If we are in the middle of a pandemic, why are hospitals laying off

Why would I do your work for you? You made the claim. You were wrong. Just accept it.

You made this statement with nothing to support your allegations.

"Most medical research has traditionally been funded by tax dollars as it rarely provides short term ROI. We've moved away from that in THIS NATION in
recent years....and more investment has come from the private sector here. Most of that is funded by MULTINATIONALS and the
"we are #1" idea that you suggest is horseshit. "

So please, step up and show us the reliable source and working link proving your credibility.

Thank you, thank you so much.

No source needed. Common knowledge.

You are avoiding the fact that you made a claim which stated that our FOR PROFIT health care system is responsible for our
medical research and development being better than any other nation.

You have yet to even attempt to support that claim.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Because they have to have money to operate.
Why would I do your work for you? You made the claim. You were wrong. Just accept it.

You made this statement with nothing to support your allegations.

"Most medical research has traditionally been funded by tax dollars as it rarely provides short term ROI. We've moved away from that in THIS NATION in
recent years....and more investment has come from the private sector here. Most of that is funded by MULTINATIONALS and the
"we are #1" idea that you suggest is horseshit. "

So please, step up and show us the reliable source and working link proving your credibility.

Thank you, thank you so much.

No source needed. Common knowledge.

You are avoiding the fact that you made a claim which stated that our FOR PROFIT health care system is responsible for our
medical research and development being better than any other nation.

You have yet to even attempt to support that claim.

You're funny! Common knowledge? Where? At The Nation or DailyKOS? You are just shocked that I had facts at hand.

No source needed. Common knowledge.


The Story of Remdesivir
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics.
By Bret Stephens
Opinion Columnist
April 17, 2020

Why would I do your work for you? You made the claim. You were wrong. Just accept it.

You made this statement with nothing to support your allegations.

"Most medical research has traditionally been funded by tax dollars as it rarely provides short term ROI. We've moved away from that in THIS NATION in
recent years....and more investment has come from the private sector here. Most of that is funded by MULTINATIONALS and the
"we are #1" idea that you suggest is horseshit. "

So please, step up and show us the reliable source and working link proving your credibility.

Thank you, thank you so much.

No source needed. Common knowledge.

You are avoiding the fact that you made a claim which stated that our FOR PROFIT health care system is responsible for our
medical research and development being better than any other nation.

You have yet to even attempt to support that claim.

You're funny! Common knowledge? Where? At The Nation or DailyKOS? You are just shocked that I had facts at hand.

No source needed. Common knowledge.


The Story of Remdesivir
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics.
By Bret Stephens
Opinion Columnist
April 17, 2020

Taxpayer funded research as we speak. Moron.
Why would I do your work for you? You made the claim. You were wrong. Just accept it.

You made this statement with nothing to support your allegations.

"Most medical research has traditionally been funded by tax dollars as it rarely provides short term ROI. We've moved away from that in THIS NATION in
recent years....and more investment has come from the private sector here. Most of that is funded by MULTINATIONALS and the
"we are #1" idea that you suggest is horseshit. "

So please, step up and show us the reliable source and working link proving your credibility.

Thank you, thank you so much.

No source needed. Common knowledge.

You are avoiding the fact that you made a claim which stated that our FOR PROFIT health care system is responsible for our
medical research and development being better than any other nation.

You have yet to even attempt to support that claim.

You're funny! Common knowledge? Where? At The Nation or DailyKOS? You are just shocked that I had facts at hand.

No source needed. Common knowledge.


The Story of Remdesivir
Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there should be no big-pharma haters in pandemics.
By Bret Stephens
Opinion Columnist
April 17, 2020

Taxpayer funded research as we speak. Moron.


You're the one posting the outrageous misinformation.

Gilead Industries is one of the hundreds of private firms doing research for any manner of drugs. They are corporations on the NYSE.

EVEN IF, some taxpayer money finds its way to their doors, that doesn't change the fact that they would not spend billions in research if there was no chance of a PROFIT.

Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


If you get COVID-19 and do not have health insurance due to the polices of republic pols, you're a cost on our health system.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it

Like most on the right you’re trying to downplay the severity of the pandemic for purely partisan reasons, and propagate the lie that the health and safety guidelines aren’t warranted.

To that end you ignore facts and the truth.
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


Use them how? Medical staff aren’t all interchangeable. They all have specific skills. Not everyone is an ICU nurse or respiratory tech.
Nope, if you have a pandemic all the medical staff are needed. Hospitals are empty in many places, even the hospital ship left ny because it was empty.

The truth is there you just refuse to see it

Like most on the right you’re trying to downplay the severity of the pandemic for purely partisan reasons, and propagate the lie that the health and safety guidelines aren’t warranted.

To that end you ignore facts and the truth.
Yawn this might be the most contagious virus ever, I had it so did my wife and son. That said they are only testing people who are in the hospital and ignoring the 90 percent of the infected who have no symptoms. The fact is that when all those infected are counted that the death rate will be trivial, furthermore old farts that are already on life support with do not resuscitate orders in place are already dead and should not be counted
Doctors and nurses?

The fake news strikes again

Health systems have reduced elective procedures and visits in order to reduce the amount of person to person contact and preserve PPE which is in short supply. Those procedures and visits generated a lot of revenue and results in large deficits. The people will most likely be rehired when this returns to normal.
And there are not enough covid patients to use the staff


If you get COVID-19 and do not have health insurance due to the polices of republic pols, you're a cost on our health system.
Wrong my entire family had covid-19 and we had no medical bills. This is what they do not want the people to know as it proves how not dangerous this disease really is

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