If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Excuses for what? Me being gay? Or in your eyes sexually perverse and mentally ill?

I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. I'm also pointing out that every major psychological organization agrees with what I believe. Common sense and world experience also leave no doubt that being gay is not only natural, but also no less harmful than being straight. Again, every major psychological organization believes this as well.

So, I guess you might say I have all of science behind me. As much as I'd love to completely disregard the MILLIONS of hours of research and factual evidence that shows homosexuality is not harmful nor a choice, I think that'd be kinda dumb.

And I don't know why people always avoid answering the following question - Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.
Men fucking each other in the ass is a preversion

Seriously, when you hear gay is the only thing you picture ass sex between two guys? That's like me saying "cock sucking is a perversion!" because you're straight. I'm pretty sure you're aware someones narrow minded view of heterosexuality as a cock sucking perversion is, well, re-donk-u-lous. Cock sucking and straight people = ass sex and gay people.

To you, the evil of homosexuality is limited to gay men (lesbians not included) who you imagine to be weak sissies with pronounced lisps, a love of shopping and being loud and outspoken in public (damn that annoys you, doesn't it!).

You just sorta freestyle the political part to match your inherent belief that gay men are the antipode of what being a man is. And by "man" I mean the type of "man" you feel you have to be to have any value. You find it disgusting and wrong. You aren't actually concerned gay marriage will somehow fuck up your future marriage or family, you just don't like gay people because you think it's obviously wrong. Men have dicks, women have pussies. Gay men fucking each other up the ass is a crime of nature, clearly unnatural and repulsive. You don't care what the science says, to you its obviously a perversion, and therefore a character flaw. Fuck the science, it's just plain wrong!

I get it. But I can say with the kind of sincerity that you'd feel when talking to an islamic terrorist as he discusses the virgins waiting for him in heaven. Equally as sincerely and factually, I can say You. Are. Wrong.

And imagine how the Islamic terrorist would react to you telling him he's wrong. "Infidel! Haha, you foolish American. Allah is going to destroy you all."

Thats exactly how your response to this is going to sound to me.

I stopped at Seriously.... nothing that you have posted can be taken seriously
And comparing Africa to liberals?

you seem so slow?? Let me ask you a yes or no question.

Is the liberal way they organize and conduct family life in Africa better or worse than the way we organized and conducted it in 1950's Republican America??

PLease just answer yes or no. Thanks

You are under the misguided notion that African families are organised in a liberal way. You don't know much about Africa do you?
Men fucking each other in the ass is a preversion

Seriously, when you hear gay is the only thing you picture ass sex between two guys? That's like me saying "cock sucking is a perversion!" because you're straight. I'm pretty sure you're aware someones narrow minded view of heterosexuality as a cock sucking perversion is, well, re-donk-u-lous. Cock sucking and straight people = ass sex and gay people.

To you, the evil of homosexuality is limited to gay men (lesbians not included) who you imagine to be weak sissies with pronounced lisps, a love of shopping and being loud and outspoken in public (damn that annoys you, doesn't it!).

You just sorta freestyle the political part to match your inherent belief that gay men are the antipode of what being a man is. And by "man" I mean the type of "man" you feel you have to be to have any value. You find it disgusting and wrong. You aren't actually concerned gay marriage will somehow fuck up your future marriage or family, you just don't like gay people because you think it's obviously wrong. Men have dicks, women have pussies. Gay men fucking each other up the ass is a crime of nature, clearly unnatural and repulsive. You don't care what the science says, to you its obviously a perversion, and therefore a character flaw. Fuck the science, it's just plain wrong!

I get it. But I can say with the kind of sincerity that you'd feel when talking to an islamic terrorist as he discusses the virgins waiting for him in heaven. Equally as sincerely and factually, I can say You. Are. Wrong.

And imagine how the Islamic terrorist would react to you telling him he's wrong. "Infidel! Haha, you foolish American. Allah is going to destroy you all."

Thats exactly how your response to this is going to sound to me.

I stopped at Seriously.... nothing that you have posted can be taken seriously

I'd thought you'd be off licking your wounds..

Haven't I already dismissed you from this thread?
Dude, that seriously makes no sense.

You say families that are not models of the 1950's republicans are "not as good" as if it's some undoubtable, internationally recognized fact.

even a child willing to make value judgements can figure out that a modern broken liberal family in poverty with the dad in jail or unidentified, and the kids selling drugs on the streets is not as good as loving close knit 1950's family making huge economic progress. What is wrong with you? Why do you need to deny reality here and in Africa????

You first.

