If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

So far, none of her, um, stuff, has turned out to be true. Why would you give any credibility to a bunch of lies? ..........Oh, that's right, you're a right winger. You'll believe anything.
No actually much of it is true. She has even admitted to it. What it lacking is the will to prosecute.

Which crimes has she admitted to?
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
On Hillary's emails, of course many were not officially labeled as classified since it's the nature of emails that they are newly created documents at the time and have not been reviewed for classification. That being said, the Secretary of State should be knowledgeable enough to know that much of the information in her emails is sensitive material even though it may not yet have been given the label as "classified". Hillary stating that her emails were not classified while she was SOS is simply a ruse; the SOS deals with highly sensitive material for that is the nature of the job.
All true.

And if she'd just followed the rules in place for her and other high level government officials regarding email accounts there would be no need for any investigations.

What are reports thus far, 4 out of 40 emails had sensitive stuff. That's 10%. How many thousands of her emails were supposedly involved again? For you low info dims if it was only 10,000 emails, 10% = 1,000 messages with sensitive info. All because a Secretary of State didn't follow the rules. And the question is why the hell not?

No wonder she's faltering. Déjà vu all over again for the First Enabler? She better figure something out quick as falling numbers make news.
Very good post. WHy the hell not? (Using one phone instead of two is easier.. she admitted she already had two going.) She's admitting she can't chew gum and walk...
That's exactly it with Democrats. They dont care about qualifications, ethics, fitness for office or anything else. There is no other measure than ability to win.
This is why Democrats are the most morally corrupt sons of bitches on this planet. A total absence of objectivity and morality. All that is important is winning.
Being objective about an election means you don't run or vote for losers, dumbass.
Dumbshit. You vote for "qualified" candidates. Candidates who take bribes, who commit perjury, who lie cheat and steal are not qualified. It doesnt matter how much they look like winners. They are not qualified for office.
The qualification of an election here is exactly this, can you fucking win? If not, go fuck yourself. Got it now?
See, that is the current ethos of the Democratic Party. Winning at all costs. This is why the Democratic Party is dying and will be irrelevant for most of the country after 2016.
Since they will hold the Senate and win the presidency again, more than likely, no one knows what the hell you are talking about. In elections winning is the only goddamned thing that matters...
They do not hold the Senate currently, dunce. That's why McConnell is Majority Leader.
Democrats have lost about 9,000 seats over the last 9 years.
Being objective about an election means you don't run or vote for losers, dumbass.
Dumbshit. You vote for "qualified" candidates. Candidates who take bribes, who commit perjury, who lie cheat and steal are not qualified. It doesnt matter how much they look like winners. They are not qualified for office.
The qualification of an election here is exactly this, can you fucking win? If not, go fuck yourself. Got it now?
See, that is the current ethos of the Democratic Party. Winning at all costs. This is why the Democratic Party is dying and will be irrelevant for most of the country after 2016.
Since they will hold the Senate and win the presidency again, more than likely, no one knows what the hell you are talking about. In elections winning is the only goddamned thing that matters...
They do not hold the Senate currently, dunce. That's why McConnell is Majority Leader.
Democrats have lost about 9,000 seats over the last 9 years.
I am aware of the numbers however I should have said take the Senate, instead of hold. You are correct about who holds it currently.
No actually much of it is true. She has even admitted to it. What it lacking is the will to prosecute.

Which crimes has she admitted to?
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.
No actually much of it is true. She has even admitted to it. What it lacking is the will to prosecute.

Which crimes has she admitted to?
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Which crimes has she admitted to?
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.

And who had legal authority to make the determination of what was work related, and what wasn't?
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Since you believe she sent or received classified documents via e mail, shouldn't she have turned over those servers to the government? They belonged to the government.

I agree with you. I don't believe her either,
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.

And who had legal authority to make the determination of what was work related, and what wasn't?
She lost the right to make that determination when she used an unsecured server. It's been proven that there were classified material she should have had on a government server.
Which crimes has she admitted to?
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.

Hillary did, as well as shrub before her, and his brother Jeb when he was governor of Florida.
Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.

And who had legal authority to make the determination of what was work related, and what wasn't?
She lost the right to make that determination when she used an unsecured server. It's been proven that there were classified material she should have had on a government server.

Where did you hear such silliness, or are you just making it up on your own? State the applicable law that would lead you to believe that.
Scrubbing her server before it could be investigated.

Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.

Hillary did, as well as shrub before her, and his brother Jeb when he was governor of Florida.
link... So GW used his own server? Do you think he should have been brought down for that?

Governor doesn't have the risk of putting classified intelligence reports on an insecure server the way SOS's do. Foreign countries are not going after governor's servers.
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.

And who had legal authority to make the determination of what was work related, and what wasn't?
She lost the right to make that determination when she used an unsecured server. It's been proven that there were classified material she should have had on a government server.

Where did you hear such silliness, or are you just making it up on your own? State the applicable law that would lead you to believe that.
Common sense applies when someone high in the government has broken the rules and investigators haven't determined why she felt it was necessary to keep those emails from them.
Who exactly had the authority and responsibility to determine which communications on her server had to be saved, and which could be deleted?
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.

Hillary did, as well as shrub before her, and his brother Jeb when he was governor of Florida.
link... So GW used his own server? Do you think he should have been brought down for that?

Governor doesn't have the risk of putting classified intelligence reports on an insecure server the way SOS's do. Foreign countries are not going after governor's servers.

Do I think shrub should have been brought down for that? He should have been brought down for a wide range of things, but that one wasn't really a big deal.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
Investigators, once they saw she went out of the government server. Once there was a cloud of suspicion as to the reason she hid these emails and then scrubbed them, investigators from IG's and the FBI should have taken over.

I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.

Hillary did, as well as shrub before her, and his brother Jeb when he was governor of Florida.
link... So GW used his own server? Do you think he should have been brought down for that?

Governor doesn't have the risk of putting classified intelligence reports on an insecure server the way SOS's do. Foreign countries are not going after governor's servers.

Do I think shrub should have been brought down for that? He should have been brought down for a wide range of things, but that one wasn't really a big deal.
Now, just why wouldn't he put sensitive matter on the government server as required, saved for the archives? Why wouldn't he follow the rules?

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