If “We” Had An Educated Electorate…

Yeah and you have the likes of AOC as the future of the Democratic Party, so pot you are as black as kettle.

As for the spin doctors you listed please note they are or were paid shills just like Maddow is for her political spin, so let remember Hannity and so on are paid shills for the right and not legitimate news sources.

AOC graduated at the top of her class
Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar

Boebert was a High School dropout who got her GED two years ago
Hannity dropped out of college
You could even institute a Grandfather Clause for white, rural voters in Red States
What about black, inner-urban areas in Democrat cities? No shortage of low-info voters there.

Oops….that’s raaaaaaxist! I forgot that we are allowed to say insulting things only about whites.
It is eminently simple to recognize the Left.

1.The ideas and values of the modern Democrat Party come directly from the revolution…..no, not the American Revolution, the French Revolution. The may be summarized as:

a. no private property (environmentalism is another way of regulating property out of private ownership).

b. terror and violence as public policy. Note the over 12 thousand riots, assaults, arsons, acts of domestic terrorism authorized and incited by the Democrat Party in the run-up to the election, including the provocation on Jan6.

c. resentment and hostility toward the Judeo-Christian religion, and the substitution of worship of government.
Elite Democrats at times PRETEND to hold leftist values, but they're criminal capitalists.
Not in this thread, but in the future I will teach you the difference between capitalism and crony capitalism (fascism).
No need - I've repeatedly identified the elites of both parties as the criminal capitalists they are.

Crony capitalism works fine as well. :)
We get the politicians we deserve.

It's sad but this is the best we can do

I can't believe there isn't global influence in the choosing of these candidates.

Also, there was a time in which the majority of politicians in the U.S had military backgrounds, that is a big step up from those who have had no career experience outside of being a politician. They may not be rocket scientists, but at least they have a strong loyalty to country, history and sacrifice.

It is puzzling as a Canadian for instance, watching very few politicians from EITHER side demand fixes to the illegal entry in your country. Not even Bush or Reagan fixed this and Americas enemies know it's a boon for them (I'm sure they exploit it when possible).
AOC graduated at the top of her class
Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar

Boebert was a High School dropout who got her GED two years ago
Hannity dropped out of college
Wow, and did you know Billionaire Richard Branson didn’t finish High School?

AOC is a fucking moron that lies daily and show her stupidity daily and yet you believe she is smarter than let say Richard Branson?

Also let review Bill Gates education and the guy that created Facebook and according to you they are not nearly as smart as AOC!

Let me be clear you are a fucking moron to even try to use education as to say that worthless bitch AOC is better than Hannity when that Tax Dodging Whore is a moron!
The Nazis had Jews in their party.
Yes, those who sold out their own people. Similar to what we see among Jewish Democrats, who value the promotion of leftism more important than the fight against antisemitism. Some of them are marching side by side the BDS activists who yell “Get out Jews!!” and the Women’s March whose leader 1) attends Farrakhan rallies, and 2) kicked a Jew off the Board because she said blacks wouldn’t want a Jew in an influential position.

Yes, the Kapos of 21st century America.
AOC graduated at the top of her class
Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar

Boebert was a High School dropout who got her GED two years ago
Hannity dropped out of college
But here's the thing, and it's a sad liberal (and conservative) phenomenon...

Education and ethics are not bound together, nor are education and intellect.

AOC and Maddow are deranged political whores, as are many conservative men and women.

But conservative Carlson (you mentioned him earlier), while not highly educated, could destroy any liberal I can think of in a debate.

I'd LOVE to see him take on (highly educated) corporate warmonger and capitalist whore Obama for instance.
We need a test to see if voters believe COVID is a myth, Vaccines are dangerous, elections are stolen, Jewish Space Lasers, Climate Change is a conspiracy, anything related to Q

Those who believe such nonsense should not be allowed near a voting booth.

Russian collusion, drinking bleach and the pee pee tapes were all unavailable for comment.
Hey, did you know Mitt Romney never paid taxes? Ever!
Wow, and did you know Billionaire Richard Branson didn’t finish High School?

AOC is a fucking moron that lies daily and show her stupidity daily and yet you believe she is smarter than let say Richard Branson?

