If we do reparations to slave descendants

I will repost this for the people in the back
(See Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 488 U.S. 469, 497 (1995))
This explains how it is unconstitutional. Not to mention, the way they would tax people would probably be unconstitutional.
Article 1 secton 8 lays that out.

It doesn't. Hiring people solely for the color of their skin has nothing to do with paying reparations. It's quite a stretch actually.
I will repeat my self for the people in the back.
Will the Indians have to cough up dough?

I think reparations (if passed) will come from the taxpayers, no matter who you are. If you pay taxes, even if you are a black person, you'll be in effect paying another black person. Or maybe reducing somebody's tax burden will depend on race, white people pay more than black people? That's unconstitutional, which means everybody pays, like it or not. Now I suppose if the democrats ever get to the point where they have a democrat in the WH and control of both the House and the Senate with at least 50 votes who will tow the party line on everything, then they might pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals that will make anything they want to do as legal. Of course, at that point we're all fucked.
Im glad you brought up the Constitution. In order to do this, they would need an amendment. They cant hand out money to people like that. There is even a supreme court ruling on that, already.
Why would you need an amendment? Did we pass one when we paid Japanese Americans?
That was for unlawful confinement. Slavery was legal.
Will the Indians have to cough up dough?

I think reparations (if passed) will come from the taxpayers, no matter who you are. If you pay taxes, even if you are a black person, you'll be in effect paying another black person. Or maybe reducing somebody's tax burden will depend on race, white people pay more than black people? That's unconstitutional, which means everybody pays, like it or not. Now I suppose if the democrats ever get to the point where they have a democrat in the WH and control of both the House and the Senate with at least 50 votes who will tow the party line on everything, then they might pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals that will make anything they want to do as legal. Of course, at that point we're all fucked.
Im glad you brought up the Constitution. In order to do this, they would need an amendment. They cant hand out money to people like that. There is even a supreme court ruling on that, already.
Why would you need an amendment? Did we pass one when we paid Japanese Americans?
That was for unlawful confinement. Slavery was legal.
Yes. sanctioned by the government. The argument proposed was that reparations was illegal because it involves race or something. The government paying reparations for something once sanctioned is also not unconstitutional.
Why do pro-reparation blacks believe they are so special, more special than any other American whose ancestors got a raw deal or had something bad happen to them?

Native Americans, Irish Anericans, Chinese AmericansJapanese Americans, and more...

So after we pay off blacks who want money for something they never experienced do we start paying off everyone in those respective groups as well...

...or do we let blacks decide if they are worthy or not of getting their own reparations?

Who gets to decide who gets appeased and who doesn't?
Will the Indians have to cough up dough?

I think reparations (if passed) will come from the taxpayers, no matter who you are. If you pay taxes, even if you are a black person, you'll be in effect paying another black person. Or maybe reducing somebody's tax burden will depend on race, white people pay more than black people? That's unconstitutional, which means everybody pays, like it or not. Now I suppose if the democrats ever get to the point where they have a democrat in the WH and control of both the House and the Senate with at least 50 votes who will tow the party line on everything, then they might pack the Supreme Court with enough liberals that will make anything they want to do as legal. Of course, at that point we're all fucked.
Im glad you brought up the Constitution. In order to do this, they would need an amendment. They cant hand out money to people like that. There is even a supreme court ruling on that, already.
Why would you need an amendment? Did we pass one when we paid Japanese Americans?
That was for unlawful confinement. Slavery was legal.
Yes. sanctioned by the government. The argument proposed was that reparations was illegal because it involves race or something. The government paying reparations for something once sanctioned is also not unconstitutional.
It is one thing to pay reparations to the living JAs for an illegal action taken against them, where harm was done. But since there are no surviving slaves and there was no illegal action taken against any slave by the gov't, then what you have is some people getting money from the gov't for no other reason than the color of their skin and THAT is unconstitutional. In the JA case, the US Gov't did indeed unlawfully imprison them and the gov't made reparations to those who were still alive. Note that the gov't did NOT pay reparation to their descendants.

However, in the slavery case, the gov't committed NO unlawful act that I am aware of, and therefore the gov't owes NOTHING to any slave or descendant of a slave. Since there is no one still alive who was once a slave, there is no one to pay reparations to even if the gov't decided to do so. In the situation we find ourselves today, there are some who want the gov't to pay reparations to black people who were themselves NOT slaves, and without standing as I understand what that means: I have seen nothing that shows how any black person living today was harmed by any unlawful gov't action related to slavery, at least by the federal gov't. Which means any reparations would be favorable treatment to one group over another by the gov't, and THAT is unconstitutional.
So those that immigrated to the US post Civil War and those who had family that died fighting on behalf of the North to free the Slaves must pay? Really, has anyone thought this through or is this just another f-ing piece of shit like the critical race theory? So who exactly would be eligible to receive reparations, all black people? Maybe those also responsible, African Black tribal leaders whose tribes sold captives to white merchants, Portuguese, Spanish, French, English, and Dutch countries engaged in slave trade, should they not also participate in this grand compensation plan? So since we are discussing slavery what about those held as slaves from the beginning of time, should they not also be entitled to some form of compensation? Maybe it’s time to live for the future, learn from the lessons of History and stop trying to buy salvation for the sins of man.

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