Zone1 If we worship One God...

You're off the deep-end. Rational discussion isn't possible with you.
Not at all. I'm admonishing you for putting words in the mouths of others. That's called bearing false witness against your neighbor. Do you need a scriptural reference from your book idol?
You really shouldn't put words in her mouth.
I've already explained he is incorrect about that and that he has jumped to the wrong conclusion, but when someone, in their own mind, has created a different poster, what can I conclusion is to simply ignore it and not pursue the lie.
It's because you reject the entire narrative.

You of all people should be able to see God's use of irony. You put God on trial daily.

I think the meaning of Jesus telling us to gnaw on his body like animals gets lost on most people. But how does that not make sense given the narrative is that God is sacrificing himself because of our behaviors?

So it's a little more complex than you would credit.
Its disgusting
but the Pope commands Catholics to exalt their priests with the title "Father", to whom does Meriweather defer?
Two things wrong with this. First, no Pope made any such "command" because early Christians had already adopted the practice. It is one of the many traditions that "came from the Pews" not from the Pope. Secondly, I already explained the many definitions and etymology of what Jesus was teaching/referencing. If anything, I defer to the etymology and actuality of what Jesus was addressing.

Today, it would be call no one father, teacher, boss, mister, missus, or ms. and if we were to remove all these words from our language and replace them with others, the translation would be, "Call no any of the new words. For example, most likely Jesus' own words in Aramaic would have been, Call no man 'Ab'. No one is addressing a priest or pope as "Ab".

In Jesus day, 'Ab' was also being used to designate the founder of a religious sect. Jesus was merely pointing out that God is the founder of faith. Even 'Father Abraham' the human founder of the idea of One God, got his knowledge not from himself, but from God.

Again, even today, 'Father' has over twenty definitions and the same would have been true in Jesus' time. Jesus was not going around teaching children not to call their male parent 'father' or not to address an elderly man with a respectful 'father'.

I think I mentioned before this is a case where you are straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel--when it comes to the definition and etymology of what Jesus was speaking of. And, I did not get my research from the Church, the Pope, etc. I simply researched the history of the time, the word usages of the time, and the etymology of these words.

You can argue all you want that despite my research I misunderstand what Jesus meant, but the one thing you cannot declare is by reaching my own conclusion and understanding, I am "deferring" to the Pope.

In fact, I will suggest that it is more accurate to say that you are "deferring" to the Protestant perception of "Father" and accepting that rather than doing any research.
Its disgusting
That's because you don't understand it. They found it disgusting back then too. They even gave him a chance to soften it and he doubled down.

It's actually quite powerful to admit one's culpability and shame and then have the shame wiped clean. Happens all the time with families and friends.
That's because you don't understand it. They found it disgusting back then too. They even gave him a chance to soften it and he doubled down.

It's actually quite powerful to admit one's culpability and shame and then have the shame wiped clean. Happens all the time with families and friends.
No, I do understand it. Its still disgusting. He could have come up with some better ritual to remember him.
Pretending to eat his flesh and drink his blood... :lol:
No, I do understand it. Its still disgusting. He could have come up with some better ritual to remember him.
Pretending to eat his flesh and drink his blood... :lol:
If you understand it, then tell me what you understand about it. Cause I'm willing to give 2 to 1 odds that you don't. In fact, I am willing to bet most Catholics don't fully understand what he was saying.

It's not a ritual. And it isn't pretending.
If you understand it, then tell me what you understand about it. Cause I'm willing to give 2 to 1 odds that you don't. In fact, I am willing to bet most Catholics don't fully understand what he was saying.

It's not a ritual. And it isn't pretending.
Thats exactly what it is.
But I know ding. No one understands anything except you.
Is it not odd to take Jesus words concerning cannibalism literally but not his words concerning the use of "Father"?
I'm not really sure he was telling us to be cannibals. I get that some might see it that way though.
Thats exactly what it is.
But I know ding. No one understands anything except you.
Let's approach this from a different direction. Let's say that your life and your family's life depended on you to provide a thoughtful and reasonable explanation for this or you would have to watch them suffer horrible deaths, what would your explanation for Jesus telling us to eat his flesh and drink his blood be?
Who is the "we" and who is the "one god"? All humans do not worship the same entity.
How many gods do you believe exist? Logically there is only one. Do you think he is confused by the different names people use to speak to him? Or do you believe he's the only one there to hear their prayers?
No, its about that ridiculous ritual of you people pretending to eat a dead mans flesh.
His presence in the host is made manifest by faith. If you lack that faith he is not present in the host. However, if you do, there's nothing more powerful on earth.
Let's approach this from a different direction. Let's say that your life and your family's life depended on you to provide a thoughtful and reasonable explanation for this or you would have to watch them suffer horrible deaths, what would your explanation for Jesus telling us to eat his flesh and drink his blood be?
To commemorate his death. Signify the new covenant.
Thats what I was taught when I was a kid.
Oh well thank you for that. I appreciate it.
I go back to my original point. You don't understand this,. You've never attempted to discover a logical explanation. In part because you don't believe the narrative.

You need to do a thought experiment where start from the position that God exists, chose to be born into this world to be put on trial by man, convicted by man and executed by man for the express purpose of man's benefit.

Can you do that? Can you make an honest assessment using these points as your assumed facts and starting positions. Because if you can, then it should make more sense to you why he told us to gnaw and chomp on his flesh like animals.
To commemorate his death. Signify the new covenant.
Thats what I was taught when I was a kid.
I think a lot of people were told that but that doesn't really address the entire narrative or provide a reasonable explanation for what he told us to do. Which by the way he was extremely clear about and given every opportunity to soften it and chose not to soften it. In fact he got even more gory about it and used verbs like chomp and gnaw.

Which is odd. But it makes sense in the grand scheme of the narrative. You just need to see the entire narrative as one narrative.

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