If we do reparations to slave descendants

Why would you expect Native American tribes to somehow pay more in reparations than anyone else
And people think im joking when i say cultists live in an alternate universe :lol:
I never said such a thing, you illiterate moron.

It's a dumb post.
How do you know? You cant fucking read :lol:

Then why are you singling out Native American tribes? Like somehow they have to do more than anyone else?
Again, I didnt say that. I didnt even come within a semi trailer of implying it.
If you cant read and/or comprehend, why forum?

Ok, then I guess those tribes would be like everyone else through taxes. I didn't realize this was a question you couldn't answer yourself and assumed there was more to it, guess not.
Im waiting on you to answer. You havent said anything strait forward.
You implied the govt would do it. Which also implies blacks would (unless you think black people dont pay taxes...)
Then you said probably not. Now you are saying the indians would through taxation.
Are you just trolling, or stupid as shit? If you are trolling, all is forgiven :p

I did. If your idiotic OP is simply if reparations were to happen would Native American tribes pay through federal taxes. Yeah, seems kind of obvious they would like most everyone else.
So blacks would pay their own reparations.. which completely contradicts what you said earlier.
Im going with "stupid as shit" as "just trolling" doesnt seem very fitting.
I don't know that they would or not. Legally I don't think they'd have to and would depend on tax law, either way it would be a small percentage of what they would get.
You think the tax code is race based?

No and it wouldn't be. It's about decedents of slaves, right?
You said it would depend on tax law.
Yes, I did. I don't know how they would set up taxes, would people get a tax rebate/cut so they aren't paying for their own reparations? I don't know. Maybe they would pay for them either way it's not racist.
Will the Indians have to cough up dough?

I think reparations (if passed) will come from the taxpayers, no matter who you are. If you pay taxes, even if you are a black person, you'll be in effect paying another black person. Or maybe reducing somebody's tax burden will depend on race, white people pay more than black people? That's unconstitutional, which means everybody pays, like it or not. Now I suppose if the democrats ever get to the point where they have a democrat in the WH and control of both the House and the Senate with at least 50 votes who will tow the party line on everything, then they might pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals that will make anything they want to do as legal. Of course, at that point we're all fucked.
Im glad you brought up the Constitution. In order to do this, they would need an amendment. They cant hand out money to people like that. There is even a supreme court ruling on that, already.
Why would you need an amendment? Did we pass one when we paid Japanese Americans?

The case basically means The govt can only pay off raced based issues if the govt itself was discriminating. Not society.
Blacks werent citizens when they were slaves.
You might could make a case for govt instituted jim crow laws but that would stay local.
Your link has absolutely nothing to do with paying reparations and everything to do with hiring contractors.

My god man, we paid Japanese Americans. Not nearly enough but it's been done.
Thats because the GOVT WAS DISCRIMINATING you illiterate dumbfuck. Goddamn
I guess you dont know how supreme court rulings work either. Not surprising.
Reparations isn't discrimination. Idiot.

Hiring people solely based on their skin color is.

You keep ignoring the fact that we've paid reparations in the past. Why?
I used that term loosely. If you would read the link and learn something, we wouldnt still be discussing this.
Last time im saying this : The Japanese were punished by the GOVT not the PEOPLE.
Why would you expect Native American tribes to somehow pay more in reparations than anyone else
And people think im joking when i say cultists live in an alternate universe :lol:
I never said such a thing, you illiterate moron.

It's a dumb post.
How do you know? You cant fucking read :lol:

Then why are you singling out Native American tribes? Like somehow they have to do more than anyone else?
Again, I didnt say that. I didnt even come within a semi trailer of implying it.
If you cant read and/or comprehend, why forum?

Ok, then I guess those tribes would be like everyone else through taxes. I didn't realize this was a question you couldn't answer yourself and assumed there was more to it, guess not.
Im waiting on you to answer. You havent said anything strait forward.
You implied the govt would do it. Which also implies blacks would (unless you think black people dont pay taxes...)
Then you said probably not. Now you are saying the indians would through taxation.
Are you just trolling, or stupid as shit? If you are trolling, all is forgiven :p

I did. If your idiotic OP is simply if reparations were to happen would Native American tribes pay through federal taxes. Yeah, seems kind of obvious they would like most everyone else.
So blacks would pay their own reparations.. which completely contradicts what you said earlier.
Im going with "stupid as shit" as "just trolling" doesnt seem very fitting.
I don't know that they would or not. Legally I don't think they'd have to and would depend on tax law, either way it would be a small percentage of what they would get.
You think the tax code is race based?