Its really cool the way liberals feel they can tinker with the human family even when doing so has already killed about 50 million people.
Hey what's 50 million when Hitler only killed 6 million?
Liberalsim is based on pure ignorance. Our energy ought to be directed toward putting the family back together not finding new liberal ways to tear it apart or dilute it.
You are under the misguided notion that African families are organised in a liberal way. You don't know much about Africa do you?

of course if misguided you would not be so afraid to present your evidence. What does your fear tell you, liberal?
Seriously, when you hear gay is the only thing you picture ass sex between two guys? That's like me saying "cock sucking is a perversion!" because you're straight. I'm pretty sure you're aware someones narrow minded view of heterosexuality as a cock sucking perversion is, well, re-donk-u-lous. Cock sucking and straight people = ass sex and gay people.

To you, the evil of homosexuality is limited to gay men (lesbians not included) who you imagine to be weak sissies with pronounced lisps, a love of shopping and being loud and outspoken in public (damn that annoys you, doesn't it!).

You just sorta freestyle the political part to match your inherent belief that gay men are the antipode of what being a man is. And by "man" I mean the type of "man" you feel you have to be to have any value. You find it disgusting and wrong. You aren't actually concerned gay marriage will somehow fuck up your future marriage or family, you just don't like gay people because you think it's obviously wrong. Men have dicks, women have pussies. Gay men fucking each other up the ass is a crime of nature, clearly unnatural and repulsive. You don't care what the science says, to you its obviously a perversion, and therefore a character flaw. Fuck the science, it's just plain wrong!

I get it. But I can say with the kind of sincerity that you'd feel when talking to an islamic terrorist as he discusses the virgins waiting for him in heaven. Equally as sincerely and factually, I can say You. Are. Wrong.

And imagine how the Islamic terrorist would react to you telling him he's wrong. "Infidel! Haha, you foolish American. Allah is going to destroy you all."

Thats exactly how your response to this is going to sound to me.

I stopped at Seriously.... nothing that you have posted can be taken seriously

I'd thought you'd be off licking your wounds..

Haven't I already dismissed you from this thread?

I'm still waiting on you too make a valid point., You never do in any of our discussions you just claim victory. I am waiting
Can you find me one single fact that indicates anything bad has happened as a result of same sex marriage? ...

the new liberal view of the family has killed perhaps 30 million in Africa. Its far more sensible to impose the 1950's Republican view on them than allow the genocide to continue. As the liberal view takes hold in America we see very ill effects too like the destruction of the black family

Youre an idiot.



HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

Take a look at the two maps and guess where they get THAT idea from?
so??? in the black community which was targeted by liberals its not "many" its 75%!!!!! Is that kind of near genocide chance or liberalism?

Your error here is the nonsense that the black community is somehow ‘targeted’ by liberals.

That’s just paranoid rightist idiocy, devoid of fact.
HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

dear, hetersexual, contraception free sex within a monogomous loving Republican family does not cause HIV. Liberal sex does however. You must learn to think before you post.
Can you find me one single fact that indicates anything bad has happened as a result of same sex marriage? ...

the new liberal view of the family has killed perhaps 30 million in Africa. Its far more sensible to impose the 1950's Republican view on them than allow the genocide to continue. As the liberal view takes hold in America we see very ill effects too like the destruction of the black family

Youre an idiot.



HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

Take a look at the two maps and guess where they get THAT idea from?

I think aids were already in some of those countries long before Christians went there.
so??? in the black community which was targeted by liberals its not "many" its 75%!!!!! Is that kind of near genocide chance or liberalism?

Your error here is the nonsense that the black community is somehow ‘targeted’ by liberals.

That’s just paranoid rightist idiocy, devoid of fact.

dear, look at the war on poverty on a per capita basis, blacks were targeted directly. Do you thnk they suddenly became 55% of the prison population by chance or inferiority or because they were the primary liberal targets?
HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

dear, hetersexual, contraception free sex within a monogomous loving Republican family does not cause HIV. Liberal sex does however. You must learn to think before you post.

You do realize that there are no fraking JOBS in most small villages where the mother and the children live, so the fathers go off to work in more urban areas making just enough money to survive and send some back home to their wives and kids. As grown ass men, they eventually need to have sex, primal urges after all, and do. Their religion tells them no contraceptives IE no condoms and they get hiv.

then they finally go home for a visit and give it to their wives.

You want a 1950's family life, you have to have 1950's jobs. Industrialization, suburban living, well paying UNION jobs...and a HIGH tax rate on the ultra rich.

In other words, everything the progressive movement gave you that you shun.
the new liberal view of the family has killed perhaps 30 million in Africa. Its far more sensible to impose the 1950's Republican view on them than allow the genocide to continue. As the liberal view takes hold in America we see very ill effects too like the destruction of the black family

Youre an idiot.



HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

Take a look at the two maps and guess where they get THAT idea from?

I think aids were already in some of those countries long before Christians went there.

You actually think AIDS in Africa predates Chirstians in Africa?

Wow, man, just wow.
Youre an idiot.



HIV in africa, which is killing africas left and right has NOTHING to do with liberalism and EVERYTHING to do with their belief that contraception is wrong.

Take a look at the two maps and guess where they get THAT idea from?

I think aids were already in some of those countries long before Christians went there.

