If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

don't lie, you said no jobs, travel, men being men, they have sex and get AIDS. I said it doesn't happen in China. Whats special about African men is their deadly liberalism.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.
there was no focus just an important element in the liberal disease

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

in terms of family values, yes

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

well now we have a million liberal abortions a year, contraception is free and readily available, teen motherhood is 600 times higher. Not true in the glory days. No need to feel lilke a fool, you're a liberal

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

why be so afraid to tell us why anyone would do that??? What does your fear tell us??
1) The Chinese arent christians. In fact, Christianity is OUTLAWED there.

no one said they were Christian dimwit!! You said travel causes AIDS . I pointed out that it doesn't in China.

except that many of the men get it through homo sexual contact you mean. You lose again!!

it works perfectly in China and in 1950's Republican America.

If you want to know how well an abstinence only approach works, go ask Bristol Palin.

too stupid!!! why ask one modern failure when you can ask the millions and millions from the 1950's who didn't !!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??? What other explanation is possible. I want you to live and learn. You have the rest of your life to be intelligent. Do you really want to be liberal all your life?

I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.
no one said they were Christian dimwit!! You said travel causes AIDS . I pointed out that it doesn't in China.

except that many of the men get it through homo sexual contact you mean. You lose again!!

it works perfectly in China and in 1950's Republican America.

too stupid!!! why ask one modern failure when you can ask the millions and millions from the 1950's who didn't !!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??? What other explanation is possible. I want you to live and learn. You have the rest of your life to be intelligent. Do you really want to be liberal all your life?

I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Shut up pervert.....
I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Shut up pervert.....
I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Shut up pervert.....
You are a bitter little bitch.
no one said they were Christian dimwit!! You said travel causes AIDS . I pointed out that it doesn't in China.

except that many of the men get it through homo sexual contact you mean. You lose again!!

it works perfectly in China and in 1950's Republican America.

too stupid!!! why ask one modern failure when you can ask the millions and millions from the 1950's who didn't !!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??? What other explanation is possible. I want you to live and learn. You have the rest of your life to be intelligent. Do you really want to be liberal all your life?

I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Sorry Big I missed your post.

No, Christianity itself does not spread AIDS. Adherence to Christianitys dogma however does.
I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Sorry Big I missed your post.

No, Christianity itself does not spread AIDS. Adherence to Christianitys dogma however does.
OK, how can that be since aids was found to be in some of those countries long before Christianity was allowed in them?
But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Sorry Big I missed your post.

No, Christianity itself does not spread AIDS. Adherence to Christianitys dogma however does.
OK, how can that be since aids was found to be in some of those countries long before Christianity was allowed in them?

Because Christianity doesnt spread AIDS. Never said it did. I said that Christian dogma is a factor in the extent to which it spread in Africa.

The other is the gentics of the Plague.

Immunity to Bubonic Plague and HIV | Zeitler Web
Evolution: Library: Double Immunity

As it never really hit Africa, the gene isnt as widespread there, which leads to a more suseptible population to HIV.
Sorry Big I missed your post.

No, Christianity itself does not spread AIDS. Adherence to Christianitys dogma however does.
OK, how can that be since aids was found to be in some of those countries long before Christianity was allowed in them?

Because Christianity doesnt spread AIDS. Never said it did. I said that Christian dogma is a factor in the extent to which it spread in Africa.

The other is the gentics of the Plague.

Immunity to Bubonic Plague and HIV | Zeitler Web
Evolution: Library: Double Immunity

As it never really hit Africa, the gene isnt as widespread there, which leads to a more suseptible population to HIV.

If aids is in a country before Christian dogma is introduced does it devalue your argument?
OK, how can that be since aids was found to be in some of those countries long before Christianity was allowed in them?

Because Christianity doesnt spread AIDS. Never said it did. I said that Christian dogma is a factor in the extent to which it spread in Africa.

The other is the gentics of the Plague.

Immunity to Bubonic Plague and HIV | Zeitler Web
Evolution: Library: Double Immunity

As it never really hit Africa, the gene isnt as widespread there, which leads to a more suseptible population to HIV.

If aids is in a country before Christian dogma is introduced does it devalue your argument?

Only if you think my argument is that AIDS is directly caused by Christianity...which would be a ridiculous argument.

For example, AIDS is in China, but China is NOT a Christian nation. Therefore, if my argument was Christianity causes AIDS, I would be wrong.

EDIT: However if you can demonstrate HIV spreading just as quickly in a nation that is NOT predominately against contraception due to their Christian beliefs, then THAT would devalue my argument.
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And comparing Africa to liberals?

you seem so slow?? Let me ask you a yes or no question.

Is the liberal way they organize and conduct family life in Africa better or worse than the way we organized and conducted it in 1950's Republican America??

PLease just answer yes or no. Thanks

how interesting, Max the great and passionate gay right activist drops out when he can't answer a simple little question!!

Yes, the average family in the US in the 1950's was likely more stable than the average African family now.

Dude, I don't even mean to be rude, but that question has nothing to do with anything and makes no sense. You tried to insert the words "liberal way" as if Africa and American liberals are somehow in cahoots.

I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that makes that same conclusion, even among those with your same beliefs about liberals and gays.

And to anyone else thinking I'm a "gay rights activist." Yeah, I'm gay. And as much as people want to define me by it ("Hey, this is my gay friend, Max") it's just one small piece of me - like my blonde hair or green eyes. Frankly I don't like gay bars, don't identify with the "gay scene", hate shopping and have no fashion sense, am not especially neat, dislike people who are promiscuous and believe in love and finding "the one" as strongly as any guy in his early 20's can.

