If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

Jihad against what? See, that's where your argument breaks.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
There's nothing to figure out MR MAKE BELIEVE. Everyone in the world knows what jihad is against. It's against the entire non-Muslim world, and everyone and everything that is not Muslim.

Says who?
So now you're going to try to pass it off that jihad is not a war against everything and everyone that's not Muslim ? HA HA. This is another characteristic about jihadists and leftist loons who support it. Nothing is to ludicrous for them to say, and then try to fragment the discussion into idiotic pieces of information. Not goingto work, Mohammed. Try another avenue.

Once again, I'm not accepting your personal opinion as fact. And when I ask you to back up your claims, you can't.

Your entire argument is you coming hat in hand, begging us to agree with you.
As without our agreement that your opinion is irrefutable fact, you have nothing. You claim that Islam isn't a religion.

You're wrong.

You claim that Islam doesn't have any 1st amendment protections.

You're wrong.

You insist that we should purge all mosques from the US.


You insist we should be burn all Korans.


So what else have you got?
Sorry bout that,

1. Says the King of islam king abdula what the fucks name…in saudi araibia the ass clown…

Article 1:The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic State. Its religion is Islam. Its constitution is Almighty God's Book, The Holy Qur'an, and the Sunna (Traditions) of the Prophet (PBUH). Arabic is the language of the Kingdom. The City of Riyadh is the capital.

Article 2:The State public holidays are Eid Al Fitr (the Feast of Ramadan) and Eid Al Adha (The Feast of the Sacrifice). Its calendar follows the Hijri year (the lunar year).

Article 3:The flag of the State is as follows:

(a) Its color is green(b) Its width equals two thirds of its length

The words: "There is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger" are inscribed in the center, with a drawn sword underneath. The flag should never be inverted. The Law will specify the rules pertaining to the flag.

Article 4: The State's Emblem represents two crossed swords with a palm three in the middle of the upper space between them. The Law will define the State's Anthem and medals

3. You will notice that the whole government hang on the koran and those other bullshit laws they call their religious text.
4. You should also know that mecca the center of their bullshit government in in that country.


That's Saudi Arabia. Your claims are of all Muslims in the US.

Anymore red herrings you'd like to offer us?
Sorry bout that,

1. Article 8:
Governance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on justice, shura (consultation) and equality according to Islamic Sharia.

2. So you should be able to notice that islam is the koran as far as governance.
3. And its *GOVERNMENT*

Sorry bout that,

1. There is no doubt saudis arabia is the center or mecca of islam and its form of government is the koran etc.
2. Its not a religion folks, plain as that.

ARTICLE 23: The State shall protect the Islamic Creed, apply the Sharia, encourage good and discourage evil, and undertake its duty regarding the Propagation of Islam (Da'wa).

4. The Sharia is the Koran folks.

Here's a good example of the deranged jihadist mind. They are so fanatical in their looney jihad, that even after their words have been shot to tiny pieces, they wait for a few thread pages to go by, and then HA HA (pardon I have to laugh), they then resume right back to the same argument that just was destroyed, as if that never happened.

EARTH TO JIHADIST LUNATICS: Just because you ludicrously pretend that your argument hasn't disintegrated, that doesn't mean the rest of the world is following along with you in your madness.

Here's a clear cut example: >>

In Post # 695, syriusly said THIS >> "An opinion that virtually no one else agrees with.
Even those who he cites as warning against the danger of Sharia do not make the statement that Islam- all of Islam- is not a religion- they warn that those who promote Sharia will believe that Sharia is superior to the Constitution.
The only ones who try to argue that Islam is not a religion are the ones just looking to create a loophole- just declare a religion is not a religion and then it isn't protected by the Constitution.
Can we just declare that revolver's are not 'arms' and therefore ban all revolvers?"

Got all that ? OK. Bear with me now. Note the part of his quote i put in bold print. He's claiming the Center for Security Policy did not say that Islam is not a religion. This is after 2 posts were posted that clearly showed (and quoted) that the CSP absolutely DID SAY EXACTLY THAT.

Now here are these two posts again (remember, these were posted shortly BEFORE syriusly's post # 695) HAHA. This is too funny. >>

From Post # 661, protectionist said THIS >> "I've already shown you where the book does say what I say in this thread > that Islam is unconstitutional, is incompatible with the Constitution, and that Article 6, section 2 of the Constitution (the Supremacy Clause) does not allow Islam's supremacy. As for Islam not being a religion, you are wrong. It most certainly DOES talk about Islam not being a religion. Here's a passage from the same page that I quoted earlier, just 4 paragraphs below the one that mentioned Article 6 of the Constitution >>

"Today we are facing an internal threat that has masked itself as a religion, and that uses the tolerance for religious practice guaranteed by the Constitution's First Amendment, to parry efforts to restrict or prevent what amount to seditious activities."

