Zone1 If we worship One God...

I think her heart is in the right place and I believe that is what matters most. None of us have a perfect understanding of God's word. One doesn't need to be a theologian to be a good and faithful follower of Jesus.

The Apostles went into the synagogues every Sabbath and debated exactly what she's talking about.

The certainly didn't believe in "many paths "

The apostles corrected faulty reasoning and were BEATEN for criticizing their worship

She is simply WRONG about so much.
The certainly didn't believe in "many paths "
The only path is through Jesus.

I knew and know many Godly Catholics. Their understanding and doctrine may be incorrect but I don't believe our loving merciful God is going to condemn good, well-meaning, but mistaken people to the Lake of Fire.

Do you?
Look, the ritual is silly af. Its pretend cannibalism. Its weird.
If you cant accept that, fine.
It's because you reject the entire narrative.

You of all people should be able to see God's use of irony. You put God on trial daily.

I think the meaning of Jesus telling us to gnaw on his body like animals gets lost on most people. But how does that not make sense given the narrative is that God is sacrificing himself because of our behaviors?

So it's a little more complex than you would credit.
...why bash the worship of others by attacking their faith, religious denomination, or the ways they worship?

because the pleasure they derive from their false regions as explained before ...


is used to persecute and victimize the innocent, the desert religions. meriweather. the enabler.
...why bash the worship of others by attacking their faith, religious denomination, or the ways they worship?
  • Insecurity in their own faith (i.e. they need to tear down the faith of others to build theirs up).
  • Tradition (i.e. religions have always attacked the dominant rival religion).
  • They don't know any better (i.e. they were never taught better).
  • Anonymous forum (i.e. they can act like assholes with impunity).

Take your pick.
The only path is through Jesus.

I knew and know many Godly Catholics. Their understanding and doctrine may be incorrect but I don't believe our loving merciful God is going to condemn good, well-meaning, but mistaken people to the Lake of Fire.

Do you?
People need a teachable heart.

I don't judge other people, as far as even thinking about their fate. I worry about myself.

But like everyone else, including you -- and her, if I believe someone is promoting false doctrine, I will call them out on it, just as you do, and just as she does.
People need a teachable heart.

I don't judge other people, as far as even thinking about their fate. I worry about myself.

But like everyone else, including you -- and her, if I believe someone is promoting false doctrine, I will call them out on it, just as you do, and just as she does.

And that's where we need a common authority, such as the Bible. Meriweather, however, believes that the Catholic Church
Any follower of a monotheistic faith worships the same God.

All faith systems are fantasies and so one religion is as good as the next, right?
And that's where we need a common authority, such as the Bible. Meriweather, however, believes that the Catholic Church

All faith systems are fantasies and so one religion is as good as the next, right?
You really shouldn't put words in her mouth.

Seems to me you worship a book rather than the creator. Because if you worshipped the creator you wouldn't be doing what you are doing.
You really shouldn't put words in her mouth.

Seems to me you worship a book rather than the creator. Because if you worshipped the creator you wouldn't be doing what you are doing.

God gave us the scriptures for a reason, so that we can discern what is from him. So if God tells us not to exalt religious leaders with the honorary name "father" but the Pope commands Catholics to exalt their priests with the title "Father", to whom does Meriweather defer? To the Pope, of course. So yes, she puts the commands of the Pope over the commands of God. Sorry if that is hurtful to you but it is true.
God gave us the scriptures for a reason, so that we can discern what is from him. So if God tells us not to exalt religious leaders with the honorary name "father" but the Pope commands Catholics to exalt their priests with the title "Father", to whom does Meriweather defer? To the Pope, of course. So yes, she puts the commands of the Pope over the commands of God. Sorry if that is hurtful to you but it is true.
Stop worshipping a book and making an idol of it. Because you are still speaking for Meriweather without any authority to do so.
Stop worshipping a book and making an idol of it. Because you are still speaking for Meriweather without any authority to do so.

You're off the deep-end. Rational discussion isn't possible with you.

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