If we are in the middle of a pandemic, why are hospitals laying off

Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


You really are clueless of what is going on in the real world, aren't you? My daughter is a nurse, and nobody is having any procedures done that is not of a life saving nature. In addition to that, until 2 weeks ago, they had no ventilators or masks. I, personally canceled a spinal epidural for my sciatica, rather than risk catching the virus in a hospital waiting room. "Fake news' indeed....
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time

Cafeteria workers provide food for patients and visitors, and now that there are no visitors, the cafeterias aren’t as busy. This isn’t rocket science. Even a moron like you can figure that out.

No one told stroke and heart patients not to show up. Maybe they believe liars like yourself who say that heart surgeries aren’t being performed.
So you believe that 2.2 million people will die
Or is it 200 thousand
Or 100 thousand
Or 66 thousand

All lies that you can not change

PS I had this disease my entire family did but they refuse to test us because the fatality number will be less than the common cold if we are all tested

But you saw different on tv


We are almost at 60k deaths as of today, almost entirely in the month of April and with extreme measures to limit the spread. The common cold doesn’t kill a fraction of that. Influenza might do that over the course of an entire year if it’s particularly bad.

People like you saying this is now worse than the common cold are brain dead morons.
0.03 percent of californians are dead of this. Better yet the more people who get this the lower the number goes

Stats do not lie, but fake news believing morons do


Why cant I get tested when I had a fever diarrhea and I lost my taste? My wife lost her hearing but no one wants us added to the database


You probably believe in Gilligan's island too

Depends on when it happened. We weren’t testing people who didn’t require hospitalization because we didn’t have capacity to test people when it would have no difference on their treatment. In your ignorance, you invented a fake conspiracy theory.

You aren’t lying, because you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first place. Turn off Tucker Carlson and you at least won’t be spouting off fake news.
Let's be intellectually honest here. If Tucker is spewing fake news, you can't really think that other networks like CNN and MSNBC AREN'T.

Most ALL news sources are suspect to testing and verification these days.

Journalism is a dead art now replaced by networks all with their own biases and political agendas.

Not the point. This poster was coming up false information that was propagated on Tucker’s show yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I’m calling out Tucker here because I believe that’s the source of this fake news.
Lol tucker had the doctors on that were viewed here over the weekend. Furthermore they uses CDC numbers so if they lied so is the cdc

If you’re referring to the two doctors I think you’re referring to, Drs Erickson and Massihi, then no, they weren’t using CDC numbers.

These two doctors were trying to tell people 12% of California had been infected. They did so based on the testing results of the people who presented to urgent care. So for starters, their sample population isn’t representative. These are people presenting for medical care. That’s the biggest selection bias one could think of. Using that, they got 6% positive tests. Then, for unknown reasons, they just decided to double that to 12%. Why? Who knows. They just wanted to.

But Tucker put them on TV anyway and didn’t challenge them on their claims because 1. Tucker isn’t very knowledgeable on these matters and 2. They said what Tucker wants to believe.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time
When COD is Covid-19 the hospitals get $39000 US pesos for each signature. Why save a heart problem and fight the insurance for a check ? Sign note. Get check. Eazy-queasy. It's smart business.
You have absolutely no fucking idea of what you're talking about so just sit down and shut the fuck up.
Too much sitting cause Covid-19
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again
Because the pandemic is largely political bullshit and made of smoke while the hospitals are going broke with mostly empty beds and no elective medical business which is their cash cow and pays their bills.
Thank you for confirming that logical people still exist
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time

Cafeteria workers provide food for patients and visitors, and now that there are no visitors, the cafeterias aren’t as busy. This isn’t rocket science. Even a moron like you can figure that out.

No one told stroke and heart patients not to show up. Maybe they believe liars like yourself who say that heart surgeries aren’t being performed.
So you believe that 2.2 million people will die
Or is it 200 thousand
Or 100 thousand
Or 66 thousand

All lies that you can not change

PS I had this disease my entire family did but they refuse to test us because the fatality number will be less than the common cold if we are all tested

But you saw different on tv


We are almost at 60k deaths as of today, almost entirely in the month of April and with extreme measures to limit the spread. The common cold doesn’t kill a fraction of that. Influenza might do that over the course of an entire year if it’s particularly bad.

People like you saying this is now worse than the common cold are brain dead morons.
0.03 percent of californians are dead of this. Better yet the more people who get this the lower the number goes

Stats do not lie, but fake news believing morons do


Why cant I get tested when I had a fever diarrhea and I lost my taste? My wife lost her hearing but no one wants us added to the database


You probably believe in Gilligan's island too

Depends on when it happened. We weren’t testing people who didn’t require hospitalization because we didn’t have capacity to test people when it would have no difference on their treatment. In your ignorance, you invented a fake conspiracy theory.