And then From Post # 667, protectionist said >> "Here's something else proving you never read the book. This is the TITLE of CHAPTER 7 of the book >> (shown in the link - table of contents)

Sorry bout that,

1. Go to that link I provided and read how the koran rules the country of saudis arabia.
2. Don't take my word for it, the site is the government of saudis arabias .
3. Plain for all to see.


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Sorry bout that,

1. Says the King of islam king abdula what the fucks name…in saudi araibia the ass clown…

Article 1:The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic State. Its religion is Islam. Its constitution is Almighty God's Book, The Holy Qur'an, and the Sunna (Traditions) of the Prophet (PBUH). Arabic is the language of the Kingdom. The City of Riyadh is the capital.

Article 2:The State public holidays are Eid Al Fitr (the Feast of Ramadan) and Eid Al Adha (The Feast of the Sacrifice). Its calendar follows the Hijri year (the lunar year).

Article 3:The flag of the State is as follows:

(a) Its color is green(b) Its width equals two thirds of its length

The words: "There is no god but God and Mohammed is His Messenger" are inscribed in the center, with a drawn sword underneath. The flag should never be inverted. The Law will specify the rules pertaining to the flag.

Article 4: The State's Emblem represents two crossed swords with a palm three in the middle of the upper space between them. The Law will define the State's Anthem and medals

3. You will notice that the whole government hang on the koran and those other bullshit laws they call their religious text.
4. You should also know that mecca the center of their bullshit government in in that country.


That's Saudi Arabia. Your claims are of all Muslims in the US.

Anymore red herrings you'd like to offer us?
The Koran is not a "red herring". It is jihad. See Post # 719.
YOU KNOW. :badgrin:

When you figure it out, feel free to answer my question.
There's nothing to figure out MR MAKE BELIEVE. Everyone in the world knows what jihad is against. It's against the entire non-Muslim world, and everyone and everything that is not Muslim.

Says who?
So now you're going to try to pass it off that jihad is not a war against everything and everyone that's not Muslim ? HA HA. This is another characteristic about jihadists and leftist loons who support it. Nothing is to ludicrous for them to say, and then try to fragment the discussion into idiotic pieces of information. Not goingto work, Mohammed. Try another avenue.

Once again, I'm not accepting your personal opinion as fact. And when I ask you to back up your claims, you can't.

Your entire argument is you coming hat in hand, begging us to agree with you.
As without our agreement that your opinion is irrefutable fact, you have nothing. You claim that Islam isn't a religion.
You're wrong.
You claim that Islam doesn't have any 1st amendment protections.
You're wrong.
You insist that we should purge all mosques from the US.
You insist we should be burn all Korans.
So what else have you got?

Total refutes of every stupid thing you've said, is what I've got, and YOU KNOW IT, and so does everyone else reading this thread, observing your fanaticism and insanity.
You were refuted in Posts # 661, 667, 719, and 725, just to mention a few. And your :lame2: "personal opinion" line is a laughingstock. Like it really matters what a jihadist says, right ? Pheeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle, eyes rolling around in head)
Sorry bout that,

1. Its easy peasy to see the koran rules the arab world of muslims.
2. Its the rule of law.
3. Its the government.

Sorry bout that,

1. Either you stay in this form of governance or you die.
2. So once in never out.
3. Born in die out.
4. Its the very worst sort of government.
5. And they are working to establish it here.
6. You should be aware of this.
7. And I am forming a Grassroots committee to get the word out.

Quick Poll:

Who is loonier and more ignorant:
SirJamesofTexas or

Get your vote in now.

Meanwhile- virtually no one agrees with your looney claims that Islam is not a religion.
Quick Poll:Who is loonier and more ignorant:
SirJamesofTexas or Protectionist? Get your vote in now.

Meanwhile- virtually no one agrees with your looney claims that Islam is not a religion.

No one other than most people around the world, including some entire nations (ex. Italy) :biggrin:


Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! | CatchKevin.com

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
Another result of the enforcement of our protective laws, would be the punishment of Muslim owned companies who discriminate against non-Muslim Americans, and harm them, as in the Lina Morales case.

Does that mean we can punish Christian companies that discriminate against non Christians and "harm" them?
I haven't heard a of any Christian companies discriminating against anybody because of what kind of food the bring to work, have you ? :biggrin:
Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America?

