If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

For all those Islamapologists, islamists, jihadists, brainwashed liberals, and assorted fools who think what I've been saying hasn't been said by US National Security experts, here is a list of the authors of the book SHARIAH: THE THREAT TO AMERICA, which says exactly what I say in this thread >>

Unlike yourself- this book very clearly distinguishes between moderate Muslims- and Muslim Supremacists- and nowhere does the book say Islam is not a religion- instead it is a warning about Shariah and radical Islam.

TView attachment 37127
Unlike YOURself, I have read this entire book (in addition to 24 other books about Islamization + thousands of their footnoted reports), so you 're not going to tell me what's in these books, that I don't know.

I've already shown you where the book does say what I say in this thread > that Islam is unconstitutional, is incompatible with the Constitution, and that Article 6, section 2 of the Constitution (the Supremacy Clause) does not allow Islam's supremacy. As for Islam not being a religion, you are wrong. It most certainly DOES talk about Islam not being a religion. Here's a passage from the same page that I quoted earlier, just 4 paragraphs below the one that mentioned Article 6 of the Constitution >>

"Today we are facing an internal threat that has masked itself as a religion, and that uses the tolerance for religious practice guaranteed by the Constitution's First Amendment, to parry efforts to restrict or prevent what amount to seditious activities."

In reading this book, I recall seeing the word "masquerades", to describe how Islam portrays itself as a religion. I have seen this word used several times. I may not be able to locate the exact pages offhand, but I myself have used this word many times in this forum, and this book is where I got the idea for that word.

And yes, the book is a warning about Shariah. Well, what do you think "Shariah" is ? A ping pong game ? It is Islam. It is Islamic law, straight from the Koran. Exactly what I've been talking about in this thread. And the authors also caution about so-called "moderate" Muslims, who in reality, are not so "moderate" at all.

You are proven WRONG again.
The Christian Mega-Churches are a bigger threat to America.

Both Islam and Christianity use their mythology texts to control people.
Sorry, I don't see Christians knocking tall buildings down, beheading people, crucifyng people, burning people alive, massacring people with guns. We all know who's doing that.

PS - your avatar is a contradiction. Gays and Islam don't go together. Muslims kill gays. Hadn't you heard ?
Prove to us that most folks and most nations don't accept Islam as a religion. You can't.

You are not an authority on the issue, so your wild claims can be laughed at then ignored.

Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.

Prove to us that most folks and most nations don't accept Islam as a religion. You can't.

You are not an authority on the issue, so your wild claims can be laughed at then ignored.

Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.

Well, it's not JUST a religion.

It's a whole ideology and political structure.

Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.
For all those Islamapologists, islamists, jihadists, brainwashed liberals, and assorted fools who think what I've been saying hasn't been said by US National Security experts, here is a list of the authors of the book SHARIAH: THE THREAT TO AMERICA, which says exactly what I say in this thread >>

Unlike yourself- this book very clearly distinguishes between moderate Muslims- and Muslim Supremacists- and nowhere does the book say Islam is not a religion- instead it is a warning about Shariah and radical Islam.

TView attachment 37127
Unlike YOURself, I have read this entire book (in addition to 24 other books about Islamization + thousands of their footnoted reports), so you 're not going to tell me what's in these books, that I don't know..

Oh you will ignore reality as you always do.

The book refers to radical Islam- and never says that Islam is not a religion.

You can't find that quote because it doesn't exist except in your head.

Like everything else you make up in your terror of Muslims.
Sorry bout that,

1. We must learn from the past, or repeat it.
2. Jews were thrown into the furnace in WWII.
3. And I don't know if you are aware of it, but islam plans to throw Christians in the furnace next.
4. Its time we take the trash out, and Obama is where we start.

Sorry bout that,

1. We declare it a political group, because it is, then ban it.
2. Easy peasy.


Then Christians are next. As any abrogation of rights you inflict upon Muslims can then be inflicted upon any religious group.

The OP's proposals are a radical atheist's wet dream.
As it would be the first and definitive step in outlawing religion in the US and voiding all 1st amendment rights to religion.

And we're not going to do that.
FALSE! The OP has nothing to do with religion. Try reading the thread, so as to avoid jumping in here unaware, and looking stupid.

Says you. Islam is a religion and our law recognizes it as such. You hold a contrary personal opinion.

So what? We're not going to violate our own laws, destroy the 1st amendment protections of religion, and commit a vast koran and mosque purge because you believe we should.
We are already violating our own laws (Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution and the US Codes). And closing the mosques and eliminating korans isn't becasue I say we should. It's because the Constitution requires it.
For all those Islamapologists, islamists, jihadists, brainwashed liberals, and assorted fools who think what I've been saying hasn't been said by US National Security experts, here is a list of the authors of the book SHARIAH: THE THREAT TO AMERICA, which says exactly what I say in this thread >>

Unlike yourself- this book very clearly distinguishes between moderate Muslims- and Muslim Supremacists- and nowhere does the book say Islam is not a religion- instead it is a warning about Shariah and radical Islam.