You aren’t lying, because you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first place. Turn off Tucker Carlson and you at least won’t be spouting off fake news.
Let's be intellectually honest here. If Tucker is spewing fake news, you can't really think that other networks like CNN and MSNBC AREN'T.

Most ALL news sources are suspect to testing and verification these days.

Journalism is a dead art now replaced by networks all with their own biases and political agendas.

Not the point. This poster was coming up false information that was propagated on Tucker’s show yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I’m calling out Tucker here because I believe that’s the source of this fake news.
Lol tucker had the doctors on that were viewed here over the weekend. Furthermore they uses CDC numbers so if they lied so is the cdc

If you’re referring to the two doctors I think you’re referring to, Drs Erickson and Massihi, then no, they weren’t using CDC numbers.

These two doctors were trying to tell people 12% of California had been infected. They did so based on the testing results of the people who presented to urgent care. So for starters, their sample population isn’t representative. These are people presenting for medical care. That’s the biggest selection bias one could think of. Using that, they got 6% positive tests. Then, for unknown reasons, they just decided to double that to 12%. Why? Who knows. They just wanted to.

But Tucker put them on TV anyway and didn’t challenge them on their claims because 1. Tucker isn’t very knowledgeable on these matters and 2. They said what Tucker wants to believe.
They used a sampling from Stanford and the CDC numbers and no one can prove them wrong
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff

What are they going to do? Medicine is a field of specialists and there are many types of technicians, etc., used in certain fields of elective procedures which serve no use in treating Covid, and they can't just hand them a bucket and tell them to do something they are not legally or medically certified to do. It would be legal pandemonium!
Dude entire hospital floors are closed because there are no covid patients either

Wake up
I'm very awake. Hospitals are shut down to pretty much all activity and procedures now not directly relating to treating critical Covid cases except in life threatening cases like a heart attack, etc., I would think, so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised that parts of most hospitals have fallen into disuse and are empty as they have many idle departments while others lay open waiting for any and all Covid patients!
Actually hospitals were shut down to prepare for 2.2 million deaths a lie
Would you rather they werre right? It was an apparent possibility. You know anyone with previous Covid pandemic experience?
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time

Cafeteria workers provide food for patients and visitors, and now that there are no visitors, the cafeterias aren’t as busy. This isn’t rocket science. Even a moron like you can figure that out.

No one told stroke and heart patients not to show up. Maybe they believe liars like yourself who say that heart surgeries aren’t being performed.
So you believe that 2.2 million people will die
Or is it 200 thousand
Or 100 thousand
Or 66 thousand

All lies that you can not change

PS I had this disease my entire family did but they refuse to test us because the fatality number will be less than the common cold if we are all tested

But you saw different on tv


We are almost at 60k deaths as of today, almost entirely in the month of April and with extreme measures to limit the spread. The common cold doesn’t kill a fraction of that. Influenza might do that over the course of an entire year if it’s particularly bad.

People like you saying this is now worse than the common cold are brain dead morons.
0.03 percent of californians are dead of this. Better yet the more people who get this the lower the number goes

Stats do not lie, but fake news believing morons do


Why cant I get tested when I had a fever diarrhea and I lost my taste? My wife lost her hearing but no one wants us added to the database


You probably believe in Gilligan's island too

Depends on when it happened. We weren’t testing people who didn’t require hospitalization because we didn’t have capacity to test people when it would have no difference on their treatment. In your ignorance, you invented a fake conspiracy theory.

You aren’t lying, because you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first place. Turn off Tucker Carlson and you at least won’t be spouting off fake news.
Let's be intellectually honest here. If Tucker is spewing fake news, you can't really think that other networks like CNN and MSNBC AREN'T.

Most ALL news sources are suspect to testing and verification these days.

Journalism is a dead art now replaced by networks all with their own biases and political agendas.

Not the point. This poster was coming up false information that was propagated on Tucker’s show yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I’m calling out Tucker here because I believe that’s the source of this fake news.
Lol tucker had the doctors on that were viewed here over the weekend. Furthermore they uses CDC numbers so if they lied so is the cdc

If you’re referring to the two doctors I think you’re referring to, Drs Erickson and Massihi, then no, they weren’t using CDC numbers.

These two doctors were trying to tell people 12% of California had been infected. They did so based on the testing results of the people who presented to urgent care. So for starters, their sample population isn’t representative. These are people presenting for medical care. That’s the biggest selection bias one could think of. Using that, they got 6% positive tests. Then, for unknown reasons, they just decided to double that to 12%. Why? Who knows. They just wanted to.

But Tucker put them on TV anyway and didn’t challenge them on their claims because 1. Tucker isn’t very knowledgeable on these matters and 2. They said what Tucker wants to believe.
They used a sampling from Stanford and the CDC numbers and no one can prove them wrong
Nope. They used a sampling from their own clinic.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about.
For profit health care is fucked up. Just like you.

