If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.
I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
No that is incorrect. She was obligated to turn over ALL work related emails. She clearly did not.

And who had legal authority to make the determination of what was work related, and what wasn't?
She lost the right to make that determination when she used an unsecured server. It's been proven that there were classified material she should have had on a government server.

Where did you hear such silliness, or are you just making it up on your own? State the applicable law that would lead you to believe that.
Common sense applies when someone high in the government has broken the rules and investigators haven't determined why she felt it was necessary to keep those emails from them.

Again. Which specific rule did she break?
I'm not asking what you wish would have happened. The law didn't require them to control the server at that point. Who had the legal authority under existing law to make the determination of what to save and what to dump? Hillary did. Are you upset because she followed the law? All you have are silly unfounded accusations with no proof of any wrong doing.
Back up... Who had the legal authority to use a personal server for classified material? NO ONE.

Hillary did, as well as shrub before her, and his brother Jeb when he was governor of Florida.
link... So GW used his own server? Do you think he should have been brought down for that?

Governor doesn't have the risk of putting classified intelligence reports on an insecure server the way SOS's do. Foreign countries are not going after governor's servers.

Do I think shrub should have been brought down for that? He should have been brought down for a wide range of things, but that one wasn't really a big deal.
Now, just why wouldn't he put sensitive matter on the government server as required, saved for the archives? Why wouldn't he follow the rules?

No idea why shrub did a lot of things he did.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
Hillary will easily get 10-15 years in the slammer for allowing foreign governments access to classified documents.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
Hillary will easily get 10-15 years in the slammer for allowing foreign governments access to classified documents.
Access didn't need to be granted, they already had it. We have spooks, they have spooks, and they all take a copy...
Yes, Hillary has been deep into the politics of this nation and all that that implies. However, As John Kennedy pointed out in his book, Profiles in Courage, before you can use a political office to achieve anything, you must win that office. At present I do not like at all the policies and advisors of the candidates for the GOP. Jeb Bush talks the most reasonably, but has chosen the same PNAC people that advised his brother, and that is poison.

I believe that Hillary will advance the policies that I most value, and has sufficient coattails to return the Senate to the Democrats, and even possibly the House. And I believe that is what is justly scaring the bejesus out of the GOP.
I welcome all qualified contestants. That doesn't mean I have found a single reason to oppose Hillary. It just means there could be someone better. It's still too early to make a final decision.
There are always better people, the question is, can they win?
Oh, I hadn't thought of it that way. You are going for the candidate you think could win rather than the most competent or the best candidate. That is probably how a lot of people feel.
The point of an election is to win, period.
That's one way to look at it. Now I understand the re-election of Obama. Don't vote for the best candidate, just one you think will win, good or bad.
That's exactly it with Democrats. They dont care about qualifications, ethics, fitness for office or anything else. There is no other measure than ability to win.
This is why Democrats are the most morally corrupt sons of bitches on this planet. A total absence of objectivity and morality. All that is important is winning.
Po' baby, that black man in the White House just kicked your ass twice in a row. Now a liberal and very smart woman is going to do the same. How does it feel to be a serial loser?
Out of the endless shitstorm of accusations about her, the one that has bothered me is the email thing, and it looks like it's the one that may stick.

But assuming she gets the nomination, the GOP still has to run a candidate who can beat her.

You arent bothered by the apparent bribery? One of the Swiss banks, which had never contributed to the Clinton Foundation, found itself between US disclosure laws and Swiss secrecy laws. They appealed to Clinton as SecState and she got them a waiver on US laws. Immediately after that the Foundation received millions of dollars in contributions from this same bank.
Coincidence? No, I dont think so.
It's not about being bothered by something - I can not and will not vote for her because, among other reasons, she is untrustworthy - it's about a charge that sticks legally and actually takes her out. As long as that doesn't happen, many voters will turn a blind eye to all her, um, stuff..
When people cease being outraged by that kind of behavior then this country is doomed.
The decay of standards and expectations across the board is well underway already.

