If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.
You fuckers keep your public option, leave the rest of us out of it. Millions of Americans want nothing to do with the collective
Then don't choose it. If you are right it will die. So no reason to be afraid of it.
That's what I'm saying healthcare should be a personal issue, everyone should pay for their own shit.
Yep you can opt for paying taxes for single payer or opt out and go for the free market. Lets do this.
I would be for that, but we all know the federal government wants to be in more control than that.
health insurance/single payer is not healthcare
Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.

That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.
You fuckers keep your public option, leave the rest of us out of it. Millions of Americans want nothing to do with the collective

The military is the most 'collective' institution in America.
No one is forced into the military, the same cannot be said for fucked up socialist entitlement programs...
The sooner the collective burns to the ground the better for the country
Nobody should be forced to pay for other peoples shit… this is not a village, fuck the village

Fine. Then exempt me from all of my taxes that go to the military. That is ALL other people's shit.

Yep exempt me from paying taxes to any program I don't take part in. And then take that money and put all into programs I support. That sounds like a great plan!


You don't want to pay for poor people programs, well I have programs I don't want to be forced to pay for. It's a fair deal. See just how fast the homeless and poor problem gets fixed when all the Rich people of America that hate wars start putting all their money into the poor people programs and not the military.

Conservatives want taxes to only for things they like, but they also want everyone else to pay taxes on what they like, whether or not everyone else likes them.

No, conservatives want taxes to go what's outlined in the Constitution and nothing more.
You can't use the experience of just a couple people "You know" as how things really are. I knew someone that had agoraphobia so bad they couldn't leave their house without a panic attack and Crohn's Disease so bad they bled out of their ass every day. It took them the max amount of tries, then a refile, and the max amount of tries again to get approved. It took them 8 years, had lost everything they had, and was living in a homeless shelter by the time they got approved.

I've never heard of 8 years.


You didn't read my post or you don't understand it. You can only appeal so far, then you have to refile and start all over.

I read it and responded by providing a link which covers the appeals process.
Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.

That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....
Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.

That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.

Where is the morality in telling people they have to buy something that will put them in the poor house; something they cannot afford?

Commie Care was designed to give pizza makers and french fry cooks affordable healthcare at the cost to middle-class working people who make an average income. But the french fry guy and Walmart shelf stocker likely vote Democrat. For middle-income earners, it's unaffordable. Trust me.
They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

This is the part where Ray from Cleveland believes that the poor don't work, and the working people aren't poor.

Blaming the poor for their circumstances is an easy rationalization for neglecting them.
Why don't you bleeding hearts put your money where your mouth is?… Forcing people to pay for other people shit is immoral in every way...

Liberals leading by example, putting their money where their mouth is, never going to happen. Liberals are all for social free shit just so long as they personally don't have to sacrifice to pay for it.
Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.

That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Oh, sure it was, it was the way everywhere. Just some countries grew up, and you're basically telling me the US is still in 1900.

No. We're not in 1900. With 26 specific exceptions we should still be in the last 25 years of the 18th Century. You know, when this nation was founded and the rules which were intended to govern this nation (Thge US Constitution) were put in place.
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That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.
Any type of government mandate on insurance has proven to be ineffective On stopping unpaid for ER visits... The federal government is incompetent/immoral/unethical in all things.
You ever think there might be some people poor and not working because of medical problems they didn't have insurance to help them with?

How are the problems of individuals legally the problem of other individuals with whom there is no relation? By what authority does a government reach into an individual's pocket to cover the negligence - or simple bad luck - of another individual?

So you are against people getting healthy so they can work and become contributing members of society? So does this mean you are for just taking sick people behind the woodshed and shooting them like a horse with a broken leg?

No. I am against people being forced involuntarily into a government charity scheme for which there is no Constitutional authority.

Until you're in need of course.
So you're in need now. Who pays? The old people you convinced to pay in without actually saving the money but said the next group would pay for them. Or the young ones you're telling they shouldn't pay in because they are owed healthcare for free?

No one has ever said it should be free.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.
Any type of government mandate on insurance has proven to be ineffective On stopping unpaid for ER visits... The federal government is incompetent/immoral/unethical in all things.
Yeah it's all ineffective in all the countries that laugh at our shitty health care. lol. The free market is always perfect no waste and their profit motive is towards the people they serve always.
Universal healthcare is a GREAT idea. Now. How do we afford it?:eusa_think:
That's the beauty of being a left winger. Someone else will just magically pay it. Not us of course. Some mysterious rich person.
That's the way it has always worked. You pay for the next guy until your number comes up and then they pay for you.

Do you honestly believe that your Medicare is going into an account for you rather than you paying for your father's generation?
So you convinced the old people to give the government all of their money with the promise the next generation will pay for them. While at the same time telling that same next generation they shouldn't have to pay anything because they are owed healthcare. Do you see the missing component in this situation? Like anyone actually paying the bills?

Well, didn't take much to confuse you. I'm not surprised.

It's not my issue that you can't make a cogent point.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.
Any type of government mandate on insurance has proven to be ineffective On stopping unpaid for ER visits... The federal government is incompetent/immoral/unethical in all things.
Yeah it's all ineffective in all the countries that laugh at our shitty health care. lol. The free market is always perfect no waste and their profit motive is towards the people they serve always.
Health insurance is not health care
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.
Obamacare would have been fine if it was an "opt in"... the only people in it would've been the people that wanted to be in it.
The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.

How would you know? Commie Care plans have a $7,000 deductible and $7,000 out of pocket. So they still won't pay the bill.
Who decides?
I was not well off as a young man as most are not. Luckily, I never needed to use healthcare in any real way. The ability to pay at any given time should not be the deciding factor when prioritizing care. The goal rather, should be balancing those in need with those who are not.

Very simply, the people giving the care decide. If they're willing to work for free, good for you. If not, too bad.

I reset a mildly dislocated shoulder of mine twice in one year about 15 years ago, because I didn't have a medical plan or money to cover the doctor's visit. That's life.

You have no more Right to get the Government to steal money from me to pay for your medical needs thsn I would have to get the Government to steal from you to cover mine. The fact thst you support exactly that tells me some unpleasant things about your character.

What you dopes fail to realize is that you already pay for those who can't with higher costs and premiums. The most inefficient way possible to do it.

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