What country develops more new life-extending and life-saving drugs, new medical procedures, and technology than the FOR-PROFIT healthcare system in the United States? For that matter, combine several countries.

Why do you find it beneficial that you profanely attack me personally? Where did I attack you?
Last edited:
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff

What are they going to do? Medicine is a field of specialists and there are many types of technicians, etc., used in certain fields of elective procedures which serve no use in treating Covid, and they can't just hand them a bucket and tell them to do something they are not legally or medically certified to do. It would be legal pandemonium!
Dude entire hospital floors are closed because there are no covid patients either

Wake up
I'm very awake. Hospitals are shut down to pretty much all activity and procedures now not directly relating to treating critical Covid cases except in life threatening cases like a heart attack, etc., I would think, so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised that parts of most hospitals have fallen into disuse and are empty as they have many idle departments while others lay open waiting for any and all Covid patients!
Actually hospitals were shut down to prepare for 2.2 million deaths a lie
Would you rather they werre right? It was an apparent possibility. You know anyone with previous Covid pandemic experience?
Farcy and obooba gave the chinks 3.7 million to create this.

Should the government be able to burn you and your home to the ground because you might be sick?

That is what was just done to the usa
For profit health care is fucked up. Just like you.

What country develops more new life-extending and life-saving drugs, new medical procedures, and technology than the FOR-PROFIT healthcare system in the United States? For that matter, combine several countries.

You have no idea what you speak of. You heard that somewhere and believed it. Now you repeat it. That is what dummies do.
  1. The feds are finally wising up to the heart disease // stroke // diabetes scam. The margarine versus butter thing and the fat-burning cookbooks.
  2. People are always smoking or ingesting something known to the State of California to cause cancer or other reproductive harm.
  3. If the hospital patrons haven't been charged with a formal diagnosis of COVID-19 ® and court-ordered for treatment on an emergency writ from the governor's office, they probably don't want it on their records when they seek employment in the future with employers who corporate healthcare coverage which includes pre-existing conditions as mandated by the government.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time

Cafeteria workers provide food for patients and visitors, and now that there are no visitors, the cafeterias aren’t as busy. This isn’t rocket science. Even a moron like you can figure that out.

No one told stroke and heart patients not to show up. Maybe they believe liars like yourself who say that heart surgeries aren’t being performed.
So you believe that 2.2 million people will die
Or is it 200 thousand
Or 100 thousand
Or 66 thousand

All lies that you can not change

PS I had this disease my entire family did but they refuse to test us because the fatality number will be less than the common cold if we are all tested

But you saw different on tv


We are almost at 60k deaths as of today, almost entirely in the month of April and with extreme measures to limit the spread. The common cold doesn’t kill a fraction of that. Influenza might do that over the course of an entire year if it’s particularly bad.

People like you saying this is now worse than the common cold are brain dead morons.
0.03 percent of californians are dead of this. Better yet the more people who get this the lower the number goes

Stats do not lie, but fake news believing morons do


Why cant I get tested when I had a fever diarrhea and I lost my taste? My wife lost her hearing but no one wants us added to the database


You probably believe in Gilligan's island too

Depends on when it happened. We weren’t testing people who didn’t require hospitalization because we didn’t have capacity to test people when it would have no difference on their treatment. In your ignorance, you invented a fake conspiracy theory.

You aren’t lying, because you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first place. Turn off Tucker Carlson and you at least won’t be spouting off fake news.
Let's be intellectually honest here. If Tucker is spewing fake news, you can't really think that other networks like CNN and MSNBC AREN'T.

Most ALL news sources are suspect to testing and verification these days.

Journalism is a dead art now replaced by networks all with their own biases and political agendas.

Not the point. This poster was coming up false information that was propagated on Tucker’s show yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I’m calling out Tucker here because I believe that’s the source of this fake news.
Lol tucker had the doctors on that were viewed here over the weekend. Furthermore they uses CDC numbers so if they lied so is the cdc

If you’re referring to the two doctors I think you’re referring to, Drs Erickson and Massihi, then no, they weren’t using CDC numbers.

These two doctors were trying to tell people 12% of California had been infected. They did so based on the testing results of the people who presented to urgent care. So for starters, their sample population isn’t representative. These are people presenting for medical care. That’s the biggest selection bias one could think of. Using that, they got 6% positive tests. Then, for unknown reasons, they just decided to double that to 12%. Why? Who knows. They just wanted to.

