If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

How did mixed race marriages become a right then?

Mixed marriages became a right nothing about gays getting married. The supreme court would never give people the ok to break the law.

Mixed marriages were ILLEGAL. The Supreme Court determined that mixed marriage was a RIGHT.

You said an illegal act cannot be a right. The above proves that you were wrong.

Making mixed marriages ILLEGAL was denying human rights and the USSC righted a wrong. No one is being denied human rights here. The left is deliberately using race again to cloud and confuse the issue.
Mixed marriages became a right nothing about gays getting married. The supreme court would never give people the ok to break the law.

Mixed marriages were ILLEGAL. The Supreme Court determined that mixed marriage was a RIGHT.

You said an illegal act cannot be a right. The above proves that you were wrong.

Making mixed marriages ILLEGAL was denying human rights and the USSC righted a wrong. No one is being denied human rights here. The left is deliberately using race again to cloud and confuse the issue.

Race and being GAY are not the same thing. Never have been.
Actually, defining marriage as ‘one man, one woman’ would be going backwards, to a time when husbands and wives were not equal in marriage, where the husband played a dominant role, the wife subservient.

For at least the last 40 years, in many states longer, that definition was replaced with an understanding that marriage was between two equal parties, neither superior to the other.

Consequently the notion that gender plays some role in the legitimacy of marriage becomes irrelevant, as same-sex couples currently meet the definition of marriage, between two equal individuals.
Mixed marriages were ILLEGAL. The Supreme Court determined that mixed marriage was a RIGHT.

You said an illegal act cannot be a right. The above proves that you were wrong.

Making mixed marriages ILLEGAL was denying human rights and the USSC righted a wrong. No one is being denied human rights here. The left is deliberately using race again to cloud and confuse the issue.

Race and being GAY are not the same thing. Never have been.

Show me where in this document, it says that sexual preference allows for unequal protection under the law

14th Amendment

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Societies tend toward decline. You want to add to that with more sexual abnormality? All I hear are excuses MaxCha. Please feel free to be an apologist in private and leave society alone.

Excuses for what? Me being gay? Or in your eyes sexually perverse and mentally ill?

I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. I'm also pointing out that every major psychological organization agrees with what I believe. Common sense and world experience also leave no doubt that being gay is not only natural, but also no less harmful than being straight. Again, every major psychological organization believes this as well.

So, I guess you might say I have all of science behind me. As much as I'd love to completely disregard the MILLIONS of hours of research and factual evidence that shows homosexuality is not harmful nor a choice, I think that'd be kinda dumb.

And I don't know why people always avoid answering the following question - Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.
Societies tend toward decline. You want to add to that with more sexual abnormality? All I hear are excuses MaxCha. Please feel free to be an apologist in private and leave society alone.

Excuses for what? Me being gay? Or in your eyes sexually perverse and mentally ill?

I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. I'm also pointing out that every major psychological organization agrees with what I believe. Common sense and world experience also leave no doubt that being gay is not only natural, but also no less harmful than being straight. Again, every major psychological organization believes this as well.

So, I guess you might say I have all of science behind me. As much as I'd love to completely disregard the MILLIONS of hours of research and factual evidence that shows homosexuality is not harmful nor a choice, I think that'd be kinda dumb.

And I don't know why people always avoid answering the following question - Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.
Men fucking each other in the ass is a preversion
Societies tend toward decline. You want to add to that with more sexual abnormality? All I hear are excuses MaxCha. Please feel free to be an apologist in private and leave society alone.

Gays wish you would leave them alone, but it seems you like trampling on the rights of others.

Please, don't be such a drama queen...Michael Jordan was abnormal too, but we celebrated him. Gay sex is not the norm. If we were to eradicate everything that wasn't the norm there would be no more Native Americans...no more professional ball players - you get the picture.

What I'm saying in a nutshell -what a piss weak argument....
You are right I wasn't bragging you or wind something asked. Careful what you ask for you might not like the answer.

Since that wasn't a sentence, I'm going to let it go.

You or that other poster asked when did I start liking women don't get all pissy when I give you an answer.

So, let me get this straight. If some girl came forward and said "I had sex when I was five and I liked it" and they identified the man, you would be ok with that? I call bullshit. You are a reactionary with little thought at the best of times. You'd be leading the lynch mob.

So you don't have a problem with the doyen of liberal cinema Roman Polanski having sex with a 13 year old. She doesn't want anything done about it now, but the Cali state's attorney still does....
A man marrying his sister is a one man one woman marriage.

That is how conservatives want to define marriage by AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION.

They want an amendment to constitutionally protect brother/sister marriage.

But when you open the gates to gay marriage you also have to give the brother and sister their right to marry.

Or thier right to marry whatever OBJECT there is to thier desire. It's called slippery slope.

See what MaCha wrote. You are introducing strawman arguments which don't exist....
Mixed marriages became a right nothing about gays getting married. The supreme court would never give people the ok to break the law.

