If you are not vaccinated or have had a previous infection……..You WILL get the COVID Delta variant


The ozone layer is being depleted! The electromagnetic field is failing!! Global Warming!!! Climate change!!!! Trump!!!!! Russia!!!!!! COVID-19 is going to kill everyone!!!!!!! The Delta variant!!!!!!!

One of these days they might get it right...


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The Delta variant is also sending younger and previously healthy people to hospitals – the vast majority of which have not been vaccinated, say doctors in several states suffering surges.

“This year’s virus is not last year’s virus,” said Dr. Catherine O’Neal, an infectious disease specialist at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

“It’s attacking our 40-year-olds. It’s attacking our parents and young grandparents. And it’s getting our kids,” O’Neal said. She said her Covid-19 unit now has more patients in their 20s who were previously healthy.
young people are one of the biggest demographics not getting vaccinated ... are you saying that young people are mostly republican ?
In research posted online, scientists examining 62 cases of the Delta variant found viral loads about 1,260 times higher than those found from 63 cases from the early epidemic wave in 2020.

62 cases is that a good smaple size sugar?

I thought blacques were resistant to getting vaccinated? = Republicans?

Why is LA having a breakout, mandatory masking? = Republicans?
you are correct blacks and latinos are also not getting vaccinated at high rates ! nearly 70 $ arent vaccinated ! according to the left the dems have no chance in 2022 and 2024 .
1260 times MORE POWERFUL than last years epidemic
Is that so? So, we can expect 1260 X the mortality, can we? I haven't seen that claim made anywhere. This virus is doing what viruses DO. It is mutating to become more survivable. It infects more while killing the same or fewer so as to prolong its own life.
Most people will either get vaccinated, or have been previously infected, or they will get this Delta variant,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

“And for most people who get this Delta variant, it’s going to be the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of the risk of putting them in the hospital,” said Gottlieb, who was commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration during the Trump administration.

Glad I have had both. Tough shlitz to those that do not want it.
Is that so? So, we can expect 1260 X the mortality, can we? I haven't seen that claim made anywhere.
Including from him. You cherry pick this and ignore the rest of the thread. 1260 times more viral load. Much more contagious. Will spread quickly and make the covid-19 from a year ago seem snail-like in its spread.

Now try to follow the rest of the thread a little better.
young people are one of the biggest demographics not getting vaccinated ... are you saying that young people are mostly republican ?
There are lots of people hesitant or resistant to get the vaccines. But when you stop and listen, only one group is squawking about safety measures and vaccines. Yep, it's Republicans.

Why are we letting sick people and unvaccinated people come here illegally? Why is the chicom administration flying them and bussing them around the country?

Yep, Biden shipping them all over America.

Joe Biden, The Super Spreader.

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