I hope that wasnt a moral equivalence cop out. Because nothing like that happens with the GOP.
Of course not, you only got over 4000 of our sons and daughters killed with lies concerning WMDs.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I would worry about Hillary if the Republican field were not so weak in 2016

Republicans are once again, bringing their B Team. Hillary will handle them easily
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I remember telling a Hillary supporter that and his head exploded!!

Careful, some Hillary supporters are a bit fanatical.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I would worry about Hillary if the Republican field were not so weak in 2016

Republicans are once again, bringing their B Team. Hillary will handle them easily
The GOP has 17 candidates with about 16 of them well qualified to be president.
The Democrats have one old rich white woman with a 40 year career of lying and dishonesty, one old white man with a 40 year career of socialism, and two guys no one has ever heard of.
No contest.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I would worry about Hillary if the Republican field were not so weak in 2016

Republicans are once again, bringing their B Team. Hillary will handle them easily
The GOP has 17 candidates with about 16 of them well qualified to be president.
The Democrats have one old rich white woman with a 40 year career of lying and dishonesty, one old white man with a 40 year career of socialism, and two guys no one has ever heard of.
No contest.

The GOP has 17 candidates, only one of which has a chance to beat Hillary

Hillary has the finances, political backing and political machine to ensure she will win in 2016 (Remember Barack Obama is not running)

Jeb Bush is the only Republican who comes close
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I would worry about Hillary if the Republican field were not so weak in 2016

Republicans are once again, bringing their B Team. Hillary will handle them easily
The GOP has 17 candidates with about 16 of them well qualified to be president.
The Democrats have one old rich white woman with a 40 year career of lying and dishonesty, one old white man with a 40 year career of socialism, and two guys no one has ever heard of.
No contest.

The GOP has 17 candidates, only one of which has a chance to beat Hillary

Hillary has the finances, political backing and political machine to ensure she will win in 2016 (Remember Barack Obama is not running)

Jeb Bush is the only Republican who comes close
Every GOP candidate has the chance to beat Hillary. Recall in 2007 Hillary also had the finances and name recognition to win. Then she lost to an unknown one term senator.
If you are a Democrat, are you having 2nd thoughts about Hillary?

Do you think she may be in trouble?

There are investigations surrounding her about email on her private server.

There are investigations surrounding her top aide, Huma Abedin.

There's questions about foreign countries donating to the "Clinton Foundation" while she was SOS.

Do you believe she NEVER sent or received a classified document via email?
That most on the right don't get it comes as no surprise.
Republicans seem to have a Horatio Alger view of the election....any boy can grow up to be President

It is not a level playing field. Never has been. It comes down to money and political organizing......a newby rarely stands a chance

Hillary and Jeb have the backing and an experienced staff who know what it takes to become President. The others don't

If there was an Obama, Bill Clinton, Reagan or JFK in the bunch, they might have a chance to catch fire.....but there isn't
Republicans seem to have a Horatio Alger view of the election....any boy can grow up to be President

It is not a level playing field. Never has been. It comes down to money and political organizing......a newby rarely stands a chance

Hillary and Jeb have the backing and an experienced staff who know what it takes to become President. The others don't

If there was an Obama, Bill Clinton, Reagan or JFK in the bunch, they might have a chance to catch fire.....but there isn't
Thats a lot of confidence for someone who has been consistently wrong.
Hillary will easily get the Democratic nomination and then take the presidency with at least 375 EV and probably more if Republicans nominate anyone but Jeb Bush
I think your crystal ball is faulty. Hillary is not a shoo in and neither is Jeb.

I would worry about Hillary if the Republican field were not so weak in 2016

Republicans are once again, bringing their B Team. Hillary will handle them easily
The GOP has 17 candidates with about 16 of them well qualified to be president.
The Democrats have one old rich white woman with a 40 year career of lying and dishonesty, one old white man with a 40 year career of socialism, and two guys no one has ever heard of.
No contest.

The GOP has 17 candidates, only one of which has a chance to beat Hillary

Hillary has the finances, political backing and political machine to ensure she will win in 2016 (Remember Barack Obama is not running)

Jeb Bush is the only Republican who comes close

President Obama may not be running next year, but for a good many voters on both sides, his name is in invisible ink on the ballot.

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