq was attacked after it attacked a US all, Kuwait,
Ukraine attacked Russian allies DPR and LPR, too.

and Afghanistan was attacked for providing a safe haven for al Qaeda after 911.
Ukraine was providing safe haven for Chechen terrorists and ex-president of Georgia Saakachvili.

True to form, your post is again 100% bullshit.

There is no modern equivalent in the civilized world to Russia's imperialist invasion of Ukraine.
There are plenty of them.
If you were capable of rational thought, you would see there is obviously no rational basis for believing NATO presented any threat to Russia's security, despite Russia's imperialist wars in Georgia and Ukraine. If Putin had thought NATO would react to his atrocities in Georgia and Ukraine the way it responded to Serbia's atrocities against the Muslims, he never would have invaded either state.
Wow. Two sentences clearly answering each other (if your were capable to realise it). The Russians clearly understanded that the only reason, why NATO didn't react to their "counter-terroristic operation" in Chechnya the way it responded to Serbia's one, is their nuclear weapon, their decisiveness and capability to use it in the first strike. And Clinton's unprovoked aggression against Serbia was the best prove that the USA and NATO are existential threats, and that was exactly why they elected and supported Putin.

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