If you are HONEST, you are AGNOSTIC

And the Grammer Nazi's in this forum need to go fuck themselves.

Your two stoopid to no about gramer!
And the Grammer Nazi's in this forum need to go fuck themselves.

Your two stoopid to no about gramer!
And the Grammer Nazi's in this forum need to go fuck themselves.

Your two stoopid to no about gramer!
Hookt on foniks werkt 4 me.
I prayed to God to take away my pain and anguish, and then...

...he did.

And I never, ever, felt so bad again.

God has proven he loves me countless times.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind.
AGNOSTICISM is about your HONEST perceptions and interpretations of your own experiences. If you cannot see beyond the horizon, you don’t pretend you do.

Of course, you can gather information from credible sources who have seen something beyond YOUR horizon, but that is tentative information that could be a basis for your belief(s).

No one credible to me has ANY information about Earth’s origins. We can only theorize based on patterns of evidence from various credible sources. Beyond that ...

If you are not agnostic, you are playing a make believe game. If so, you have faith in fantasy instead of reality, in my opinion.

So you are now deciding you know what people believe more than they do?

Atheists are people who do not believe in any god. For you to claim that they are actually agnostic is the height of arrogance.
A common definition of ATHIEST is:
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods

A “strong athiest” disbelieves there is any god, while a “weak athiest” simply has no belief in a god (hence a-theist).
An agnostic (don’t know!) is also a weak athiest.

That is what I said. Claiming that they are agnostic is somewhat arrogant, wouldn't you say?
For those who answered my question about the benefits in belief in God, thanks. However, I'm waiting for the OP to answer as I'm interested in that answer.
In the world of science, there is no need for a beginning and end. The universe could have always existed, without a creator.

The prevailing science says that the universe came into existence via the ''big bang''. Who or what caused the ''big bang''? Did it cause itself? Serious questions.
I already explained that. Dr. Who's Tardis blew up at the end of time was thrown back to the beginning of time and created the Universe.
In the world of science, there is no need for a beginning and end. The universe could have always existed, without a creator.

The prevailing science says that the universe came into existence via the ''big bang''. Who or what caused the ''big bang''? Did it cause itself? Serious questions.
I already explained that. Dr. Who's Tardis blew up at the end of time was thrown back to the beginning of time and created the Universe.

Scientifically impossible. The effect cannot precede the cause.
In the world of science, there is no need for a beginning and end. The universe could have always existed, without a creator.

The prevailing science says that the universe came into existence via the ''big bang''. Who or what caused the ''big bang''? Did it cause itself? Serious questions.
I already explained that. Dr. Who's Tardis blew up at the end of time was thrown back to the beginning of time and created the Universe.

Scientifically impossible. The effect cannot precede the cause.

Maybe you don't know everything. I know I don't.
In the world of science, there is no need for a beginning and end. The universe could have always existed, without a creator.

The prevailing science says that the universe came into existence via the ''big bang''. Who or what caused the ''big bang''? Did it cause itself? Serious questions.
I already explained that. Dr. Who's Tardis blew up at the end of time was thrown back to the beginning of time and created the Universe.

Scientifically impossible. The effect cannot precede the cause.

Maybe you don't know everything. I know I don't.

I know enough to know that some scientists don't know anything.
For those who answered my question about the benefits in belief in God, thanks. However, I'm waiting for the OP to answer as I'm interested in that answer.
I don’t believe you will get an answer from the OP on that question.
I know enough to know that some scientists don't know anything
No you don't. You know fuck all about anything they do or about any scientific topic. You have no education or experience in any scientific field, nor could you decipher a scientific research paper, if your life depended on it.
It seems that theists and atheist agree on one thing, agnostics are despicable cowards. They have that one thing in common. that absolutist way of thought. Me? I don't care.
It seems that theists and atheist agree on one thing, agnostics are despicable cowards. They have that one thing in common. that absolutist way of thought. Me? I don't care.
Theist and Atheists have one thing in common for sure, lying to themselves that they know what is really there after death.
It seems that theists and atheist agree on one thing, agnostics are despicable cowards. They have that one thing in common. that absolutist way of thought. Me? I don't care.
Theist and Atheists have one thing in common for sure, lying to themselves that they know what is really there after death.
They agree. Yes, they do that exact same thing. It's sad, really. Entire belief systems based on biases or dreams. Too bad, really.
AGNOSTICISM is about your HONEST perceptions and interpretations of your own experiences. If you cannot see beyond the horizon, you don’t pretend you do.

Of course, you can gather information from credible sources who have seen something beyond YOUR horizon, but that is tentative information that could be a basis for your belief(s).

No one credible to me has ANY information about Earth’s origins. We can only theorize based on patterns of evidence from various credible sources. Beyond that ...

If you are not agnostic, you are playing a make believe game. If so, you have faith in fantasy instead of reality, in my opinion.

The kind of truth can only be approached by human witnessing. It's outside the reach of human science or human technology. If you have no faith in science you won't start to study them or to explore onward. Faith behaves the same as a responsibility of one's own life.

If you are honest and responsible, becoming a believer is natural.
I disagree. If you are honest and responsible, you would admit ignorance about claims that have no objective evidence.
Belief should be based on your own honest personal experiences (not dreams) and credible claims backed up with rational, verified evidence. That’s what I have faith in, and that is natural to me.

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