No and it wouldn't be. It's about decedents of slaves, right?
You said it would depend on tax law.
Yes, I did. I don't know how they would set up taxes, would people get a tax rebate/cut so they aren't paying for their own reparations? I don't know. Maybe they would pay for them either way it's not racist.
Being punished for your race is racism, dumbfuck.
..blacks should thank their lucky stars they are in America and not super shithole Africa
Will the Indians have to cough up dough?

I think reparations (if passed) will come from the taxpayers, no matter who you are. If you pay taxes, even if you are a black person, you'll be in effect paying another black person. Or maybe reducing somebody's tax burden will depend on race, white people pay more than black people? That's unconstitutional, which means everybody pays, like it or not. Now I suppose if the democrats ever get to the point where they have a democrat in the WH and control of both the House and the Senate with at least 50 votes who will tow the party line on everything, then they might pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals that will make anything they want to do as legal. Of course, at that point we're all fucked.
Im glad you brought up the Constitution. In order to do this, they would need an amendment. They cant hand out money to people like that. There is even a supreme court ruling on that, already.
Why would you need an amendment? Did we pass one when we paid Japanese Americans?

The case basically means The govt can only pay off raced based issues if the govt itself was discriminating. Not society.
Blacks werent citizens when they were slaves.
You might could make a case for govt instituted jim crow laws but that would stay local.
Your link has absolutely nothing to do with paying reparations and everything to do with hiring contractors.

My god man, we paid Japanese Americans. Not nearly enough but it's been done.
Thats because the GOVT WAS DISCRIMINATING you illiterate dumbfuck. Goddamn
I guess you dont know how supreme court rulings work either. Not surprising.
Reparations isn't discrimination. Idiot.

Hiring people solely based on their skin color is.

You keep ignoring the fact that we've paid reparations in the past. Why?
I used that term loosely. If you would read the link and learn something, we wouldnt still be discussing this.
Last time im saying this : The Japanese were punished by the GOVT not the PEOPLE.
What? You don't think the government made money off of slavery? You don't think it was government that legalized slavery? Give it a rest.
Why would you expect Native American tribes to somehow pay more in reparations than anyone else
And people think im joking when i say cultists live in an alternate universe :lol:
I never said such a thing, you illiterate moron.

It's a dumb post.
How do you know? You cant fucking read :lol:

Then why are you singling out Native American tribes? Like somehow they have to do more than anyone else?
Again, I didnt say that. I didnt even come within a semi trailer of implying it.
If you cant read and/or comprehend, why forum?

Ok, then I guess those tribes would be like everyone else through taxes. I didn't realize this was a question you couldn't answer yourself and assumed there was more to it, guess not.
Im waiting on you to answer. You havent said anything strait forward.
You implied the govt would do it. Which also implies blacks would (unless you think black people dont pay taxes...)
Then you said probably not. Now you are saying the indians would through taxation.
Are you just trolling, or stupid as shit? If you are trolling, all is forgiven :p

I did. If your idiotic OP is simply if reparations were to happen would Native American tribes pay through federal taxes. Yeah, seems kind of obvious they would like most everyone else.
So blacks would pay their own reparations.. which completely contradicts what you said earlier.
Im going with "stupid as shit" as "just trolling" doesnt seem very fitting.
I don't know that they would or not. Legally I don't think they'd have to and would depend on tax law, either way it would be a small percentage of what they would get.
You think the tax code is race based?

No and it wouldn't be. It's about decedents of slaves, right?
You said it would depend on tax law.
Yes, I did. I don't know how they would set up taxes, would people get a tax rebate/cut so they aren't paying for their own reparations? I don't know. Maybe they would pay for them either way it's not racist.
Being punished for your race is racism, dumbfuck.
Believe it or not outside of right wing circles paying taxes is not legally considered punishment.
Why would you expect Native American tribes to somehow pay more in reparations than anyone else
And people think im joking when i say cultists live in an alternate universe :lol:
I never said such a thing, you illiterate moron.

