Zone1 If we worship One God...

They have to do with Christ's command to eat his flesh and drink his blood. That's what those 41 verses talk about. He was very clear. There was no confusion. Even when they found it offensive like you do he didn't change his stance. Even when they left because of it he didn't change his stance. Read the damn account.
I have to keep saying it over and over? If you show me a picture of your wife, you will say, "this is my wife." Does that mean the paper with the picture on it is exactly your wife? If you kiss the picture, will the picture kiss back? If you love your wife, the act of kissing the picture may give you internal feelings. But, you aren't actually kissing her. This is what Jesus was referring to. It was obvious that the bread was bread. And, every time the bread is blessed, remember Christ's atonement and what he did for you. As the scripture say, "Do this in remembrance of me."
I have to keep saying it over and over? If you show me a picture of your wife, you will say, "this is my wife." Does that mean the paper with the picture on it is exactly your wife? If you kiss the picture, will the picture kiss back? If you love your wife, the act of kissing the picture may give you internal feelings. But, you aren't actually kissing her. This is what Jesus was referring to. It was obvious that the bread was bread. And, every time the bread is blessed, remember Christ's atonement and what he did for you. As the scripture say, "Do this in remembrance of me."
"Those words don't say what they say!"

Apologist gymnastics
I knew you couldn't resist calling my beliefs a name and trying to turn people away from God. Even though you said you would never do that. :popcorn:
That isn't what I did. Please stop whining.

I consider them to be myths. Is the world supposed to coddle you like you are 3 years old?

No. If you are sensitive, that's your problem. And that's because you have no evidence. A scientist would not whine, if you called evolution a myth. They would just step aside and let you wrangle with the evidence.
I don't have to IF there is a god I'm certain it isn't the god of the Bible because that god was invented by people in the Iron Age who were mostly illiterate and unsophisticated.

IF there is a god it is nothing we mere mortals can relate to in any way just as we cannot relate to a mayfly.
That's because you don't know God. I do. I have a spirit inside of me. That spirit is a literal child of my Father and Mother in Heaven. He is my God the Father. All people of the fold of Adam are the same, children of my Father Father in Heaven in Heaven. That's why in our Church, we call one another brothers and sisters because we are literally spirit brothers and sisters. This also includes Jesus Christ who was Jehovah of the Old Testament. We often call Jesus our Elder Brother. But, he is now also our Lord God because he redeemed us through His atonement. Sometimes Jesus is referred to as "father." But, that is because he redeemed us or adopted us as His own through the atonement. So, we have two Fathers. Our Father is the Most High God.

Now, where did our intelligence come from? That comes from being born in spirit form first. Our intelligence was placed into our spirit bodies. So, we have always existed for our intelligence has always existed. Intelligence is energy and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Somewhere along the line, the greatest of all energies or intelligences was able to gather other types of energy and form matter. From their, a universe in which that intelligence became God and developed humanoids to enter into one of them, develop die and resurrect Himself along with a woman who was His wife. And, from that point on, he started the evolution of universes. Each one has a God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. They are soul authority within their respective universes of which their are probably quadrillions. Or, perhaps we are only the second or third generation from the First. Don't know. Doesn't matter. We are here and have our test of life to go through.
That's the theory but that also does not prove the god of the bible with all his human traits that were given to him by the humans who made him up as another thoery was the cause.
That's because, as I just elaborated, As man is now, God once was. As God is now, man may become.
I have to keep saying it over and over? If you show me a picture of your wife, you will say, "this is my wife." Does that mean the paper with the picture on it is exactly your wife? If you kiss the picture, will the picture kiss back? If you love your wife, the act of kissing the picture may give you internal feelings. But, you aren't actually kissing her. This is what Jesus was referring to. It was obvious that the bread was bread. And, every time the bread is blessed, remember Christ's atonement and what he did for you. As the scripture say, "Do this in remembrance of me."
If you want to disregard the command from Jesus, be my guest. Feel free to choose your religion over his commands. But I'm not going to argue with you. There are 41 contiguous verses where he discusses this. Use them as toilet paper for all I care.
You think it was because it's the best you can do.

What do you want a cookie and a gold star?

I wasn't made to worship anything and if you believe that your god gave you free will then you weren't made to worship that god either.
I think you are having a fit and falling in it.
If you want to disregard the command from Jesus, be my guest. Feel free to choose your religion over his commands. But I'm not going to argue with you. There are 41 contiguous verses where he discusses this. Use them as toilet paper for all I care.
If you want to be a disgusting cannable and disregard your magical nonsense and join the true believers, be my guest. The command is clear to any sane human, don't drink the blood of humans or animals. Don't kill and eat the body of any human. The scriptures is clear, this is simply an analogy like the picture on the paper. Good grief.
What came first?
See, your inability to comprehend what you read gives you these silly notions like eating flesh and drinking blood. I'll let you try to comprehend what is written. As man is now, God once was. So, who came first? As God is now, man may become. Who came first?
If you want to be a disgusting cannable and disregard your magical nonsense and join the true believers, be my guest. The command is clear to any sane human, don't drink the blood of humans or animals. Don't kill and eat the body of any human. The scriptures is clear, this is simply an analogy like the picture on the paper. Good grief.
If that's how you see it, I can live with it. I know better. I have life in me.
See, your inability to comprehend what you read gives you these silly notions like eating flesh and drinking blood. I'll let you try to comprehend what is written. As man is now, God once was. So, who came first? As God is now, man may become. Who came first?
The flaw in your belief is there in no first cause which is uncaused.
These shamanistic declarations can be ignored.
As if to prove my point that atheism is an intellectual dead end you post that.

As if to prove my point that atheism is an intellectual dead end you post that.

Yes, we heard your shamanistic declaration the first time.

It can be dismissed with a simple "nuh uh".

It might be true, it might not be true. And maybe the universe had no beginning.
Yes, we heard your shamanistic declaration the first time.

It can be dismissed with a simple "nuh uh".

It might be true, it might not be true. And maybe the universe had no beginning.
You'd shit all over Greek philosophy just because you hate Christians? You are worse off than I thought.
Yes, we heard your shamanistic declaration the first time.

It can be dismissed with a simple "nuh uh".

It might be true, it might not be true. And maybe the universe had no beginning.
Given your comments, you must not be much of a deep thinker. It will be interesting to see how many other low brow thinkers join in your bashing of Greek philosophy.
KJV And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

you have taken out of context what the post refereed to, the reiteration by the heavens of their heavenly commitment to their creation from the very beginning - that you used in response.

I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

and you posted what is claimed by moses than what was taught in the 1st century by jesus ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the religion of antiquity from the original quote above and its reiteration - not moses's misguided representation of humanity.
My experience is different. The one thing I can assure people is...God is. He is worth seeking. Still, down through the ages and throughout the Bible, we see a plethora of those who agree with you.

that's what does not exist, the biblical deity otherwise provide evidence what you perceive is relative to that document - or stop using the christian bible if for the purpose of your original post.

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