Isn't it sad how liberals have to ask questions about what we conservative have known for many years. Well, that's what you get when yo go to liberal media that deliberately withholds information from you. This is why liberal know nothing about Islamization.These questions are like asking what kind of birds fly ? Do your homework, Coyote. We're not being paid to be your tutors. Read Baby! Read!

The where ? and the who ? are in hundreds of pages of these books (don't forget the footnotes)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
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Far as I know, it's only a small, vocal, bigoted minority of extremists who are trying to claim it isn't a religion.
As far as you know, is about 1/4 inch. As I said: Do you homework. Then you WILL know .:biggrin:
Nobody is arresting Muslims for those things. And they won't.

It's a non issue.

exactly correct. the left wingers are trying to say that if sharia law is banned then mosques are banned. nothing is further from the truth. but we all know that liberals do not deal in truth. their world is a world of fantasy, feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, and emooooooooooooootions.

Yet Redfish and Kosher- two of our most outspoken 'Conservatives'

Never respond to Protectionist's actual bizarre unconstitutional posts.

They just complain as usual about liberals.

Its almost like Protectionist and his thread don't exist and they only see liberals' posting in a vacuum.

if you have watched my posts, I take issue with all radicals from all political spectrums. When P says that islam is not a religion, he is full of shit. But what you need to realize is that in muslim countries islam is the religion AND the law. Sharia law comes from the Koran, it is religious law. There are no secular muslim countries.

when you claim that there is no movement to bring sharia law to the US, you are either uninformed or naive. The stated goal of radical muslims is to bring sharia to the entire world through force.

Apparently neither you or obama realize that reality.
I challenge you to show how I am "full of shit" that Islam is not a religion, when most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, including some nations (ex. Italy)
Prove to us that most folks and most nations don't accept Islam as a religion. You can't.
I haven't said most nations don't accept Islam as a religion, but we all know that SOME don't (ex. Italy)

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status The Muslim Times

As for proving that most people around the world don't accept Islam to be a religion, maybe I can't prove that, but neither can you prove that most people around the world DO accept it to be a religion. :biggrin:
Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America?

Isn't it sad how liberals have to ask questions about what we conservative have known for many years. Well, that's what you get when yo go to liberal media that deliberately withholds information from you. This is why liberal know nothing about Islamization.These questions are like asking what kind of birds fly ? Do your homework, Coyote. We're not being paid to be your tutors. Read Baby! Read!

The where ? and the who ? are in hundreds of pages of these books (don't forget the footnotes)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
What's sad is the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right.

Just as sad is the contempt you have for the Constitution, its case law, and the civil rights of Americans citizens who just happen to be Muslim.
Where, specifically, are Muslim Americans demanding that other Americans adhere to their culture?

Specifically - what "Islamists" are "Islamizing" America?

Isn't it sad how liberals have to ask questions about what we conservative have known for many years. Well, that's what you get when yo go to liberal media that deliberately withholds information from you. This is why liberal know nothing about Islamization.These questions are like asking what kind of birds fly ? Do your homework, Coyote. We're not being paid to be your tutors. Read Baby! Read!

The where ? and the who ? are in hundreds of pages of these books (don't forget the footnotes)

The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America ---- by Andrew McCarthy

American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us ----- by Steven Emerson

Because They Hate ---- by Brigitte Gabriel

They Must Be Stopped ------ by Brigitte Gabriel

Hating America ------ by John Gibson

Stop the Islamization of America ----- by Pamela Geller

Secrets of the Kingdom: The Inside Story of the Secret Saudi-U.S. Connection ------ by Gerald Posner

Stealth Jihad ----- by Robert Spencer

The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy ------ by Erik Stakelbeck

Outrage ----- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Infiltration ------ by Paul Sperry

The 9/11 Commission Report

The Truth About Muhammad ------ by Robert Spencer

In Mortal Danger ------- by Tom Tancredo

State of Emergency ----- by Pat Buchanan

Muslim Mafia ----- by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry
What's sad is the ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity exhibited by you and many others on the right.

Just as sad is the contempt you have for the Constitution, its case law, and the civil rights of Americans citizens who just happen to be Muslim.

Fear, hate, and stupidity is at least as often exhibited by the left.
if-we-close-down-all-mosques-, then we have to rip up the Constitution.
The Constitution (Article 6, Section 2) has been ripped up for 100 years, since the building of the first mosque in America (in Biddeford, Maine that was founded in 1915, by Albanian Muslims.) If all mosques in America were shut down, this would be an UN-ripping of the Constitution (putting the pieces back together) :biggrin:

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