But Tucker put them on TV anyway and didn’t challenge them on their claims because 1. Tucker isn’t very knowledgeable on these matters and 2. They said what Tucker wants to believe.
They used a sampling from Stanford and the CDC numbers and no one can prove them wrong
Nope. They used a sampling from their own clinic.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about.
The fbi said that about me once too. So I had to teach them

Ask around, I would pat to be able to be wrong
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it
Nope. You need specific medical staff for specific reasons.
You also need cafeteria workers to feed full hospitals and if the hospital is near empty these people get laid off.

Tell us moron since the hospitals are empty anyway why cant heart patients get life saving surgery?

Answer because of morons like you

Cafeterias are empty because family is not allowed to visit except in special circumstances.

Heart patients are indeed getting life saving surgery.

You morons don’t really know what you’re talking about. Stop pretending.
Actually simpleton the cafeteria workers provide the food for patients and since there are very few patients they were laid off

Stroke and heart patients are not showing up, for some reason

Please pay attention mr fake news

Only morons believe the government as they have never once told the truth

And this isnt the first time

Cafeteria workers provide food for patients and visitors, and now that there are no visitors, the cafeterias aren’t as busy. This isn’t rocket science. Even a moron like you can figure that out.

No one told stroke and heart patients not to show up. Maybe they believe liars like yourself who say that heart surgeries aren’t being performed.
So you believe that 2.2 million people will die
Or is it 200 thousand
Or 100 thousand
Or 66 thousand

All lies that you can not change

PS I had this disease my entire family did but they refuse to test us because the fatality number will be less than the common cold if we are all tested

But you saw different on tv


We are almost at 60k deaths as of today, almost entirely in the month of April and with extreme measures to limit the spread. The common cold doesn’t kill a fraction of that. Influenza might do that over the course of an entire year if it’s particularly bad.

People like you saying this is now worse than the common cold are brain dead morons.
0.03 percent of californians are dead of this. Better yet the more people who get this the lower the number goes

Stats do not lie, but fake news believing morons do


Why cant I get tested when I had a fever diarrhea and I lost my taste? My wife lost her hearing but no one wants us added to the database


You probably believe in Gilligan's island too

Depends on when it happened. We weren’t testing people who didn’t require hospitalization because we didn’t have capacity to test people when it would have no difference on their treatment. In your ignorance, you invented a fake conspiracy theory.

You aren’t lying, because you don’t know what you’re talking about in the first place. Turn off Tucker Carlson and you at least won’t be spouting off fake news.
Let's be intellectually honest here. If Tucker is spewing fake news, you can't really think that other networks like CNN and MSNBC AREN'T.

Most ALL news sources are suspect to testing and verification these days.

Journalism is a dead art now replaced by networks all with their own biases and political agendas.

Not the point. This poster was coming up false information that was propagated on Tucker’s show yesterday. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I’m calling out Tucker here because I believe that’s the source of this fake news.
Lol tucker had the doctors on that were viewed here over the weekend. Furthermore they uses CDC numbers so if they lied so is the cdc

If you’re referring to the two doctors I think you’re referring to, Drs Erickson and Massihi, then no, they weren’t using CDC numbers.

These two doctors were trying to tell people 12% of California had been infected. They did so based on the testing results of the people who presented to urgent care. So for starters, their sample population isn’t representative. These are people presenting for medical care. That’s the biggest selection bias one could think of. Using that, they got 6% positive tests. Then, for unknown reasons, they just decided to double that to 12%. Why? Who knows. They just wanted to.

But Tucker put them on TV anyway and didn’t challenge them on their claims because 1. Tucker isn’t very knowledgeable on these matters and 2. They said what Tucker wants to believe.
They used a sampling from Stanford and the CDC numbers and no one can prove them wrong
Nope. They used a sampling from their own clinic.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about.
The fbi said that about me once too. So I had to teach them

Ask around, I would pat to be able to be wrong
What the hell are you talking about?

You haven’t taught me anything other than your willingness to repeat nonsense from the right wing media sphere.
just askin

What percentage of our hospitals are "for-profit"? Why is that a problem?
The problem with these hospitals are that they are deemed unessential by Dim goobernators and so they are not providing services and closing down like any other bidness.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again
Same here. We have two hospitals in our county. The one that didn't opt to join a consortium of healthcare providers is now in bankruptcy proceedings and they just announced lay offs, as well. They already closed their OBG unit last year. I don't understand what is really going on, but it's truly serious. We have a county larger than Rhode Island.

There is nothing "fake" about what has happened to the hospitals in the past two months. They spent gazillions preparing for an overload of patients, made more ICU beds, bought respirators, extra PPE. And they cancelled all their elective procedures and anything that could wait. People helped that along by staying away from doctors' offices, afraid they'd catch the Virus. The only good news is that the Governor is allowing elective procedures in the hospitals starting May 1. That MAY help a little, but if I were holding off on elective surgery, I'd think twice about rushing in to have it performed now. Might still wait a bit.

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