Mixed marriages were ILLEGAL. The Supreme Court determined that mixed marriage was a RIGHT.

You said an illegal act cannot be a right. The above proves that you were wrong.

Making mixed marriages ILLEGAL was denying human rights and the USSC righted a wrong. No one is being denied human rights here. The left is deliberately using race again to cloud and confuse the issue.

And using brothers marrying sisters, or objects, isn't clouding or confusing the issue? Gimme a break....
Societies tend toward decline. You want to add to that with more sexual abnormality? All I hear are excuses MaxCha. Please feel free to be an apologist in private and leave society alone.

Excuses for what? Me being gay? Or in your eyes sexually perverse and mentally ill?

I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. I'm also pointing out that every major psychological organization agrees with what I believe. Common sense and world experience also leave no doubt that being gay is not only natural, but also no less harmful than being straight. Again, every major psychological organization believes this as well.

So, I guess you might say I have all of science behind me. As much as I'd love to completely disregard the MILLIONS of hours of research and factual evidence that shows homosexuality is not harmful nor a choice, I think that'd be kinda dumb.

And I don't know why people always avoid answering the following question - Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.
Men fucking each other in the ass is a preversion

So is five year olds getting fucked....and it is illegal...it's called statutory rape, whether there was consent or not...
Yawn your post was irrelevant I addressed what needed to be addressed

Translation " I just got my arse kicked and I have no answer"..

No worries BigBlouse we know...it is a daily occurrence

Yawn another foreigner to come and lick my boots

Since when has kicking your arse been licking your boots..

BTW, as an aside, drinking alcohol every night is bad for your brain cells. it impairs critical thinking....reading your drivel, it looks like it's too late..
I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. .

thats not really true. The NYTimes did a long piece about how most gay or should we say, bisexual men elect to stay in their hetro-sexual marriages despite it being easier than ever to come out. This indicates that ones sexuality is far more than DNA, and apparently in many cases a choice.
- Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.

nothing could be further from the truth. The second we began to abandon the very rigid 1950's concept of what family is we began to decline, now to the point where 75% of black kids are born in very liberal families with no father. How odd that you didn't know anything bad had happened???
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Societies tend toward decline. You want to add to that with more sexual abnormality? All I hear are excuses MaxCha. Please feel free to be an apologist in private and leave society alone.
Perhaps, but violating the Constitution isn’t going to slow that decline. Indeed, obeying the Equal Protection mandate would further reinforce the fundamental tenets this Nation was founded upon, allowing greater liberty for all, not ‘decline.’

I'm simply pointing out that every single shred of scientific evidence points to the fact that sexual orientation is pre-determined before birth and cannot be changed. I'm also pointing out that every major psychological organization agrees with what I believe. Common sense and world experience also leave no doubt that being gay is not only natural, but also no less harmful than being straight. Again, every major psychological organization believes this as well.

Remember also that per settled Constitutional case law, homosexuals enjoy equal protection and due process rights whether their sexual orientation is naturally occurring or a choice; the right to privacy compels no American to justify how he elects to live his life, whom he loves, marries, or whether he elects to have children or not.

And I don't know why people always avoid answering the following question - Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Fear and ignorance, for the most part – and sadly for many hate as well, as we see in this very thread.
- Since nothing bad has happened in the countries that have legalized same sex marriage already (as in not one single tiny "slippery slope fallacy" thing) then why do you still keep insisting that terrible things will happen?

Not logical to me.

nothing could be further from the truth. The second we began to abandon the very rigid 1950's concept of what family is we began to decline, now to the point where 75% of black kids are born in very liberal families with no father. How odd that you didn't know anything bad had happened???

Are you aware black people (and all other dark minorities) were not allowed access to white establishments back in the 50's? Are you aware civil rights didn't exist in the 50's?

I'm pretty sure most educated people would much prefer the country the way it is today.

And are you some how trying to link the large proportion of black kids with no father to same sex relationships? I mean, seriously, is that a joke? A black kid with no father is an example of a single heterosexual couple's failings, and likely the result of poverty and continued racial inequalities. I think you are the only person on earth who ever tried to connect same sex relationships to poverty-stricken, fatherless children.

And yet you STILL avoided the question. I said countries that HAVE legalized same sex marriage - Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, and Sweden.

Can you find me one single fact that indicates anything bad has happened as a result of same sex marriage? And you better believe there are many millions of people desperately searching for some evidence of moral corruption in these countries in order to villify homosexuality, so if there is evidence, you'll find it.

I mean seriously, does the other side have one single, tiny objective fact to indicate homosexuality is harmful to society?
Translation " I just got my arse kicked and I have no answer"..

No worries BigBlouse we know...it is a daily occurrence

Yawn another foreigner to come and lick my boots

Since when has kicking your arse been licking your boots..

BTW, as an aside, drinking alcohol every night is bad for your brain cells. it impairs critical thinking....reading your drivel, it looks like it's too late..

How long must I wait for your prediction to bare fruit?

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