Also let review Bill Gates education and the guy that created Facebook and according to you they are not nearly as smart as AOC!

Let me be clear you are a fucking moron to even try to use education as to say that worthless bitch AOC is better than Hannity when that Tax Dodging Whore is a moron!
Some good points.
If “We” Had An Educated Electorate…
This thread title pisses me off honestly. The vast majority of Americans are too busy working jobs and raising kids to make informed decisions at the polls. Because to do that one has to wade through the HEAP of political LIES and BS that's spewed at them 24/7 by the cabal of corrupt lying politicians and their lapdogs in the failed so called news media.

The protections the founders put in place to empower the people have broken down. The checks and balances have been overcome by corrupt politicians and a free press that has failed in their duty. A free press that has instead gotten into bed with the very corrupt politicians they should be holding accountable and exposing so that the people can make informed choices.

It's sad but America is circling the drain as a country for the same reasons that every other superpower in all of human history has fallen. Political corruption. The destruction of representative government by the people by rigging the power into the hands of a select few. Politicians selling out to the highest bidder to get rich. Blatant ignoring of the very laws Congress passes. Selective application of the law. An elite political class that's above the law. And many other disgusting examples of how the politicians are destroying yet another great country.
Oh…..You were serious?

How about this?
EVERY American has a right and obligation to vote
Not just the rich and well educated

The person who resides under a highway overpass has as much a right to vote as the guy who built that overpass

Sure he does. Giving him 20 bucks and filing out his ballot for him
Is not in the constitution.
AOC graduated at the top of her class
Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar

Boebert was a High School dropout who got her GED two years ago
Hannity dropped out of college
Well, to no surprise, they're confusing intelligence with ideology.

"If you don't see the world through my eyes, you're not as smart as me".

This is the thought process of a petulant child, living in an insulated world.
This thread title pisses me off honestly. The vast majority of Americans are too busy working jobs and raising kids to make informed decisions at the polls. Because to do that one has to wade through the HEAP of political LIES and BS that's spewed at them 24/7 by the cabal of corrupt lying politicians and their lapdogs in the failed so called news media.

The protections the founders put in place to empower the people have broken down. The checks and balances have been overcome by corrupt politicians and a free press that has failed in their duty. A free press that has instead gotten into bed with the very corrupt politicians they should be holding accountable and exposing so that the people can make informed choices.

It's sad but America is circling the drain as a country for the same reasons that every other superpower in all of human history has fallen. Political corruption. The destruction of representative government by the people by rigging the power into the hands of a select few. Politicians selling out to the highest bidder to get rich. Blatant ignoring of the very laws Congress passes. Selective application of the law. An elite political class that's above the law. And many other disgusting examples of how the politicians are destroying yet another great country.
^ Thread win.
Well, to no surprise, they're confusing intelligence with ideology.

"If you don't see the world (read: getting your information from MAGA media) through my eyes, you're not as smart as me".

This is the thought process of a petulant child.
^ Sowing discord as usual, not unlike a petulant child.

Also failing to recognize that liberals are just as, if not more, guilty of the same thing.
This thread title pisses me off honestly. The vast majority of Americans are too busy working jobs and raising kids to make informed decisions at the polls. Because to do that one has to wade through the HEAP of political LIES and BS that's spewed at them 24/7 by the cabal of corrupt lying politicians and their lapdogs in the failed so called news media.

The protections the founders put in place to empower the people have broken down. The checks and balances have been overcome by corrupt politicians and a free press that has failed in their duty. A free press that has instead gotten into bed with the very corrupt politicians they should be holding accountable and exposing so that the people can make informed choices.

It's sad but America is circling the drain as a country for the same reasons that every other superpower in all of human history has fallen. Political corruption. The destruction of representative government by the people by rigging the power into the hands of a select few. Politicians selling out to the highest bidder to get rich. Blatant ignoring of the very laws Congress passes. Selective application of the law. An elite political class that's above the law. And many other disgusting examples of how the politicians are destroying yet another great country.

The title refers to the book by Zamyatin, in which he shows what humanity will become under communism.

The import of the thread is that if America under the Democrat hasn't become what he predicted.....it has stumbled pretty far down that path.

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