It's a dumb post.
How do you know? You cant fucking read :lol:

Then why are you singling out Native American tribes? Like somehow they have to do more than anyone else?
Again, I didnt say that. I didnt even come within a semi trailer of implying it.
If you cant read and/or comprehend, why forum?

Ok, then I guess those tribes would be like everyone else through taxes. I didn't realize this was a question you couldn't answer yourself and assumed there was more to it, guess not.
Im waiting on you to answer. You havent said anything strait forward.
You implied the govt would do it. Which also implies blacks would (unless you think black people dont pay taxes...)
Then you said probably not. Now you are saying the indians would through taxation.
Are you just trolling, or stupid as shit? If you are trolling, all is forgiven :p

I did. If your idiotic OP is simply if reparations were to happen would Native American tribes pay through federal taxes. Yeah, seems kind of obvious they would like most everyone else.
So blacks would pay their own reparations.. which completely contradicts what you said earlier.
Im going with "stupid as shit" as "just trolling" doesnt seem very fitting.
I don't know that they would or not. Legally I don't think they'd have to and would depend on tax law, either way it would be a small percentage of what they would get.
You think the tax code is race based?

No and it wouldn't be. It's about decedents of slaves, right?
You said it would depend on tax law.
Yes, I did. I don't know how they would set up taxes, would people get a tax rebate/cut so they aren't paying for their own reparations? I don't know. Maybe they would pay for them either way it's not racist.
Being punished for your race is racism, dumbfuck.
Believe it or not outside of right wing circles paying taxes is not legally considered punishment.
Paying more would be punishment. Paying more in taxes for being white, would be punishment. Race-based punishment. For something NONE of us did.
Why would you expect Native American tribes to somehow pay more in reparations than anyone else
And people think im joking when i say cultists live in an alternate universe :lol:
I never said such a thing, you illiterate moron.

It's a dumb post.
How do you know? You cant fucking read :lol:

Then why are you singling out Native American tribes? Like somehow they have to do more than anyone else?
Again, I didnt say that. I didnt even come within a semi trailer of implying it.
If you cant read and/or comprehend, why forum?

Ok, then I guess those tribes would be like everyone else through taxes. I didn't realize this was a question you couldn't answer yourself and assumed there was more to it, guess not.
Im waiting on you to answer. You havent said anything strait forward.
You implied the govt would do it. Which also implies blacks would (unless you think black people dont pay taxes...)
Then you said probably not. Now you are saying the indians would through taxation.
Are you just trolling, or stupid as shit? If you are trolling, all is forgiven :p

I did. If your idiotic OP is simply if reparations were to happen would Native American tribes pay through federal taxes. Yeah, seems kind of obvious they would like most everyone else.
So blacks would pay their own reparations.. which completely contradicts what you said earlier.
Im going with "stupid as shit" as "just trolling" doesnt seem very fitting.
I don't know that they would or not. Legally I don't think they'd have to and would depend on tax law, either way it would be a small percentage of what they would get.
You think the tax code is race based?

No and it wouldn't be. It's about decedents of slaves, right?
You said it would depend on tax law.
Yes, I did. I don't know how they would set up taxes, would people get a tax rebate/cut so they aren't paying for their own reparations? I don't know. Maybe they would pay for them either way it's not racist.
Being punished for your race is racism, dumbfuck.
Believe it or not outside of right wing circles paying taxes is not legally considered punishment.
Paying more would be punishment. Paying more in taxes for being white, would be punishment. Race-based punishment. For something NONE of us did.
It's not 'punishment' regardless of what you say. You're also not paying more in taxes for being white. it's funny that when white victimhood pulls it's pants down and runs around in circles whining it forgets about all the other races.
You're also not paying more in taxes for being white.
You contradicted yourself AGAIN
I cant do this anymore with you. I just had a gray hair pop up on my arm.
Good day, you retarded ass boomer.
No, I didn't contradict myself, you're just wrapped up in race and not listening to what I'm saying.

if Asians had to pay taxes for reparations is it because they are Asian?
If a black guy emigrated here in 2016 had to pay taxes is it because he's black?
If a black guy who lived here his whole life and is a descendent of slaves gets reparations is it because he's black?