You actually think AIDS in Africa predates Chirstians in Africa?

Wow, man, just wow.

In some of those countries yes. or do you think Africa is one big country?
You do realize that there are no fraking JOBS in most small villages where the mother and the children live,

so no jobs causes Aids??? who knew?

so the fathers go off to work in more urban areas making just enough money to survive and send some back home to their wives and kids.

sounds like China too!!! whoops but that doesn't help your case does it?

As grown ass men, they eventually need to have sex, primal urges after all, and do. Their religion tells them no contraceptives IE no condoms and they get hiv.

so christianity teaches them adultry??? Who knew?? I'm learning so much from you

then they finally go home for a visit and give it to their wives.

catching on now?

You want a 1950's family life, you have to have 1950's jobs. Industrialization, suburban living, well paying UNION jobs...and a HIGH tax rate on the ultra rich.

In other words, everything the progressive movement gave you that you shun.

actually AIDS comes from a liberal view of the family; a union is really not involved. Sorry
You do realize that there are no fraking JOBS in most small villages where the mother and the children live,

so no jobs causes Aids??? who knew?

so the fathers go off to work in more urban areas making just enough money to survive and send some back home to their wives and kids.

sounds like China too!!! whoops but that doesn't help your case does it?

so christianity teaches them adultry??? Who knew?? I'm learning so much from you

then they finally go home for a visit and give it to their wives.

catching on now?

You want a 1950's family life, you have to have 1950's jobs. Industrialization, suburban living, well paying UNION jobs...and a HIGH tax rate on the ultra rich.

In other words, everything the progressive movement gave you that you shun.

actually AIDS comes from a liberal view of the family; a union is really not involved. Sorry

the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

The rest of your post is innane and irrelevant.
the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

as I said

1) Chinese families travel to the cities but don't get AIDS

2) The Church does not condone hetrosexual or homosexual adultry. IF they'd only follow 1950's American conservative values-right?

Afraid you got killed there, better luck tomorrow!!

Ask youself whats a better form of civilization, love marriage loyalty and monogamy, or the gross liberal alternative: adultery and contraception.

See whats so disgusting about liberalism?
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the SPREAD of AIDS comes from the intolerant adherance to the religious expectation that they use no condoms.

as I said

1) Chinese families travel to the cities but don't get AIDS

2) The Church does not condone hetrosexual or homosexual adultry. IF they'd only follow 1950's American conservative values-right?

Afraid you got killed there, better luck tomorrow!!

1) The Chinese arent christians. In fact, Christianity is OUTLAWED there. ( although there ARE "house churches " )

2) The spread of HIV in Africa has nothing to do with homosexuality. As far as not condoning extramartial sex, no youre right on that. The church doesnt condone it. But instead of seeing the reality of the situation, they preach an abstinence only approach.

If you want to know how well an abstinence only approach works, go ask Bristol Palin.
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1) The Chinese arent christians. In fact, Christianity is OUTLAWED there.

no one said they were Christian dimwit!! You said travel causes AIDS . I pointed out that it doesn't in China.

2) The spread of HIV in Africa has nothing to do with homosexuality.

except that many of the men get it through homo sexual contact you mean. You lose again!!

As far as not condoning extramartial sex, no youre right on that. The church doesnt condone it. But instead of seeing the reality of the situation, they preach an abstinence only approach.

it works perfectly in China and in 1950's Republican America.

If you want to know how well an abstinence only approach works, go ask Bristol Palin.

too stupid!!! why ask one modern failure when you can ask the millions and millions from the 1950's who didn't !!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??? What other explanation is possible. I want you to live and learn. You have the rest of your life to be intelligent. Do you really want to be liberal all your life?
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1) The Chinese arent christians. In fact, Christianity is OUTLAWED there.

no one said they were Christian dimwit!! You said travel causes AIDS . I pointed out that it doesn't in China.

2) The spread of HIV in Africa has nothing to do with homosexuality.

except that many of the men get it through homo sexual contact you mean. You lose again!!

As far as not condoning extramartial sex, no youre right on that. The church doesnt condone it. But instead of seeing the reality of the situation, they preach an abstinence only approach.

it works perfectly in China and in 1950's Republican America.

If you want to know how well an abstinence only approach works, go ask Bristol Palin.

too stupid!!! why ask one modern failure when you can ask the millions and millions from the 1950's who didn't !!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow??? What other explanation is possible. I want you to live and learn. You have the rest of your life to be intelligent. Do you really want to be liberal all your life?

I never said travel causes AIDS. Youre delusional.

Your klaser focus on Homosexuality as the primary factor in spread AIDS just shows your complete ignorance of the disease.

So China is representive of 1950s America? Again, youre delusional.

Millions from the 50's? ROFL How fucking dumb are you? Millions in the 50's abstained? Is that what your Sunday school teacher told you?

Now go find out how many millions of "premature " babies were born in the 50's, dumbass.

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