If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

The obamacare rule that everyone needs to have healthcare needs to stand. I don't want higher taxes or policy costs because dumb rednecks pay nothing then go to the ER.
Fortunately it's no longer enforced under the Trump administration, but the mandate needs to be abolished. Frivolous lawsuits and the extravagant lifestyle's they promote by lawyers and doctors are the reason why healthcare costs are so high....

Taxpayers pay IRS $3 billion in 2015 for Obamacare penalty
Good, no more deadbeats that go to the ER and don't pay the bill.

How would you know? Commie Care plans have a $7,000 deductible and $7,000 out of pocket. So they still won't pay the bill.
Better for everyone to pay the bill instead of you being a deadbeat then.
Having others pay for you is the definition of a deadbeat.
I would rather have no federal health standards cause the dang govt doesnt know nothin! The health companies will make great standards for the people, tremendous standards. A very smart person told me to trust them. And they really don't care about profits over care, that's just a myth they are a for profit company but care about human lives first because they decide to be benevolent. lol.
You can't use the experience of just a couple people "You know" as how things really are. I knew someone that had agoraphobia so bad they couldn't leave their house without a panic attack and Crohn's Disease so bad they bled out of their ass every day. It took them the max amount of tries, then a refile, and the max amount of tries again to get approved. It took them 8 years, had lost everything they had, and was living in a homeless shelter by the time they got approved.

I've never heard of 8 years.


You didn't read my post or you don't understand it. You can only appeal so far, then you have to refile and start all over.

I read it and responded by providing a link which covers the appeals process.

You don't get it. You only get to appeal so far, then you have to start ALL OVER again. Not sure how many times I gotta repeat myself here.

I see. Since you obviously never even looked at the link, would you like me to copy and paste the appeals process? I have some yard work to do, but I can get to it today if you'd like.

I know how it works. After your final appeal is denied you have to start all over again and refile. They do that because people used to be able to keep appealing until they won and then they would get back payment for the entire time of the process which would sometimes come out to ten's of thousands of dollars. So they made it so that after you go through the appeals process... eventually you can no longer appeal and you have to refile and start all over again.

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)-- Appeals Process
We need to get rid dose dang federal highways so we can all pay tolls instead! Trump's friend is going to buy the highways and he will be nice and never charge to many tolls......unless he feels like it. And don't bother bitching about the condition of the road to your local govt. They are out of the picture. It's privately owned now that will be $5.00 per mile and f you because our roads meet our company standards.
You don't do things by choice. They don't do them because they can't.

Okay, so they had no choice to have kids they couldn't afford to raise?

They had no choice but to move to a HUD house in the suburbs?

They had no choice but to not work?

Why is it they didn't have such choices and I did?

I'll be honest your neighbors should be afraid of you and file some kind of paperwork about it. You sound creepy as fuck keeping tabs on every single thing they do, going as far as to pay attention to how much food they have on the grill during a BBQ with friends. You have no clue as to whether they provided the food or their friends brought it with them.

File some kind of paperwork? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: I can see it now "I want to file some kind of paperwork on my neighbor because he looks at what we are doing!" "Okay sir, here is a looking at my neighbors complaint form. In America, it's wrong to look at your neighbors." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yeah, well when people are making a ton of noise next to where you live, screaming and hollering, playing their jive music that stops me from enjoying peace in my own home, yes, you tend to look outside to see WTF they are doing.

Just because someone gets a disability check doesn't mean they have to live their life like you want them to. If you want it to be that way, then maybe you should move to North Korea or some Communist country.

Yeah, I could do that. But then I would be in a country where nobody has guns except the government. Government would run every aspect of my life. Nobody would have money other than the government. I would have to be on socialized healthcare. And everybody would then be equal--equally poor.

Wait a minute! Isn't that what you leftists want to do to our country????
Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.....

...Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

Then please stay in thst country and keep your nose out of American Society. It may be a Right in your country, but it most definitely is not here. If it ever becomes one, I'll be dead.

She claims it is a right in her country, BUT she says she wasn't born with that right. How the fuck does that happen? Well, it happens because the government gives them health care now but didn't when she was born. In other words, that colossal idiot thinks rights come from government.
Natural rights are inalienable. Legal rights are granted by law. That means rights granted by government stupid.

That means we here in the US do not have a right to healthcare. Just like I said stupid.

Yep, that's why federal law mandates that everyone must receive care regardless of their ability to pay. :laugh2:
Remember private businesses are always more efficient than govt. Baaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa :p
Who should go without?

Those who cannot pay for it, or receive it as a benefit for their employment.

No one should go without healthcare. It is a basic human right.

Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

You're paid by a healthcare provider. You abide by their business plan whether you agree or not.

People no doubt hate seeing you coming.

I am paid, you have to pay the provider for your healthcare. If you have to pay for it it isn't a right.

So, guns are free then?
The republican elected officials should be the ones who do without health care. Also, the religious Right (god will heal them).

But, seriously, NY, do you really want the RW people to reveal just how mean spirited they really are to the poor, elderly, and children? I find it downright depressing, myself.
Millions are just like me, i have no right to "healthcare"...but i do have a right to earn my healthcare.

Not before ACA, you didn't. As a health insurance underwriter, I had a 3 inch underwriting manual, and if you had any of the condition that were in that book, all you go was an applicant rejection form letter.
You ever think there might be some people poor and not working because of medical problems they didn't have insurance to help them with?

How are the problems of individuals legally the problem of other individuals with whom there is no relation? By what authority does a government reach into an individual's pocket to cover the negligence - or simple bad luck - of another individual?

So you are against people getting healthy so they can work and become contributing members of society? So does this mean you are for just taking sick people behind the woodshed and shooting them like a horse with a broken leg?

No. I am against people being forced involuntarily into a government charity scheme for which there is no Constitutional authority.

Until you're in need of course.

I'm not on the dole. You?

Not at all. That in no way erases the problems that others face.
General welfare is in the constitution you are wrong.

The General Welfare of the NATION, not individual citizens you brainless, immoral twat. If General Welfsre was a personal issue, then where is my personasl US Marine for my Common Defense you uneducated, Socialist twit.
The republican elected officials should be the ones who do without health care. Also, the religious Right (god will heal them).

But, seriously, NY, do you really want the RW people to reveal just how mean spirited they really are to the poor, elderly, and children? I find it downright depressing, myself.
Millions are just like me, i have no right to "healthcare"...but i do have a right to earn my healthcare.

Not before ACA, you didn't. As a health insurance underwriter, I had a 3 inch underwriting manual, and if you had any of the condition that were in that book, all you go was an applicant rejection form letter.
insurance/single payer is not healthcare. Dip shit
So you believe the poor should go without an education - if the parents can't afford it - AND without healthcare, if the parents can't afford it.

They shouldn't have kids if they can't afford it. I didn't for that reason, why shouldn't they? But because I did the responsible thing by not having children, now I have to shoulder the burden of their irresponsibility?

So in effect you believe in treating poor families the way some would treat an unplanned dog mating -

by drowning the puppies.

Oh ,no. That would be immoral. That child should suffer and learn the value of work.

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