If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.

Not a religion, and not even close to being one. Read the thread.

I have. And I reject your fundamental assumption that Islam isn't a religion. As does our law. As does just about every court ruling on the topic.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law nor the constitutional rights of anyone.

Your personal opinion doesn't trump law (Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385), nor the constitutional rights of anyone, to be protected from supremacisms and seditionists.

Its your personal opinion that Islam violates Article 6, Section of 2 of the Constitution and US Codes 2384 & 2385. The courts nor the law have ever found this to be true. In issues of legal definition, constitutional muster and applicability of law, those enforcing and adjudicating the law are authoritative.

And you're nobody.
You are talking a lot, but you don't know what you're talking about. The courts HAVE found it to be true that the Supremacy Clause does not allow Islam (Shariah law) to trump US law. In the New Jersey rape case, a Muslim husband tried to use the Koran (sura 4:34) to allow him to rape and beat his wife. An imbecile lower court judge let him get away with it (putting Islam supreme over the Supremacy Clause which says the Constitution and US laws are supreme)

This didn't last long. It took a trio of appeals court judges 2 minutes, to overrule this idiotic and illegal decision. Nothing trumps the Supremacy Clause.

A court made a mistake- and just like our system is supposed to work- the Appellate Court reversed that mistake.

not 'courts'

And not "Islam".

None of us are saying that Shariah law is protected in the United States- but the religion known as Islam is protected.
The IDEOLOGY, "masquerading" as a religion (as the Center for Security Policy authors refer to it, is not protected, as the New Jersey rape.wife beating case clearly showed. The Muslim husband tried to clear himself by involving Koran sura 4:34 (which advocates wife-beating), and Koran suras 4:24, 23:1-6, and 70-29:30 ( which advocate rape) This was ISLAM (
Sorry, what you'r esaying is just wrong, and it's also very repetitive, which is now putting you in distinct TROLL territory.

I simply reject your underlying assumptions: that Islam isn't a religion, and that Islam violates Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385. Those are your personal opinions. Our laws and case law contradict those assumptions or don't recognize them as valid.

Thus, we're taking none of the actions you demand. We're closing no mosques. We're burning no Korans. Islam is protected under 1st amendment rights to the free practice of religion, no matter what opinions you hold.

And without our acceptance of your fundamental assumptions as valid, you've got nothing. You can repeat your underlying assumptions as many times as you want, it doesn't make them any less irrelevant to our law, to our constitution, and to the religious practice of Islam in the United States.

Get used to the idea.

You can't come into a thread and keep repeating the same thing over and ver. That's harrassmnet , it's badgering, and it's in violation of forum rules.

I come to this thread and disagree with your fundamental assumptions. I reject them as meaningless nonsense and pseudo-legal gibberish. I've repeated my rejection of your assumptions far less often than you've stated them.

If you believe its 'harrassment' to disagree with you, take it up with a moderator. But much like your claims regarding the constitution, board rules aren't violated simply because you claim that they are.

Get used to that idea too.
Everything you said is wrong.

1. Islam is not a religion. (and it wouldn't matter if it was)

2. Of course, Islam violates Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385. They were written to defend us from something just exactly as Islam is.

3. These are not personal opinions. That is just your run-of-the-mill jihadist propaganda tactic.

4. Our laws and case law (ex. the New Jersey rape/wife-beating case) support the Supremacy Clause and US codes 100%, and will continue to do so.

5. HA HA HA. Thanks for the laugh about unless you accept "my" assumptions I have nothing. That was pretty funny. It isn't necessary for some screwball jihadists to accept the Supremacy Clause & US Codes for them to be valid. Your jihad propaganda in this thread (or anywhere else) is about as meaningful as a moss-covered rock in a dark swamp.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is trampling on the American Constitution as I type this, because they have no intention to assimilate into our culture, no, never.
2. Thats one of the basic agreements to come to this country, you have to fit in, to learn our ways and use them.
3. So, because they are always leading to establishing their law, then even an idiot should be able to figure out what they want.
4. They are only here to take over, through their laws.
5. Thats a fact!


Says you. And that's your personal opinion.

1. Its FACT.
2. Hide and watch all muslims.


No, its opinion. And uninformed opinion at that, as you claim to speak for every Muslim in the US, their goals and their intentions.

