Zone1 If we worship One God...

You always say that when I dont agree with you. Interesting that.
And I just gave you the way to work through it logically and thoughtfully. The only question is are you capable of setting aside your biases and have an open mind.
You always say that when I dont agree with you. Interesting that.
Look, if you are going to be a jack ass about it, I have better things to do. I'd be more than happy to put on my flaming hat and respond in kind. Your call.
You need to do a thought experiment where start from the position that God exists, chose to be born into this world to be put on trial by man, convicted by man and executed by man for the express purpose of man's benefit.
I've wondered about that.

Look, if you are going to be a jack ass about it, I have better things to do. I'd be more than happy to put on my flaming hat and respond in kind. Your call.
You can get offended by reality if you want. Thats your choice.
And I just gave you the way to work through it logically and thoughtfully. The only question is are you capable of setting aside your biases and have an open mind.
AGAIN, I understand the ritual and why people do it. I just think it is a bit disturbing. The hippy could have come up with something better than pretend the cracker is his flesh.
Jealous gods?
That would be another topic. I was wondering about all of us who worship God who is one, but belong to different faiths or different denominations of the same faith.
I've wondered about that.

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That would be the idiot's way of looking at it.

The correct way of looking at it is that man puts God on trial daily and convicts him. And most don't even know they are doing it. What better way to mock the idiocy of putting the creator of existence on trial daily than to choose to be born into this world, put on trial, testify to the truth, be convicted and be executed?

If you start from that position it all starts to make sense. If you still can't figure out how it makes sense, let me know.
AGAIN, I understand the ritual and why people do it. I just think it is a bit disturbing. The hippy could have come up with something better than pretend the cracker is his flesh.
You are wasting my time. Either work through it the way I explained or don't. But don't kid yourself that you are basing your position on an objective assessment.
'Faith' is a concept that requires doubtless belief in some supernatural forces. Deep in the past, some 'evidences' were required to show the forces' existence and strength. It is quite understandable that these 'evidences' should have been also 'supernatural' to make people of the past believe in the might of proposed god or gods.

In the present time, when the modern people how much deeper understanding of the nature and history, these 'evidences' have become far too outdated and sometimes ridiculous. The concept of 'god', as it existed centuries ago, now doesn't make much sense and only pushes the most of the modern people away from the 'faith'.

And that is an answer about 'bashing and attacking of other people's faith'. The best way to avoid this is making the faith a personal matter, rather than public one. Every person can practice every faith their want, if this doesn't breach the basic principles of law and morality. The moment they make it public, they should be ready to accept all inconvenience it brings.
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