Zone1 If we worship One God...

You are wasting my time. Either work through it the way I explained or don't. But don't kid yourself that you are basing your position on an objective assessment.
No, you are wasting my time. Its ALWAYS your way or the highway. Even on something like religion.
No, you are wasting my time. Its ALWAYS your way or the highway. Even on something like religion.
It's your loss, not mine. Don't become the best version of yourself and don't be objective and don't shine as you were intended to do.
And that is an answer about 'bashing and attacking of other people's faith'. The best way to avoid this is making the faith a personal matter, rather than public one. Every person can practice every faith their want, if this doesn't breach the basic principles of law and morality. The moment they make it public, they should be ready to accept all inconvenience it brings.
I do understand what your are saying. The distinction I am trying for would be like comparing college students who would start in on, My major is better than your major...Your major is not going to get you anywhere..... All are trying to further their education.
Because you never made an attempt to understand it or its power. That or you didn't possess the intellect to do so. You are from Tennessee after all.
You dont know what ive done, know it all. I used to go to church all the time. I prayed every day. I went to bible knowledge events and everything. God had my heart. Then I grew up.
Ohhh a TN insult. You really got me there :lol:
You dont know what ive done, know it all. I used to go to church all the time. I prayed every day. I went to bible knowledge events and everything. Then I grew up.
Ohhh a TN insult. You really got me there :lol:
This has nothing to do with church. It has to do with logic.

If you practice golf everyday but you are practicing poor mechanics, then rather than practicing everyday helping you, it is in reality hurting you.
Wow you admitted a "mistake" :lol:
I was wrong once before but that was when I thought I was wrong about something and later discovered I was really right.

I celebrate being wrong because that means I have learned what was true.

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