You don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. And you pretending to be people you don't know nor have ever met doesn't actually translate into knowledge.

But spectacularly ignorant opinion.

Here come the F bombs. The meltdown is underway, When they know they are getting their asses handed to them, they start falling apart. :badgrin:
Sorry bout that,

1. And look at isis, the new islamic movement for statehood, professing to be musilms, who read the koran and yet they are compelled to murder Christians in order to fulfill their purpose, and begin their new found nation, that will given by using the koran.
2. If you can not see what is going on skyler you are a total --------- idiot!!!

Islamic State in Syria abducts at least 150 Christians Reuters

"Islamic State militants have abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria"

3. This form of koran government has been taking place for centuries.
4. Those with the power make the rules of death over others.

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Everything you said is wrong.

1. Islam is not a religion. (and it wouldn't matter if it was)

2. Of course, Islam violates Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385. They were written to defend us from something just exactly as Islam is.

3. These are not personal opinions. That is just your run-of-the-mill jihadist propaganda tactic.

4. Our laws and case law (ex. the New Jersey rape/wife-beating case) support the Supremacy Clause and US codes 100%, and will continue to do so.

5. HA HA HA. Thanks for the laugh about unless you accept "my" assumptions I have nothing. That was pretty funny. It isn't necessary for some screwball jihadists to accept the Supremacy Clause & US Codes for them to be valid. Your jihad propaganda in this thread (or anywhere else) is about as meaningful as a moss-covered rock in a dark swamp.

That's your opinion. Neither our laws nor our courts recognize your claims are valid.

But actively contradict you. Islam is a religion under our law. It is protected under the 1st amendment. Neither or laws nor the courts have recognized Islam as violating Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution, & US Codes 2384 & 2385.

You say otherwise. Who gives a shit? We're not closing so much as a window of a mosque, let alone purging all mosques from our country. Nor burning all Korans.

Your demands are rejected. As without our agreement with your opinion as indisputable fact, you've got nothing.

Which means you've got nothing.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?
Sorry bout that,

1. And look at isis, the new islamic movement for statehood, professing to be musilms, who read the koran and yet they are compelled to murder Christians in order to fulfill their purpose, and begin their new found nation, that will given by using the koran.
2. If you can not see what is going on styler you are a total fucking idiot!!!

Islamic State in Syria abducts at least 150 Christians Reuters

"Islamic State militants have abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria"

3. This form of koran government has been taking place for centuries.
4. Those with the power make the rules of death over others.


What's your point? That there are extremists with Islam? Agreed.

But your claim isn't that there are extremists within islam. You've made claims about ALL of Islam. And every Muslim in the US. Unless you're arguing that every muslim in the US is a member of ISIS and can prove it.....what possible relevance does ISIS have with your claims?
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
Sorry bout that,

1. And look at isis, the new islamic movement for statehood, professing to be musilms, who read the koran and yet they are compelled to murder Christians in order to fulfill their purpose, and begin their new found nation, that will given by using the koran.
2. If you can not see what is going on styler you are a total fucking idiot!!!

Islamic State in Syria abducts at least 150 Christians Reuters

"Islamic State militants have abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria"

3. This form of koran government has been taking place for centuries.
4. Those with the power make the rules of death over others.

He can see what's going on. He's an Islamist. A jihadist. He's just engaging in his typical everyday TAQIYYA. And his real name isn't "Skylar". It's probably Mohammed or Abdul, or some other raggedyy name.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:
Sorry bout that,

1. And look at isis, the new islamic movement for statehood, professing to be musilms, who read the koran and yet they are compelled to murder Christians in order to fulfill their purpose, and begin their new found nation, that will given by using the koran.
2. If you can not see what is going on styler you are a total fucking idiot!!!

Islamic State in Syria abducts at least 150 Christians Reuters

"Islamic State militants have abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria"

3. This form of koran government has been taking place for centuries.
4. Those with the power make the rules of death over others.


What's your point? That there are extremists with Islam? Agreed.