The answer to all those questions is no.
About the reparations to the Japanese Americans detained in internment camps during WWII:

During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. This order allowed for Japanese people to be placed in “war relocation camps,” more commonly known as internment camps.
On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court claimed Executive Order 9066 unconstitutional because citizens of the United States, regardless of cultural descent, could not be detained without cause. On January 2, 1945, the exclusion order was rescinded. The internees were given $25 and a train ticket to return home.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which provided $20,000 in reparations to the surviving detainees of the Japanese American internment camps.

Note that they did NOT pay reparations to their descendants. Note also that the funds that were paid came out of the US Treasury. I.E., our tax-dollars. So far as I know, Japanese Americans that paid taxes in 1988 and after did contribute to the reparations fund like everyone else.
About the reparations to the Japanese Americans detained in internment camps during WWII:

During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. This order allowed for Japanese people to be placed in “war relocation camps,” more commonly known as internment camps.
On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court claimed Executive Order 9066 unconstitutional because citizens of the United States, regardless of cultural descent, could not be detained without cause. On January 2, 1945, the exclusion order was rescinded. The internees were given $25 and a train ticket to return home.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which provided $20,000 in reparations to the surviving detainees of the Japanese American internment camps.

Note that they did NOT pay reparations to their descendants. Note also that the funds that were paid came out of the US Treasury. I.E., our tax-dollars. So far as I know, Japanese Americans that paid taxes in 1988 and after did contribute to the reparations fund like everyone else.

That's neat but whether reparations are paid to decedents or not has nothing to do with the argument against reparations. Why would that matter other than just personally being against it? it's not a constitutional argument.
About the reparations to the Japanese Americans detained in internment camps during WWII:

During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. This order allowed for Japanese people to be placed in “war relocation camps,” more commonly known as internment camps.
On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court claimed Executive Order 9066 unconstitutional because citizens of the United States, regardless of cultural descent, could not be detained without cause. On January 2, 1945, the exclusion order was rescinded. The internees were given $25 and a train ticket to return home.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which provided $20,000 in reparations to the surviving detainees of the Japanese American internment camps.

Note that they did NOT pay reparations to their descendants. Note also that the funds that were paid came out of the US Treasury. I.E., our tax-dollars. So far as I know, Japanese Americans that paid taxes in 1988 and after did contribute to the reparations fund like everyone else.
As i said earlier, its a stupid argument anyways. unconstitutional as shit.
About the reparations to the Japanese Americans detained in internment camps during WWII:

During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942. This order allowed for Japanese people to be placed in “war relocation camps,” more commonly known as internment camps.
On December 18, 1944, the Supreme Court claimed Executive Order 9066 unconstitutional because citizens of the United States, regardless of cultural descent, could not be detained without cause. On January 2, 1945, the exclusion order was rescinded. The internees were given $25 and a train ticket to return home.

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which provided $20,000 in reparations to the surviving detainees of the Japanese American internment camps.

Note that they did NOT pay reparations to their descendants. Note also that the funds that were paid came out of the US Treasury. I.E., our tax-dollars. So far as I know, Japanese Americans that paid taxes in 1988 and after did contribute to the reparations fund like everyone else.
As i said earlier, its a stupid argument anyways. unconstitutional as shit.

Actually nothing presented on this thread has shown reparations are unconstitutional. Just because you say it doesn't make it so.
I will repost this for the people in the back
(See Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 488 U.S. 469, 497 (1995))
This explains how it is unconstitutional. Not to mention, the way they would tax people would probably be unconstitutional.
Article 1 secton 8 lays that out.
There were approximately 319,599 free blacks in the United States in 1830. Approximately 13.7 per cent of the total black population was free. A significant number of these free blacks were the owners of slaves. The census of 1830 lists 3,775 free Negroes who owned a total of 12,760 slaves.


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