Zone1 If we worship One God...

I may decide they don’t exist but do I go around trying to force people not to believe?
You won't catch me presenting an argument that gods do not exist. Or trying to convince you to abandon that belief.

If it makes you happy, I am happy for you.

I dismissed them because they have nothing to do with your insistence that the our spirits die when our bodies die. This, those 41 verses are for you.
They have to do with Christ's command to eat his flesh and drink his blood. That's what those 41 verses talk about. He was very clear. There was no confusion. Even when they found it offensive like you do he didn't change his stance. Even when they left because of it he didn't change his stance. Read the damn account.
They have to do with Christ's command to eat his flesh and drink his blood. That's what those 41 verses talk about. He was very clear. There was no confusion. Even when they found it offensive like you do he didn't change his stance. Even when they left because of it he didn't change his stance. Read the damn account.

And you do it, at his command?

Hmm you only believe in what you can see touch and taste I believe in something I can't see or touch except for his word and I am closed minded :auiqs.jpg:


I believe we don't really know how the universe came to be and that people like you are making up gods and giving them human personalities to try to explain everything we don;t know and most likely will never know
Because deep down he knows he is wrong and refuses based on his pride to change, his vices would have to go
That is really true. The walls people put up to hide their wrongdoings they know they are committing starts with denying their own conscience. And, conscience starts and ends with the light of Christ.
So, what makes you good? It's your conscience, if you are good (Not sure you are). Your conscience is the Light of Christ which is in all things to point to what is good or evil. It gives us a good foundation to make judgments that are good. When we continually deny this and God, then that light is dimmed and eventually snuffed out. Sometimes this is called a reprobate mind.

Those with a foundation in Christ can have a firm foundation on the decisions they make in life. You have lost much of this or do not recognize this. Thus, you can sometimes by luck choose good. But, it's only by luck. Not by any conscience desire. Those who are going around saying "gas the Jews" are reprobates with no conscience foundation.
Where did I claim to be "good" Please quote the post.

Good and evil are man made concepts and nothing more.

And what you call a conscience is nothing but the behavioral conditioning you have been subjected to from literally the moment you were born.

You do know that Jews denounce Jesus Christ as god don't you? And Jews are not going around saying "Gas the Jews"

I believe we don't really know how the universe came to be and that people like you are making up gods and giving them human personalities to try to explain everything we don;t know and most likely will never know
The creation explanation makes more sense than, nothing/ bang everything!

I believe we don't really know how the universe came to be and that people like you are making up gods and giving them human personalities to try to explain everything we don;t know and most likely will never know
You mean there wasn’t a big bang? Or like Hawkins said that there was at one point nothing and then a spark, BANG! Of course where did that spark come from?
What is difficult for us existing in time is to believe we have always existed in one form or another. Such as, energy or intelligence.
With simple algebra, it’s actually easy to prove there is no smallest number. That it goes on forever or in other words all numbers have always existed.
That is really true. The walls people put up to hide their wrongdoings they know they are committing starts with denying their own conscience. And, conscience starts and ends with the light of Christ.
No. Far superior morality can be formed without and in spite of the Bible myths.
Prove there is no God. To do this, you have to know what is going on in every minute part of the Universe including all possible dimensions. Absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence. Tell me what’s directly on the backside of the sun that we’ve never been able to see? What about at the ends of the universe in all directions? Another dimension? But, you can’t. Yet, you say God isn’t there. So, you are just guessing and this lying because you are trying to make it a fact.

I don't have to IF there is a god I'm certain it isn't the god of the Bible because that god was invented by people in the Iron Age who were mostly illiterate and unsophisticated.

IF there is a god it is nothing we mere mortals can relate to in any way just as we cannot relate to a mayfly.
You mean there wasn’t a big bang? Or like Hawkins said that there was at one point nothing and then a spark, BANG! Of course where did that spark come from?
What is difficult for us existing in time is to believe we have always existed in one form or another. Such as, energy or intelligence.
With simple algebra, it’s actually easy to prove there is no smallest number. That it goes on forever or in other words all numbers have always existed.

That's the theory but that also does not prove the god of the bible with all his human traits that were given to him by the humans who made him up as another thoery was the cause.
Morality is and always has been the product of reason. The religions coopted morality and took credit for it.

These ancient books of myths were our first and worst attempts at

Code of law

...etc. It's truly a shame that we cannot put away these childish toys, as a species.
It was more than good enough. So much so that it bears repeating.

People have been pondering origin questions since the beginning of man and you think that is odd? So I am not denying it. I am changing the meaning to what it is in reality; pondering the origin question. For which you have zero intellect for.

It's idiotic to argue you weren't made to worship something. All you have to do is look at human nature and history. But I have no doubt you will argue against that because you are proud and certain you can never be wrong about anything. Nevertheless, that is your reality as well as it is my reality and the only choice in the matter is whether we choose to worship the creator or the created. I have chosen to worship the creator and it has turned on all the learning centers of my mind and I have experienced tangible rewards as such. You have chosen to worship the created and as a result you are bitter towards life and can only find enjoyment in criticizing what you don't believe. You have your reward and I have mine.
You think it was because it's the best you can do.

What do you want a cookie and a gold star?

I wasn't made to worship anything and if you believe that your god gave you free will then you weren't made to worship that god either.

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