If “We” Had An Educated Electorate…

Intelligence is not a function of ideology, gang, no matter how desperately a partisan ideologue may want to make it so.

There are plenty of more intelligent/informed people, and less intelligent/informed people, across the political spectrum.

Unfortunately, once infected with a hardcore partisan ideology, intelligence & education take a back seat to that ideology.

Just ask them do you think Trump won in 2020?
Have you got evidence?

If the answer is 'Yes' followed by some disproven complete bullshit, I would still let them vote because it is a right...

If Republicans are so anxious to have tests that must be passed to be eligible to vote, let’s look at possible questions

1. Who won the 2020 election?
2. What is the best way to stop man made climate change?
3. How effective are vaccines in combatting pandemics
4. Where was Barack Obama born?

Should be easy for most voters to pass
I have yet to see those in the Democratic Party platform. Did your voices tell you about them?

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

Any not true? It's a challenge, you dolt.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?
Are you referring to the fact that I am an American, and you're not?
Say what? He’s another arrogant liberal from another country who feels it is his place to come onto an American message board and tell Americans how dumb they are?

This board is littered with them - the worst seeming to be from Canada, a socialist’s dream.
Intelligence is not a function of ideology, gang, no matter how desperately a partisan ideologue may want to make it so.

There are plenty of more intelligent/informed people, and less intelligent/informed people, across the political spectrum.

Unfortunately, once infected with a hardcore partisan ideology, intelligence & education take a back seat to that ideology.

Wait.....aren't you the Fascist who wants to punish differences in opinion, thought crimes????

Don't forget the thank you.
Say what? He’s another arrogant liberal from another country who feels it is his place to come onto an American message board and tell Americans how dumb they are?

This board is littered with them - the worst seeming to be from Canada, a socialist’s dream.

I was referring to the fact that Democras don't embrace American values, heritage, or the Constitution.
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….instead of government school grads and non-readers and non-thinkers, there is a very good chance that those who are elected Democrat officials today, would never have been elevated beyond crossing-guards.

GEORGE ORWELL ONCE SAID: “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”
…intelligent women, as well.

And now for ‘ground zero’ in political literature:

1.Both of Orwell’s inspiring opuses spelled out the dangers of totalitarian occupation of society, but none, perhaps, did it better than Zamyatin in his book “We.” Hence the thread title.

“We (Russian: Мы,) is a dystopian novel by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, written 1920–1921. The novel describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. It influenced the emergence of dystopia as a literary genre. George Orwell claimed that Aldous Huxley's 1931 Brave New World must be partly derived from We,[3] but Huxley denied this.”

You can read it on line. And, you should…. my thread contains spoilers.

2. Consider Zamyatin to be hated by Marxists, Nazis, Socialists and Democrats….all collectivists, and a favorite of Americans, especially conservatives, as his writing is strongly opposed to the demand for conformity and the bending to the will of the state.

3. Compare the following with what Zamyatin, and Orwell, warned of:

Colin Wilson, in “A Criminal History of Mankind,” of Russia at the time of the Revolution, in ways that reflect America under the Democrat regime:

“In 1929, the year of Trotsky’s exile, Stalin decided to make the Party an instrument for the ‘revolutionary transformation of society’. What this meant, in effect, was that everyone of influence was to swallow the Marxist dogmas about ‘collectivism’. (Stalin had already ended Lenin’s New Economic Policy in the previous year.) There was to be no more backsliding towards capitalism or individualism. According to Marx, the proletariat had to be allowed to take control, to become the true leaders of the new society. The bronzed tractor driver should finish his day’s work and go to the local Party meeting to learn about the teaching of Marx and Lenin, or to the local opera house to see an opera about the revolution. Artists and intellectuals had to abandon personal problems and begin to think in political terms. It was their job to educate the masses to recognize their own destiny.”

Recognize the milieu????

4. The warnings have come to pass:

"Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths." Is this the end of progressive America?

The hand of the dictatorship weighs steadily heavier on real Americans.

Zamyatin's book could be re-titled "We- USA."

Many past literary brains were also prophets of the future. They were able to see the intersecting lines between society, individuals, and government.....and "connect the dots" as it were. Which is also another reason for their popularity. Even though people gawf and sneer at the truth of reality in the world......they love to read about it.

I'm no literary agent of any kind, but I've been called a forecaster and prophet. I've always been good at seeing these invisible lines connecting the dots between seemingly non-relavent and non-related goings on in the world or in this country. Some people laugh at me, until such goings on come to pass, then they are like "OMG, HOW DID YOU KNOW"?? And those who know me well, know they need to keep their ears perked up for indications and signs of what I say.