But your claim isn't that there are extremists within islam. You've made claims about ALL of Islam. And every Muslim in the US. Unless you're arguing that every muslim in the US is a member of ISIS and can prove it.....what possible relevance does ISIS have with your claims?
The proof is simple. It;s right there in the Koran (8:12, 9:5, 9:123, 4:34, 65:4, etc)
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

That's been tried elsewhere before, it led to genocide.
The American people are not constrained in our actions, by what some other country did, in some other century. What they did was their business. What we do is ours.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.

That's been tried elsewhere before, it led to genocide.
The American people are not constrained in our actions, by what some other country did, in some other century. What they did was their business. What we do is ours.

You don't represent us. Almost no one here shares your views. Your proposals are actually wildly criminal in our system of laws. We're not purging any mosque. We're not burning every Koran. We're not violating any religious freedoms over your personal opinion.

Your demands are rejected. Now what?
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam is like the mob, once in you never get out.
2. Check this out, this is no religion.
2. A) Governments condemn to death, and this people by condemning a man to death over his refusal to follow islamic tyrants is prime example its no religion, its government.

Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith - Telegraph

3. This is not what they profess to be.
4. Look in saudi arabia.


Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
There's nothing to figure out MR MAKE BELIEVE. Everyone in the world knows what jihad is against. It's against the entire non-Muslim world, and everyone and everything that is not Muslim. Like you didn't know that right ? ANd like you thought I didn't know that, right ? Dude, your whole snow job here is this thread fell apart long ago. Forget it Humpdy Dumpdy.
Sorry bout that,

1. The only problem thats real in this day and age is islam.
2. Islam is attempting to take over the world, just like the government of Germany tried to do a couple times.
3. This Nation will stand up to islam, and we will show the way to uproot it, and we will destroy islam within our borders.
4. The constitution must be followed, and it will.

Says you. It doesn't magically transform into something other than opinion because you type it over and over.

And Saudi Arabia isn't the whole of Islam. Your claims are overbroad. And you can't possibly support them factually. As you'll have to prove EVERY Muslim in America supports them.

And you can't.
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
There's nothing to figure out MR MAKE BELIEVE. Everyone in the world knows what jihad is against. It's against the entire non-Muslim world, and everyone and everything that is not Muslim.

Says who?
There's nothing difficult about proving that every Muslim supports jihad. Here is some simple logic for you. Every Muslim support the Koran (or he's not a Muslim). The Koran commands jihad. Thus, every Muslim supports jihad (or he's not a Muslim) Get it ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
There's nothing to figure out MR MAKE BELIEVE. Everyone in the world knows what jihad is against. It's against the entire non-Muslim world, and everyone and everything that is not Muslim.

Says who?
So now you're going to try to pass it off that jihad is not a war against everything and everyone that's not Muslim ? HA HA. This is another characteristic about jihadists and leftist loons who support it. Nothing is too ludicrous for them to say, and then try to fragment the discussion into idiotic pieces of information. Not going to work, Mohammed. Try another avenue.

Says who ? Says the Koran, dum dum.

"I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers." (Koran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177)

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them." (Koran 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186)

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate". (Koran 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous." (Koran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206)

And this is just a small sample. The Koran is loaded with Jihad filth like this, from cover to cover.
Everybody knows it, Mohammed. The cat is long out of the bag. This isn't 1970. You can't snow the world with taqiyya any more.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Says the King of islam king abdula what the fucks name…in saudi araibia the ass clown…

Article 1:The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic State. Its religion is Islam. Its constitution is Almighty God's Book, The Holy Qur'an, and the Sunna (Traditions) of the Prophet (PBUH). Arabic is the language of the Kingdom. The City of Riyadh is the capital.

Article 2:The State public holidays are Eid Al Fitr (the Feast of Ramadan) and Eid Al Adha (The Feast of the Sacrifice). Its calendar follows the Hijri year (the lunar year).

Article 3:The flag of the State is as follows:

(a) Its color is green(b) Its width equals two thirds of its length

The words: "There is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger" are inscribed in the center, with a drawn sword underneath. The flag should never be inverted. The Law will specify the rules pertaining to the flag.

Article 4: The State's Emblem represents two crossed swords with a palm three in the middle of the upper space between them. The Law will define the State's Anthem and medals

3. You will notice that the whole government hangs on the koran and those other bullshit religious laws they call their religious text.
4. You should also know that mecca the center of their bullshit government is in that country.

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