If “We” Had An Educated Electorate…

The title refers to the book by Zamyatin, in which he shows what humanity will become under communism.

The import of the thread is that if America under the Democrat hasn't become what he predicted.....it has stumbled pretty far down that path.
Appreciate your thoughtful threads, even though we frequently don't see eye to eye. :)
Well, at least you admit how similar you are to those you hate.
I'd call this projection, but you're not even self-aware enough to do that properly. :)
The two ends of the spectrum, so consistently similar in their behaviors.
Dear heavens but you're a pompous ignoramus...

Now like this post and scurry off. :)

The problem, as the OP has properly identified, is ignorance.

And none so foolish as those who think themselves wise.
Well, at least you admit how similar you are to those you hate.

The two ends of the spectrum, so consistently similar in their behaviors.
And you, in your great superior mind, rise above it all? You are just another arrogant liberal.
It is eminently simple to recognize the Left.

1.The ideas and values of the modern Democrat Party come directly from the revolution…..no, not the American Revolution, the French Revolution. The may be summarized as:

a. no private property (environmentalism is another way of regulating property out of private ownership).

b. terror and violence as public policy. Note the over 12 thousand riots, assaults, arsons, acts of domestic terrorism authorized and incited by the Democrat Party in the run-up to the election, including the provocation on Jan6.

c. resentment and hostility toward the Judeo-Christian religion, and the substitution of worship of government.
I have yet to see those in the Democratic Party platform. Did your voices tell you about them?
RW, you vacuous troll, please address my proposal above. I dare you.

Just ask them do you think Trump won in 2020?
Have you got evidence?

If the answer is 'Yes' followed by some disproven complete bullshit, I would still let them vote because it is a right...
Oh…..You were serious?

How about this?
EVERY American has a right and obligation to vote
Not just the rich and well educated

The person who resides under a highway overpass has as much a right to vote as the guy who built that overpass
There's no obligation to vote.
We need a test to see if voters believe COVID is a myth, Vaccines are dangerous, elections are stolen, Jewish Space Lasers, Climate Change is a conspiracy, anything related to Q

Those who believe such nonsense should not be allowed near a voting booth.
Only the most deadly vaccine in history.. ..oooppps

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