TView attachment 37127
Unlike YOURself, I have read this entire book (in addition to 24 other books about Islamization + thousands of their footnoted reports), so you 're not going to tell me what's in these books, that I don't know..

Oh you will ignore reality as you always do.

The book refers to radical Islam- and never says that Islam is not a religion.

You can't find that quote because it doesn't exist except in your head.

Like everything else you make up in your terror of Muslims.

Post 661 shows one of the quotes in the book that mentions Islam not being a religion. You were already refuted before you posted. It might help if you read the thread. The book refers to Islam as a radical thing. I've read the book. I don't think you have.

Here's something else proving you never read the book. This is the TITLE of CHAPTER 7 of the book >> (shown in the link - table of contents)

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Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.

Yes...I'd like to see that. Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.

Well, it's not JUST a religion.

It's a whole ideology and political structure.

Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
Sorry bout that,

1. We declare it a political group, because it is, then ban it.
2. Easy peasy.


Then Christians are next. As any abrogation of rights you inflict upon Muslims can then be inflicted upon any religious group.

The OP's proposals are a radical atheist's wet dream.
As it would be the first and definitive step in outlawing religion in the US and voiding all 1st amendment rights to religion.

And we're not going to do that.
FALSE! The OP has nothing to do with religion. Try reading the thread, so as to avoid jumping in here unaware, and looking stupid.

Says you. Islam is a religion and our law recognizes it as such. You hold a contrary personal opinion.

So what? We're not going to violate our own laws, destroy the 1st amendment protections of religion, and commit a vast koran and mosque purge because you believe we should.
We are already violating our own laws (Article 6 Section 2 of the Constitution and the US Codes). And closing the mosques and eliminating korans isn't becasue I say we should. It's because the Constitution requires it.

Says you. See above for how your personal opinion has no relevance to our laws, courts or the constitution.
Well, it's not JUST a religion.

It's a whole ideology and political structure.

Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

This didn't last long. It took a trio of appeals court judges 2 minutes, to overrule this idiotic and illegal decision. Nothing trumps the Supremacy Clause.
Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

The courts have never found that Islam is not a religion. Nor have they ever found that mosques should be purged, nor koran's burned.

All that's you citing yourself. And you're nobody.
Well, it's not JUST a religion.

It's a whole ideology and political structure.

Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.

Me ? You're not talking against me. Here's who you're talking against >>

George Washington. James Madison. Thomas Jefferson. John Adams. Thomas Paine. Patrick Henry.
Islam is a religion. Its followers enjoy the same 1st amendment protections as any of the religiously pious.

We won't be closing mosques, forbidding the Koran, or shredding the 1st amendment because you may believe otherwise.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.

Me ? You're not talking against me. Here's who you're talking against >>

George Washington. James Madison. Thomas Jefferson. John Adams. Thomas Paine. Patrick Henry.

Neither Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Paine nor Henry started this thread.

That would be you. You claim that Islam is not a religion. You claim that all mosques should be purged. You insist that all Korans should be burned. You claim that Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385 have been violated.

The law doesn't recognize any of your claims as valid. Nor do our courts. And we're not going to purge mosques nor burn Korans because of your personal opinion.

You're nobody.
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

The courts have never found that Islam is not a religion. Nor have they ever found that mosques should be purged, nor koran's burned.

All that's you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The US govt has not defined Islam as not a religion. But I don't always agree with everything the US govt does.
I didn't agree with the Vietnam War, and a number of other thing since then also. Some other countries HAVE declared Islam to not be a religion. One example is Italy. I agree with Italy on this. I disagree with the US.
I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

The courts have never found that Islam is not a religion. Nor have they ever found that mosques should be purged, nor koran's burned.

All that's you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The US govt has not defined Islam as not a religion. But I don't always agree with everything the US govt does.
I didn't agree with the Vietnam War, and a number of other thing since then also. Some other countries HAVE declared Islam to not be a religion. One example is Italy. I agree with Italy on this. I disagree with the US.

Your personal opinion on Vietnam is as irrelevant to Islam being recognized as religion under our law as your opinions on Islam. Your acceptance or rejection is irrelevant. You're irrelevant.

As we don't base our laws on you. Your entire argument requires that we accept your personal opinion as legal fact. I reject your personal opinion as anything more than your beliefs. And we're not closing so much as a window at a mosque based on your personal beliefs.

So what else have you got?
Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.

Me ? You're not talking against me. Here's who you're talking against >>

George Washington. James Madison. Thomas Jefferson. John Adams. Thomas Paine. Patrick Henry.

Neither Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Paine nor Henry started this thread.

