Zone1 If we worship One God...

There is no god. Get over it. I never have and never will worship a manufactured god. Man created god. god does not exsist There is no god.
Well you sure like to make sure your argument is heard when uncalled for, just don't believe and shut the pie hole!
Well you sure like to make sure your argument is heard when uncalled for, just don't believe and shut the pie hole!

I can't open a newspaper without seeing religioners try to codify their magical fetishes into policy and law.

You guys need to shut up first.
I don't know that there is no God.

Someone who does not accept belief in a personal God also does not therefore claim there are no gods.

Oops, looks like your only point is garbage. Got anything else?
Ahhh, so you aren’t an atheist since you admit you do not know if there’s a God. You are agnostic. So don’t be so stupid as to deny others who have met God.
Ahhh, so you aren’t an atheist since you admit you do not know if there’s a God. You are agnostic.
I am an atheist, as is everyone who doesn't accept a belief in gods.

I am an agnostic atheist. A gnostic atheist knows there are no gods.

So do we understand each other? You can call me agnostic. Because I am.

But I am as agnostic about Gods as I am about fairies and Leprechauns and unicorns.
Ding compares the existence of math and science to the existence of an invisible sugar daddy in the sky that supposedly loves him and will grant him eternal life in paradise.
This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.
This is a life breeding, intelligence creating universe because the constant presence of mind made it so.
Nah, this is the old fallacy of putting the cart before the horse.

The universe isn't fine tuned to life. The life that emerged in it is fine tuned to the universe

Different universe -> different life
I am an atheist, as is everyone who doesn't accept a belief in gods.

I am an agnostic atheist. A gnostic atheist knows there are no gods.

So do we understand each other? You can call me agnostic. Because I am.

But I am as agnostic about Gods as I am about fairies and Leprechauns and unicorns.
These distinctions were created by people who considered being an atheist too much to bear.
Nah, this is the old fallacy of putting the cart before the horse.

The universe isn't fine tuned to life. The life that emerged in it is fine tuned to the universe

Different universe -> different life
It's nice that you recognize that the universe popped into existence predestined to produce intelligence.
I am an atheist, as is everyone who doesn't accept a belief in gods.

I am an agnostic atheist. A gnostic atheist knows there are no gods.

So do we understand each other? You can call me agnostic. Because I am.

But I am as agnostic about Gods as I am about fairies and Leprechauns and unicorns.
What if there are fairies, leprechauns and unicorns somewhere in the universe? I may decide they don’t exist but do I go around trying to force people not to believe? Why do you spend time trying to deny those who have met God to believe in God?
These distinctions were created by people who considered being an atheist too much to bear.
The usual ding trolling nonsense.

These distinctions were created by etymology and the origin of English words.

The meaning of "atheist" was colloquialized and bastardized later.

"A-": without

"Theism": belief in a personal God

Can't whine your way out of that, sorry
What if there are fairies, leprechauns and unicorns somewhere in the universe? I may decide they don’t exist but do I go around trying to force people not to believe? Why do you spend time trying to deny those who have met God to believe in God?
Because deep down he knows he is wrong and refuses based on his pride to change, his vices would have to go
And you said that was the best you can do.

And that's sad.

And I'm not bitter towards life so stop playing psychoanalyst , Sigmund Fraud.

Abd FYI belief in god turns off the mind that after all is what religion was designed to do. It makes you part of the flock so you'll be a good little sheep.
It was more than good enough. So much so that it bears repeating.

People have been pondering origin questions since the beginning of man and you think that is odd? So I am not denying it. I am changing the meaning to what it is in reality; pondering the origin question. For which you have zero intellect for.

It's idiotic to argue you weren't made to worship something. All you have to do is look at human nature and history. But I have no doubt you will argue against that because you are proud and certain you can never be wrong about anything. Nevertheless, that is your reality as well as it is my reality and the only choice in the matter is whether we choose to worship the creator or the created. I have chosen to worship the creator and it has turned on all the learning centers of my mind and I have experienced tangible rewards as such. You have chosen to worship the created and as a result you are bitter towards life and can only find enjoyment in criticizing what you don't believe. You have your reward and I have mine.
The usual ding trolling nonsense.

These distinctions were created by etymology and the origin of English words.

The meaning of "atheist" was colloquialized and bastardized later.

"A-": without

"Theism": belief in a personal God

Can't whine your way out of that, sorry
It's not my fault you find it offensive to be called an atheist.

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