Not that it matters, but it's typical for people who look down upon another group of people to see them as 'all the same.' So if you're picturing me as some gay pride marching, loud mouthed, obnoxious, feminine sexual deviant like I imagine you imagine all gay men, then you're very mistaken.
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Did someone really just say that AIDS spread to countries before Christianity?? You mean AIDS, the virus that wasn't documented until around 1980, and the virus that shows no evidence of existing in any significant form, if at all, prior to the 1950's?

So you mean to say Christianity has spread to new nations just in the last few decades?

Come one, read a book.
Because Christianity doesnt spread AIDS. Never said it did. I said that Christian dogma is a factor in the extent to which it spread in Africa.

The other is the gentics of the Plague.

Immunity to Bubonic Plague and HIV | Zeitler Web
Evolution: Library: Double Immunity

As it never really hit Africa, the gene isnt as widespread there, which leads to a more suseptible population to HIV.

If aids is in a country before Christian dogma is introduced does it devalue your argument?

Only if you think my argument is that AIDS is directly caused by Christianity...which would be a ridiculous argument.

For example, AIDS is in China, but China is NOT a Christian nation. Therefore, if my argument was Christianity causes AIDS, I would be wrong.

EDIT: However if you can demonstrate HIV spreading just as quickly in a nation that is NOT predominately against contraception due to their Christian beliefs, then THAT would devalue my argument.

Africa liberal? Umm, isn't most (if not all) of Africa staunchly religious - whether it be Christianity, or sects of Islam or native religions? Isn't the whole of Africa pretty much entirely anti-gay (including death sentences for homosexuality in some areas), anti-abortion, anti-liberal western ideals, anti-everything that defines a social liberal? Wait, don't answer. No more insanity for me.

And Vidi - you cannot reason with complete irrationality. Seriously - to say 1950's US Republicans are the world ideal of values, Africa is being destroyed by liberalism, AIDS is mostly spread by gay sex in Africa, AIDS was spread before Christianity??

Seriously, save your energy for people who can formulate more than complete nonsense.
I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

But you do seem to think Christianity causes the spread of aids.

Sorry Big I missed your post.

No, Christianity itself does not spread AIDS. Adherence to Christianitys dogma however does.

First of all, it is clear from your posting you don't even know what a dogma is. So you're basically mouthing off about something you don't understand.

Second, you are clearly having a problem with the fact that adherence to Christian teachings (i.e. sex only within marriage between a man and a woman) is the most sure-fire way of not getting AIDS.
You do realize that there are no fraking JOBS in most small villages where the mother and the children live,

so no jobs causes Aids??? who knew?

sounds like China too!!! whoops but that doesn't help your case does it?

so christianity teaches them adultry??? Who knew?? I'm learning so much from you

catching on now?

You want a 1950's family life, you have to have 1950's jobs. Industrialization, suburban living, well paying UNION jobs...and a HIGH tax rate on the ultra rich.

In other words, everything the progressive movement gave you that you shun.

actually AIDS comes from a liberal view of the family; a union is really not involved. Sorry

the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

The rest of your post is innane and irrelevant.

You are completely ludicrous.
so no jobs causes Aids??? who knew?

sounds like China too!!! whoops but that doesn't help your case does it?

so christianity teaches them adultry??? Who knew?? I'm learning so much from you

catching on now?

actually AIDS comes from a liberal view of the family; a union is really not involved. Sorry

the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

The rest of your post is innane and irrelevant.

You are completely ludicrous.

Your lack of understanding is not surprising
the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

A married couple in love, monogomous, and not commiting adultery as per Christian teachings does not have or transmit AIDS. THe Christian position against birth control is not one in favor of AIDS. Only a fool or a liberal would conflate the two. Sorry.
If aids is in a country before Christian dogma is introduced does it devalue your argument?

Only if you think my argument is that AIDS is directly caused by Christianity...which would be a ridiculous argument.

For example, AIDS is in China, but China is NOT a Christian nation. Therefore, if my argument was Christianity causes AIDS, I would be wrong.

EDIT: However if you can demonstrate HIV spreading just as quickly in a nation that is NOT predominately against contraception due to their Christian beliefs, then THAT would devalue my argument.

Africa liberal? Umm, isn't most (if not all) of Africa staunchly religious - whether it be Christianity, or sects of Islam or native religions? Isn't the whole of Africa pretty much entirely anti-gay (including death sentences for homosexuality in some areas), anti-abortion, anti-liberal western ideals, anti-everything that defines a social liberal? Wait, don't answer. No more insanity for me.

And Vidi - you cannot reason with complete irrationality. Seriously - to say 1950's US Republicans are the world ideal of values, Africa is being destroyed by liberalism, AIDS is mostly spread by gay sex in Africa, AIDS was spread before Christianity??

Seriously, save your energy for people who can formulate more than complete nonsense.

Complete nonsense is from people like you.
What in the fuck are you blathering about?

Africa liberal? Umm, isn't most (if not all) of Africa staunchly religious - whether it be Christianity, or sects of Islam or native religions? Isn't the whole of Africa pretty much entirely anti-gay (including death sentences for homosexuality in some areas), anti-abortion, anti-liberal western ideals, anti-everything that defines a social liberal? Wait, don't answer. No more insanity for me.

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