But I'm not a perveyer of this, I usually only talk about it when someone asks about such things, or I want to comment on such things.
Wait.....aren't you the Fascist who wants to punish differences in opinion, thought crimes????

Don't forget the thank you.
You keep trying that, and I don't know what you're talking about. In the real world, as a lifelong freedom of expression advocate, I don't think people should be punished for a thought.

But I'm certainly pleased that you feel the need to try this. Your effort tells me that I'm nailing it. As usual.
It’s not an obligation for people who know nothing about the issues to open the door to a ballot harvester and allow him to influence their decision - which he is able to do with people who are ignorant.

What issues should voters know?

Who won the 2020 election?
How effective are vaccines in combatting virus?
7. Communism is based on a lack of understanding of human nature, of humanity itself, and that is why it and all Leftism is based on creating a new human nature. Hillary promised that in her college thesis.

It is not possible, only God can do that, and that is what Marxism aims to replace.

The political novel "We" is the vehicle that explains Stalinism, and how it has infected America.

The characters in “We” have no names. Here, true believer D-503, watches a machine used in building the state, and sees its movements as a kind of dance, that all of the state’s citizens should envy:

“… the Integral is being built and suddenly I saw: the lathes; the regulator spheres rotating with closed eyes, utterly oblivious of all; the cranks flashing, swinging left and right; the balance beam proudly swaying its shoulders; the bit of the slotting machine dancing up and down in time to unheard music.

Suddenly I saw the whole beauty of this grandiose mechanical ballet, flooded with pale blue sunlight. And then, to myself: Why is this beautiful? Why is dance beautiful?
because it is unfree motion, because the whole profound meaning of dance lies precisely in absolute, esthetic subordination, in ideal unfreedom. And if it is true that our forebears abandoned themselves to dance at the most exalted moments of their lives (religious mysteries, military parades), it means only one thing: the instinct of unfreedom is organically inherent in man from time immemorial, and we, in our present life, are only consciously. . . .”

We are not citizens of a free country.....we are simply tools put to use for the party's benefit.

Voting Democrat is that unthinking dance. You cannot question or explain or defend Democrat policies…..you can only dance to their music, and obey.

Imagine the fools who voted against 'mean tweets' rather than for beneficial policies.
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You keep trying that, and I don't know what you're talking about. In the real world, as a lifelong freedom of expression advocate, I don't think people should be punished for a thought.

But I'm certainly pleased that you feel the need to try this. Your effort tells me that I'm nailing it. As usual.

This: when we discussed behavior, acts, versus what the first amendment allows.....individual's to have differing ideas, opinions, thoughtes......you wated difference of opion castigated.

I don't.

My pleasure.

You wrote this:

"Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.

That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?

I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are."
Post #92

I pointed out the dictionary definition of 'belief'....

"a habit of mind; an opinion"
. Definition of BELIEF

You fell right into my trap: your belief that racism is a 'thought crime,' to be punished.

When you realized that I caught you, you posted many lies, claiming that you don't believe in thought crimes.....as I used the first amendment to beat you over the head.....but it was too late.

That is why you refuse to answer this question:

Is a ‘belief’ an action, or a thought?

Don't wipe the egg off your face....it's an improvement.

And it fits right into this thread, as Zamyatin wrote about a communist world where thoughts are punished.....Orwell put it in 1984......they wrote about your type of totalitarian.

Don't forget the fake 'thank you,' as though you couldn't care that you have been exposed.
What issues should voters know?

Who won the 2020 election?
How effective are vaccines in combatting virus?
Since we now exist in two different realities, there would be no way to agree on whether the answers were "correct" or not.

The result, of course, is chaos. Evidently this is the design of those who want divide our realities and bring it all down.


This: when we discussed behavior, acts, versus what the first amendment allows.....individual's to have differing ideas, opinions, thoughtes......you wated difference of opion castigated.

I don't.

My pleasure.

You wrote this:

"Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.

That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?

I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are."

Post #92

I pointed out the dictionary definition of 'belief'....

"a habit of mind; an opinion"
. Definition of BELIEF

You fell right into my trap: your belief that racism is a 'thought crime,' to be punished.

When you realized that I caught you, you posted many lie, claiming that you don't believe in thought crimes.....as I used the first amendment to beat you over the head.....but it was too late.

That is why you not refuse to answer this question:

Is a ‘belief’ an action, or a thought?

Don't wipe the egg off your face....it's an improvement.

And it fits right into this thread, as Zamyatin wrote about a communist world where thoughts are punished.....Orwell put it in 1984......they wrote about your type of totalitarian.
Why do you have to post like that, with all those spaces?

Funny thing, the regressive Left has called me a "racist" many times here when I've defended person's right to express themselves. I know you know that.

Please link to that thread. Thanks in advance.

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