If We Don't Act Now – The World as We Know it Will End!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

CNN uses this that came from somewhere else and was modified for the story. Wonder when it was taken.

So says another UN panel, The Interdepartmental Panel on Climate Change.

But, nowhere does it say what we have to do to stop up. Quite driving cars? Stop heating our homes with fuel oil or electricity. How about all the crap produced in Third World countries? You think they're going to stop? But, the liberals demand countries like the USA and in Europe change our ways. As if that's going to help?

Let's get real.

Read article and see more pictures @ Climate change irreversible unless we act IPCC says - CNN.com

CNN uses this that came from somewhere else and was modified for the story. Wonder when it was taken.

So says another UN panel, The Interdepartmental Panel on Climate Change.

But, nowhere does it say what we have to do to stop up. Quite driving cars? Stop heating our homes with fuel oil or electricity. How about all the crap produced in Third World countries? You think they're going to stop? But, the liberals demand countries like the USA and in Europe change our ways. As if that's going to help?

Let's get real.

Read article and see more pictures @ Climate change irreversible unless we act IPCC says - CNN.com
i love that when it's mentioned the cool of the US, we're repeatedly told that we're only 2% of the world. And yet were 50% of the solution. I just LMAO at this stuff. I don't think anyone could actually script it.

CNN uses this that came from somewhere else and was modified for the story. Wonder when it was taken.

Why? Do you think it's falsified? What do you think they did to it? Added the water?

If We Don't Act Now – The World as We Know it Will End!
So says another UN panel, The Interdepartmental Panel on Climate Change.

No, that's not what they said. The CNN headline said "
Invest now or face 'irreversible' effects of climate change, U.N. panel warns"

In the CNN article, the following IPCC statements are quoted from or attributed to the IPCC:
1) The cost of fighting climate change will only climb if industrialized nations don't take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
2) the hundreds of authors involved in the study were even more certain than before that the planet is warming and humans are the cause.
3) "If left unchecked, climate change will increase the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems,"
4) there are solutions to keeping the rise in temperatures from crossing a 2-degree Celsius increase, the goal of many governments.
5) "It is technically feasible to transition to a low-carbon economy, but what is lacking are appropriate policies and institutions. The longer we wait to take action, the more it will cost to adapt and mitigate climate change."
6) about half of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere since the dawn of the industrial age has been produced since 1990. On the current path, global average temperatures could go up anywhere from 3.7 to 4.8 degrees C (6.7 to 8.6 F) over pre-industrial levels by 2100.
7) to stay below a 2-degree C increase, greenhouse gas emissions need to fall as much as 70% around the world by 2050 and to zero by 2100.
8) "We have that opportunity, and the choice is in our hands,"
9) "The Synthesis Report finds that mitigation cost estimates vary, but that global economic growth would not be strongly affected,"
10) the report is based on 30,000 scientific papers studied by about 830 authors and 2,000 reviewers.

None of these say what you said they did. You owe us an apology.

But, nowhere does it say what we have to do to stop up. Quite driving cars? Stop heating our homes with fuel oil or electricity. How about all the crap produced in Third World countries? You think they're going to stop? But, the liberals demand countries like the USA and in Europe change our ways. As if that's going to help?

The IPCC has an entire Working Group dedicated to mitigation. Do you know what that word means? If you really think they have no advice on how to counter this problem, read Fifth Assessment Report - Mitigation of Climate Change

Let's get real.

Yes, let's.

CNN uses this that came from somewhere else and was modified for the story. Wonder when it was taken.

Why? Do you think it's falsified? What do you think they did to it? Added the water?

Yes, let's.

I was only opining that I think I saw this particular picture several years ago. It would be nice if CNN had given some credit about it.

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