That would be you. You claim that Islam is not a religion. You claim that all mosques should be purged. You insist that all Korans should be burned. You claim that Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385 have been violated.

The law doesn't recognize any of your claims as valid. Nor do our courts. And we're not going to purge mosques nor burn Korans because of your personal opinion.

YES the law most certainly DOES recognize my claims as valid, as do the courts, and I just gave you one example in Post # 670. You were refuted before you even posted. HA HA. You're making a fool out of yourself.
I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.

Me ? You're not talking against me. Here's who you're talking against >>

George Washington. James Madison. Thomas Jefferson. John Adams. Thomas Paine. Patrick Henry.

Neither Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Paine nor Henry started this thread.

That would be you. You claim that Islam is not a religion. You claim that all mosques should be purged. You insist that all Korans should be burned. You claim that Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385 have been violated.

The law doesn't recognize any of your claims as valid. Nor do our courts. And we're not going to purge mosques nor burn Korans because of your personal opinion.

YES the law most certainly DOES recognize my claims as valid, as do the courts, and I just gave you one example in Post # 670. You were refuted before you even posted. HA HA. You're making a fool out of yourself.

Nope. Islam is still a religion under the law. We're still not purging our nation of mosques. And we're still not purging our nation of Korans.

Your personal opinion means jack shit, legally. We're simply not enacting anything you claim we must.
Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

The courts have never found that Islam is not a religion. Nor have they ever found that mosques should be purged, nor koran's burned.

All that's you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The US govt has not defined Islam as not a religion. But I don't always agree with everything the US govt does.
I didn't agree with the Vietnam War, and a number of other thing since then also. Some other countries HAVE declared Islam to not be a religion. One example is Italy. I agree with Italy on this. I disagree with the US.

Your personal opinion on Vietnam is as irrelevant to Islam being recognized as religion under our law as your opinions on Islam. Your acceptance or rejection is irrelevant. You're irrelevant.

As we don't base our laws on you. Your entire argument requires that we accept your personal opinion as legal fact. I reject your personal opinion as anything more than your beliefs. And we're not closing so much as a window at a mosque based on your personal beliefs.

So what else have you got?
I don't NEED anything else, because you have refuted yourself completely. You keep trying to portray this discussion as something of my "opinion" (you call it), and then you laughably try to strengthen that with the word "personal". Well, you can toss out as many words as you like, but the supremacy clause isn't my opinion. it is a 226 year old rock--solid FACT, and all you've done here by trying to paint it up as somebody's opinion, is make a complete laughingstock out of yourself.
Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.

Me ? You're not talking against me. Here's who you're talking against >>

George Washington. James Madison. Thomas Jefferson. John Adams. Thomas Paine. Patrick Henry.

Neither Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Paine nor Henry started this thread.

That would be you. You claim that Islam is not a religion. You claim that all mosques should be purged. You insist that all Korans should be burned. You claim that Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385 have been violated.

The law doesn't recognize any of your claims as valid. Nor do our courts. And we're not going to purge mosques nor burn Korans because of your personal opinion.

YES the law most certainly DOES recognize my claims as valid, as do the courts, and I just gave you one example in Post # 670. You were refuted before you even posted. HA HA. You're making a fool out of yourself.

Nope. Islam is still a religion under the law. We're still not purging our nation of mosques. And we're still not purging our nation of Korans.

Your personal opinion means jack shit, legally. We're simply not enacting anything you claim we must.
So you are now the complete dictator of America, and you're telling us what will and won't be ? HA HA HA.

EARTH TO SKYLAR: If and whenever the Constitution and US Codes are enforced to close mosques and eliminate korans, it will be done by the American people, through the Congress and president, not you.
Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

The courts have never found that Islam is not a religion. Nor have they ever found that mosques should be purged, nor koran's burned.

All that's you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

The US govt has not defined Islam as not a religion. But I don't always agree with everything the US govt does.
I didn't agree with the Vietnam War, and a number of other thing since then also. Some other countries HAVE declared Islam to not be a religion. One example is Italy. I agree with Italy on this. I disagree with the US.

Your personal opinion on Vietnam is as irrelevant to Islam being recognized as religion under our law as your opinions on Islam. Your acceptance or rejection is irrelevant. You're irrelevant.

As we don't base our laws on you. Your entire argument requires that we accept your personal opinion as legal fact. I reject your personal opinion as anything more than your beliefs. And we're not closing so much as a window at a mosque based on your personal beliefs.

So what else have you got?
I don't NEED anything else, because you have refuted yourself completely.

Says you. And as your previous failures demonstrate, your source sucks.

There will be no purges of mosques nor purges of korans. As your personal opinion is legally meaningless. While the law and court's recognition of islam as a religion is immediately relevant. And authoritative.

Ignore as you wish. No one gives a shit.

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